1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  22 /*
  23  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  24  * Copyright (c) 2013, Joyent Inc. All rights reserved.
  25  * Copyright (c) 2013 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
  26  */
  28 /*
  29  * DTrace D Language Parser
  30  *
  31  * The D Parser is a lex/yacc parser consisting of the lexer dt_lex.l, the
  32  * parsing grammar dt_grammar.y, and this file, dt_parser.c, which handles
  33  * the construction of the parse tree nodes and their syntactic validation.
  34  * The parse tree is constructed of dt_node_t structures (see <dt_parser.h>)
  35  * that are built in two passes: (1) the "create" pass, where the parse tree
  36  * nodes are allocated by calls from the grammar to dt_node_*() subroutines,
  37  * and (2) the "cook" pass, where nodes are coalesced, assigned D types, and
  38  * validated according to the syntactic rules of the language.
  39  *
  40  * All node allocations are performed using dt_node_alloc().  All node frees
  41  * during the parsing phase are performed by dt_node_free(), which frees node-
  42  * internal state but does not actually free the nodes.  All final node frees
  43  * are done as part of the end of dt_compile() or as part of destroying
  44  * persistent identifiers or translators which have embedded nodes.
  45  *
  46  * The dt_node_* routines that implement pass (1) may allocate new nodes.  The
  47  * dt_cook_* routines that implement pass (2) may *not* allocate new nodes.
  48  * They may free existing nodes using dt_node_free(), but they may not actually
  49  * deallocate any dt_node_t's.  Currently dt_cook_op2() is an exception to this
  50  * rule: see the comments therein for how this issue is resolved.
  51  *
  52  * The dt_cook_* routines are responsible for (at minimum) setting the final
  53  * node type (dn_ctfp/dn_type) and attributes (dn_attr).  If dn_ctfp/dn_type
  54  * are set manually (i.e. not by one of the type assignment functions), then
  55  * the DT_NF_COOKED flag must be set manually on the node.
  56  *
  57  * The cooking pass can be applied to the same parse tree more than once (used
  58  * in the case of a comma-separated list of probe descriptions).  As such, the
  59  * cook routines must not perform any parse tree transformations which would
  60  * be invalid if the tree were subsequently cooked using a different context.
  61  *
  62  * The dn_ctfp and dn_type fields form the type of the node.  This tuple can
  63  * take on the following set of values, which form our type invariants:
  64  *
  65  * 1. dn_ctfp = NULL, dn_type = CTF_ERR
  66  *
  67  *    In this state, the node has unknown type and is not yet cooked.  The
  68  *    DT_NF_COOKED flag is not yet set on the node.
  69  *
  70  * 2. dn_ctfp = DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp), dn_type = DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp)
  71  *
  72  *    In this state, the node is a dynamic D type.  This means that generic
  73  *    operations are not valid on this node and only code that knows how to
  74  *    examine the inner details of the node can operate on it.  A <DYN> node
  75  *    must have dn_ident set to point to an identifier describing the object
  76  *    and its type.  The DT_NF_REF flag is set for all nodes of type <DYN>.
  77  *    At present, the D compiler uses the <DYN> type for:
  78  *
  79  *    - associative arrays that do not yet have a value type defined
  80  *    - translated data (i.e. the result of the xlate operator)
  81  *    - aggregations
  82  *
  83  * 3. dn_ctfp = DT_STR_CTFP(dtp), dn_type = DT_STR_TYPE(dtp)
  84  *
  85  *    In this state, the node is of type D string.  The string type is really
  86  *    a char[0] typedef, but requires special handling throughout the compiler.
  87  *
  88  * 4. dn_ctfp != NULL, dn_type = any other type ID
  89  *
  90  *    In this state, the node is of some known D/CTF type.  The normal libctf
  91  *    APIs can be used to learn more about the type name or structure.  When
  92  *    the type is assigned, the DT_NF_SIGNED, DT_NF_REF, and DT_NF_BITFIELD
  93  *    flags cache the corresponding attributes of the underlying CTF type.
  94  */
  96 #include <sys/param.h>
  97 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
  98 #include <limits.h>
  99 #include <setjmp.h>
 100 #include <strings.h>
 101 #include <assert.h>
 102 #include <alloca.h>
 103 #include <stdlib.h>
 104 #include <stdarg.h>
 105 #include <stdio.h>
 106 #include <errno.h>
 107 #include <ctype.h>
 109 #include <dt_impl.h>
 110 #include <dt_grammar.h>
 111 #include <dt_module.h>
 112 #include <dt_provider.h>
 113 #include <dt_string.h>
 114 #include <dt_as.h>
 116 dt_pcb_t *yypcb;        /* current control block for parser */
 117 dt_node_t *yypragma;    /* lex token list for control lines */
 118 char yyintprefix;       /* int token macro prefix (+/-) */
 119 char yyintsuffix[4];    /* int token suffix string [uU][lL] */
 120 int yyintdecimal;       /* int token format flag (1=decimal, 0=octal/hex) */
 122 static const char *
 123 opstr(int op)
 124 {
 125         switch (op) {
 126         case DT_TOK_COMMA:      return (",");
 127         case DT_TOK_ELLIPSIS:   return ("...");
 128         case DT_TOK_ASGN:       return ("=");
 129         case DT_TOK_ADD_EQ:     return ("+=");
 130         case DT_TOK_SUB_EQ:     return ("-=");
 131         case DT_TOK_MUL_EQ:     return ("*=");
 132         case DT_TOK_DIV_EQ:     return ("/=");
 133         case DT_TOK_MOD_EQ:     return ("%=");
 134         case DT_TOK_AND_EQ:     return ("&=");
 135         case DT_TOK_XOR_EQ:     return ("^=");
 136         case DT_TOK_OR_EQ:      return ("|=");
 137         case DT_TOK_LSH_EQ:     return ("<<=");
 138         case DT_TOK_RSH_EQ:     return (">>=");
 139         case DT_TOK_QUESTION:   return ("?");
 140         case DT_TOK_COLON:      return (":");
 141         case DT_TOK_LOR:        return ("||");
 142         case DT_TOK_LXOR:       return ("^^");
 143         case DT_TOK_LAND:       return ("&&");
 144         case DT_TOK_BOR:        return ("|");
 145         case DT_TOK_XOR:        return ("^");
 146         case DT_TOK_BAND:       return ("&");
 147         case DT_TOK_EQU:        return ("==");
 148         case DT_TOK_NEQ:        return ("!=");
 149         case DT_TOK_LT:         return ("<");
 150         case DT_TOK_LE:         return ("<=");
 151         case DT_TOK_GT:         return (">");
 152         case DT_TOK_GE:         return (">=");
 153         case DT_TOK_LSH:        return ("<<");
 154         case DT_TOK_RSH:        return (">>");
 155         case DT_TOK_ADD:        return ("+");
 156         case DT_TOK_SUB:        return ("-");
 157         case DT_TOK_MUL:        return ("*");
 158         case DT_TOK_DIV:        return ("/");
 159         case DT_TOK_MOD:        return ("%");
 160         case DT_TOK_LNEG:       return ("!");
 161         case DT_TOK_BNEG:       return ("~");
 162         case DT_TOK_ADDADD:     return ("++");
 163         case DT_TOK_PREINC:     return ("++");
 164         case DT_TOK_POSTINC:    return ("++");
 165         case DT_TOK_SUBSUB:     return ("--");
 166         case DT_TOK_PREDEC:     return ("--");
 167         case DT_TOK_POSTDEC:    return ("--");
 168         case DT_TOK_IPOS:       return ("+");
 169         case DT_TOK_INEG:       return ("-");
