1 '\" te
   2 .\" Copyright 1989 AT&T.
   3 .\" Copyright (c) 2006, Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   4 .\" Portions Copyright (c) 1992, X/Open Company Limited.  All Rights Reserved.
   5 .\" Portions Copyright (c) 2013, OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
   6 .\" Sun Microsystems, Inc. gratefully acknowledges The Open Group for permission to reproduce portions of its copyrighted documentation. Original documentation from The Open Group can be obtained online at
   7 .\" http://www.opengroup.org/bookstore/.
   8 .\" The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and The Open Group, have given us permission to reprint portions of their documentation. In the following statement, the phrase "this text" refers to portions of the system documentation. Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form in the Sun OS Reference Manual, from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between these versions and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html.
   9 .\"  This notice shall appear on any product containing this material.
  10 .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  11 .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  12 .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  13 .TH FOPEN 3C "Apr 18, 2006"
  14 .SH NAME
  15 fopen \- open a stream
  17 .LP
  18 .nf
  19 #include <stdio.h>
  21 \fBFILE *\fR\fBfopen\fR(\fBconst char *\fR\fIfilename\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fImode\fR);
  22 .fi
  25 .sp
  26 .LP
  27 The \fBfopen()\fR function opens the file whose pathname is the string pointed
  28 to by \fIfilename\fR, and associates a stream with it.
  29 .sp
  30 .LP
  31 The argument \fImode\fR points to a string beginning with one of the following
  32 base sequences:
  33 .sp
  34 .ne 2
  35 .na
  36 \fB\fBr\fR\fR 
  37 .ad
  38 .RS 20n
  39 Open file for reading.
  40 .RE
  42 .sp
  43 .ne 2
  44 .na
  45 \fB\fBw\fR\fR
  46 .ad
  47 .RS 20n
  48 Truncate to  zero  length or create file for writing.
  49 .RE
  51 .sp
  52 .ne 2
  53 .na
  54 \fB\fBa\fR\fR
  55 .ad
  56 .RS 20n
  57 Append; open or create file for writing at end-of-file.
  58 .RE
  60 .sp
  61 .ne 2
  62 .na
  63 \fB\fBr+\fR\fR
  64 .ad
  65 .RS 20n
  66 Open file for update (reading and writing).
  67 .RE
  69 .sp
  70 .ne 2
  71 .na
  72 \fB\fBw+\fR\fR
  73 .ad
  74 .RS 20n
  75 Truncate to zero length or create file for update.
  76 .RE
  78 .sp
  79 .ne 2
  80 .na
  81 \fB\fBa+\fR\fR
  82 .ad
  83 .RS 20n
  84 Append; open or create file for update, writing at end-of-file.
  85 .RE
  87 .sp
  88 .LP
  89 In addition to the base sequences for the \fImode\fR argument above, two
  90 additional flags are supported via the \fBb\fR character and the \fBe\fR
  91 character.  Order of these additional flags (including the \fB+\fR) does
  92 not matter.
  93 .sp
  94 .LP
  95 The character \fBb\fR has no effect, but is allowed for ISO C standard
  96 conformance (see \fBstandards\fR(5)). Opening a file with read mode (\fBr\fR as
  97 the first character in the \fImode\fR argument) fails if the file does not
  98 exist or cannot be read.
  99 .sp
 100 .LP
 101 The character \fBe\fR will cause the underlying file descriptor to be
 102 opened with the O_CLOEXEC flag as described in \fBopen\fR(2).
 103 .sp
 104 .LP
 105 Opening a file with append mode (\fBa\fR as the first character in the
 106 \fImode\fR argument) causes all subsequent writes to the file to be forced to
 107 the then current end-of-file, regardless of intervening calls to
 108 \fBfseek\fR(3C). If two separate processes open the same file for append, each
 109 process may write freely to the file without fear of destroying output being
 110 written by the other.  The output from the two processes will be intermixed in
 111 the file in the order in which it is written.
 112 .sp
 113 .LP
 114 When a file is opened with update mode (\fB+\fR as the second or third
 115 character in the \fImode\fR argument), both input and output may be performed
 116 on the associated stream. However, output must not be directly followed by
 117 input without an intervening call to \fBfflush\fR(3C) or to a file positioning
 118 function ( \fBfseek\fR(3C), \fBfsetpos\fR(3C) or \fBrewind\fR(3C)), and input
 119 must not be directly followed by output without an intervening call to a file
 120 positioning function, unless the input operation encounters end-of-file.
 121 .sp
 122 .LP
 123 When opened, a stream is fully buffered if and only if it can be determined not
 124 to refer to an interactive device. The error and end-of-file indicators for the
 125 stream are cleared.
