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10067 Miscellaneous man page typos
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>
Reviewed by: Volker A. Brandt <>

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1m/
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1m/
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  52   52         to autoboot if the appropriate flag has been set in the non-volatile
  53   53         storage area used by the firmware. The name of the file to load, and
  54   54         the device to load it from can also be manipulated.
  55   55  
  56   56  
  57   57         These flags and names can be set using the eeprom(1M) command from the
  58   58         shell, or by using PROM commands from the ok prompt after the system
  59   59         has been halted.
  60   60  
  61   61  
  62      -       The second level program is either a fileystem-specific boot block
       62 +       The second level program is either a filesystem-specific boot block
  63   63         (when booting from a disk), or inetboot (when booting across the
  64   64         network).
  65   65  
  66   66  
  67   67         Network Booting
  68   68  
  69   69  
  70   70         Network booting occurs in two steps: the client first obtains an IP
  71   71         address and any other parameters necessary to permit it to load the
  72   72         second-stage booter.  The second-stage booter in turn loads the boot
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