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10067 Miscellaneous man page typos
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>
Reviewed by: Volker A. Brandt <>

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man2/utimes.2
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man2/utimes.2
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 112  112  .LP
 113  113  The \fButimensat()\fR function determines the file to set the access and
 114  114  modification times in an similar way to \fBfutemsat()\fR. If the argument
 115  115  \fIpath\fR is an absolute path, then the argument \fIfiledes\fR is ignored;
 116  116  otherwise, \fIpath\fR is interpreted as a path relative to the directory
 117  117  specified by \fIfiledes\fR. If \fIfiledes\fR is set to \fBAT_FDCWD\fR, then
 118  118  \fIpath\fR is resolved relative to the current working directory. The behavior
 119  119  when encountering symbolic links may be controlled by the value of the
 120  120  \fIflag\fR argument. If the value of flag is the constant
 121  121  \fBAT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW\fR, then when a symbolic link is encountered while
 122      -resoloving a path, it will not be followed. Otherwise, the value of \fIflag\fR
      122 +resolving a path, it will not be followed. Otherwise, the value of \fIflag\fR
 123  123  should be \fB0\fR.
 124  124  .SH RETURN VALUES
 125  125  .LP
 126  126  Upon successful completion, \fB0\fR is returned.  Otherwise, \fB\(mi1\fR is
 127  127  returned, \fBerrno\fR is set to indicate the error, and the file times will not
 128  128  be affected.
 129  129  .SH ERRORS
 130  130  .LP
 131  131  The \fButimes()\fR, \fBfutimesat()\fR, \fBfutimens()\fR, and \fButimensat()\fR
 132  132  functions will fail if:
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