12212 typos in some section 3tecla man pages

   1 PCA_LOOKUP_FILE(3TECLA)       Interactive Command-line Input Library Functions
   5 NAME
   6        pca_lookup_file, del_PathCache, del_PcaPathConf, new_PathCache,
   7        new_PcaPathConf, pca_last_error, pca_path_completions, pca_scan_path,
   8        pca_set_check_fn, ppc_file_start, ppc_literal_escapes - lookup a file
   9        in a list of directories
  12        cc [ flag... ] file... -ltecla [ library... ]
  13        #include <libtecla.h>
  15        char *pca_lookup_file(PathCache *pc, const char *name,
  16             int name_len, int literal);
  19        PathCache *del_PathCache(PathCache *pc);
  22        PcaPathConf *del_PcaPathConf(PcaPathConf *ppc);
  25        PathCache *new_PathCache(void);
  28        PcaPathConf *new_PcaPathConf(PathCache *pc);
  31        const char *pca_last_error(PathCache *pc);
  34        CPL_MATCH_FN(pca_path_completions);
  37        int pca_scan_path(PathCache *pc, const char *path);
  40        void pca_set_check_fn(PathCache *pc, CplCheckFn *check_fn,
  41             void *data);
  44        void ppc_file_start(PcaPathConf *ppc, int start_index);
  47        void ppc_literal_escapes(PcaPathConf *ppc, int literal);
  51        The PathCache object is part of the libtecla(3LIB) library.  PathCache
  52        objects allow an application to search for files in any colon separated
  53        list of directories, such as the UNIX execution PATH environment
  54        variable. Files in absolute directories are cached in a PathCache
  55        object, whereas relative directories are scanned as needed.  Using a
  56        PathCache object, you can look up the full pathname of a simple
  57        filename, or you can obtain a list of the possible completions of a
  58        given filename prefix. By default all files in the list of directories
  59        are targets for lookup and completion, but a versatile mechanism is
  60        provided for only selecting specific types of files. The obvious
  61        application of this facility is to provide Tab-completion and lookup of
  62        executable commands in the UNIX PATH, so an optional callback which
  63        rejects all but executable files, is provided.
  65    An Example
  66        Under UNIX, the following example program looks up and displays the
  67        full pathnames of each of the command names on the command line.
  69          #include <stdio.h>
  70          #include <stdlib.h>
  71          #include <libtecla.h>
  73          int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  74          {
  75                  int i;
  76                  /*
  77                  * Create a cache for executable files.
  78                  */
  79                  PathCache *pc = new_PathCache();
  80                  if(!pc)
  81                    exit(1);
  82                  /*
  83                  * Scan the user's PATH for executables.
  84                  */
  85                  if(pca_scan_path(pc, getenv("PATH"))) {
  86                    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", pca_last_error(pc));
  87                    exit(1);
  88                  }
  89                  /*
  90                  * Arrange to only report executable files.
  91                  */
  92                  pca_set_check_fn(pc, cpl_check_exe, NULL);
  93                  /*
  94                  * Lookup and display the full pathname of each of the
  95                  * commands listed on the command line.
  96                  */
  97                  for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
  98                    char *cmd = pca_lookup_file(pc, argv[i], -1, 0);
  99                    printf("The full pathname of '%s' is %s\\n", argv[i],
 100                           cmd ? cmd : "unknown");
 101                  }
 102                  pc = del_PathCache(pc);  /* Clean up */
 103                  return 0;
 104          }
 108        The following is an example of what this does on a laptop under LINUX:
 110          $ ./example less more blob
 111          The full pathname of 'less' is /usr/bin/less
 112          The full pathname of 'more' is /bin/more
 113          The full pathname of 'blob' is unknown
 114          $
 117    Function Descriptions
 118        To use the facilities of this module, you must first allocate a
 119        PathCache object by calling the new_PathCache() constructor function.
 120        This function creates the resources needed to cache and lookup files in
 121        a list of directories. It returns NULL on error.
 123    Populating The Cache
 124        Once you have created a cache, it needs to be populated with files. To
 125        do this, call the pca_scan_path() function. Whenever this function is
 126        called, it discards the current contents of the cache, then scans the
 127        list of directories specified in its path argument for files. The path
 128        argument must be a string containing a colon-separated list of
 129        directories, such as "/usr/bin:/home/mcs/bin:". This can include
 130        directories specified by absolute pathnames such as "/usr/bin", as well
 131        as sub-directories specified by relative pathnames such as "." or
 132        "bin". Files in the absolute directories are immediately cached in the
 133        specified PathCache object, whereas subdirectories, whose identities
 134        obviously change whenever the current working directory is changed, are
 135        marked to be scanned on the fly whenever a file is looked up.
 138        On success this function return 0. On error it returns 1, and a
 139        description of the error can be obtained by calling pca_last_error(pc).
 141    Looking Up Files
 142        Once the cache has been populated with files, you can look up the full
 143        pathname of a file, simply by specifying its filename to
 144        pca_lookup_file().
 147        To make it possible to pass this function a filename which is actually
 148        part of a longer string, the name_len argument can be used to specify
 149        the length of the filename at the start of the name[] argument. If you
 150        pass -1 for this length, the length of the string will be determined
 151        with strlen. If the name[] string might contain backslashes that escape
 152        the special meanings of spaces and tabs within the filename, give the
 153        literal argument the value 0. Otherwise, if backslashes should be
 154        treated as normal characters, pass 1 for the value of the literal
 155        argument.
