1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24  * Use is subject to license terms.
  25  */
  30 #pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
  32 #ifdef  __cplusplus
  33 extern "C" {
  34 #endif
  36 #ifdef  _KERNEL
  37 #include <sys/inttypes.h>
  38 #include <sys/i2c/misc/i2c_svc.h>
  39 #include <sys/ksynch.h>
  40 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
  42 /*
  43  * CPU and AlarmCard slots
  44  * MonteCarlo:  CPU = SLOT1, AC = SLOT8
  45  * Tonga:       CPU = SLOT3, AC = SLOT1
  46  */
  47 #define SC_MC_CPU_SLOT                  1
  48 #define SC_TG_CPU_SLOT                  3
  49 #define SC_MC_AC_SLOT                   8
  50 #define SC_TG_AC_SLOT                   1
  51 #define SC_MC_CTC_SLOT                  2
  53 #define SCSB_MC_ALARM_SLOT              SC_MC_AC_SLOT
  54 #define SCSB_TONGA_ALARM_SLOT           SC_TG_AC_SLOT
  56 #define SCTRL_PROM_P06                  0x00
  57 #define SCTRL_PROM_P10                  0x01
  58 #define SCTRL_PROM_P15                  0x02
  59 #define SCTRL_PROM_P20                  0x03
  61 #define SCSB_RESET_SLOT                 1
  62 #define SCSB_UNRESET_SLOT               2
  63 #define SCSB_GET_SLOT_RESET_STATUS      3
  69 /*
  70  * SCSB operations between scsb and the hotswap controller module
  71  */
  72 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_BUSY                1
  73 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_CONFIGURED          2
  74 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_UNCONFIGURED        3
  75 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_UNCONFIGURE         4
  76 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_CONFIGURE           5
  77 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_SET_BUSY            6
  78 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_REMOVAL_ALERT       7
  79 /*
  80  * SCSB_HSC_AC_GET_SLOT_INFO for hsc_ac_op()
  81  * to return hsc_slot_t pointer (for debugging)
  82  */
  83 #define SCSB_HSC_AC_GET_SLOT_INFO       11
  85 /*
  86  * The register set starting address, and macro for translating
  87  * the index to 0 base.
  88  */
  89 #define SCSB_REG_ADDR_START             0xC0
  90 #define SCSB_REG_INDEX(raddr)           ((raddr) % SCSB_REG_ADDR_START)
  92 /*
  93  * ----------------------
  94  * P1.0
  95  * ----------------------
  96  * The following three register offset groups are defined for P1.0 where
  97  * FRUs might have three different bit offset values,
  98  * Group 1:     LEDs, Slot Reset, and BrdHlthy,
  99  * Group 2:     Config/Status registers
 100  * Group 3:     Interrupt Pointer/Mask registers
 101  */
 102 #define REG_GROUP1              0
 103 #define REG_GROUP2              1
 104 #define REG_GROUP3              2
 105 #define REG_GROUPS_NUM          3
 106 #define IS_GROUP1(rx)                   (rx < SCTRL_SYSCFG_5)
 107 #define IS_GROUP3(rx)                   (rx > SCTRL_SYSCFG_4)
 108 #define IS_GROUP2(rx)                   (rx > (SCTRL_SYSCFG_5 - 1) && \
 109                                         (rx < (SCTRL_SYSCFG_4 + 1)))
 110 #define IS_SCB_P10                      (scsb->scsb_state & \
 111                                                 (SCSB_P06_PROM | SCSB_P10_PROM))
 112 /*
 113  * ----------------------
 114  * P1.5
 115  * ----------------------
 116  * The table access macros use BASE register plus register offset to get the
 117  * correct register index or address.
 118  * The SCB FRU type has two register offsets, LED reg and INT reg offsets.
 119  * The one in fru_offsets[] is for the NOK, OK, and BLINK LED data.
 120  * To get the register offset for the INTSRC and INTMASK registers, the
 121  * following constant must be added to the table value returned by
 123  * Given enough time, this too should be handled via macro access to tables.
