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10229 Some man pages have incorrect cross-references

@@ -177,15 +177,14 @@
      registered with the call to usba_hcdi_register(9F) will be called at this
    Binding the Root Hub
      Once this is set up, the hcdi driver must initialize its root hub by
-     calling Xr usba_hcdi_bind_root_hub 9F .  To bind the root hub, the device
+     calling usba_hubdi_bind_root_hub(9F).  To bind the root hub, the device
      driver is responsible for providing a device descriptor that represents
-     the hardware.
-      Depending on the hardware, this descriptor may be either static or
-     dynamic.
+     the hardware.  Depending on the hardware, this descriptor may be either
+     static or dynamic.
      This device descriptor should be a packed descriptor that is the same
      that would be read off of the device.  The device descriptor should match
      a hub of a USB generation equivalent to the maximum speed of the device.
      For example, a USB 3.0 host controller would use a USB 3.0 hub's device

@@ -210,11 +209,11 @@
      usba_hubdi_bind_root_hub(9F).  This will cause an instance of the
      hubd(7D) driver to be attached and associated with the root controller.
      As such, driver writers need to ensure that all initialization is done
      prior to loading the root hub.  Once successfully loaded, driver writers
      should assume that they'll get other calls into the driver's operation
-     vector before the call to usba_hubdi_bind_root_hub(9F.)
+     vector before the call to usba_hubdi_bind_root_hub(9F).
      If the call to usba_hubdi_bind_root_hub(9F) failed for whatever reason,
      the driver should unregister from USBA (see the next section), unwind all
      of the resources it has allocated, and return DDI_FAILURE.