 170         case DT_TOK_DEREF:      return ("*");
 171         case DT_TOK_ADDROF:     return ("&");
 172         case DT_TOK_OFFSETOF:   return ("offsetof");
 173         case DT_TOK_SIZEOF:     return ("sizeof");
 174         case DT_TOK_STRINGOF:   return ("stringof");
 175         case DT_TOK_XLATE:      return ("xlate");
 176         case DT_TOK_LPAR:       return ("(");
 177         case DT_TOK_RPAR:       return (")");
 178         case DT_TOK_LBRAC:      return ("[");
 179         case DT_TOK_RBRAC:      return ("]");
 180         case DT_TOK_PTR:        return ("->");
 181         case DT_TOK_DOT:        return (".");
 182         case DT_TOK_STRING:     return ("<string>");
 183         case DT_TOK_IDENT:      return ("<ident>");
 184         case DT_TOK_TNAME:      return ("<type>");
 185         case DT_TOK_INT:        return ("<int>");
 186         default:                return ("<?>");
 187         }
 188 }
 190 int
 191 dt_type_lookup(const char *s, dtrace_typeinfo_t *tip)
 192 {
 193         static const char delimiters[] = " \t\n\r\v\f*`";
 194         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
 195         const char *p, *q, *r, *end, *obj;
 197         for (p = s, end = s + strlen(s); *p != '\0'; p = q) {
 198                 while (isspace(*p))
 199                         p++;    /* skip leading whitespace prior to token */
 201                 if (p == end || (q = strpbrk(p + 1, delimiters)) == NULL)
 202                         break;  /* empty string or single token remaining */
 204                 if (*q == '`') {
 205                         char *object = alloca((size_t)(q - p) + 1);
 206                         char *type = alloca((size_t)(end - s) + 1);
 208                         /*
 209                          * Copy from the start of the token (p) to the location
 210                          * backquote (q) to extract the nul-terminated object.
 211                          */
 212                         bcopy(p, object, (size_t)(q - p));
 213                         object[(size_t)(q - p)] = '\0';
 215                         /*
 216                          * Copy the original string up to the start of this
 217                          * token (p) into type, and then concatenate everything
 218                          * after q.  This is the type name without the object.
 219                          */
 220                         bcopy(s, type, (size_t)(p - s));
 221                         bcopy(q + 1, type + (size_t)(p - s), strlen(q + 1) + 1);
 223                         /*
 224                          * There may be at most three delimeters. The second
 225                          * delimeter is usually used to distinguish the type
 226                          * within a given module, however, there could be a link
 227                          * map id on the scene in which case that delimeter
 228                          * would be the third. We determine presence of the lmid
 229                          * if it rouglhly meets the from LM[0-9]
 230                          */
 231                         if ((r = strchr(q + 1, '`')) != NULL &&
 232                             ((r = strchr(r + 1, '`')) != NULL)) {
 233                                 if (strchr(r + 1, '`') != NULL)
 234                                         return (dt_set_errno(dtp,
 235                                             EDT_BADSCOPE));
 236                                 if (q[1] != 'L' || q[2] != 'M')
 237                                         return (dt_set_errno(dtp,
 238                                             EDT_BADSCOPE));
 239                         }
 241                         return (dtrace_lookup_by_type(dtp, object, type, tip));
 242                 }
 243         }
 245         if (yypcb->pcb_idepth != 0)
 246                 obj = DTRACE_OBJ_CDEFS;
 247         else
 248                 obj = DTRACE_OBJ_EVERY;
 250         return (dtrace_lookup_by_type(dtp, obj, s, tip));
 251 }
 253 /*
 254  * When we parse type expressions or parse an expression with unary "&", we
 255  * need to find a type that is a pointer to a previously known type.
 256  * Unfortunately CTF is limited to a per-container view, so ctf_type_pointer()
 257  * alone does not suffice for our needs.  We provide a more intelligent wrapper
 258  * for the compiler that attempts to compute a pointer to either the given type
 259  * or its base (that is, we try both "foo_t *" and "struct foo *"), and also
 260  * to potentially construct the required type on-the-fly.
 261  */
 262 int
 263 dt_type_pointer(dtrace_typeinfo_t *tip)
 264 {
 265         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
 266         ctf_file_t *ctfp = tip->dtt_ctfp;
 267         ctf_id_t type = tip->dtt_type;
 268         ctf_id_t base = ctf_type_resolve(ctfp, type);
 269         uint_t bflags = tip->dtt_flags;
 271         dt_module_t *dmp;
 272         ctf_id_t ptr;
 274         if ((ptr = ctf_type_pointer(ctfp, type)) != CTF_ERR ||
 275             (ptr = ctf_type_pointer(ctfp, base)) != CTF_ERR) {
 276                 tip->dtt_type = ptr;
 277                 return (0);
 278         }
 280         if (yypcb->pcb_idepth != 0)
 281                 dmp = dtp->dt_cdefs;
 282         else
 283                 dmp = dtp->dt_ddefs;
 285         if (ctfp != dmp->dm_ctfp && ctfp != ctf_parent_file(dmp->dm_ctfp) &&
 286             (type = ctf_add_type(dmp->dm_ctfp, ctfp, type)) == CTF_ERR) {
 287                 dtp->dt_ctferr = ctf_errno(dmp->dm_ctfp);
 288                 return (dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_CTF));
 289         }
 291         ptr = ctf_add_pointer(dmp->dm_ctfp, CTF_ADD_ROOT, type);
 293         if (ptr == CTF_ERR || ctf_update(dmp->dm_ctfp) == CTF_ERR) {
 294                 dtp->dt_ctferr = ctf_errno(dmp->dm_ctfp);
 295                 return (dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_CTF));
 296         }
 298         tip->dtt_object = dmp->dm_name;
 299         tip->dtt_ctfp = dmp->dm_ctfp;
 300         tip->dtt_type = ptr;
 301         tip->dtt_flags = bflags;
 303         return (0);
 304 }
 306 const char *
 307 dt_type_name(ctf_file_t *ctfp, ctf_id_t type, char *buf, size_t len)
 308 {
 309         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
 311         if (ctfp == DT_FPTR_CTFP(dtp) && type == DT_FPTR_TYPE(dtp))
 312                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "function pointer");
 313         else if (ctfp == DT_FUNC_CTFP(dtp) && type == DT_FUNC_TYPE(dtp))
 314                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "function");
 315         else if (ctfp == DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp) && type == DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp))
 316                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "dynamic variable");
 317         else if (ctfp == NULL)
 318                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "<none>");
 319         else if (ctf_type_name(ctfp, type, buf, len) == NULL)
 320                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "unknown");
 322         return (buf);
 323 }
 325 /*
 326  * Perform the "usual arithmetic conversions" to determine which of the two
 327  * input operand types should be promoted and used as a result type.  The
 328  * rules for this are described in ISOC[] and K&R[A6.5].
