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10067 Miscellaneous man page typos
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>
Reviewed by: Volker A. Brandt <>

*** 57,67 **** These flags and names can be set using the eeprom(1M) command from the shell, or by using PROM commands from the ok prompt after the system has been halted. ! The second level program is either a fileystem-specific boot block (when booting from a disk), or inetboot (when booting across the network). Network Booting --- 57,67 ---- These flags and names can be set using the eeprom(1M) command from the shell, or by using PROM commands from the ok prompt after the system has been halted. ! The second level program is either a filesystem-specific boot block (when booting from a disk), or inetboot (when booting across the network). Network Booting