31 .LP
32 \fBdispadmin\fR does limited checking on the values supplied in \fIfile\fR to
33 verify that they are within their required bounds. The checking, however, does
34 not attempt to analyze the effect that the new values have on the performance
35 of the system. Inappropriate values can have a negative effect on system
36 performance. (See \fISystem Administration Guide: Advanced Administration\fR.)
38 .sp
39 .LP
40 The following options are supported:
41 .sp
42 .ne 2
43 .na
44 \fB\fB-c\fR \fIclass\fR\fR
45 .ad
46 .sp .6
47 .RS 4n
48 Specifies the class whose parameters are to be displayed or changed. Valid
49 \fIclass\fR values are: \fBRT\fR for the real-time class, \fBTS\fR for the
50 time-sharing class, \fBIA\fR for the inter-active class, \fBFSS\fR for the
51 fair-share class, and FX for the fixed-priority class. The time-sharing and
52 inter-active classes share the same scheduler, so changes to the scheduling
53 parameters of one will change those of the other.
54 .RE
56 .sp
57 .ne 2
58 .na
59 \fB\fB-d\fR [\fIclass\fR]\fR
60 .ad
61 .sp .6
62 .RS 4n
63 Sets or displays the name of the default scheduling class to be used on reboot
64 when starting \fBsvc:/system/scheduler:default\fR. If class name is not
65 specified, the name and description of the current default scheduling class is
66 displayed. If class name is specified and is a valid scheduling class name,
67 then it is saved in \fBdispadmin\fR's private configuration file
68 \fB/etc/dispadmin.conf\fR. Only super-users can set the default scheduling
69 class.
70 .RE
31 .LP
32 \fBdispadmin\fR does limited checking on the values supplied in \fIfile\fR to
33 verify that they are within their required bounds. The checking, however, does
34 not attempt to analyze the effect that the new values have on the performance
35 of the system. Inappropriate values can have a negative effect on system
36 performance. (See \fISystem Administration Guide: Advanced Administration\fR.)
38 .sp
39 .LP
40 The following options are supported:
41 .sp
42 .ne 2
43 .na
44 \fB\fB-c\fR \fIclass\fR\fR
45 .ad
46 .sp .6
47 .RS 4n
48 Specifies the class whose parameters are to be displayed or changed. Valid
49 \fIclass\fR values are: \fBRT\fR for the real-time class, \fBTS\fR for the
50 time-sharing class, \fBIA\fR for the inter-active class, \fBFSS\fR for the
51 fair-share class, and \fBFX\fR for the fixed-priority class. The time-sharing and
52 inter-active classes share the same scheduler, so changes to the scheduling
53 parameters of one will change those of the other.
54 .RE
56 .sp
57 .ne 2
58 .na
59 \fB\fB-d\fR [\fIclass\fR]\fR
60 .ad
61 .sp .6
62 .RS 4n
63 Sets or displays the name of the default scheduling class to be used on reboot
64 when starting \fBsvc:/system/scheduler:default\fR. If class name is not
65 specified, the name and description of the current default scheduling class is
66 displayed. If class name is specified and is a valid scheduling class name,
67 then it is saved in \fBdispadmin\fR's private configuration file
68 \fB/etc/dispadmin.conf\fR. Only super-users can set the default scheduling
69 class.
70 .RE