 329  */
 330 static void
 331 dt_type_promote(dt_node_t *lp, dt_node_t *rp, ctf_file_t **ofp, ctf_id_t *otype)
 332 {
 333         ctf_file_t *lfp = lp->dn_ctfp;
 334         ctf_id_t ltype = lp->dn_type;
 336         ctf_file_t *rfp = rp->dn_ctfp;
 337         ctf_id_t rtype = rp->dn_type;
 339         ctf_id_t lbase = ctf_type_resolve(lfp, ltype);
 340         uint_t lkind = ctf_type_kind(lfp, lbase);
 342         ctf_id_t rbase = ctf_type_resolve(rfp, rtype);
 343         uint_t rkind = ctf_type_kind(rfp, rbase);
 345         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
 346         ctf_encoding_t le, re;
 347         uint_t lrank, rrank;
 349         assert(lkind == CTF_K_INTEGER || lkind == CTF_K_ENUM);
 350         assert(rkind == CTF_K_INTEGER || rkind == CTF_K_ENUM);
 352         if (lkind == CTF_K_ENUM) {
 353                 lfp = DT_INT_CTFP(dtp);
 354                 ltype = lbase = DT_INT_TYPE(dtp);
 355         }
 357         if (rkind == CTF_K_ENUM) {
 358                 rfp = DT_INT_CTFP(dtp);
 359                 rtype = rbase = DT_INT_TYPE(dtp);
 360         }
 362         if (ctf_type_encoding(lfp, lbase, &le) == CTF_ERR) {
 363                 yypcb->pcb_hdl->dt_ctferr = ctf_errno(lfp);
 364                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_CTF);
 365         }
 367         if (ctf_type_encoding(rfp, rbase, &re) == CTF_ERR) {
 368                 yypcb->pcb_hdl->dt_ctferr = ctf_errno(rfp);
 369                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_CTF);
 370         }
 372         /*
 373          * Compute an integer rank based on the size and unsigned status.
 374          * If rank is identical, pick the "larger" of the equivalent types
 375          * which we define as having a larger base ctf_id_t.  If rank is
 376          * different, pick the type with the greater rank.
 377          */
 378         lrank = le.cte_bits + ((le.cte_format & CTF_INT_SIGNED) == 0);
 379         rrank = re.cte_bits + ((re.cte_format & CTF_INT_SIGNED) == 0);
 381         if (lrank == rrank) {
 382                 if (lbase - rbase < 0)
 383                         goto return_rtype;
 384                 else
 385                         goto return_ltype;
 386         } else if (lrank > rrank) {
 387                 goto return_ltype;
 388         } else
 389                 goto return_rtype;
 391 return_ltype:
 392         *ofp = lfp;
 393         *otype = ltype;
 394         return;
 396 return_rtype:
 397         *ofp = rfp;
 398         *otype = rtype;
 399 }
 401 void
 402 dt_node_promote(dt_node_t *lp, dt_node_t *rp, dt_node_t *dnp)
 403 {
 404         dt_type_promote(lp, rp, &dnp->dn_ctfp, &dnp->dn_type);
 405         dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type, B_FALSE);
 406         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
 407 }
 409 const char *
 410 dt_node_name(const dt_node_t *dnp, char *buf, size_t len)
 411 {
 412         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
 413         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
 415         const char *prefix = "", *suffix = "";
 416         const dtrace_syminfo_t *dts;
 417         char *s;
 419         switch (dnp->dn_kind) {
 420         case DT_NODE_INT:
 421                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "integer constant 0x%llx",
 422                     (u_longlong_t)dnp->dn_value);
 423                 break;
 424         case DT_NODE_STRING:
 425                 s = strchr2esc(dnp->dn_string, strlen(dnp->dn_string));
 426                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "string constant \"%s\"",
 427                     s != NULL ? s : dnp->dn_string);
 428                 free(s);
 429                 break;
 430         case DT_NODE_IDENT:
 431                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "identifier %s", dnp->dn_string);
 432                 break;
 433         case DT_NODE_VAR:
 434         case DT_NODE_FUNC:
 435         case DT_NODE_AGG:
 436         case DT_NODE_INLINE:
 437                 switch (dnp->dn_ident->di_kind) {
 438                 case DT_IDENT_FUNC:
 439                 case DT_IDENT_AGGFUNC:
 440                 case DT_IDENT_ACTFUNC:
 441                         suffix = "( )";
 442                         break;
 443                 case DT_IDENT_AGG:
 444                         prefix = "@";
 445                         break;
 446                 }
 447                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "%s %s%s%s",
 448                     dt_idkind_name(dnp->dn_ident->di_kind),
 449                     prefix, dnp->dn_ident->di_name, suffix);
 450                 break;
 451         case DT_NODE_SYM:
 452                 dts = dnp->dn_ident->di_data;
 453                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "symbol %s`%s",
 454                     dts->dts_object, dts->dts_name);
 455                 break;
 456         case DT_NODE_TYPE:
 457                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "type %s",
 458                     dt_node_type_name(dnp, n1, sizeof (n1)));
 459                 break;
 460         case DT_NODE_OP1:
 461         case DT_NODE_OP2:
 462         case DT_NODE_OP3:
 463                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "operator %s", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
 464                 break;
 465         case DT_NODE_DEXPR:
 466         case DT_NODE_DFUNC:
 467                 if (dnp->dn_expr)
 468                         return (dt_node_name(dnp->dn_expr, buf, len));
 469                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "%s", "statement");
 470                 break;
 471         case DT_NODE_PDESC:
 472                 if (dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_id == 0) {
 473                         (void) snprintf(buf, len,
 474                             "probe description %s:%s:%s:%s",
 475                             dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_provider, dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_mod,
 476                             dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_func, dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_name);
 477                 } else {
 478                         (void) snprintf(buf, len, "probe description %u",
 479                             dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_id);
 480                 }
 481                 break;
 482         case DT_NODE_CLAUSE:
 483                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "%s", "clause");
 484                 break;
 485         case DT_NODE_MEMBER:
 486                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "member %s", dnp->dn_membname);
 487                 break;
 488         case DT_NODE_XLATOR:
 489                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "translator <%s> (%s)",
 490                     dt_type_name(dnp->dn_xlator->dx_dst_ctfp,
 491                     dnp->dn_xlator->dx_dst_type, n1, sizeof (n1)),
 492                     dt_type_name(dnp->dn_xlator->dx_src_ctfp,
 493                     dnp->dn_xlator->dx_src_type, n2, sizeof (n2)));
 494                 break;
 495         case DT_NODE_PROG:
 496                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "%s", "program");
 497                 break;
 498         default:
 499                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "node <%u>", dnp->dn_kind);
 500                 break;
 501         }
 503         return (buf);
 504 }
 506 /*
 507  * dt_node_xalloc() can be used to create new parse nodes from any libdtrace
 508  * caller.  The caller is responsible for assigning dn_link appropriately.
