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10067 Miscellaneous man page typos
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>
Reviewed by: Volker A. Brandt <>

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1/expand.1
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1/expand.1
↓ open down ↓ 55 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  56   56  .nf
  57   57  \fBexpand\fR [\fB-\fItabstop\fR\fR] [\fB-\fItab1,\fR\fR \fItab2,.\fR \fI\&.\fR \fI\&.,\fR \fItabn\fR] [\fIfile\fR]...
  58   58  .fi
  59   59  
  60   60  .LP
  61   61  .nf
  62   62  \fBunexpand\fR [\fB-a\fR] [\fB-t\fR \fItablist\fR] [\fIfile\fR]...
  63   63  .fi
  64   64  
  65   65  .SH DESCRIPTION
  66      -.sp
  67   66  .LP
  68   67  The \fBexpand\fR utility copies \fIfile\fRs (or the standard input) to the
  69   68  standard output, with TAB characters expanded to SPACE characters. BACKSPACE
  70   69  characters are preserved into the output and decrement the column count for TAB
  71   70  calculations. \fBexpand\fR is useful for pre-processing character files (before
  72   71  sorting, looking at specific columns, and so forth) that contain TAB
  73   72  characters.
  74   73  .sp
  75   74  .LP
  76   75  \fBunexpand\fR copies \fIfile\fRs (or the standard input) to the standard
  77   76  output, putting TAB characters back into the data. By default, only leading
  78   77  SPACE and TAB characters are converted to strings of tabs, but this can be
  79   78  overridden by the \fB-a\fR option (see the OPTIONS section below).
  80   79  .SH OPTIONS
  81      -.sp
  82   80  .LP
  83   81  The following options are supported for \fBexpand\fR:
  84   82  .sp
  85   83  .ne 2
  86   84  .na
  87   85  \fB\fB-t\fR \fItablist\fR \fR
  88   86  .ad
  89   87  .RS 26n
  90   88  Specifies the tab stops. The argument \fItablist\fR must consist of a single
  91   89  positive decimal integer or multiple positive decimal integers, separated by
↓ open down ↓ 66 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 158  156  .sp
 159  157  No space-to-tab character conversions occur for characters at positions beyond
 160  158  the last of those specified in a multiple tab-stop list.
 161  159  .sp
 162  160  When \fB-t\fR is specified, the presence or absence of the \fB-a\fR option is
 163  161  ignored; conversion will not be limited to the processing of leading blank
 164  162  characters.
 165  163  .RE
 166  164  
 167  165  .SH OPERANDS
 168      -.sp
 169  166  .LP
 170      -The following ooperand is supported for \fBexpand\fR and \fBunexpand\fR:
      167 +The following operand is supported for \fBexpand\fR and \fBunexpand\fR:
 171  168  .sp
 172  169  .ne 2
 173  170  .na
 174  171  \fB\fB\fIfile\fR\fR \fR
 175  172  .ad
 176  173  .RS 9n
 177  174  The path name of a text file to be used as input.
 178  175  .RE
 179  176  
 181      -.sp
 182  178  .LP
 183  179  See \fBenviron\fR(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables
 184  180  that affect the execution of \fBexpand\fR and \fBunexpand\fR: \fBLANG\fR,
 185  181  \fBLC_ALL\fR, \fBLC_CTYPE\fR, \fBLC_MESSAGES\fR, and \fBNLSPATH\fR.
 186  182  .SH EXIT STATUS
 187      -.sp
 188  183  .LP
 189  184  The following exit values are returned:
 190  185  .sp
 191  186  .ne 2
 192  187  .na
 193  188  \fB\fB0\fR \fR
 194  189  .ad
 195  190  .RS 7n
 196  191  Successful completion
 197  192  .RE
↓ open down ↓ 1 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 199  194  .sp
 200  195  .ne 2
 201  196  .na
 202  197  \fB\fB>0\fR \fR
 203  198  .ad
 204  199  .RS 7n
 205  200  An error occurred.
 206  201  .RE
 207  202  
 208  203  .SH ATTRIBUTES
 209      -.sp
 210  204  .LP
 211  205  See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 212  206  .sp
 213  207  
 214  208  .sp
 215  209  .TS
 216  210  box;
 217  211  c | c
 218  212  l | l .
 220  214  _
 221  215  CSI     enabled
 222  216  _
 223  217  Interface Stability     Standard
 224  218  .TE
 225  219  
 226  220  .SH SEE ALSO
 227      -.sp
 228  221  .LP
 229  222  \fBtabs\fR(1), \fBattributes\fR(5), \fBenviron\fR(5), \fBstandards\fR(5)