 157    Filename Completion
 158        Looking up the potential completions of a filename-prefix in the
 159        filename cache is achieved by passing the provided
 160        pca_path_completions() callback function to the
 161        cpl_complete_word(3TECLA) function.
 164        This callback requires that its data argument be a pointer to a
 165        PcaPathConf object. Configuration objects of this type are allocated by
 166        calling new_PcaPathConf().
 169        This function returns an object initialized with default configuration
 170        parameters, which determine how the cpl_path_completions() callback
 171        function behaves. The functions which allow you to individually change
 172        these parameters are discussed below.
 175        By default, the pca_path_completions() callback function searches
 176        backwards for the start of the filename being completed, looking for
 177        the first un-escaped space or the start of the input line. If you wish
 178        to specify a different location, call ppc_file_start() with the index
 179        at which the filename starts in the input line. Passing start_index=-1
 180        re-enables the default behavior.
 183        By default, when pca_path_completions() looks at a filename in the
 184        input line, each lone backslash in the input line is interpreted as
 185        being a special character which removes any special significance of the
 186        character which follows it, such as a space which should be taken as
 187        part of the filename rather than delimiting the start of the filename.
 188        These backslashes are thus ignored while looking for completions, and
 189        subsequently added before spaces, tabs and literal backslashes in the
 190        list of completions. To have unescaped backslashes treated as normal
 191        characters, call ppc_literal_escapes() with a non-zero value in its
 192        literal argument.
 195        When you have finished with a PcaPathConf variable, you can pass it to
 196        the del_PcaPathConf() destructor function to reclaim its memory.
 198    Being Selective
 199        If you are only interested in certain types or files, such as, for
 200        example, executable files, or files whose names end in a particular
 201        suffix, you can arrange for the file completion and lookup functions to
 202        be selective in the filenames that they return. This is done by
 203        registering a callback function with your PathCache object. Thereafter,
 204        whenever a filename is found which either matches a filename being
 205        looked up or matches a prefix which is being completed, your callback
 206        function will be called with the full pathname of the file, plus any
 207        application-specific data that you provide. If the callback returns 1
 208        the filename will be reported as a match. If it returns 0, it will be
 209        ignored. Suitable callback functions and their prototypes should be
 210        declared with the following macro. The CplCheckFn typedef is also
 211        provided in case you wish to declare pointers to such functions
 213          #define CPL_CHECK_FN(fn) int (fn)(void *data, const char *pathname)
 214          typedef CPL_CHECK_FN(CplCheckFn);
 218        Registering one of these functions involves calling the
 219        pca_set_check_fn() function. In addition to the callback function
 220        passed with the check_fn argument, you can pass a pointer to anything
 221        with the data argument. This pointer will be passed on to your callback
 222        function by its own data argument whenever it is called, providing a
 223        way to pass application-specific data to your callback. Note that these
 224        callbacks are passed the full pathname of each matching file, so the
 225        decision about whether a file is of interest can be based on any
 226        property of the file, not just its filename. As an example, the
 227        provided cpl_check_exe() callback function looks at the executable
 228        permissions of the file and the permissions of its parent directories,
 229        and only returns 1 if the user has execute permission to the file. This
 230        callback function can thus be used to lookup or complete command names
 231        found in the directories listed in the user's PATH environment
 232        variable. The example program above provides a demonstration of this.
 235        Beware that if somebody tries to complete an empty string, your
 236        callback will get called once for every file in the cache, which could
 237        number in the thousands. If your callback does anything time consuming,
 238        this could result in an unacceptable delay for the user, so callbacks
 239        should be kept short.
 242        To improve performance, whenever one of these callbacks is called, the
 243        choice that it makes is cached, and the next time the corresponding
 244        file is looked up, instead of calling the callback again, the cached
 245        record of whether it was accepted or rejected is used. Thus if somebody
 246        tries to complete an empty string, and hits tab a second time when
 247        nothing appears to happen, there will only be one long delay, since the
 248        second pass will operate entirely from the cached dispositions of the
 249        files. These cached dipositions are discarded whenever pca_scan_path()
 250        is called, and whenever pca_set_check_fn() is called with changed
 251        callback function or data arguments.
 253    Error Handling
 254        If pca_scan_path() reports that an error occurred by returning 1, you
 255        can obtain a terse description of the error by calling
 256        pca_last_error(pc). This returns an internal string containing an error
 257        message.
 259    Cleaning Up
 260        Once you have finished using a PathCache object, you can reclaim its
 261        resources by passing it to the del_PathCache() destructor function.
 262        This takes a pointer to one of these objects, and always returns NULL.
 264    Thread Safety
 265        It is safe to use the facilities of this module in multiple threads,
 266        provided that each thread uses a separately allocated PathCache object.
 267        In other words, if two threads want to do path searching, they should
 268        each call new_PathCache() to allocate their own caches.
 271        See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 276        +--------------------+-----------------+
 278        +--------------------+-----------------+
 279        |Interface Stability | Evolving        |
 280        +--------------------+-----------------+
 281        |MT-Level            | MT-Safe         |
 282        +--------------------+-----------------+
 285        cpl_complete_word(3TECLA), ef_expand_file(3TECLA), gl_get_line(3TECLA),
 286        libtecla(3LIB), attributes(5)
 290                                 August 13, 2007        PCA_LOOKUP_FILE(3TECLA)
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