 509  */
 510 dt_node_t *
 511 dt_node_xalloc(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, int kind)
 512 {
 513         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_alloc(dtp, sizeof (dt_node_t));
 515         if (dnp == NULL)
 516                 return (NULL);
 518         dnp->dn_ctfp = NULL;
 519         dnp->dn_type = CTF_ERR;
 520         dnp->dn_kind = (uchar_t)kind;
 521         dnp->dn_flags = 0;
 522         dnp->dn_op = 0;
 523         dnp->dn_line = -1;
 524         dnp->dn_reg = -1;
 525         dnp->dn_attr = _dtrace_defattr;
 526         dnp->dn_list = NULL;
 527         dnp->dn_link = NULL;
 528         bzero(&dnp->dn_u, sizeof (dnp->dn_u));
 530         return (dnp);
 531 }
 533 /*
 534  * dt_node_alloc() is used to create new parse nodes from the parser.  It
 535  * assigns the node location based on the current lexer line number and places
 536  * the new node on the default allocation list.  If allocation fails, we
 537  * automatically longjmp the caller back to the enclosing compilation call.
 538  */
 539 static dt_node_t *
 540 dt_node_alloc(int kind)
 541 {
 542         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_xalloc(yypcb->pcb_hdl, kind);
 544         if (dnp == NULL)
 545                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
 547         dnp->dn_line = yylineno;
 548         dnp->dn_link = yypcb->pcb_list;
 549         yypcb->pcb_list = dnp;
 551         return (dnp);
 552 }
 554 void
 555 dt_node_free(dt_node_t *dnp)
 556 {
 557         uchar_t kind = dnp->dn_kind;
 559         dnp->dn_kind = DT_NODE_FREE;
 561         switch (kind) {
 562         case DT_NODE_STRING:
 563         case DT_NODE_IDENT:
 564         case DT_NODE_TYPE:
 565                 free(dnp->dn_string);
 566                 dnp->dn_string = NULL;
 567                 break;
 569         case DT_NODE_VAR:
 570         case DT_NODE_FUNC:
 571         case DT_NODE_PROBE:
 572                 if (dnp->dn_ident != NULL) {
 573                         if (dnp->dn_ident->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_ORPHAN)
 574                                 dt_ident_destroy(dnp->dn_ident);
 575                         dnp->dn_ident = NULL;
 576                 }
 577                 dt_node_list_free(&dnp->dn_args);
 578                 break;
 580         case DT_NODE_OP1:
 581                 if (dnp->dn_child != NULL) {
 582                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_child);
 583                         dnp->dn_child = NULL;
 584                 }
 585                 break;
 587         case DT_NODE_OP3:
 588                 if (dnp->dn_expr != NULL) {
 589                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_expr);
 590                         dnp->dn_expr = NULL;
 591                 }
 592                 /*FALLTHRU*/
 593         case DT_NODE_OP2:
 594                 if (dnp->dn_left != NULL) {
 595                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_left);
 596                         dnp->dn_left = NULL;
 597                 }
 598                 if (dnp->dn_right != NULL) {
 599                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_right);
 600                         dnp->dn_right = NULL;
 601                 }
 602                 break;
 604         case DT_NODE_DEXPR:
 605         case DT_NODE_DFUNC:
 606                 if (dnp->dn_expr != NULL) {
 607                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_expr);
 608                         dnp->dn_expr = NULL;
 609                 }
 610                 break;
 612         case DT_NODE_AGG:
 613                 if (dnp->dn_aggfun != NULL) {
 614                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_aggfun);
 615                         dnp->dn_aggfun = NULL;
 616                 }
 617                 dt_node_list_free(&dnp->dn_aggtup);
 618                 break;
 620         case DT_NODE_PDESC:
 621                 free(dnp->dn_spec);
 622                 dnp->dn_spec = NULL;
 623                 free(dnp->dn_desc);
 624                 dnp->dn_desc = NULL;
 625                 break;
 627         case DT_NODE_CLAUSE:
 628                 if (dnp->dn_pred != NULL)
 629                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_pred);
 630                 if (dnp->dn_locals != NULL)
 631                         dt_idhash_destroy(dnp->dn_locals);
 632                 dt_node_list_free(&dnp->dn_pdescs);
 633                 dt_node_list_free(&dnp->dn_acts);
 634                 break;
 636         case DT_NODE_MEMBER:
 637                 free(dnp->dn_membname);
 638                 dnp->dn_membname = NULL;
 639                 if (dnp->dn_membexpr != NULL) {
 640                         dt_node_free(dnp->dn_membexpr);
 641                         dnp->dn_membexpr = NULL;
 642                 }
 643                 break;
 645         case DT_NODE_PROVIDER:
 646                 dt_node_list_free(&dnp->dn_probes);
 647                 free(dnp->dn_provname);
 648                 dnp->dn_provname = NULL;
 649                 break;
 651         case DT_NODE_PROG:
 652                 dt_node_list_free(&dnp->dn_list);
 653                 break;
 654         }
 655 }
 657 void
 658 dt_node_attr_assign(dt_node_t *dnp, dtrace_attribute_t attr)
 659 {
 660         if ((yypcb->pcb_cflags & DTRACE_C_EATTR) &&
 661             (dt_attr_cmp(attr, yypcb->pcb_amin) < 0)) {
 662                 char a[DTRACE_ATTR2STR_MAX];
 663                 char s[BUFSIZ];
 665                 dnerror(dnp, D_ATTR_MIN, "attributes for %s (%s) are less than "
 666                     "predefined minimum\n", dt_node_name(dnp, s, sizeof (s)),
 667                     dtrace_attr2str(attr, a, sizeof (a)));
 668         }
 670         dnp->dn_attr = attr;
 671 }
 673 void
 674 dt_node_type_assign(dt_node_t *dnp, ctf_file_t *fp, ctf_id_t type,
 675     boolean_t user)
 676 {
 677         ctf_id_t base = ctf_type_resolve(fp, type);
 678         uint_t kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, base);
