11622 clean up rarer mandoc lint warnings

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  47 .TH LOCALEDEF 1 "April 9, 2016"
  48 .SH NAME
  49 localedef \- define locale environment

  51 .nf
  52 \fBlocaledef\fR [\fB-c\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-U\fR] [\fB-f\fR \fIcharmap\fR]
  53      [\fB-w\fR \fIwidthfile\fR] [\fB-i\fR \fIsourcefile\fR]
  54      [\fB-u\fR \fIcode_set_name\fR] \fIlocalename\fR
  55 .fi

  58 The \fBlocaledef\fR utility converts source definitions for locale categories
  59 into a format usable by the functions and utilities whose operational behavior
  60 is determined by the setting of the locale environment variables; see
  61 \fBenviron\fR(5).
  62 .sp
  63 .LP
  64 The utility reads source definitions for one or more locale categories
  65 belonging to the same locale from the file named in the \fB-i\fR option (if
  66 specified) or from standard input.
  67 .sp
  68 .LP
  69 Each category source definition is identified by the corresponding environment
  70 variable name and terminated by an \fBEND\fR \fIcategory-name\fR statement. The
  71 following categories are supported.
  72 .sp
  73 .ne 2
  74 .na
  75 \fB\fBLC_CTYPE\fR\fR
  76 .ad
  77 .RS 15n
  78 Defines character classification and case conversion.
  79 .RE
  81 .sp
  82 .ne 2
  83 .na
  84 \fB\fBLC_COLLATE\fR\fR
  85 .ad
  86 .RS 15n
  87 Defines collation rules.
  88 .RE
  90 .sp
  91 .ne 2
  92 .na
  93 \fB\fBLC_MONETARY\fR\fR
  94 .ad
  95 .RS 15n
  96 Defines the format and symbols used in formatting of monetary information.
  97 .RE
  99 .sp
 100 .ne 2
 101 .na
 102 \fB\fBLC_NUMERIC\fR\fR
 103 .ad
 104 .RS 15n
 105 Defines the decimal delimiter, grouping and grouping symbol for non-monetary
 106 numeric editing.
 107 .RE
 109 .sp
 110 .ne 2
 111 .na
 112 \fB\fBLC_TIME\fR\fR
 113 .ad
 114 .RS 15n
 115 Defines the format and content of date and time information.
 116 .RE
 118 .sp
 119 .ne 2
 120 .na
 121 \fB\fBLC_MESSAGES\fR\fR
 122 .ad
 123 .RS 15n
 124 Defines the format and values of affirmative and negative responses.
 125 .RE

 128 The following options are supported:
 129 .sp
 130 .ne 2
 131 .na
 132 \fB\fB-c\fR\fR
 133 .ad
 134 .RS 23n
 135 Creates permanent output even if warning messages have been issued.
 136 .RE
 138 .sp
 139 .ne 2
 140 .na
 141 \fB\fB-v\fR\fR
 142 .ad
 143 .RS 23n
 144 Emit verbose debugging output on standard output.
 145 .RE
 147 .sp
 148 .ne 2
 149 .na
 150 \fB\fB-U\fR\fR
 151 .ad
 152 .RS 23n
 153 Ignore the presence of character symbols that have no matching character
 154 definition.  This facilitates the use of a common locale definition file
 155 to be used across multiple encodings, even when some symbols are not
 156 present in a given encoding.
 157 .sp
 158 Support for this option is an illumos extension.
 159 .RE
 161 .sp
 162 .ne 2
 163 .na
 164 \fB\fB-f\fR \fIcharmap\fR\fR
 165 .ad
 166 .RS 23n
 167 Specifies the pathname of a file containing a mapping of character symbols and
 168 collating element symbols to actual character encodings. This option must be
 169 specified if symbolic names (other than collating symbols defined in a
 170 \fBcollating-symbol\fR keyword) are used. If the \fB-f\fR option is not
 171 present, the default character mapping will be used.
 172 .RE
 174 .sp
 175 .ne 2
 176 .na
 177 \fB\fB-w\fR \fIwidthfile\fR\fR
 178 .ad
 179 .RS 23n
 180 The path name of the file containing character screen width definitions.
 181 If not supplied, then default screen widths will be assumed, which will
 182 generally not account for East Asian encodings requiring more than a single
 183 character cell to display, nor for combining or accent marks that occupy
 184 no additional screen width.
 185 .sp
 186 The support for width files is an illumos extension.
 187 .RE
 189 .sp
 190 .ne 2
 191 .na
 192 \fB\fB-i\fR \fIsourcefile\fR\fR
 193 .ad
 194 .RS 23n
 195 The path name of a file containing the source definitions. If this option is
 196 not present, source definitions will be read from standard input.
 197 .RE
 199 .sp
 200 .ne 2
 201 .na
 202 \fB\fB-u\fR \fIcode_set_name\fR\fR
 203 .ad
 204 .RS 23n
 205 Specifies the name of a codeset used as the target mapping of character symbols
 206 and collating element symbols whose encoding values are defined in terms of the
 207 ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000 standard position constant values. See NOTES.
 208 .RE

