1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright (c) 1994, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  24  */
  26 /*      Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */
  27 /*        All Rights Reserved   */
  29 /*
  30  * Portions of this source code were derived from Berkeley 4.3 BSD
  31  * under license from the Regents of the University of California.
  32  */
  34 #include <sys/param.h>
  35 #include <sys/isa_defs.h>
  36 #include <sys/types.h>
  37 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
  38 #include <sys/user.h>
  39 #include <sys/systm.h>
  40 #include <sys/errno.h>
  41 #include <sys/fcntl.h>
  42 #include <sys/stat.h>
  43 #include <sys/vnode.h>
  44 #include <sys/vfs.h>
  45 #include <sys/file.h>
  46 #include <sys/mode.h>
  47 #include <sys/uio.h>
  48 #include <sys/debug.h>
  49 #include <c2/audit.h>
  51 /*
  52  * Common code for openat().  Check permissions, allocate an open
  53  * file structure, and call the device open routine (if any).
  54  */
  56 static int
  57 copen(int startfd, char *fname, int filemode, int createmode)
  58 {
  59         struct pathname pn;
  60         vnode_t *vp, *sdvp;
  61         file_t *fp, *startfp;
  62         enum vtype type;
  63         int error;
  64         int fd, dupfd;
  65         vnode_t *startvp;
  66         proc_t *p = curproc;
  67         uio_seg_t seg = UIO_USERSPACE;
  68         char *open_filename = fname;
  69         uint32_t auditing = AU_AUDITING();
  70         char startchar;
  72         if (filemode & (FSEARCH|FEXEC)) {
  73                 /*
  74                  * Must be one or the other and neither FREAD nor FWRITE
  75                  * Must not be any of FAPPEND FCREAT FTRUNC FXATTR FXATTRDIROPEN
  76                  * XXX: Should these just be silently ignored?
  77                  */
  78                 if ((filemode & (FREAD|FWRITE)) ||
  79                     (filemode & (FSEARCH|FEXEC)) == (FSEARCH|FEXEC) ||
  80                     (filemode & (FAPPEND|FCREAT|FTRUNC|FXATTR|FXATTRDIROPEN)))
  81                         return (set_errno(EINVAL));
  82         }
  84         if (startfd == AT_FDCWD) {
  85                 /*
  86                  * Regular open()
  87                  */
  88                 startvp = NULL;
  89         } else {
  90                 /*
  91                  * We're here via openat()
  92                  */
  93                 if (copyin(fname, &startchar, sizeof (char)))
  94                         return (set_errno(EFAULT));
  96                 /*
  97                  * if startchar is / then startfd is ignored
  98                  */
  99                 if (startchar == '/')
 100                         startvp = NULL;
 101                 else {
 102                         if ((startfp = getf(startfd)) == NULL)
 103                                 return (set_errno(EBADF));
 104                         startvp = startfp->f_vnode;
 105                         VN_HOLD(startvp);
 106                         releasef(startfd);
 107                 }
 108         }
 110         /*
 111          * Handle __openattrdirat() requests
 112          */
 113         if (filemode & FXATTRDIROPEN) {
 114                 if (auditing && startvp != NULL)
 115                         audit_setfsat_path(1);
 116                 if (error = lookupnameat(fname, seg, FOLLOW,
 117                     NULLVPP, &vp, startvp))
 118                         return (set_errno(error));
 119                 if (startvp != NULL)
 120                         VN_RELE(startvp);
 122                 startvp = vp;
 123         }
 125         /*
 126          * Do we need to go into extended attribute space?
 127          */
 128         if (filemode & FXATTR) {
 129                 if (startfd == AT_FDCWD) {
 130                         if (copyin(fname, &startchar, sizeof (char)))
 131                                 return (set_errno(EFAULT));
 133                         /*
 134                          * If startchar == '/' then no extended attributes
 135                          * are looked up.
 136                          */
 137                         if (startchar == '/') {
 138                                 startvp = NULL;
 139                         } else {
 140                                 mutex_enter(&p->p_lock);
 141                                 startvp = PTOU(p)->u_cdir;
 142                                 VN_HOLD(startvp);
 143                                 mutex_exit(&p->p_lock);
 144                         }
 145                 }
 147                 /*
 148                  * Make sure we have a valid extended attribute request.
 149                  * We must either have a real fd or AT_FDCWD and a relative
 150                  * pathname.
