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10057 Man page misspellings ouput particuliar overriden
Reviewed by: Gergő Mihály Doma <>

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man5/
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man5/
↓ open down ↓ 984 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 985  985                                       In vi mode, undo the last editing
 986  986                                       operation.
 987  987  
 988  988  
 989  989         vi-repeat-change
 990  990                                       In vi command mode, repeat the last
 991  991                                       command that modified the line.
 992  992  
 993  993  
 994  994     Default Key Bindings In emacs Mode
 995      -       The following default key bindings, which can be overriden by the tecla
 996      -       configuration file, are designed to mimic most of the bindings of the
 997      -       unix tcsh shell shell, when it is in emacs editing mode.
      995 +       The following default key bindings, which can be overridden by the
      996 +       tecla configuration file, are designed to mimic most of the bindings of
      997 +       the unix tcsh shell, when it is in emacs editing mode.
 998  998  
 999  999  
1000 1000         This is the default editing mode of the tecla library.
1001 1001  
1002 1002  
1003 1003         Under UNIX the terminal driver sets a number of special keys for
1004 1004         certain functions. The tecla library attempts to use the same key
1005 1005         bindings to maintain consistency. The key sequences shown for the
1006 1006         following 6 bindings are thus just examples of what they will probably
1007 1007         be set to. If you have used the stty command to change these keys, then
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