 679         ctf_encoding_t e;
 681         dnp->dn_flags &=
 684         if (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER && ctf_type_encoding(fp, base, &e) == 0) {
 685                 size_t size = e.cte_bits / NBBY;
 687                 if (size > 8 || (e.cte_bits % NBBY) != 0 || (size & (size - 1)))
 688                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_BITFIELD;
 690                 if (e.cte_format & CTF_INT_SIGNED)
 691                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_SIGNED;
 692         }
 694         if (kind == CTF_K_FLOAT && ctf_type_encoding(fp, base, &e) == 0) {
 695                 if (e.cte_bits / NBBY > sizeof (uint64_t))
 696                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_REF;
 697         }
 699         if (kind == CTF_K_STRUCT || kind == CTF_K_UNION ||
 700             kind == CTF_K_FORWARD ||
 701             kind == CTF_K_ARRAY || kind == CTF_K_FUNCTION)
 702                 dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_REF;
 703         else if (yypcb != NULL && fp == DT_DYN_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl) &&
 704             type == DT_DYN_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl))
 705                 dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_REF;
 707         if (user)
 708                 dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_USERLAND;
 710         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_COOKED;
 711         dnp->dn_ctfp = fp;
 712         dnp->dn_type = type;
 713 }
 715 void
 716 dt_node_type_propagate(const dt_node_t *src, dt_node_t *dst)
 717 {
 718         assert(src->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 719         dst->dn_flags = src->dn_flags & ~DT_NF_LVALUE;
 720         dst->dn_ctfp = src->dn_ctfp;
 721         dst->dn_type = src->dn_type;
 722 }
 724 const char *
 725 dt_node_type_name(const dt_node_t *dnp, char *buf, size_t len)
 726 {
 727         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(dnp) && dnp->dn_ident != NULL) {
 728                 (void) snprintf(buf, len, "%s",
 729                     dt_idkind_name(dt_ident_resolve(dnp->dn_ident)->di_kind));
 730                 return (buf);
 731         }
 733         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND) {
 734                 size_t n = snprintf(buf, len, "userland ");
 735                 len = len > n ? len - n : 0;
 736                 (void) dt_type_name(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type, buf + n, len);
 737                 return (buf);
 738         }
 740         return (dt_type_name(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type, buf, len));
 741 }
 743 size_t
 744 dt_node_type_size(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 745 {
 746         ctf_id_t base;
 747         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
 749         if (dnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_STRING)
 750                 return (strlen(dnp->dn_string) + 1);
 752         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(dnp) && dnp->dn_ident != NULL)
 753                 return (dt_ident_size(dnp->dn_ident));
 755         base = ctf_type_resolve(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type);
 757         if (ctf_type_kind(dnp->dn_ctfp, base) == CTF_K_FORWARD)
 758                 return (0);
 760         /*
 761          * Here we have a 32-bit user pointer that is being used with a 64-bit
 762          * kernel. When we're using it and its tagged as a userland reference --
 763          * then we need to keep it as a 32-bit pointer. However, if we are
 764          * referring to it as a kernel address, eg. being used after a copyin()
 765          * then we need to make sure that we actually return the kernel's size
 766          * of a pointer, 8 bytes.
 767          */
 768         if (ctf_type_kind(dnp->dn_ctfp, base) == CTF_K_POINTER &&
 769             ctf_getmodel(dnp->dn_ctfp) == CTF_MODEL_ILP32 &&
 770             !(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND) &&
 771             dtp->dt_conf.dtc_ctfmodel == CTF_MODEL_LP64)
 772                         return (8);
 774         return (ctf_type_size(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type));
 775 }
 777 /*
 778  * Determine if the specified parse tree node references an identifier of the
 779  * specified kind, and if so return a pointer to it; otherwise return NULL.
 780  * This function resolves the identifier itself, following through any inlines.
 781  */
 782 dt_ident_t *
 783 dt_node_resolve(const dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idkind)
 784 {
 785         dt_ident_t *idp;
 787         switch (dnp->dn_kind) {
 788         case DT_NODE_VAR:
 789         case DT_NODE_SYM:
 790         case DT_NODE_FUNC:
 791         case DT_NODE_AGG:
 792         case DT_NODE_INLINE:
 793         case DT_NODE_PROBE:
 794                 idp = dt_ident_resolve(dnp->dn_ident);
 795                 return (idp->di_kind == idkind ? idp : NULL);
 796         }
 798         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(dnp)) {
 799                 idp = dt_ident_resolve(dnp->dn_ident);
 800                 return (idp->di_kind == idkind ? idp : NULL);
 801         }
 803         return (NULL);
 804 }
 806 size_t
 807 dt_node_sizeof(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 808 {
 809         dtrace_syminfo_t *sip;
 810         GElf_Sym sym;
 811         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
 813         /*
 814          * The size of the node as used for the sizeof() operator depends on
 815          * the kind of the node.  If the node is a SYM, the size is obtained
 816          * from the symbol table; if it is not a SYM, the size is determined
 817          * from the node's type.  This is slightly different from C's sizeof()
 818          * operator in that (for example) when applied to a function, sizeof()
 819          * will evaluate to the length of the function rather than the size of
 820          * the function type.
