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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1m/ikeadm.1m
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1m/ikeadm.1m
↓ open down ↓ 51 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  52   52  \fBikeadm\fR [\fB-np\fR] flush [p1 | certcache]
  53   53  .fi
  54   54  
  55   55  .LP
  56   56  .nf
  57   57  \fBikeadm\fR help
  58   58       [get | set | add | del | read | write | dump | flush | token]
  59   59  .fi
  60   60  
  61   61  .SH DESCRIPTION
  62      -.sp
  63   62  .LP
  64   63  The \fBikeadm\fR utility retrieves information from and manipulates the
  65   64  configuration of the Internet Key Exchange (\fBIKE\fR) protocol daemon,
  66   65  \fBin.iked\fR(1M).
  67   66  .sp
  68   67  .LP
  69   68  \fBikeadm\fR supports a set of operations, which may be performed on one or
  70   69  more of the supported object types. When invoked without arguments,
  71   70  \fBikeadm\fR enters interactive mode which prints a prompt to the standard
  72   71  output and accepts commands from the standard input until the end-of-file is
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  74   73  .sp
  75   74  .LP
  76   75  Because \fBikeadm\fR manipulates sensitive keying information, you must be
  77   76  superuser to use this command. Additionally, some of the commands available
  78   77  require that the daemon be running in a privileged mode, which is established
  79   78  when the daemon is started.
  80   79  .sp
  81   80  .LP
  82   81  For details on how to use this command securely see .
  83   82  .SH OPTIONS
  84      -.sp
  85   83  .LP
  86   84  The following options are supported:
  87   85  .sp
  88   86  .ne 2
  89   87  .na
  90   88  \fB\fB-n\fR\fR
  91   89  .ad
  92   90  .sp .6
  93   91  .RS 4n
  94   92  Prevent attempts to print host and network names symbolically when reporting
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 103  101  .ad
 104  102  .sp .6
 105  103  .RS 4n
 106  104  Paranoid. Do not print any keying material, even if saving Security
 107  105  Associations. Instead of an actual hexadecimal digit, print an \fBX\fR when
 108  106  this flag is turned on.
 109  107  .RE
 110  108  
 111  109  .SH USAGE
 112  110  .SS "Commands"
 113      -.sp
 114  111  .LP
 115  112  The following commands are supported:
 116  113  .sp
 117  114  .ne 2
 118  115  .na
 119  116  \fB\fBadd\fR\fR
 120  117  .ad
 121  118  .sp .6
 122  119  .RS 4n
 123  120  Add the specified object. This option can be used to add a new policy rule or a
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 249  246  .RE
 250  247  .RS +4
 251  248  .TP
 252  249  .ie t \(bu
 253  250  .el o
 254  251  \fBtoken\fR logout: \\fR
 255  252  .RE
 256  253  .RE
 257  254  
 258  255  .SS "Object Types"
 259      -.sp
 260  256  .ne 2
 261  257  .na
 262  258  \fBdebug\fR
 263  259  .ad
 264  260  .sp .6
 265  261  .RS 4n
 266  262  Specifies the daemon's debug level. This determines the amount and type of
 267  263  output provided by the daemon about its operations. The debug level is actually
 268  264  a bitmask, with individual bits enabling different types of information.
 269  265  .sp
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 409  405  .RE
 410  406  
 411  407  .sp
 412  408  .ne 2
 413  409  .na
 414  410  \fBdefaults\fR
 415  411  .ad
 416  412  .sp .6
 417  413  .RS 4n
 418  414  Display default values used by the \fBin.iked\fR daemon. Some values can be
 419      -overriden in the daemon configuration file (see \fBike.config\fR(4)); for these
      415 +overridden in the daemon configuration file (see \fBike.config\fR(4)); for these
 420  416  values, the token name is displayed in the \fBget defaults\fR output. The
 421  417  output will reflect where a configuration token has changed the default.
 422  418  .sp
 423  419  Default values might be ignored in the event a peer system makes a valid
 424      -alternative proposal or they can be overriden by per-rule values established in
      420 +alternative proposal or they can be overridden by per-rule values established in
 425  421  \fBike.config\fR. In such instances, a \fBget defaults\fR command continues to
 426  422  display the default values, not the values used to override the defaults.
