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          --- old/usr/src/uts/sun/Makefile.rules
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/sun/Makefile.rules
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  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  
  22   22  #
  23   23  # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  24   24  # Use is subject to license terms.
       25 +# Copyright 2019 Peter Tribble.
  25   26  #
  26   27  # uts/sun/Makefile.rules
  27   28  #
  28   29  #       This Makefile defines all build rules for the directory uts/sun and
  29   30  # its children. These are the source files which are common to all sun
  30   31  # implementations.
  31   32  #
  32   33  #       The following two-level ordering must be maintained in this file.
  33   34  #         Lines are sorted first in order of decreasing specificity based on
  34   35  #         the first directory component.  That is, sun4u rules come before
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  46   47          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  47   48  
  48   49  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/audio/drv/audiocs/%.c
  49   50          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  50   51          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  51   52  
  52   53  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/eri/%.c
  53   54          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  54   55          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  55   56  
  56      -$(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/ttymux/%.c
  57      -        $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  58      -        $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  59      -
  60   57  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/dada/conf/%.c
  61   58          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  62   59          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  63   60  
  64   61  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/dada/impl/%.c
  65   62          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  66   63          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  67   64  
  68   65  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/dada/targets/%.c
  69   66          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  70   67          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  71   68  
  72   69  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/scsi/adapters/%.c
  73   70          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  74   71          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  75   72  
  76   73  $(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/scsi/targets/%.c
  77   74          $(COMPILE.c) -I. -o $@ $<
  78   75          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  79   76  
  80      -$(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/common/io/scsi/adapters/%.c 
       77 +$(OBJS_DIR)/%.o:                $(UTSBASE)/common/io/scsi/adapters/%.c
  81   78          $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $<
  82   79          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  83   80  
  84   81  #
  85   82  #       Section 1b: Lint `object' build rules
  86   83  #
  87   84  $(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/%.c
  88   85          @($(LHEAD) $(LINT.c) $< $(LTAIL))
  89   86  
  90   87  $(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/audio/drv/audiocs/%.c
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 102   99  $(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/dada/impl/%.c
 103  100          @($(LHEAD) $(LINT.c) $< $(LTAIL))
 104  101  
 105  102  $(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/dada/conf/%.c
 106  103          @($(LHEAD) $(LINT.c) $< $(LTAIL))
 107  104  
 108  105  $(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/dada/targets/%.c
 109  106          @($(LHEAD) $(LINT.c) $< $(LTAIL))
 110  107  
 111  108  $(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/common/io/scsi/adapters/%.c
 112      -        @($(LHEAD) $(LINT.c) $< $(LTAIL))
 113      -
 114      -$(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln:              $(UTSBASE)/sun/io/ttymux/%.c
 115  109          @($(LHEAD) $(LINT.c) $< $(LTAIL))