 211 The following operand is supported:
 212 .sp
 213 .ne 2
 214 .na
 215 \fB\fIlocalename\fR\fR
 216 .ad
 217 .RS 14n
 218 Identifies the locale. If the name contains one or more slash characters,
 219 \fIlocalename\fR will be interpreted as a path name where the created locale
 220 definitions will be stored. This capability may be restricted to users with
 221 appropriate privileges. (As a consequence of specifying one \fIlocalename\fR,
 222 although several categories can be processed in one execution, only categories
 223 belonging to the same locale can be processed.)
 224 .RE

 227 \fBlocaledef\fR creates a directory of files that represents the locale's
 228 data. The contents of this directory should generally be copied into the
 229 appropriate subdirectory of /usr/lib/locale in order the definitions to
 230 be visible to programs linked with libc.
 231 .sp

 233 See \fBenviron\fR(5) for definitions of the following environment variables
 234 that affect the execution of \fBlocaledef\fR: \fBLANG\fR, \fBLC_ALL\fR,

 237 The following exit values are returned:
 238 .sp
 239 .ne 2
 240 .na
 241 \fB\fB0\fR\fR
 242 .ad
 243 .RS 6n
 244 No errors occurred and the locales were successfully created.
 245 .RE
 247 .sp
 248 .ne 2
 249 .na
 250 \fB\fB1\fR\fR
 251 .ad
 252 .RS 6n
 253 Warnings occurred and the locales were successfully created.
 254 .RE
 256 .sp
 257 .ne 2
 258 .na
 259 \fB\fB2\fR\fR
 260 .ad
 261 .RS 6n
 262 The locale specification exceeded implementation limits or the coded character
 263 set or sets used were not supported by the implementation, and no locale was
 264 created.
 265 .RE
 267 .sp
 268 .ne 2
 269 .na
 270 \fB\fB>3\fR\fR
 271 .ad
 272 .RS 6n
 273 Warnings or errors occurred and no output was created.
 274 .RE
 276 .sp
 277 .LP
 278 If an error is detected, no permanent output will be created.
 279 .SH FILES
 280 .ne 2
 281 .na
 282 \fB/usr/lib/locale/\fR\fIlocalename\fR\fB/\fR
 283 .ad
 284 .sp .6
 285 .RS 4n
 286 The directory containing locale data.
 287 .RE

 290 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 291 .sp
 293 .sp
 294 .TS
 295 box;
 296 c | c
 297 l | l .
 299 _
 300 Interface Stability     Standard
 301 .TE

 304 \fBlocale\fR(1), \fBiconv_open\fR(3C), \fBnl_langinfo\fR(3C),
 305 \fBstrftime\fR(3C), \fBattributes\fR(5), \fBcharmap\fR(5), \fBenviron\fR(5),
 306 \fBextensions\fR(5), \fBlocale\fR(5), \fBstandards\fR(5)

 308 If warnings occur, permanent output will be created if the \fB-c\fR option was
 309 specified. The following conditions will cause warning messages to be issued:
 310 .RS +4
 311 .TP
 312 .ie t \(bu
 313 .el o
 314 If a symbolic name not found in the \fIcharmap\fR file is used for the
 315 descriptions of the \fBLC_CTYPE\fR or \fBLC_COLLATE\fR categories (for other
 316 categories, this will be an error condition).
 317 .RE
 318 .RS +4
 319 .TP
 320 .ie t \(bu
 321 .el o
 322 If optional keywords not supported by the implementation are present in the
 323 source.
 324 .RE
 325 .SH NOTES

 326 When the \fB-u\fR option is used, the \fIcode_set_name\fR option-argument is
 327 interpreted as a name of a codeset to which the ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000 standard
 328 position constant values are converted. Both the ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000 standard
 329 position constant values and other formats (decimal, hexadecimal, or octal) are
 330 valid as encoding values within the charmap file. The codeset can be any
 331 codeset that is supported by the \fBiconv_open\fR(3C) function on the system.
 332 .sp
 333 .LP
 334 When conflicts occur between the charmap specification of \fIcode_set_name\fR,
 335 \fImb_cur_max\fR, or \fImb_cur_min\fR and the corresponding value for the
 336 codeset represented by the \fB-u\fR option-argument \fIcode_set_name\fR, the
 337 \fBlocaledef\fR utility fails as an error.
 338 .sp
 339 .LP
 340 When conflicts occur between the charmap encoding values specified for symbolic
 341 names of characters of the portable character set and the character encoding
 342 values defined by the US-ASCII, the result is unspecified.
--- EOF ---