 427  423  .RE
 428  424  
 429  425  .sp
 430  426  .ne 2
 431  427  .na
 432  428  \fBp1\fR
 433  429  .ad
 434  430  .sp .6
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 455  451  \fBpreshared\fR
 456  452  .ad
 457  453  .sp .6
 458  454  .RS 4n
 459  455  A preshared key, including the local and remote identification and applicable
 460  456  \fBIKE\fR mode. A preshared key is identified by an \fBIP\fR address pair or an
 461  457  identity pair; identification formats are described below.
 462  458  .RE
 463  459  
 464  460  .SS "Id Formats"
 465      -.sp
 466  461  .LP
 467  462  Commands like \fBadd\fR, \fBdel\fR, and \fBget\fR require that additional
 468  463  information be specified on the command line. In the case of the delete and get
 469  464  commands, all that is required is to minimally identify a given object; for the
 470  465  add command, the full object must be specified.
 471  466  .sp
 472  467  .LP
 473  468  Minimal identification is accomplished in most cases by a pair of values. For
 474  469  \fBIP\fR addresses, the local addr and then the remote addr are specified,
 475  470  either in dot-notation for IPv4 addresses, colon-separated hexadecimal format
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 541  536  Finally, a label (which is used to identify a policy rule) is a character
 542  537  string assigned to the rule when it is created.
 543  538  .sp
 544  539  .LP
 545  540  Formatting a rule or preshared key for the add command follows the format rules
 546  541  for the in.iked configuration files. Both are made up of a series of id-value
 547  542  pairs, contained in curly braces (\fB{\fR and \fB}\fR). See \fBike.config\fR(4)
 548  543  and \fBike.preshared\fR(4) for details on the formatting of rules and preshared
 549  544  keys.
 550  545  .SH SECURITY
 551      -.sp
 552  546  .LP
 553  547  The \fBikeadm\fR command allows a privileged user to enter cryptographic keying
 554  548  information. If an adversary gains access to such information, the security of
 555  549  IPsec traffic is compromised. The following issues should be taken into account
 556  550  when using the \fBikeadm\fR command.
 557  551  .RS +4
 558  552  .TP
 559  553  .ie t \(bu
 560  554  .el o
 561  555  Is the \fBTTY\fR going over a network (interactive mode)?
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 785  779  .in +2
 786  780  .nf
 787  781  example# \fBikeadm token login "Sun Metaslot"\fR
 788  782  Enter PIN for PKCS#11 token:
 789  783  ikeadm: PKCS#11 operation successful
 790  784  .fi
 791  785  .in -2
 792  786  .sp
 793  787  
 794  788  .SH EXIT STATUS
 795      -.sp
 796  789  .LP
 797  790  The following exit values are returned:
 798  791  .sp
 799  792  .ne 2
 800  793  .na
 801  794  \fB\fB0\fR\fR
 802  795  .ad
 803  796  .RS 12n
 804  797  Successful completion.
 805  798  .RE
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 807  800  .sp
 808  801  .ne 2
 809  802  .na
 810  803  \fB\fBnon-zero\fR\fR
 811  804  .ad
 812  805  .RS 12n
 813  806  An error occurred. Writes an appropriate error message to standard error.
 814  807  .RE
 815  808  
 816  809  .SH ATTRIBUTES
 817      -.sp
 818  810  .LP
 819  811  See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 820  812  .sp
 821  813  
 822  814  .sp
 823  815  .TS
 824  816  box;
 825  817  c | c
 826  818  l | l .
 828  820  _
 829  821  Interface Stability     Not an Interface
 830  822  .TE
 831  823  
 832  824  .SH SEE ALSO
 833      -.sp
 834  825  .LP
 835  826  \fBin.iked\fR(1M), \fBike.config\fR(4), \fBike.preshared\fR(4),
 836  827  \fBattributes\fR(5), \fBipsec\fR(7P)
 837  828  .sp
 838  829  .LP
 839  830  Schneier, Bruce, \fIApplied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source
 840  831  Code in C\fR, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1996.
 841  832  .SH NOTES
 842      -.sp
 843  833  .LP
 844  834  As \fBin.iked\fR can run only in the global zone and exclusive-IP zones, this
 845  835  command is not useful in shared-IP zones.