 821          */
 822         if (dnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_SYM)
 823                 return (dt_node_type_size(dnp));
 825         sip = dnp->dn_ident->di_data;
 827         if (dtrace_lookup_by_name(dtp, sip->dts_object,
 828             sip->dts_name, &sym, NULL) == -1)
 829                 return (0);
 831         return (sym.st_size);
 832 }
 834 int
 835 dt_node_is_integer(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 836 {
 837         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
 838         ctf_encoding_t e;
 839         ctf_id_t type;
 840         uint_t kind;
 842         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 844         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
 845         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, type);
 847         if (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER &&
 848             ctf_type_encoding(fp, type, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e))
 849                 return (0); /* void integer */
 851         return (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER || kind == CTF_K_ENUM);
 852 }
 854 int
 855 dt_node_is_float(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 856 {
 857         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
 858         ctf_encoding_t e;
 859         ctf_id_t type;
 860         uint_t kind;
 862         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 864         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
 865         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, type);
 867         return (kind == CTF_K_FLOAT &&
 868             ctf_type_encoding(dnp->dn_ctfp, type, &e) == 0 && (
 869             e.cte_format == CTF_FP_SINGLE || e.cte_format == CTF_FP_DOUBLE ||
 870             e.cte_format == CTF_FP_LDOUBLE));
 871 }
 873 int
 874 dt_node_is_scalar(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 875 {
 876         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
 877         ctf_encoding_t e;
 878         ctf_id_t type;
 879         uint_t kind;
 881         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 883         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
 884         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, type);
 886         if (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER &&
 887             ctf_type_encoding(fp, type, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e))
 888                 return (0); /* void cannot be used as a scalar */
 890         return (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER || kind == CTF_K_ENUM ||
 891             kind == CTF_K_POINTER);
 892 }
 894 int
 895 dt_node_is_arith(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 896 {
 897         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
 898         ctf_encoding_t e;
 899         ctf_id_t type;
 900         uint_t kind;
 902         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 904         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
 905         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, type);
 907         if (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER)
 908                 return (ctf_type_encoding(fp, type, &e) == 0 && !IS_VOID(e));
 909         else
 910                 return (kind == CTF_K_ENUM);
 911 }
 913 int
 914 dt_node_is_vfptr(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 915 {
 916         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
 917         ctf_encoding_t e;
 918         ctf_id_t type;
 919         uint_t kind;
 921         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 923         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
 924         if (ctf_type_kind(fp, type) != CTF_K_POINTER)
 925                 return (0); /* type is not a pointer */
 927         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, ctf_type_reference(fp, type));
 928         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, type);
 930         return (kind == CTF_K_FUNCTION || (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER &&
 931             ctf_type_encoding(fp, type, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e)));
 932 }
 934 int
 935 dt_node_is_dynamic(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 936 {
 937         if (dnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR &&
 938             (dnp->dn_ident->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_INLINE)) {
 939                 const dt_idnode_t *inp = dnp->dn_ident->di_iarg;
 940                 return (inp->din_root ? dt_node_is_dynamic(inp->din_root) : 0);
 941         }
 943         return (dnp->dn_ctfp == DT_DYN_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl) &&
 944             dnp->dn_type == DT_DYN_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl));
 945 }
 947 int
 948 dt_node_is_string(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 949 {
 950         return (dnp->dn_ctfp == DT_STR_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl) &&
 951             dnp->dn_type == DT_STR_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl));
 952 }
 954 int
 955 dt_node_is_stack(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 956 {
 957         return (dnp->dn_ctfp == DT_STACK_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl) &&
 958             dnp->dn_type == DT_STACK_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl));
 959 }
 961 int
 962 dt_node_is_symaddr(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 963 {
 964         return (dnp->dn_ctfp == DT_SYMADDR_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl) &&
 965             dnp->dn_type == DT_SYMADDR_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl));
 966 }
 968 int
 969 dt_node_is_usymaddr(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 970 {
 971         return (dnp->dn_ctfp == DT_USYMADDR_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl) &&
 972             dnp->dn_type == DT_USYMADDR_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl));
 973 }
 975 int
 976 dt_node_is_strcompat(const dt_node_t *dnp)
 977 {
 978         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
 979         ctf_encoding_t e;
 980         ctf_arinfo_t r;
 981         ctf_id_t base;
 982         uint_t kind;
 984         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
 986         base = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
 987         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, base);
 989         if (kind == CTF_K_POINTER &&
 990             (base = ctf_type_reference(fp, base)) != CTF_ERR &&
 991             (base = ctf_type_resolve(fp, base)) != CTF_ERR &&
 992             ctf_type_encoding(fp, base, &e) == 0 && IS_CHAR(e))
 993                 return (1); /* promote char pointer to string */
 995         if (kind == CTF_K_ARRAY && ctf_array_info(fp, base, &r) == 0 &&
 996             (base = ctf_type_resolve(fp, r.ctr_contents)) != CTF_ERR &&
 997             ctf_type_encoding(fp, base, &e) == 0 && IS_CHAR(e))
 998                 return (1); /* promote char array to string */
1000         return (0);
1001 }
1003 int
1004 dt_node_is_pointer(const dt_node_t *dnp)
1005 {
1006         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
1007         uint_t kind;
1009         assert(dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
1011         if (dt_node_is_string(dnp))
1012                 return (0); /* string are pass-by-ref but act like structs */
1014         kind = ctf_type_kind(fp, ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type));
1015         return (kind == CTF_K_POINTER || kind == CTF_K_ARRAY);
1016 }
1018 int
1019 dt_node_is_void(const dt_node_t *dnp)
1020 {
1021         ctf_file_t *fp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
1022         ctf_encoding_t e;
1023         ctf_id_t type;
1025         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(dnp))
1026                 return (0); /* <DYN> is an alias for void but not the same */
1028         if (dt_node_is_stack(dnp))
1029                 return (0);
1031         if (dt_node_is_symaddr(dnp) || dt_node_is_usymaddr(dnp))
1032                 return (0);
1034         type = ctf_type_resolve(fp, dnp->dn_type);
1036         return (ctf_type_kind(fp, type) == CTF_K_INTEGER &&
1037             ctf_type_encoding(fp, type, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e));
1038 }
1040 int
1041 dt_node_is_ptrcompat(const dt_node_t *lp, const dt_node_t *rp,
1042     ctf_file_t **fpp, ctf_id_t *tp)
1043 {
1044         ctf_file_t *lfp = lp->dn_ctfp;
1045         ctf_file_t *rfp = rp->dn_ctfp;
1047         ctf_id_t lbase = CTF_ERR, rbase = CTF_ERR;
1048         ctf_id_t lref = CTF_ERR, rref = CTF_ERR;
1050         int lp_is_void, rp_is_void, lp_is_int, rp_is_int, compat;
1051         uint_t lkind, rkind;
1052         ctf_encoding_t e;
1053         ctf_arinfo_t r;
1055         assert(lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
1056         assert(rp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
1058         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(lp) || dt_node_is_dynamic(rp))
1059                 return (0); /* fail if either node is a dynamic variable */
1061         lp_is_int = dt_node_is_integer(lp);
1062         rp_is_int = dt_node_is_integer(rp);
1064         if (lp_is_int && rp_is_int)
1065                 return (0); /* fail if both nodes are integers */
1067         if (lp_is_int && (lp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_INT || lp->dn_value != 0))
1068                 return (0); /* fail if lp is an integer that isn't 0 constant */
1070         if (rp_is_int && (rp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_INT || rp->dn_value != 0))
1071                 return (0); /* fail if rp is an integer that isn't 0 constant */
1073         if ((lp_is_int == 0 && rp_is_int == 0) && (
1074             (lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND) ^ (rp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND)))
1075                 return (0); /* fail if only one pointer is a userland address */
1077         /*
1078          * Resolve the left-hand and right-hand types to their base type, and
1079          * then resolve the referenced type as well (assuming the base type
1080          * is CTF_K_POINTER or CTF_K_ARRAY).  Otherwise [lr]ref = CTF_ERR.