 124  */
 125 #define SCB_INT_OFFSET  2
 127 /*
 128  * ----------------------------------
 129  * P0.6, P1.0, P1.5, P2.0 DEFINITIONS
 130  * ----------------------------------
 131  */
 133 #define SCTRL_PROM_VERSION              0xCF    /* same Addr for P06 thru P20 */
 134 #define IS_SCB_P15                      (scsb->scsb_state & \
 135                                                 (SCSB_P15_PROM | SCSB_P20_PROM))
 137 /*
 138  * SCB Register Indicies to scb_reg_index[] table
 139  */
 140 #define SCTRL_SYS_CMD_BASE              0
 141 #define SCTRL_SYS_CMD1                  SCTRL_SYS_CMD_BASE
 142 #define SCTRL_SYS_CMD2                  1
 143 #define SCTRL_LED_NOK_BASE              2
 144 #define SCTRL_LED_SLOT_16_NOK           SCTRL_LED_NOK_BASE
 145 #define SCTRL_LED_SLOT_712_NOK          3
 146 #define SCTRL_LED_DPP_NOK               4
 147 #define SCTRL_LED_FAN_NOK               5
 148 #define SCTRL_LED_OK_BASE               6
 149 #define SCTRL_LED_SLOT_16_OK            SCTRL_LED_OK_BASE
 150 #define SCTRL_LED_SLOT_712_OK           7
 151 #define SCTRL_LED_DPP_OK                8
 152 #define SCTRL_LED_FAN_OK                9
 153 #define SCTRL_RESET_BASE                10
 154 #define SCTRL_RESET_SLOT_16             SCTRL_RESET_BASE
 155 #define SCTRL_RESET_SLOT_710A           11
 156 #define SCTRL_RESET_ALARM               11
 157 #define SCTRL_BLINK_OK_BASE             12
 158 #define SCTRL_BLINK_OK_1                SCTRL_BLINK_OK_BASE
 159 #define SCTRL_BLINK_OK_2                13
 160 #define SCTRL_BLINK_GR_3                14                      /* 0xCE */
 161 #define SCTRL_SCBID_BASE                15
 162 #define SCTRL_BHLTHY_BASE               16
 163 #define SCTRL_BHLTHY_SLOT_16            SCTRL_BHLTHY_BASE
 164 #define SCTRL_BHLTHY_SLOT_710           17
 165 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_BASE               18
 166 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_5                  SCTRL_SYSCFG_BASE
 167 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_6                  19
 168 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_1                  20
 169 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_2                  21
 170 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_3                  22
 171 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_4                  23
 172 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_BASE               24
 174 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_1                  SCTRL_INTSRC_BASE
 175 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_2                  25
 176 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_3                  26
 177 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_4                  27
 178 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_5                  28
 179 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_6                  29
 180 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_SCB_P15            SCTRL_INTSRC_6
 181 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_BASE              30
 183 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_1                 SCTRL_INTMASK_BASE
 184 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_2                 31
 185 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_3                 32
 186 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_4                 33
 187 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_5                 34
 188 #define SCTRL_INTMASK_6                 35
 190 #define SCTRL_INTPTR_BASE               SCTRL_INTSRC_3
 191 #define SCTRL_INTMSK_BASE               SCTRL_INTMASK_3
 192 /*
 193  * The last two definitions are for register offset compatibility.
 194  * These will be used with FRU_REG_INDEX macros, for P1.0 and P1.5, so 1.5
 195  * register offsets in upper nibble of fru_offset[] tables will be consistent.
 196  * This happens because the HLTHY INTs and INT masks come before the slots and
 197  * FRUs.  That's what changes the register offsets.
 198  * The only EXCEPTION is the ALARM RESET register, which for P1.5 is not
 199  * BASE + 3 as in all other cases, but BASE + 1.  FRU_REG_INDEX(code,base) does
 200  * NOT work for ALARM RESET.  Use ALARM_RESET_REG_INDEX() instead.
 201  * FRU_REG_INDEX() works differently for P1.0, using offset groups to calculate
 202  * the index to the fru_offset[] table.
 203  */
 205 /*
 207  * For the bit definitions, the SCB register sets are divided into two tables,
 208  * 1. scb_1x_fru_offset[]       bit-offsets for all FRUs and
 209  *                              Interrupt events
 210  * 2. scb_1x_sys_offset[]       for system command/control registers
 211  *                              and any remaining bits, like MPID.
