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11641 spelling mistakes in section 7d of the manual
*** 96,106 ****
content pointed by dp_fds is not modified. A return value 0 means the
ioctl is timed out. In this case, the memory content pointed by dp_fds
is not modified. If the call is successful, it returns the number of
valid pollfd entries in the array pointed by dp_fds; the contents of
the rest of the buffer is undefined. For each valid pollfd entry, the
! fd field indicates the file desciptor on which the polled events
happened. The events field is the user specified poll events. The
revents field contains the events occurred. -1 is returned if the
call fails.
--- 96,106 ----
content pointed by dp_fds is not modified. A return value 0 means the
ioctl is timed out. In this case, the memory content pointed by dp_fds
is not modified. If the call is successful, it returns the number of
valid pollfd entries in the array pointed by dp_fds; the contents of
the rest of the buffer is undefined. For each valid pollfd entry, the
! fd field indicates the file descriptor on which the polled events
happened. The events field is the user specified poll events. The
revents field contains the events occurred. -1 is returned if the
call fails.
*** 312,317 ****
/dev/poll file descriptor will result in POLLERR being returned in the
revents field of pollfd structure.
! April 9, 2016 POLL(7D)
--- 312,317 ----
/dev/poll file descriptor will result in POLLERR being returned in the
revents field of pollfd structure.
! January 10, 2020 POLL(7D)