1081          */
1082         if (!lp_is_int) {
1083                 lbase = ctf_type_resolve(lfp, lp->dn_type);
1084                 lkind = ctf_type_kind(lfp, lbase);
1086                 if (lkind == CTF_K_POINTER) {
1087                         lref = ctf_type_resolve(lfp,
1088                             ctf_type_reference(lfp, lbase));
1089                 } else if (lkind == CTF_K_ARRAY &&
1090                     ctf_array_info(lfp, lbase, &r) == 0) {
1091                         lref = ctf_type_resolve(lfp, r.ctr_contents);
1092                 }
1093         }
1095         if (!rp_is_int) {
1096                 rbase = ctf_type_resolve(rfp, rp->dn_type);
1097                 rkind = ctf_type_kind(rfp, rbase);
1099                 if (rkind == CTF_K_POINTER) {
1100                         rref = ctf_type_resolve(rfp,
1101                             ctf_type_reference(rfp, rbase));
1102                 } else if (rkind == CTF_K_ARRAY &&
1103                     ctf_array_info(rfp, rbase, &r) == 0) {
1104                         rref = ctf_type_resolve(rfp, r.ctr_contents);
1105                 }
1106         }
1108         /*
1109          * We know that one or the other type may still be a zero-valued
1110          * integer constant.  To simplify the code below, set the integer
1111          * type variables equal to the non-integer types and proceed.
1112          */
1113         if (lp_is_int) {
1114                 lbase = rbase;
1115                 lkind = rkind;
1116                 lref = rref;
1117                 lfp = rfp;
1118         } else if (rp_is_int) {
1119                 rbase = lbase;
1120                 rkind = lkind;
1121                 rref = lref;
1122                 rfp = lfp;
1123         }
1125         lp_is_void = ctf_type_encoding(lfp, lref, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e);
1126         rp_is_void = ctf_type_encoding(rfp, rref, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e);
1128         /*
1129          * The types are compatible if both are pointers to the same type, or
1130          * if either pointer is a void pointer.  If they are compatible, set
1131          * tp to point to the more specific pointer type and return it.
1132          */
1133         compat = (lkind == CTF_K_POINTER || lkind == CTF_K_ARRAY) &&
1134             (rkind == CTF_K_POINTER || rkind == CTF_K_ARRAY) &&
1135             (lp_is_void || rp_is_void || ctf_type_compat(lfp, lref, rfp, rref));
1137         if (compat) {
1138                 if (fpp != NULL)
1139                         *fpp = rp_is_void ? lfp : rfp;
1140                 if (tp != NULL)
1141                         *tp = rp_is_void ? lbase : rbase;
1142         }
1144         return (compat);
1145 }
1147 /*
1148  * The rules for checking argument types against parameter types are described
1149  * in the ANSI-C spec (see K&R[A7.3.2] and K&R[A7.17]).  We use the same rule
1150  * set to determine whether associative array arguments match the prototype.
1151  */
1152 int
1153 dt_node_is_argcompat(const dt_node_t *lp, const dt_node_t *rp)
1154 {
1155         ctf_file_t *lfp = lp->dn_ctfp;
1156         ctf_file_t *rfp = rp->dn_ctfp;
1158         assert(lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
1159         assert(rp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
1161         if (dt_node_is_integer(lp) && dt_node_is_integer(rp))
1162                 return (1); /* integer types are compatible */
1164         if (dt_node_is_strcompat(lp) && dt_node_is_strcompat(rp))
1165                 return (1); /* string types are compatible */
1167         if (dt_node_is_stack(lp) && dt_node_is_stack(rp))
1168                 return (1); /* stack types are compatible */
1170         if (dt_node_is_symaddr(lp) && dt_node_is_symaddr(rp))
1171                 return (1); /* symaddr types are compatible */
1173         if (dt_node_is_usymaddr(lp) && dt_node_is_usymaddr(rp))
1174                 return (1); /* usymaddr types are compatible */
1176         switch (ctf_type_kind(lfp, ctf_type_resolve(lfp, lp->dn_type))) {
1177         case CTF_K_FUNCTION:
1178         case CTF_K_STRUCT:
1179         case CTF_K_UNION:
1180                 return (ctf_type_compat(lfp, lp->dn_type, rfp, rp->dn_type));
1181         default:
1182                 return (dt_node_is_ptrcompat(lp, rp, NULL, NULL));
1183         }
1184 }
1186 /*
1187  * We provide dt_node_is_posconst() as a convenience routine for callers who
1188  * wish to verify that an argument is a positive non-zero integer constant.
1189  */
1190 int
1191 dt_node_is_posconst(const dt_node_t *dnp)
1192 {
1193         return (dnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT && dnp->dn_value != 0 && (
1194             (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED) == 0 || (int64_t)dnp->dn_value > 0));
1195 }
1197 int
1198 dt_node_is_actfunc(const dt_node_t *dnp)
1199 {
1200         return (dnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_FUNC &&
1201             dnp->dn_ident->di_kind == DT_IDENT_ACTFUNC);
1202 }
1204 /*
1205  * The original rules for integer constant typing are described in K&R[A2.5.1].
1206  * However, since we support long long, we instead use the rules from ISO C99
1207  * clause since that is where long longs are formally described.  The
1208  * rules require us to know whether the constant was specified in decimal or
1209  * in octal or hex, which we do by looking at our lexer's 'yyintdecimal' flag.
1210  * The type of an integer constant is the first of the corresponding list in
1211  * which its value can be represented:
1212  *
1213  * unsuffixed decimal:   int, long, long long
1214  * unsuffixed oct/hex:   int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long,
1215  *                       long long, unsigned long long
1216  * suffix [uU]:          unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long long
1217  * suffix [lL] decimal:  long, long long
1218  * suffix [lL] oct/hex:  long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long
1219  * suffix [uU][Ll]:      unsigned long, unsigned long long
1220  * suffix ll/LL decimal: long long
1221  * suffix ll/LL oct/hex: long long, unsigned long long
1222  * suffix [uU][ll/LL]:   unsigned long long
1223  *
1224  * Given that our lexer has already validated the suffixes by regexp matching,
1225  * there is an obvious way to concisely encode these rules: construct an array
1226  * of the types in the order int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long,
1227  * unsigned long long.  Compute an integer array starting index based on the
1228  * suffix (e.g. none = 0, u = 1, ull = 5), and compute an increment based on
1229  * the specifier (dec/oct/hex) and suffix (u).  Then iterate from the starting
1230  * index to the end, advancing using the increment, and searching until we
1231  * find a limit that matches or we run out of choices (overflow).  To make it
1232  * even faster, we precompute the table of type information in dtrace_open().