 212  *
 213  * This is a bit historic from P0.6,P1.0 days.
 214  * The fru_offset table is indexed using the SCTRL_EVENT_ codes defined in
 215  * mct_topology.h.  Almost all of these describe interrupt generated events.
 216  * Ths sys_offset table contains anything else, mostly the System Control
 217  * registers and some bit definitions form the config/status registers.
 218  */
 220 /*
 221  * scb_1x_sys_offset[] table indicies
 222  *
 223  * SCB System Command/Control Registers from 1.0 and 1.5
 224  */
 225 #define SCTRL_SYS_PS1_OFF               0
 226 #define SCTRL_SYS_PS2_OFF               1
 227 #define SCTRL_SYS_PS_OFF_BASE           SCTRL_SYS_PS1_OFF
 228 #define SCTRL_SYS_PS1_ON                2
 229 #define SCTRL_SYS_PS2_ON                3
 230 #define SCTRL_SYS_PS_ON_BASE            SCTRL_SYS_PS1_ON
 231 #define SCTRL_SYS_SCB_CTL0              4
 232 #define SCTRL_SYS_SCB_CTL1              5
 233 #define SCTRL_SYS_SCB_CTL2              6
 234 #define SCTRL_SYS_SCB_CTL3              7
 235 #define SCTRL_SYS_PSM_INT_ENABLE        8
 236 #define SCTRL_SYS_SCB_INIT              9
 237 #define SCTRL_SYS_TEST_MODE             10
 238 #define SCTRL_SYS_SCBLED                11
 239 #define SCTRL_SYS_SPA0                  12
 240 #define SCTRL_SYS_SPA1                  13
 241 #define SCTRL_SYS_SPA2                  14
 242 #define SCTRL_SYS_RSVD                  15
 243 /*
 244  * SCB Config/Status register leftovers
 245  */
 246 #define SCTRL_CFG_MPID0                 16
 247 #define SCTRL_CFG_MPID1                 17
 248 #define SCTRL_CFG_MPID2                 18
 249 #define SCTRL_CFG_MPID3                 19
 250 #define SCTRL_CFG_SCB_STAT0             20
 251 #define SCTRL_CFG_SCB_STAT2             21
 252 /*
 253  * SCB Identity register offsets
 254  */
 255 #define SCTRL_SCBID0                    22
 256 #define SCTRL_SCBID_SIZE                4
 257 #define SCTRL_SCB_TEST                  23
 259 /* numregs table order and indicies */
 260 #define SCTRL_SYS_CMD_NUM               0
 261 #define SCTRL_LED_NOK_NUM               1
 262 #define SCTRL_LED_OK_NUM                2
 263 #define SCTRL_LED_NUM                   3
 264 #define SCTRL_RESET_NUM                 4
 265 #define SCTRL_BLINK_NUM                 5
 266 #define SCTRL_SCBID_NUM                 6
 267 #define SCTRL_BHLTHY_NUM                7
 268 #define SCTRL_SYSCFG_NUM                8
 269 #define SCTRL_INTSRC_NUM                9
 270 #define SCTRL_INTMSK_NUM                10
 271 #define SCTRL_TOTAL_NUM                 11
 274 /*
 275  * Macro Definitions for register and bit offset values
 276  */
 277 /* macros names for scb_numregs[] access */
 278 #define SCTRL_SYSCMD_NUMREGS    (scb_numregs[SCTRL_SYS_CMD_NUM])
 279 #define SCTRL_LED_NOK_NUMREGS   (scb_numregs[SCTRL_LED_NOK_NUM])
 280 #define SCTRL_LED_OK_NUMREGS    (scb_numregs[SCTRL_LED_OK_NUM])
