1 TCP(7P)                            Protocols                           TCP(7P)
   3 NAME
   4      tcp, TCP - Internet Transmission Control Protocol
   7      #include <sys/socket.h>
   8      #include <netinet/in.h>
   9      #include <netinet/tcp.h>
  11      s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  12      s = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  13      t = t_open("/dev/tcp", O_RDWR);
  14      t = t_open("/dev/tcp6", O_RDWR);
  17      TCP is the virtual circuit protocol of the Internet protocol family.  It
  18      provides reliable, flow-controlled, in-order, two-way transmission of
  19      data.  It is a byte-stream protocol layered above the Internet Protocol
  20      (IP), or the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), the Internet protocol
  21      family's internetwork datagram delivery protocol.
  23      Programs can access TCP using the socket interface as a SOCK_STREAM
  24      socket type, or using the Transport Level Interface (TLI) where it
  25      supports the connection-oriented (BT_COTS_ORD) service type.
  27      A checksum over all data helps TCP provide reliable communication.  Using
  28      a window-based flow control mechanism that makes use of positive
  29      acknowledgements, sequence numbers, and a retransmission strategy, TCP
  30      can usually recover when datagrams are damaged, delayed, duplicated or
  31      delivered out of order by the underlying medium.
  33      TCP provides several socket options, defined in <netinet/tcp.h> and
  34      described throughout this document, which may be set using
  35      setsockopt(3SOCKET) and read using getsockopt(3SOCKET).  The level
  36      argument for these calls is the protocol number for TCP, available from
  37      getprotobyname(3SOCKET).  IP level options may also be used with TCP.
  38      See ip(7P) and ip6(7P).
  40    Listening And Connecting
  41      TCP uses IP's host-level addressing and adds its own per-host collection
  42      of "port addresses".  The endpoints of a TCP connection are identified by
  43      the combination of an IPv4 or IPv6 address and a TCP port number.
  44      Although other protocols, such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), may
  45      use the same host and port address format, the port space of these
  46      protocols is distinct.  See inet(7P) and inet6(7P) for details on the
  47      common aspects of addressing in the Internet protocol family.
  49      Sockets utilizing TCP are either "active" or "passive".  Active sockets
  50      initiate connections to passive sockets.  Passive sockets must have their
  51      local IPv4 or IPv6 address and TCP port number bound with the
  52      bind(3SOCKET) system call after the socket is created.  If an active
  53      socket has not been bound by the time connect(3SOCKET) is called, then
  54      the operating system will choose a local address and port for the
  55      application.  By default, TCP sockets are active.  A passive socket is
  56      created by calling the listen(3SOCKET) system call after binding, which
  57      establishes a queueing parameter for the passive socket.  Connections to
  58      the passive socket can then be received using the accept(3SOCKET) system
  59      call.  Active sockets use the connect(3SOCKET) call after binding to
  60      initiate connections.
  62      If incoming connection requests include an IP source route option, then
  63      the reverse source route will be used when responding.
  65      By using the special value INADDR_ANY with IPv4, or the unspecified
  66      address (all zeroes) with IPv6, the local IP address can be left
  67      unspecified in the bind() call by either active or passive TCP sockets.
  68      This feature is usually used if the local address is either unknown or
  69      irrelevant.  If left unspecified, the local IP address will be bound at
  70      connection time to the address of the network interface used to service
  71      the connection.  For passive sockets, this is the destination address
  72      used by the connecting peer.  For active sockets, this is usually an
  73      address on the same subnet as the destination or default gateway address,
  74      although the rules can be more complex.  See Source Address Selection in
  75      inet6(7P) for a detailed discussion of how this works in IPv6.
  77      Note that no two TCP sockets can be bound to the same port unless the
  78      bound IP addresses are different.  IPv4 INADDR_ANY and IPv6 unspecified
  79      addresses compare as equal to any IPv4 or IPv6 address.  For example, if
  80      a socket is bound to INADDR_ANY or the unspecified address and port N, no
  81      other socket can bind to port N, regardless of the binding address.  This
  82      special consideration of INADDR_ANY and the unspecified address can be
  83      changed using the socket option SO_REUSEADDR.  If SO_REUSEADDR is set on
  84      a socket doing a bind, IPv4 INADDR_ANY and the IPv6 unspecified address
  85      do not compare as equal to any IP address.  This means that as long as
  86      the two sockets are not both bound to INADDR_ANY, the unspecified
  87      address, or the same IP address, then the two sockets can be bound to the
  88      same port.