 126 .sp
 127 .LP
 128 If \fImode\fR begins with \fIw\fR or \fBa\fR and the file did not previously
 129 exist, upon successful completion, \fBfopen()\fR function will mark for update
 130 the \fBst_atime\fR, \fBst_ctime\fR and \fBst_mtime\fR fields of the file and
 131 the \fBst_ctime\fR and \fBst_mtime\fR fields of the parent directory.
 132 .sp
 133 .LP
 134 If \fImode\fR begins with \fIw\fR and the file did previously exist, upon
 135 successful completion, \fBfopen()\fR will mark for update the \fBst_ctime\fR
 136 and \fBst_mtime\fR fields of the file.  The \fBfopen()\fR function will
 137 allocate a file descriptor as \fBopen\fR(2) does.
 138 .sp
 139 .LP
 140 Normally, 32-bit applications return an \fBEMFILE\fR error when attempting to
 141 associate a stream with a file accessed by a file descriptor with a value
 142 greater than 255. If the last character of \fImode\fR is \fBF\fR, 32-bit
 143 applications will be allowed to associate a stream with a file accessed by a
 144 file descriptor with a value greater than 255. A \fBFILE\fR pointer obtained in
 145 this way must never be used by any code that might directly access fields in
 146 the \fBFILE\fR structure. If the fields in the \fBFILE\fR structure are used
 147 directly by 32-bit applications when the last character of mode is \fBF\fR,
 148 data corruption could occur. See the USAGE section of this manual page and the
 149 \fBenable_extended_FILE_stdio\fR(3C) manual page for other options for enabling
 150 the extended FILE facility.
 151 .sp
 152 .LP
 153 In 64-bit applications, the last character of \fImode\fR is silently ignored if
 154 it is \fBF\fR.  64-bit applications are always allowed to associate a stream
 155 with a file accessed by a file descriptor with any value.
 156 .sp
 157 .LP
 158 The largest value that can be represented correctly in an object of type
 159 \fBoff_t\fR will be established as the offset maximum in the open file
 160 description.
 162 .sp
 163 .LP
 164 Upon successful completion, \fBfopen()\fR returns a pointer to the object
 165 controlling the stream.  Otherwise, a null pointer is returned and \fBerrno\fR
 166 is set to indicate the error.
 167 .sp
 168 .LP
 169 The \fBfopen()\fR function may fail and not set \fBerrno\fR if there are no
 170 free \fBstdio\fR streams.
 172 .sp
 173 .LP
 174 The \fBfopen()\fR function will fail if:
 175 .sp
 176 .ne 2
 177 .na
 178 \fB\fBEACCES\fR\fR
 179 .ad
 180 .RS 16n
 181 Search permission is denied on a component of the path prefix, or the file
 182 exists and the permissions specified by \fImode\fR are denied, or the file does
 183 not exist and write permission is denied for the parent directory of the file
 184 to be created.
 185 .RE
 187 .sp
 188 .ne 2
 189 .na
 190 \fB\fBEINTR\fR\fR
 191 .ad
 192 .RS 16n
 193 A signal was caught during the execution of \fBfopen()\fR.
 194 .RE
 196 .sp
 197 .ne 2
 198 .na
 199 \fB\fBEISDIR\fR\fR
 200 .ad
 201 .RS 16n
 202 The named file is a directory and \fImode\fR requires write access.
 203 .RE
 205 .sp
 206 .ne 2
 207 .na
 208 \fB\fBELOOP\fR\fR
 209 .ad
 210 .RS 16n
 211 Too many symbolic links were encountered in resolving \fIpath\fR.
 212 .RE
 214 .sp
 215 .ne 2
 216 .na
 217 \fB\fBEMFILE\fR\fR
 218 .ad
 219 .RS 16n
 220 There are {\fBOPEN_MAX\fR} file descriptors currently open in the calling
 221 process.
 222 .RE
 224 .sp
 225 .ne 2
 226 .na
 228 .ad
 229 .RS 16n
 230 The length of the \fIfilename\fR exceeds \fIPATH_MAX\fR or a pathname component
 231 is longer than \fINAME_MAX\fR.
 232 .RE
 234 .sp
 235 .ne 2
 236 .na
 237 \fB\fBENFILE\fR\fR
 238 .ad
 239 .RS 16n
 240 The maximum allowable number of files is currently open in the system.
 241 .RE
 243 .sp
 244 .ne 2
 245 .na
 246 \fB\fBENOENT\fR\fR
 247 .ad
 248 .RS 16n
 249 A component of \fIfilename\fR does not name an existing file or \fIfilename\fR
 250 is an empty string.
 251 .RE
 253 .sp
 254 .ne 2
 255 .na
 256 \fB\fBENOSPC\fR\fR
 257 .ad
 258 .RS 16n
 259 The directory or file system that would contain the new file cannot be
 260 expanded, the file does not exist, and it was to be created.