 281 #define SCTRL_LED_NUMREGS       (scb_numregs[SCTRL_LED_NUM])
 282 #define SCTRL_RESET_NUMREGS     (scb_numregs[SCTRL_RESET_NUM])
 283 #define SCTRL_BLINK_NUMREGS     (scb_numregs[SCTRL_BLINK_NUM])
 284 #define SCTRL_SCBID_NUMREGS     (scb_numregs[SCTRL_SCBID_NUM])
 285 #define SCTRL_BHLTHY_NUMREGS    (scb_numregs[SCTRL_BHLTHY_NUM])
 286 #define SCTRL_CFG_NUMREGS       (scb_numregs[SCTRL_SYSCFG_NUM])
 287 #define SCTRL_INTR_NUMREGS      (scb_numregs[SCTRL_INTSRC_NUM])
 288 #define SCTRL_MASK_NUMREGS      (scb_numregs[SCTRL_INTMSK_NUM])
 289 #define SCTRL_TOTAL_NUMREGS     (scb_numregs[SCTRL_TOTAL_NUM])
 291 /*
 292  * Maximum number of registers in a register group
 293  * Needed for above register groups array sizing
 294  */
 295 #define SCTRL_MAX_GROUP_NUMREGS         16
 297 #define SCSB_REG_ADDR(rx)               (scb_reg_index[rx])
 298 #define FRU_INDEX(code)                 (event_to_index(code))
 299 #define FRU_OFFSET_BASE(rx)             (MCT_MAX_FRUS * (IS_SCB_P15 ? 0 : \
 300                                                 (IS_GROUP1(rx) ? REG_GROUP1 : \
 301                                                 (IS_GROUP3(rx) ? REG_GROUP3 : \
 302                                                 REG_GROUP2))))
 303 #define FRU_OFFSET_VAL(code, rx)        (scb_fru_offset[FRU_OFFSET_BASE(rx) + \
 304                                                         FRU_INDEX(code)])
 306 #define FRU_OFFSET(code, rx)            (FRU_OFFSET_VAL(code, rx) & 0xf)
 307 #define FRU_REG_INDEX(code, rx)         (((FRU_OFFSET_VAL(code, rx) >> 4) \
 308                                                 & 0xf) + rx)
 309 #define FRU_REG_ADDR(code, rx)          (SCSB_REG_ADDR(FRU_REG_INDEX(code, rx)))
 310 #define SYS_OFFSET_VAL(idx)             (scb_sys_offset[idx])
 311 #define SYS_OFFSET(idx)                 (SYS_OFFSET_VAL(idx) & 0xf)
 312 #define SYS_REG_INDEX(idx, rx)          (((SYS_OFFSET_VAL(idx) >> 4) \
 313                                                 & 0xf) + rx)
 315 #define ALARM_RESET_REG_INDEX(code, rx) ((IS_SCB_P15 ? 1 : \
 316                                         ((FRU_OFFSET_VAL(code, rx) >> 4) \
 317                                         & 0xf)) + rx)
 318 #define FRU_UNIT_TO_EVCODE(type, unit)  (type_to_code1[type] << (unit - 1))
 320 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 321 static uchar_t  *scb_reg_index;
 322 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 323 static uchar_t  *scb_numregs;
 324 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 325 static uchar_t  *scb_fru_offset;
 326 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 327 static uchar_t  *scb_sys_offset;
 329 /*
 330  * --------------------
 331  * Common TABLES
 332  * --------------------
 333  */
 335 /*
 336  * FRU type to unit 1 event_code, see FRU_UNIT_TO_EVCODE() macro above.