  90      If an application does not want to allow another socket using the
  91      SO_REUSEADDR option to bind to a port its socket is bound to, the
  92      application can set the socket-level (SOL_SOCKET) option SO_EXCLBIND on a
  93      socket.  The option values of 0 and 1 mean enabling and disabling the
  94      option respectively.  Once this option is enabled on a socket, no other
  95      socket can be bound to the same port.
  97    Sending And Receiving Data
  98      Once a connection has been established, data can be exchanged using the
  99      read(2) and write(2) system calls.  If, after sending data, the local TCP
 100      receives no acknowledgements from its peer for a period of time (for
 101      example, if the remote machine crashes), the connection is closed and an
 102      error is returned.
 104      When a peer is sending data, it will only send up to the advertised
 105      "receive window", which is determined by how much more data the recipient
 106      can fit in its buffer.  Applications can use the socket-level option
 107      SO_RCVBUF to increase or decrease the receive buffer size.  Similarly,
 108      the socket-level option SO_SNDBUF can be used to allow TCP to buffer more
 109      unacknowledged and unsent data locally.
 111      Under most circumstances, TCP will send data when it is written by the
 112      application.  When outstanding data has not yet been acknowledged,
 113      though, TCP will gather small amounts of output to be sent as a single
 114      packet once an acknowledgement has been received.  Usually referred to as
 115      Nagle's Algorithm (RFC 896), this behavior helps prevent flooding the
 116      network with many small packets.
 118      However, for some highly interactive clients (such as remote shells or
 119      windowing systems that send a stream of keypresses or mouse events), this
 120      batching may cause significant delays.  To disable this behavior, TCP
 121      provides a boolean socket option, TCP_NODELAY.
 123      Conversely, for other applications, it may be desirable for TCP not to
 124      send out any data until a full TCP segment can be sent.  To enable this
 125      behavior, an application can use the TCP-level socket option TCP_CORK.
 126      When set to a non-zero value, TCP will only send out a full TCP segment.
 127      When TCP_CORK is set to zero after it has been enabled, all currently
 128      buffered data is sent out (as permitted by the peer's receive window and
 129      the current congestion window).
 131      TCP provides an urgent data mechanism, which may be invoked using the
 132      out-of-band provisions of send(3SOCKET).  The caller may mark one byte as
 133      "urgent" with the MSG_OOB flag to send(3SOCKET).  This sets an "urgent
 134      pointer" pointing to this byte in the TCP stream.  The receiver on the
 135      other side of the stream is notified of the urgent data by a SIGURG
 136      signal.  The SIOCATMARK ioctl(2) request returns a value indicating
 137      whether the stream is at the urgent mark.  Because the system never
 138      returns data across the urgent mark in a single read(2) call, it is
 139      possible to advance to the urgent data in a simple loop which reads data,
 140      testing the socket with the SIOCATMARK ioctl() request, until it reaches
 141      the mark.
 143    Congestion Control
 144      TCP follows the congestion control algorithm described in RFC 2581, and
 145      also supports the initial congestion window (cwnd) changes in RFC 3390.
 146      The initial cwnd calculation can be overridden by the socket option
 147      TCP_INIT_CWND.  An application can use this option to set the initial
 148      cwnd to a specified number of TCP segments.  This applies to the cases
 149      when the connection first starts and restarts after an idle period.  The
 150      process must have the PRIV_SYS_NET_CONFIG privilege if it wants to
 151      specify a number greater than that calculated by RFC 3390.
 153      The operating system also provides alternative algorithms that may be
 154      more appropriate for your application, including the CUBIC congestion
 155      control algorithm described in RFC 8312.  These can be configured system-
 156      wide using ipadm(1M), or on a per-connection basis with the TCP-level
 157      socket option TCP_CONGESTION, whose argument is the name of the algorithm
 158      to use (for example "cubic").  If the requested algorithm does not exist,
 159      then setsockopt() will fail, and errno will be set to ENOENT.