 261 .RE
 263 .sp
 264 .ne 2
 265 .na
 266 \fB\fBENOTDIR\fR\fR
 267 .ad
 268 .RS 16n
 269 A component of the path prefix is not a directory.
 270 .RE
 272 .sp
 273 .ne 2
 274 .na
 275 \fB\fBENXIO\fR\fR
 276 .ad
 277 .RS 16n
 278 The named file is a character special or block special file, and the device
 279 associated with this special file does not exist.
 280 .RE
 282 .sp
 283 .ne 2
 284 .na
 285 \fB\fBEOVERFLOW\fR\fR
 286 .ad
 287 .RS 16n
 288 The current value of the file position cannot be represented correctly in an
 289 object of type \fBfpos_t\fR.
 290 .RE
 292 .sp
 293 .ne 2
 294 .na
 295 \fB\fBEROFS\fR\fR
 296 .ad
 297 .RS 16n
 298 The named file resides on a read-only file system and \fImode\fR requires write
 299 access.
 300 .RE
 302 .sp
 303 .LP
 304 The \fBfopen()\fR function may fail if:
 305 .sp
 306 .ne 2
 307 .na
 308 \fB\fBEINVAL\fR\fR
 309 .ad
 310 .RS 16n
 311 The value of the \fImode\fR argument is not valid.
 312 .RE
 314 .sp
 315 .ne 2
 316 .na
 317 \fB\fBEMFILE\fR\fR
 318 .ad
 319 .RS 16n
 320 {\fBFOPEN_MAX\fR} streams are currently open in the calling process.
 321 .sp
 322 {\fBSTREAM_MAX\fR} streams are currently open in the calling process.
 323 .RE
 325 .sp
 326 .ne 2
 327 .na
 329 .ad
 330 .RS 16n
 331 Pathname resolution of a symbolic link produced an intermediate result whose
 332 length exceeds {\fBPATH_MAX\fR}.
 333 .RE
 335 .sp
 336 .ne 2
 337 .na
 338 \fB\fBENOMEM\fR\fR
 339 .ad
 340 .RS 16n
 341 Insufficient storage space is available.
 342 .RE
 344 .sp
 345 .ne 2
 346 .na
 347 \fB\fBETXTBSY\fR\fR
 348 .ad
 349 .RS 16n
 350 The file is a pure procedure (shared text) file that is being executed and
 351 \fImode\fR requires write access.
 352 .RE
 354 .SH USAGE
 355 .sp
 356 .LP
 357 A process is allowed to have at least {\fBFOPEN_MAX\fR} \fBstdio\fR streams
 358 open at a time. For 32-bit applications, however, the underlying ABIs formerly
 359 required that no file descriptor used to access the file underlying a
 360 \fBstdio\fR stream have a value greater than 255. To maintain binary
 361 compatibility with earlier Solaris releases, this limit still constrains 32-bit
 362 applications. However, when a 32-bit application is aware that no code that has
 363 access to the \fBFILE\fR pointer returned by \fBfopen()\fR will use the
 364 \fBFILE\fR pointer to directly access any fields in the \fBFILE\fR structure,
 365 the \fBF\fR character can be used as the last character in the \fImode\fR
 366 argument to circumvent this limit. Because it could lead to data corruption,
 367 the \fBF\fR character in \fImode\fR must never be used when the \fBFILE\fR
 368 pointer might later be used by binary code unknown to the user. The \fBF\fR
 369 character in \fImode\fR is intended to be used by library functions that need a
 370 \fBFILE\fR pointer to access data to process a user request, but do not need to
 371 pass the \fBFILE\fR pointer back to the user. 32-bit applications that have
 372 been inspected can use the extended FILE facility to circumvent this limit if
 373 the inspection shows that no \fBFILE\fR pointers will be used to directly
 374 access \fBFILE\fR structure contents.
 375 .sp
 376 .LP
 377 The \fBfopen()\fR function has a transitional interface for 64-bit file
 378 offsets.  See \fBlf64\fR(5).
 380 .sp
 381 .LP
 382 See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 383 .sp
 385 .sp
 386 .TS
 387 box;
 388 c | c
 389 l | l .
 391 _
 392 Interface Stability     See below.
 393 _
 394 MT-Level        MT-Safe
 395 .TE
 397 .sp
 398 .LP
 399 The \fBF\fR character in the \fImode\fR argument is Evolving. In all other
 400 respects this function is Standard.
 402 .sp
 403 .LP
 404 \fBenable_extended_FILE_stdio\fR(3C), \fBfclose\fR(3C), \fBfdopen\fR(3C),
 405 \fBfflush\fR(3C), \fBfreopen\fR(3C), \fBfsetpos\fR(3C), \fBrewind\fR(3C),
 406 \fBopen\fR(2), \fBattributes\fR(5), \fBlf64\fR(5), \fBstandards\fR(5)