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11630 remove checks for 64-bit capable hardware

@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
  * Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  * Use is subject to license terms.
+ * Copyright 2019 Peter Tribble.
  * Ported from 4.1.1_PSRA: "@(#)openprom.c 1.19 91/02/19 SMI";

@@ -488,11 +489,10 @@
         case OPROMPATH2DRV:
         case OPROMPROM2DEVNAME:
 #if !defined(__i386) && !defined(__amd64)
         case OPROMGETFBNAME:
         case OPROMDEV2PROMNAME:
-        case OPROMREADY64:
 #endif  /* !__i386 && !__amd64 */
                 if ((mode & FREAD) == 0) {
                         return (EPERM);

@@ -975,42 +975,10 @@
                     valbuf, valsize) < 0)
                         error = EINVAL;
-        case OPROMREADY64: {
-                struct openprom_opr64 *opr =
-                    (struct openprom_opr64 *)opp->oprom_array;
-                int i;
-                pnode_t id;
-                if (userbufsize < sizeof (*opr)) {
-                        error = EINVAL;
-                        break;
-                }
-                valsize = userbufsize -
-                    offsetof(struct openprom_opr64, message);
-                i = prom_version_check(opr->message, valsize, &id);
-                opr->return_code = i;
-                opr->nodeid = (int)id;
-                valsize = offsetof(struct openprom_opr64, message);
-                valsize += strlen(opr->message) + 1;
-                /*
-                 * copyout only the part of the user buffer we need to.
-                 */
-                if (copyout(opp, (void *)arg,
-                    (size_t)(min((uint_t)valsize, userbufsize) +
-                    sizeof (uint_t))) != 0)
-                        error = EFAULT;
-                break;
-        }       /* case OPROMREADY64 */
 #endif  /* !__i386 && !__amd64 */
         }       /* switch (cmd) */
         kmem_free(opp, userbufsize + sizeof (uint_t) + 1);
         return (error);