 161    TCP Keep-Alive
 162      Since TCP determines whether a remote peer is no longer reachable by
 163      timing out waiting for acknowledgements, a host that never sends any new
 164      data may never notice a peer that has gone away.  While consumers can
 165      avoid this problem by sending their own periodic heartbeat messages
 166      (Transport Layer Security does this, for example), TCP describes an
 167      optional keep-alive mechanism in RFC 1122.  Applications can enable it
 168      using the socket-level option SO_KEEPALIVE.  When enabled, the first
 169      keep-alive probe is sent out after a TCP connection is idle for two
 170      hours.  If the peer does not respond to the probe within eight minutes,
 171      the TCP connection is aborted.  An application can alter the probe
 172      behavior using the following TCP-level socket options:
 175                              Determines the interval for sending the first
 176                              probe.  The option value is specified as an
 177                              unsigned integer in milliseconds.  The system
 178                              default is controlled by the TCP ndd parameter
 179                              tcp_keepalive_interval.  The minimum value is ten
 180                              seconds.  The maximum is ten days, while the
 181                              default is two hours.
 184                              If TCP does not receive a response to the probe,
 185                              then this option determines how long to wait
 186                              before aborting a TCP connection.  The option
 187                              value is an unsigned integer in milliseconds.
 188                              The value zero indicates that TCP should never
 189                              time out and abort the connection when probing.
 190                              The system default is controlled by the TCP ndd
 191                              parameter tcp_keepalive_abort_interval.  The
 192                              default is eight minutes.
 194            TCP_KEEPIDLE      This option, like TCP_KEEPALIVE_THRESHOLD,
 195                              determines the interval for sending the first
 196                              probe, except that the option value is an
 197                              unsigned integer in seconds.  It is provided
 198                              primarily for compatibility with other Unix
 199                              flavors.
 201            TCP_KEEPCNT       This option specifies the number of keep-alive
 202                              probes that should be sent without any response
 203                              from the peer before aborting the connection.
 205            TCP_KEEPINTVL     This option specifies the interval in seconds
 206                              between successive, unacknowledged keep-alive
 207                              probes.
 209    Additional Configuration
 210      illumos supports TCP Extensions for High Performance (RFC 7323) which
 211      includes the window scale and timestamp options, and Protection Against
 212      Wrap Around Sequence Numbers (PAWS).  Note that if timestamps are
 213      negotiated on a connection, received segments without timestamps on that
 214      connection are silently dropped per the suggestion in the RFC. illumos
 215      also supports Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) capabilities (RFC 2018) and
 216      Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) mechanism (RFC 3168).
 218      Turn on the window scale option in one of the following ways:
 220            o     An application can set SO_SNDBUF or SO_RCVBUF size in the
 221                  setsockopt() option to be larger than 64K.  This must be done
 222                  before the program calls listen() or connect(), because the
 223                  window scale option is negotiated when the connection is
 224                  established.  Once the connection has been made, it is too
 225                  late to increase the send or receive window beyond the
 226                  default TCP limit of 64K.
 228            o     For all applications, use ndd(1M) to modify the configuration
 229                  parameter tcp_wscale_always.  If tcp_wscale_always is set to
 230                  1, the window scale option will always be set when connecting
 231                  to a remote system.  If tcp_wscale_always is 0, the window
 232                  scale option will be set only if the user has requested a
 233                  send or receive window larger than 64K.  The default value of
 234                  tcp_wscale_always is 1.
 236            o     Regardless of the value of tcp_wscale_always, the window
 237                  scale option will always be included in a connect
 238                  acknowledgement if the connecting system has used the option.