 151                  */
 152                 if (startvp == NULL) {
 153                         goto noxattr;
 154                 }
 155         }
 157         if (filemode & (FXATTR|FXATTRDIROPEN)) {
 158                 vattr_t vattr;
 160                 if (error = pn_get(fname, UIO_USERSPACE, &pn)) {
 161                         goto out;
 162                 }
 164                 /*
 165                  * In order to access hidden attribute directory the
 166                  * user must be able to stat() the file
 167                  */
 168                 vattr.va_mask = AT_ALL;
 169                 if (error = VOP_GETATTR(startvp, &vattr, 0, CRED(), NULL)) {
 170                         pn_free(&pn);
 171                         goto out;
 172                 }
 174                 if ((startvp->v_vfsp->vfs_flag & VFS_XATTR) != 0 ||
 175                     vfs_has_feature(startvp->v_vfsp, VFSFT_SYSATTR_VIEWS)) {
 176                         error = VOP_LOOKUP(startvp, "", &sdvp, &pn,
 177                             (filemode & FXATTRDIROPEN) ? LOOKUP_XATTR :
 178                             LOOKUP_XATTR|CREATE_XATTR_DIR, rootvp, CRED(),
 179                             NULL, NULL, NULL);
 180                 } else {
 181                         error = EINVAL;
 182                 }
 184                 /*
 185                  * For __openattrdirat() use "." as filename to open
 186                  * as part of vn_openat()
 187                  */
 188                 if (error == 0 && (filemode & FXATTRDIROPEN)) {
 189                         open_filename = ".";
 190                         seg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
 191                 }
 193                 pn_free(&pn);
 194                 if (error != 0)
 195                         goto out;
 197                 VN_RELE(startvp);
 198                 startvp = sdvp;
 199         }
 201 noxattr:
 202         if ((filemode & (FREAD|FWRITE|FSEARCH|FEXEC|FXATTRDIROPEN)) != 0) {
 203                 if ((filemode & (FNONBLOCK|FNDELAY)) == (FNONBLOCK|FNDELAY))
 204                         filemode &= ~FNDELAY;
 205                 error = falloc((vnode_t *)NULL, filemode, &fp, &fd);
 206                 if (error == 0) {
 207                         if (auditing && startvp != NULL)
 208                                 audit_setfsat_path(1);
 209                         /*
 210                          * Last arg is a don't-care term if
 211                          * !(filemode & FCREAT).
 212                          */
 213                         error = vn_openat(open_filename, seg, filemode,
 214                             (int)(createmode & MODEMASK),
 215                             &vp, CRCREAT, PTOU(curproc)->u_cmask,
 216                             startvp, fd);
 218                         if (startvp != NULL)
 219                                 VN_RELE(startvp);
 220                         if (error == 0) {
 221                                 if ((vp->v_flag & VDUP) == 0) {
 222                                         fp->f_vnode = vp;
 223                                         mutex_exit(&fp->f_tlock);
 224                                         /*
 225                                          * We must now fill in the slot
 226                                          * falloc reserved.
 227                                          */
 228                                         setf(fd, fp);
 229                                         return (fd);
 230                                 } else {
 231                                         /*
 232                                          * Special handling for /dev/fd.
 233                                          * Give up the file pointer
 234                                          * and dup the indicated file descriptor
 235                                          * (in v_rdev). This is ugly, but I've
 236                                          * seen worse.
 237                                          */
 238                                         unfalloc(fp);
 239                                         dupfd = getminor(vp->v_rdev);
 240                                         type = vp->v_type;
 241                                         mutex_enter(&vp->v_lock);
 242                                         vp->v_flag &= ~VDUP;
 243                                         mutex_exit(&vp->v_lock);
 244                                         VN_RELE(vp);
 245                                         if (type != VCHR)
 246                                                 return (set_errno(EINVAL));
 247                                         if ((fp = getf(dupfd)) == NULL) {
 248                                                 setf(fd, NULL);
 249                                                 return (set_errno(EBADF));
 250                                         }
 251                                         mutex_enter(&fp->f_tlock);
 252                                         fp->f_count++;
 253                                         mutex_exit(&fp->f_tlock);
 254                                         setf(fd, fp);
 255                                         releasef(dupfd);
 256                                 }
 257                                 return (fd);
 258                         } else {
 259                                 setf(fd, NULL);
 260                                 unfalloc(fp);
 261                                 return (set_errno(error));
 262                         }
 263                 }
 264         } else {
 265                 error = EINVAL;
 266         }
 267 out:
 268         if (startvp != NULL)
 269                 VN_RELE(startvp);
 270         return (set_errno(error));
 271 }
 273 #define OPENMODE32(fmode)       (((fmode) & (FSEARCH | FEXEC))? \
 274                                     (fmode) : (fmode) - FOPEN)
 275 #define OPENMODE64(fmode)       (OPENMODE32(fmode) | FOFFMAX)
 276 #ifdef _LP64
 277 #define OPENMODE(fmode)         OPENMODE64(fmode)
 278 #else
 279 #define OPENMODE(fmode)         OPENMODE32(fmode)
 280 #endif
 282 /*
 283  * Open a file.
 284  */
 285 int
 286 openat(int fd, char *path, int fmode, int cmode)
 287 {
 288         return (copen(fd, path, OPENMODE(fmode), cmode));
 289 }
 291 int
 292 open(char *path, int fmode, int cmode)
 293 {
 294         return (openat(AT_FDCWD, path, fmode, cmode));
 295 }
 297 #if defined(_ILP32) || defined(_SYSCALL32_IMPL)
 298 /*
 299  * Open for large files in 32-bit environment. Sets the FOFFMAX flag.
 300  */
 301 int
 302 openat64(int fd, char *path, int fmode, int cmode)
 303 {
 304         return (copen(fd, path, OPENMODE64(fmode), cmode));
 305 }
 307 int
 308 open64(char *path, int fmode, int cmode)
 309 {
 310         return (openat64(AT_FDCWD, path, fmode, cmode));
 311 }
 313 #endif  /* _ILP32 || _SYSCALL32_IMPL */
 315 #ifdef _SYSCALL32_IMPL
 316 /*
 317  * Open for 32-bit compatibility on 64-bit kernel
 318  */
 319 int
 320 openat32(int fd, char *path, int fmode, int cmode)
 321 {
 322         return (copen(fd, path, OPENMODE32(fmode), cmode));
 323 }
 325 int
 326 open32(char *path, int fmode, int cmode)
 327 {
 328         return (openat32(AT_FDCWD, path, fmode, cmode));
 329 }
 331 #endif  /* _SYSCALL32_IMPL */