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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1m/uucleanup.1m
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1m/uucleanup.1m
↓ open down ↓ 7 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
   8    8  .SH NAME
   9    9  uucleanup \- uucp spool directory clean-up
  10   10  .SH SYNOPSIS
  11   11  .LP
  12   12  .nf
  13   13  \fB/usr/lib/uucp/uucleanup\fR [\fB-C\fR\fItime\fR] [\fB-D\fR\fItime\fR] [\fB-m\fR\fIstring\fR]
  14   14       [\fB-o\fR\fItime\fR] [\fB-s\fR\fIsystem\fR] [\fB-W\fR\fItime\fR] [\fB-x\fR\fIdebug-level\fR] [\fB-X\fR\fItime\fR]
  15   15  .fi
  16   16  
  17   17  .SH DESCRIPTION
  18      -.sp
  19   18  .LP
  20   19  \fBuucleanup\fR will scan the spool directories for old files and take
  21   20  appropriate action to remove them in a useful way:
  22   21  .RS +4
  23   22  .TP
  24   23  .ie t \(bu
  25   24  .el o
  26   25  Inform the requester of send/receive requests for systems that can not be
  27   26  reached.
  28   27  .RE
↓ open down ↓ 19 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  48   47  .LP
  49   48  In addition, there is a provision to warn users of requests that have been
  50   49  waiting for a given number of days (default 1 day). Note: \fBuucleanup\fR will
  51   50  process as if all option \fBtimes\fR were specified to the default values
  52   51  unless \fBtime\fR is specifically set.
  53   52  .sp
  54   53  .LP
  55   54  This program is typically started by the shell \fBuudemon.cleanup\fR, which
  56   55  should be started by \fBcron\fR(1M).
  57   56  .SH OPTIONS
  58      -.sp
  59   57  .ne 2
  60   58  .na
  61   59  \fB\fB-C\fR\fBtime\fR\fR
  62   60  .ad
  63   61  .RS 17n
  64   62  Remove any \fBC.\fR files greater or equal to \fBtime\fR days old and send
  65   63  appropriate information to the requester (default 7 days).
  66   64  .RE
  67   65  
  68   66  .sp
↓ open down ↓ 47 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 116  114  The administrator may include a message line telling whom to call to check the
 117  115  problem (\fB-m\fR option) (default 1 day).
 118  116  .RE
 119  117  
 120  118  .sp
 121  119  .ne 2
 122  120  .na
 123  121  \fB\fB-x\fR\fIdebug-level\fR\fR
 124  122  .ad
 125  123  .RS 17n
 126      -Produce debugging output on standard ouput. \fIdebug-level\fR is a single digit
      124 +Produce debugging output on standard output. \fIdebug-level\fR is a single digit
 127  125  between 0 and 9; higher numbers give more detailed debugging information. (This
 128  126  option may not be available on all systems.)
 129  127  .RE
 130  128  
 131  129  .sp
 132  130  .ne 2
 133  131  .na
 134  132  \fB\fB-X\fR\fBtime\fR\fR
 135  133  .ad
 136  134  .RS 17n
 137  135  Any \fBX.\fR files greater or equal to \fBtime\fR days old will be removed. The
 138  136  \fBD.\fR files are probably not present (if they were, the \fBX.\fR could get
 139  137  executed). But if there are \fBD.\fR files, they will be taken care of by D.
 140  138  processing (default 2 days).
 141  139  .RE
 142  140  
 143  141  .SH FILES
 144      -.sp
 145  142  .ne 2
 146  143  .na
 147  144  \fB\fB/usr/lib/uucp\fR\fR
 148  145  .ad
 149  146  .RS 19n
 150  147  directory with commands used by \fBuucleanup\fR internally
 151  148  .RE
 152  149  
 153  150  .sp
 154  151  .ne 2
 155  152  .na
 156  153  \fB\fB/var/spool/uucp\fR\fR
 157  154  .ad
 158  155  .RS 19n
 159  156  spool directory
 160  157  .RE
 161  158  
 162  159  .SH SEE ALSO
 163      -.sp
 164  160  .LP
 165  161  \fBuucp\fR(1C), \fBuux\fR(1C), \fBcron\fR(1M), \fBattributes\fR(5)