 240      Turn on SACK capabilities in the following way:
 242            o     Use ndd to modify the configuration parameter
 243                  tcp_sack_permitted.  If tcp_sack_permitted is set to 0, TCP
 244                  will not accept SACK or send out SACK information.  If
 245                  tcp_sack_permitted is set to 1, TCP will not initiate a
 246                  connection with SACK permitted option in the SYN segment, but
 247                  will respond with SACK permitted option in the SYN|ACK
 248                  segment if an incoming connection request has the SACK
 249                  permitted option.  This means that TCP will only accept SACK
 250                  information if the other side of the connection also accepts
 251                  SACK information.  If tcp_sack_permitted is set to 2, it will
 252                  both initiate and accept connections with SACK information.
 253                  The default for tcp_sack_permitted is 2 (active enabled).
 255      Turn on the TCP ECN mechanism in the following way:
 257            o     Use ndd to modify the configuration parameter
 258                  tcp_ecn_permitted.  If tcp_ecn_permitted is set to 0, then
 259                  TCP will not negotiate with a peer that supports ECN
 260                  mechanism.  If tcp_ecn_permitted is set to 1 when initiating
 261                  a connection, TCP will not tell a peer that it supports ECN
 262                  mechanism.  However, it will tell a peer that it supports ECN
 263                  mechanism when accepting a new incoming connection request if
 264                  the peer indicates that it supports ECN mechanism in the SYN
 265                  segment.  If tcp_ecn_permitted is set to 2, in addition to
 266                  negotiating with a peer on ECN mechanism when accepting
 267                  connections, TCP will indicate in the outgoing SYN segment
 268                  that it supports ECN mechanism when TCP makes active outgoing
 269                  connections.  The default for tcp_ecn_permitted is 1.
 271      Turn on the timestamp option in the following way:
 273            o     Use ndd to modify the configuration parameter
 274                  tcp_tstamp_always.  If tcp_tstamp_always is 1, the timestamp
 275                  option will always be set when connecting to a remote
 276                  machine.  If tcp_tstamp_always is 0, the timestamp option
 277                  will not be set when connecting to a remote system.  The
 278                  default for tcp_tstamp_always is 0.
 280            o     Regardless of the value of tcp_tstamp_always, the timestamp
 281                  option will always be included in a connect acknowledgement
 282                  (and all succeeding packets) if the connecting system has
 283                  used the timestamp option.
 285      Use the following procedure to turn on the timestamp option only when the
 286      window scale option is in effect:
 288            o     Use ndd to modify the configuration parameter
 289                  tcp_tstamp_if_wscale.  Setting tcp_tstamp_if_wscale to 1 will
 290                  cause the timestamp option to be set when connecting to a
 291                  remote system, if the window scale option has been set.  If
 292                  tcp_tstamp_if_wscale is 0, the timestamp option will not be
 293                  set when connecting to a remote system.  The default for
 294                  tcp_tstamp_if_wscale is 1.
 296      Protection Against Wrap Around Sequence Numbers (PAWS) is always used
 297      when the timestamp option is set.
 299      The operating system also supports multiple methods of generating initial
 300      sequence numbers.  One of these methods is the improved technique
 301      suggested in RFC 1948.  We HIGHLY recommend that you set sequence number
 302      generation parameters as close to boot time as possible.  This prevents
 303      sequence number problems on connections that use the same connection-ID
 304      as ones that used a different sequence number generation.  The
 305      svc:/network/initial:default service configures the initial sequence
 306      number generation.  The service reads the value contained in the
 307      configuration file /etc/default/inetinit to determine which method to
 308      use.
 310      The /etc/default/inetinit file is an unstable interface, and may change
 311      in future releases.