 337  * Table order is dependent on scsb_utype_t definition in mct_topology.h
 338  */
 339 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 340 static uint32_t type_to_code1[] = {
 341         SCTRL_EVENT_SLOT1,
 342         SCTRL_EVENT_PDU1,
 343         SCTRL_EVENT_PS1,
 344         SCTRL_EVENT_DISK1,
 345         SCTRL_EVENT_FAN1,
 346         SCTRL_EVENT_ALARM,
 347         SCTRL_EVENT_SCB,
 348         SCTRL_EVENT_SSB,
 349         SCTRL_EVENT_CFTM,
 350         SCTRL_EVENT_CRTM,
 351         SCTRL_EVENT_PRTM
 352 };
 354 /*
 355  * --------------------
 356  * P0.6 and P1.0 TABLES
 357  * --------------------
 358  */
 360 /*
 361  * MonteCarlo: Programming Inteface Specifications Version 0.9
 362  * 10/27/99
 363  * NOTE: P0.6 FANs and PDUs were different
 364  */
 365 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 366 static uchar_t scb_10_reg_index[] = {
 367         0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7,         /* 00 - 07 */
 368         0xC8, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0xCD, 0xCE, 0xCF,         /* 08 - 15 */
 369         0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD7,         /* 16 - 23 */
 370         0xD8, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDB, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDC, 0x00,         /* 24 - 31 */
 371         0xDC, 0xDD, 0xDE, 0xDF, 0xD8, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x00,         /* 32 - 39 */
 372 };
 374 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 375 static uchar_t scb_10_numregs[] = {
 376         2, 4, 4, 8, 2, 2, 1, 2, 6, 4, 4, 32
 377 };
 380 /*
 382  *
 383  * FRU order:
 384  *       0 -  9:        Slots 1 - 10
 385  *      10 - 11:        PDU 1 - 2
 386  *      12 - 13:        PS 1 - 2
 387  *      14 - 16:        Disk 1 - 3
 388  *      17 - 19:        Fan 1 - 3
 389  *      20:             Alarm Card
 390  *      21:             SCB
 391  *      22:             SSB
 392  *      23:             CRTM
 393  *      24:             CFTM
 394  *      25:             PRTM
 395  *      26:             PWRDWN
 396  *      27:             REPLACE
 397  *      28:             ALARM_INT
 398  *      29 - 31:        Unused
 399  *
 400  * A register base group offset is added to the register base value to
 401  * find the index into the reg_index table.
 402  * Example: LED_NOK_BASE + '1' = register for slots 7-10 NOK LEDs
 403  * This offset is encoded in the upper nibble in the following table
 404  * of register offsets per FRU/EVENT.
 405  * The register base group definitions are:
 406  *      base group              offset group
 407  *      ----------------------  ------------
 408  *      SCTRL_LED_NOK_BASE      G1
 409  *      SCTRL_LED_OK_BASE       G1
 410  *      SCTRL_RESET_BASE        G1
 411  *      SCTRL_BLINK_OK_BASE     G1
 412  *      SCTRL_BHLTHY_BASE       G1
 413  *      SCTRL_SYSCFG_BASE       G2
 414  *      SCTRL_INTSRC_BASE       G3
 415  *      SCTRL_INTMASK_BASE      G3
 416  *      SCTRL_SYS_CMD_BASE      G4
 417  *
 418  * See FRU_OFFSET() macro
 419  */
 420 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 421 static uchar_t  scb_10_fru_offset[] = {
 422         /* Register Group 1 */
 423         0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05,     /* SLOT    1-6  */
 424         0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,                 /* SLOT    7-10 */
 425         0x35, 0x15, 0x21, 0x22,                 /* PDU/PS  1-2  */
 426         0x23, 0x24, 0x25,                       /* Disks   1-3  */
 427         0x33, 0x34, 0x35,                       /* Fans    1-3  */
 428         0xFF, 0x20, 0xFF,               /* Alarm Card, SCB, SSB */
 429         0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,               /* CRTM, CFTM, PRTM     */
 430         0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,               /* PWRDWN, SCBRR, ACINT */
 431         0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,               /* Unused               */
 432         /* Register Group 2 */
 433         0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05,     /* SLOT    1-6  */
 434         0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,                 /* SLOT    7-10 */
 435         0x25, 0x27, 0x30, 0x31,                 /* PDU/PS  1-2  */
 436         0x40, 0x41, 0x42,                       /* Disks   1-3  */
 437         0x32, 0x33, 0x34,                       /* Fans    1-3  */
