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usr/src/man1m/dispadmin.1m: Fix bold around FX

@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
 .sp .6
 .RS 4n
 Specifies the class whose parameters are to be displayed or changed. Valid
 \fIclass\fR values are: \fBRT\fR for the real-time class, \fBTS\fR for the
 time-sharing class, \fBIA\fR for the inter-active class, \fBFSS\fR for the
-fair-share class, and FX for the fixed-priority class. The time-sharing and
+fair-share class, and \fBFX\fR for the fixed-priority class. The time-sharing and
 inter-active classes share the same scheduler, so changes to the scheduling
 parameters of one will change those of the other.