 314    Example 1: Connecting to a server
 315      $ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -lsocket -o client client.c
 316      $ cat client.c
 317      #include <sys/socket.h>
 318      #include <netinet/in.h>
 319      #include <netinet/tcp.h>
 320      #include <netdb.h>
 321      #include <stdio.h>
 322      #include <string.h>
 323      #include <unistd.h>
 325      int
 326      main(int argc, char *argv[])
 327      {
 328              struct addrinfo hints, *gair, *p;
 329              int fd, rv, rlen;
 330              char buf[1024];
 331              int y = 1;
 333              if (argc != 3) {
 334                      fprintf(stderr, "%s <host>   <port>\n", argv[0]);
 335                      return (1);
 336              }
 338              memset(&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
 339              hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
 340              hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
 342              if ((rv = getaddrinfo(argv[1], argv[2], &hints, &gair)) != 0) {
 343                      fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo() failed: %s\n",
 344                          gai_strerror(rv));
 345                      return (1);
 346              }
 348              for (p = gair; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
 349                      if ((fd = socket(
 350                          p->ai_family,
 351                          p->ai_socktype,
 352                          p->ai_protocol)) == -1) {
 353                              perror("socket() failed");
 354                              continue;
 355                      }
 357                      if (connect(fd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen)   == -1) {
 358                              close(fd);
 359                              perror("connect() failed");
 360                              continue;
 361                      }
 363                      break;
 364              }
 366              if (p == NULL) {
 367                      fprintf(stderr, "failed to connect to server\n");
 368                      return (1);
 369              }
 371              freeaddrinfo(gair);
 373              if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, &y,
 374                  sizeof (y)) == -1) {
 375                      perror("setsockopt(SO_KEEPALIVE) failed");
 376                      return (1);
 377              }
 379              while ((rlen = read(fd, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0) {
 380                      fwrite(buf, rlen, 1, stdout);
 381              }
 383              if (rlen == -1) {
 384                      perror("read() failed");
 385              }
 387              fflush(stdout);
 389              if (close(fd) == -1) {
 390                      perror("close() failed");
 391              }
 393              return (0);
 394      }
 395      $ ./client 8080
 396      hello
 397      $ ./client ::1 8080
 398      hello
 400    Example 2: Accepting client connections
 401      $ gcc -std=c99 -Wall -lsocket -o server server.c
 402      $ cat server.c
 403      #include <sys/socket.h>
 404      #include <netinet/in.h>
 405      #include <netinet/tcp.h>
 406      #include <netdb.h>
 407      #include <stdio.h>
 408      #include <string.h>
 409      #include <unistd.h>
 410      #include <arpa/inet.h>
 412      void
 413      logmsg(struct sockaddr *s, int bytes)
 414      {
 415              char dq[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
 417              switch (s->sa_family) {
 418              case AF_INET: {
 419                      struct sockaddr_in *s4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)s;
 420                      inet_ntop(AF_INET, &s4->sin_addr, dq, sizeof (dq));
 421                      fprintf(stdout, "sent %d bytes to %s:%d\n",
 422                          bytes, dq, ntohs(s4->sin_port));
 423                      break;
 424              }
 425              case AF_INET6: {
 426                      struct sockaddr_in6 *s6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)s;
 427                      inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &s6->sin6_addr, dq, sizeof (dq));
 428                      fprintf(stdout, "sent %d bytes to [%s]:%d\n",
 429                          bytes, dq, ntohs(s6->sin6_port));
 430                      break;
 431              }
 432              default:
 433                      fprintf(stdout, "sent %d bytes to unknown client\n",
 434                          bytes);
 435                      break;
 436              }
 437      }
 439      int
 440      main(int argc, char *argv[])
 441      {
 442              struct addrinfo hints, *gair, *p;
 443              int sfd, cfd;
 444              int slen, wlen, rv;
 446              if (argc != 3) {
 447                      fprintf(stderr, "%s <port>   <message>\n", argv[0]);
 448                      return (1);
 449              }
 451              slen = strlen(argv[2]);
 453              memset(&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
 454              hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
 455              hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
 456              hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
 458              if ((rv = getaddrinfo(NULL, argv[1], &hints, &gair)) != 0) {
 459                      fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo() failed: %s\n",
 460                          gai_strerror(rv));
 461                      return (1);
 462              }