 438         0x50, 0xFF, 0x35,               /* Alarm Card, SCB, SSB */
 439         0x43, 0x44, 0x45,               /* CRTM, CFTM, PRTM     */
 440         0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,               /* PWRDWN, SCBRR, ACINT */
 441         0x24, 0x26, 0x20,               /* STAT0, STAT1, MPID0  */
 442         /* Register Group 3 */
 443         0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36,     /* SLOT    1-6  */
 444         0x37, 0x26, 0x27, 0x16,                 /* SLOT    7-10 */
 445         0xFF, 0xFF, 0x10, 0x11,                 /* PDU/PS  1-2  */
 446         0x20, 0x21, 0x22,                       /* Disks   1-3  */
 447         0x12, 0x13, 0x14,                       /* Fans    1-3  */
 448         0x30, 0x04, 0x15,               /* Alarm Card, SCB, SSB */
 449         0x23, 0x24, 0x25,               /* CRTM, CFTM, PRTM     */
 450         0x00, 0x02, 0x03,               /* PWRDWN, SCBRR, ACINT */
 451         0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,               /* Unused               */
 452 };
 454 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 455 static uchar_t  scb_10_sys_offset[] = {
 456         0x00, 0x01, 0x06, 0x07, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,
 457         0x15, 0x16, 0xFF, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x14,
 458         0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x26, 0x00, 0x07,
 459 };
 461 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 462 static uchar_t  scb_10_int_masks[] = {
 463         0x11, 0x2F, 0x3F, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00,
 464 };
 467 /*
 468  * --------------------
 469  * P1.5 and P2.0 TABLES
 470  * --------------------
 471  */
 473 /*
 474  * MonteCarlo: Programming Inteface Specifications
 475  * Chapter 12 from the MonteCarlo System Specification
 476  * 02/08/00: Chapter update from Carl Meert
 477  */
 478 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 479 static uchar_t scb_15_reg_index[] = {
 480         0xE0, 0xE1, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4,         /* 00 - 07 */
 481         0xC5, 0xC5, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xCF,         /* 08 - 15 */
 482         0xE4, 0xE5, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0xE8, 0xE9, 0x00, 0x00,         /* 16 - 23 */
 483         0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD7,         /* 24 - 31 */
 484         0xD8, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDB, 0xD2, 0xD8, 0x00, 0x00,         /* 32 - 39 */
 485 };
 487 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 488 static uchar_t scb_15_numregs[] = {
 489         2, 3, 3, 6, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 6, 48
 490 };
 492 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 493 static uchar_t  scb_15_fru_offset[] = {
 494         0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05,     /* SLOT    1-6  */
 495         0x06, 0x07, 0x16, 0x17,                 /* SLOT    7-10 */
 496         0x11, 0x13, 0x26, 0x27,                 /* PDU/PS  1-2  */
 497         0x23, 0x24, 0x25,                       /* Disks   1-3  */
 498         0x20, 0x21, 0xFF,                       /* Fans    1-3  */
 499         0x30, 0x15, 0x33,               /* Alarm Card, SCB, SSB */
 500         0x31, 0x14, 0x32,               /* CRTM, CFTM, PRTM     */
 501         0x34, 0xFF, 0x36,               /* PWRDWN, SCBRR, ACINT */
 502         0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,               /* Unused               */
 503 };
 505 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 506 static uchar_t  scb_15_sys_offset[] = {
 507         0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,
 508         0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
 509         0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x10, 0x12, 0x00, 0x07
 510 };
 512 /*LINTED table used in scsb.o and system utilities*/
 513 static uchar_t  scb_15_int_masks[] = {
 514         0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x1A, 0xFB, 0x7F,
 515 };
 517 #define SCSB_NO_OF_BOARDS  1
 519 /*
 520  * scsb_state values
 521  * outside _KERNEL for smctrl test utility
 522  */
 523 #define SCSB_DOWN                       0x0000  /* never really used */
 524 #define SCSB_UP                         0x0001
 525 #define SCSB_OPEN                       0x0002