 464              for (p = gair; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
 465                      if ((sfd = socket(
 466                          p->ai_family,
 467                          p->ai_socktype,
 468                          p->ai_protocol)) == -1) {
 469                              perror("socket() failed");
 470                              continue;
 471                      }
 473                      if (bind(sfd, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
 474                              close(sfd);
 475                              perror("bind() failed");
 476                              continue;
 477                      }
 479                      break;
 480              }
 482              if (p == NULL) {
 483                      fprintf(stderr, "server failed to bind()\n");
 484                      return (1);
 485              }
 487              freeaddrinfo(gair);
 489              if (listen(sfd, 1024) != 0) {
 490                      perror("listen() failed");
 491                      return (1);
 492              }
 494              fprintf(stdout, "waiting for clients...\n");
 496              for (int times = 0; times < 5; times++) {
 497                      struct sockaddr_storage stor;
 498                      socklen_t alen = sizeof (stor);
 499                      struct sockaddr *addr = (struct sockaddr *)&stor;
 501                      if ((cfd = accept(sfd, addr, &alen)) == -1) {
 502                              perror("accept() failed");
 503                              continue;
 504                      }
 506                      wlen = 0;
 508                      do {
 509                              wlen += write(cfd, argv[2] + wlen, slen - wlen);
 510                      } while (wlen < slen);
 512                      logmsg(addr, wlen);
 514                      if (close(cfd) == -1) {
 515                              perror("close(cfd) failed");
 516                      }
 517              }
 519              if (close(sfd) == -1) {
 520                      perror("close(sfd) failed");
 521              }
 523              fprintf(stdout, "finished.\n");
 525              return (0);
 526      }
 527      $ ./server 8080 $'hello\n'
 528      waiting for clients...
 529      sent 6 bytes to [::ffff:]:59059
 530      sent 6 bytes to [::ffff:]:47448
 531      sent 6 bytes to [::ffff:]:54949
 532      sent 6 bytes to [::ffff:]:55186
 533      sent 6 bytes to [::1]:62256
 534      finished.
 537      A socket operation may fail if:
 539            EISCONN           A connect() operation was attempted on a socket
 540                              on which a connect() operation had already been
 541                              performed.
 543            ETIMEDOUT         A connection was dropped due to excessive
 544                              retransmissions.
 546            ECONNRESET        The remote peer forced the connection to be
 547                              closed (usually because the remote machine has
 548                              lost state information about the connection due
 549                              to a crash).
 551            ECONNREFUSED      The remote peer actively refused connection
 552                              establishment (usually because no process is
 553                              listening to the port).
 555            EADDRINUSE        A bind() operation was attempted on a socket with
 556                              a network address/port pair that has already been
 557                              bound to another socket.
 559            EADDRNOTAVAIL     A bind() operation was attempted on a socket with
 560                              a network address for which no network interface
 561                              exists.
 563            EACCES            A bind() operation was attempted with a
 564                              "reserved" port number and the effective user ID
 565                              of the process was not the privileged user.
 567            ENOBUFS           The system ran out of memory for internal data
 568                              structures.
 571      svcs(1), ndd(1M), svcadm(1M), ioctl(2), read(2), write(2),
 572      accept(3SOCKET), bind(3SOCKET), connect(3SOCKET),
 573      getprotobyname(3SOCKET), getsockopt(3SOCKET), listen(3SOCKET),
 574      send(3SOCKET), smf(5), inet(7P), inet6(7P), ip(7P), ip6(7P)
 576      K. Ramakrishnan, S. Floyd, and D. Black, The Addition of Explicit
 577      Congestion Notification (ECN) to IP, RFC 3168, September 2001.
 579      M. Mathias, J. Mahdavi, S. Ford, and A. Romanow, TCP Selective
 580      Acknowledgement Options, RFC 2018, October 1996.
 582      S. Bellovin, Defending Against Sequence Number Attacks, RFC 1948, May
 583      1996.
 585      D. Borman, B. Braden, V. Jacobson, and R. Scheffenegger, Ed., TCP
 586      Extensions for High Performance, RFC 7323, September 2014.
 588      Jon Postel, Transmission Control Protocol - DARPA Internet Program
 589      Protocol Specification, RFC 793, Network Information Center, SRI
 590      International, Menlo Park, CA., September 1981.
 592 NOTES
 593      The tcp service is managed by the service management facility, smf(5),
 594      under the service identifier svc:/network/initial:default.
 596      Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or
 597      requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M).  The service's
 598      status can be queried using the svcs(1) command.
 600 illumos                         January 7, 2019                        illumos