 526 #define SCSB_EXCL                       0x0004
 527 #define SCSB_APP_SLOTLED_CTRL           0x0008
 528 #define SCSB_KS_UPDATE                  0x0010
 529 #define SCSB_FROZEN                     0x0020
 530 #define SCSB_DEBUG_MODE                 0x0040
 531 #define SCSB_DIAGS_MODE                 0x0080
 532 #define SCSB_UNUSED_08                  0x0100
 533 #define SCSB_PSM_INT_ENABLED            0x0200
 534 #define SCSB_UMUTEX                     0x0400
 535 #define SCSB_CONDVAR                    0x0800
 536 #define SCSB_SCB_PRESENT                0x1000
 537 #define SCSB_SSB_PRESENT                0x2000
 538 #define SCSB_UNUSED_14                  0x4000
 539 #define SCSB_UNUSED_15                  0x8000
 540 #define SCSB_MINOR_NODE                 0x00010000
 541 #define SCSB_PROP_CREATE                0x00020000
 542 #define SCSB_IMUTEX                     0x00040000
 543 #define SCSB_I2C_PHANDLE                0x00080000
 544 #define SCSB_I2C_TRANSFER               0x00100000
 545 #define SCSB_TOPOLOGY                   0x00200000
 546 #define SCSB_KSTATS                     0x00400000
 547 #define SCSB_IS_TONGA                   0x00800000
 548 #define SCSB_P10_PROM                   0x01000000
 549 #define SCSB_P15_PROM                   0x02000000
 550 #define SCSB_P20_PROM                   0x04000000
 551 #define SCSB_P2X_PROM                   0x08000000
 552 #define SCSB_P06_PROM                   0x10000000
 553 #define SCSB_P06_INTR_ON                0x20000000
 554 #define SCSB_P06_NOINT_KLUGE            0x40000000
 555 #define SCSB_IN_INTR                    0x80000000
 556 #define SCSB_HSC_INIT                   0x0001
 557 #define SCSB_ENUM_ENABLED               0x0002
 558 #define SCSB_ALARM_CARD_PRES            0x0004
 559 #define SCSB_ALARM_CARD_IN_USE          0x0008
 560 #define SCSB_AC_SLOT_INTR_DONE          0x0010
 561 #define SCSB_HSC_CTC_PRES               0x0020
 562 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_06              0x0040
 563 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_07              0x0080
 564 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_08              0x0100
 565 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_09              0x0200
 566 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_10              0x0400
 567 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_11              0x0800
 568 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_12              0x1000
 569 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_13              0x2000
 570 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_14              0x4000
 571 #define SCSB_HSC_UNUSED_15              0x8000
 573 #ifdef  _KERNEL
 575 /*
 576  * The System Controller Board uses the Xilinx to control the I2C bus.
 577  * The address should really go to scsb.conf file.
 578  * The I2C address of the System Controller Board
 579  */
 580 #define SCSB_I2C_ADDR           0x80
 581 #define SCSB_I2C_ADDR_MASK      0xFF
 583 #define SCSB_DEVICE_NAME        "scsb"
 584 #define SCSB_INTR_PIL   4
 586 /*
 587  * definitions for Interrupt Event Code handling
 588  */
 589 #define EVC_FIFO_SIZE   8
 590 #define EVC_PROCS_MAX   16
 591 /*
 592  * return values for check_event_procs()
 593  */
 594 #define EVC_NO_EVENT_CODE       1
 595 #define EVC_NO_CURR_PROC        2
 596 #define EVC_NEW_EVENT_CODE      3
 597 #define EVC_OR_EVENT_CODE       4
 598 #define EVC_FAILURE             5
 599 /*
 600  * scsb_queue_ops() definitions
 601  *   Operations:
 602  */
 603 #define QPROCSOFF               1
 604 #define QPUT_INT32              2
 605 #define QFIRST_AVAILABLE        3
 606 #define QFIRST_OPEN             4
 607 #define QFIND_QUEUE             5
 608 /*
 609  *   Return values:
 610  *   0 - 15 are valid clone numbers used as index to clone_devs[]
 611  *   and returned for some operations instead of QOP_OK.
 612  */
 613 #define QOP_OK          16
 614 #define QOP_FAILED      -1
 616 /*
 617  * minor_t definitions
 618  *   bits 2-0      SCB instance 0-7
 619  *   bit    3      Clone device for sm_open()
 620  *   bits 7-4      Cloned device numbers for a total of 15: 0x1# - 0xf#
 621  *                 Must start with '1'  to avoid conflict with:
 622  *                      0x00 non-clone device node for instance 0
 623  *                      0x08 the clone device node for instance 0
 624  * the new minor_t for the clone is all of the above.
 625  */
 626 #define SCSB_INSTANCE_MASK      0x07
 627 #define SCSB_CLONE              0x08
 628 #define SCSB_CLONES_MASK        0xf0
 629 #define SCSB_CLONES_SHIFT       4
 630 #define SCSB_CLONES_FIRST       1
 631 #define SCSB_CLONES_MAX         16
 632 #define SCSB_GET_CLONE(minor)   ((minor&SCSB_CLONES_MASK)>>SCSB_CLONES_SHIFT)
 633 #define SCSB_GET_INSTANCE(minor) \
 634                                 (minor&SCSB_INSTANCE_MASK)
 635 #define SCSB_MAKE_MINOR(inst, clnum) \
 636                                 (inst|(clnum<<SCSB_CLONES_SHIFT)|SCSB_CLONE)
 638 typedef struct clone_dev {
 639         queue_t         *cl_rq;
 640         minor_t         cl_minor;
 641         uint32_t        cl_flags;
 642 } clone_dev_t;
 644 typedef struct {
 645         uint32_t        scsb_instance;
 646         uint32_t        scsb_state;
 647         uint32_t        scsb_hsc_state;
 648         int             ac_slotnum;     /* Alarm Card Slot Number */
 649         kmutex_t        scsb_mutex;
 650         kcondvar_t      scsb_cv;
 651         uint32_t        scsb_opens;
 652         dev_info_t      *scsb_dev;
 653         i2c_client_hdl_t scsb_phandle;  /* i2c private handle from i2c nexus */
 654         mblk_t          *scsb_mp;       /* reserved for interrupt processing */
 655         i2c_transfer_t  *scsb_i2ctp;    /* pointer to read/write structure */
 656         uchar_t         scsb_data_reg[SCSB_DATA_REGISTERS];
 657         int             scsb_i2c_addr;  /* i2c addr. */
 658         queue_t         *scsb_rq;       /* read q for scsb_instance */
 659         timeout_id_t    scsb_btid;      /* qbufcall, or qtimeout id */
 660         kmutex_t        scsb_imutex;
 661         ddi_iblock_cookie_t scsb_iblock;
 662         kstat_t         *ks_leddata;
 663         kstat_t         *ks_state;
 664         kstat_t         *ks_topology;
 665         kstat_t         *ks_evcreg;
 666         uint32_t        scsb_i2c_errcnt;
 667         boolean_t       scsb_err_flag;  /* latch err until kstat read */
 668         boolean_t       scsb_kstat_flag;        /* do i2c trans for kstat */
 669         uint32_t        scsb_clopens;
 670         clone_dev_t     clone_devs[SCSB_CLONES_MAX];
 671 } scsb_state_t;
 673 int     scsb_led_get(scsb_state_t *, scsb_uinfo_t *, scsb_led_t led_type);
 674 int     scsb_led_set(scsb_state_t *, scsb_uinfo_t *, scsb_led_t led_type);
 675 int     scsb_reset_unit(scsb_state_t *, scsb_uinfo_t *);
 676 int     scsb_bhealthy_slot(scsb_state_t *, scsb_uinfo_t *);
 677 int     scsb_slot_occupancy(scsb_state_t *, scsb_uinfo_t *);
 679 #if defined(DEBUG)
 680 extern void prom_printf(const char *, ...);
 681 void    scsb_debug_prnt(char *, uintptr_t, uintptr_t,
 682         uintptr_t, uintptr_t, uintptr_t);
 684 #define DEBUG0(fmt)\
 685         scsb_debug_prnt(fmt, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 686 #define DEBUG1(fmt, a1)\
 687         scsb_debug_prnt(fmt, (uintptr_t)(a1), 0, 0, 0, 0);
 688 #define DEBUG2(fmt, a1, a2)\
 689         scsb_debug_prnt(fmt, (uintptr_t)(a1), (uintptr_t)(a2), 0, 0, 0);
 690 #define DEBUG3(fmt, a1, a2, a3)\
 691         scsb_debug_prnt(fmt, (uintptr_t)(a1), (uintptr_t)(a2),\
 692                 (uintptr_t)(a3), 0, 0);
 693 #define DEBUG4(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4)\
 694         scsb_debug_prnt(fmt, (uintptr_t)(a1), (uintptr_t)(a2),\
 695                 (uintptr_t)(a3), (uintptr_t)(a4), 0);
 696 #else
 697 #define DEBUG0(fmt)
 698 #define DEBUG1(fmt, a1)
 699 #define DEBUG2(fmt, a1, a2)
 700 #define DEBUG3(fmt, a1, a2, a3)
 701 #define DEBUG4(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4)
 702 #endif
 705 #endif  /* _KERNEL */
 707 #ifdef  __cplusplus
 708 }
 709 #endif
 711 #endif  /* _MONTECARLO_SYS_SCSB_H */