1233  */
1234 dt_node_t *
1235 dt_node_int(uintmax_t value)
1236 {
1237         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_INT);
1238         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
1240         int n = (yyintdecimal | (yyintsuffix[0] == 'u')) + 1;
1241         int i = 0;
1243         const char *p;
1244         char c;
1246         dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_INT;
1247         dnp->dn_value = value;
1249         for (p = yyintsuffix; (c = *p) != '\0'; p++) {
1250                 if (c == 'U' || c == 'u')
1251                         i += 1;
1252                 else if (c == 'L' || c == 'l')
1253                         i += 2;
1254         }
1256         for (; i < sizeof (dtp->dt_ints) / sizeof (dtp->dt_ints[0]); i += n) {
1257                 if (value <= dtp->dt_ints[i].did_limit) {
1258                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
1259                             dtp->dt_ints[i].did_ctfp,
1260                             dtp->dt_ints[i].did_type, B_FALSE);
1262                         /*
1263                          * If a prefix character is present in macro text, add
1264                          * in the corresponding operator node (see dt_lex.l).
1265                          */
1266                         switch (yyintprefix) {
1267                         case '+':
1268                                 return (dt_node_op1(DT_TOK_IPOS, dnp));
1269                         case '-':
1270                                 return (dt_node_op1(DT_TOK_INEG, dnp));
1271                         default:
1272                                 return (dnp);
1273                         }
1274                 }
1275         }
1277         xyerror(D_INT_OFLOW, "integer constant 0x%llx cannot be represented "
1278             "in any built-in integral type\n", (u_longlong_t)value);
1279         /*NOTREACHED*/
1280         return (NULL);          /* keep gcc happy */
1281 }
1283 dt_node_t *
1284 dt_node_string(char *string)
1285 {
1286         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
1287         dt_node_t *dnp;
1289         if (string == NULL)
1290                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
1292         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_STRING);
1293         dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_STRING;
1294         dnp->dn_string = string;
1295         dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_STR_CTFP(dtp), DT_STR_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
1297         return (dnp);
1298 }
1300 dt_node_t *
1301 dt_node_ident(char *name)
1302 {
1303         dt_ident_t *idp;
1304         dt_node_t *dnp;
1306         if (name == NULL)
1307                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
1309         /*
1310          * If the identifier is an inlined integer constant, then create an INT
1311          * node that is a clone of the inline parse tree node and return that
1312          * immediately, allowing this inline to be used in parsing contexts
1313          * that require constant expressions (e.g. scalar array sizes).
1314          */
1315         if ((idp = dt_idstack_lookup(&yypcb->pcb_globals, name)) != NULL &&
1316             (idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_INLINE)) {
1317                 dt_idnode_t *inp = idp->di_iarg;
1319                 if (inp->din_root != NULL &&
1320                     inp->din_root->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT) {
1321                         free(name);
1323                         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_INT);
1324                         dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_INT;
1325                         dnp->dn_value = inp->din_root->dn_value;
1326                         dt_node_type_propagate(inp->din_root, dnp);
1328                         return (dnp);
1329                 }
1330         }
1332         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_IDENT);
1333         dnp->dn_op = name[0] == '@' ? DT_TOK_AGG : DT_TOK_IDENT;
1334         dnp->dn_string = name;
1336         return (dnp);
1337 }
1339 /*
1340  * Create an empty node of type corresponding to the given declaration.
1341  * Explicit references to user types (C or D) are assigned the default
1342  * stability; references to other types are _dtrace_typattr (Private).
1343  */
1344 dt_node_t *
1345 dt_node_type(dt_decl_t *ddp)
1346 {
1347         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
1348         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
1349         dt_node_t *dnp;
1350         char *name = NULL;
1351         int err;
1353         /*
1354          * If 'ddp' is NULL, we get a decl by popping the decl stack.  This
1355          * form of dt_node_type() is used by parameter rules in dt_grammar.y.
1356          */
1357         if (ddp == NULL)
1358                 ddp = dt_decl_pop_param(&name);
1360         err = dt_decl_type(ddp, &dtt);
1361         dt_decl_free(ddp);
1363         if (err != 0) {
1364                 free(name);
1365                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
1366         }
1368         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_TYPE);
1369         dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_IDENT;
1370         dnp->dn_string = name;
1372         dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type, dtt.dtt_flags);
1374         if (dtt.dtt_ctfp == dtp->dt_cdefs->dm_ctfp ||
1375             dtt.dtt_ctfp == dtp->dt_ddefs->dm_ctfp)
1376                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, _dtrace_defattr);
1377         else
1378                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, _dtrace_typattr);
1380         return (dnp);
1381 }
1383 /*
1384  * Create a type node corresponding to a varargs (...) parameter by just
1385  * assigning it type CTF_ERR.  The decl processing code will handle this.
1386  */
1387 dt_node_t *
1388 dt_node_vatype(void)
1389 {
1390         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_TYPE);
1392         dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_IDENT;
1393         dnp->dn_ctfp = yypcb->pcb_hdl->dt_cdefs->dm_ctfp;
1394         dnp->dn_type = CTF_ERR;
1395         dnp->dn_attr = _dtrace_defattr;
1397         return (dnp);
1398 }
1400 /*
1401  * Instantiate a decl using the contents of the current declaration stack.  As
1402  * we do not currently permit decls to be initialized, this function currently
1403  * returns NULL and no parse node is created.  When this function is called,
1404  * the topmost scope's ds_ident pointer will be set to NULL (indicating no
1405  * init_declarator rule was matched) or will point to the identifier to use.
1406  */
1407 dt_node_t *
1408 dt_node_decl(void)
1409 {
1410         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
1411         dt_scope_t *dsp = &yypcb->pcb_dstack;
1412         dt_dclass_t class = dsp->ds_class;
1413         dt_decl_t *ddp = dt_decl_top();
1415         dt_module_t *dmp;
1416         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
1417         ctf_id_t type;
1419         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
1420         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
1422         if (dt_decl_type(ddp, &dtt) != 0)
1423                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
1425         /*
1426          * If we have no declaration identifier, then this is either a spurious
1427          * declaration of an intrinsic type (e.g. "extern int;") or declaration
1428          * or redeclaration of a struct, union, or enum type or tag.
1429          */
1430         if (dsp->ds_ident == NULL) {
1431                 if (ddp->dd_kind != CTF_K_STRUCT &&
1432                     ddp->dd_kind != CTF_K_UNION && ddp->dd_kind != CTF_K_ENUM)
1433                         xyerror(D_DECL_USELESS, "useless declaration\n");
1435                 dt_dprintf("type %s added as id %ld\n", dt_type_name(
1436                     ddp->dd_ctfp, ddp->dd_type, n1, sizeof (n1)), ddp->dd_type);
1438                 return (NULL);
1439         }
1441         if (strchr(dsp->ds_ident, '`') != NULL) {
1442                 xyerror(D_DECL_SCOPE, "D scoping operator may not be used in "
1443                     "a declaration name (%s)\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1444         }
1446         /*
1447          * If we are nested inside of a C include file, add the declaration to
1448          * the C definition module; otherwise use the D definition module.
1449          */
1450         if (yypcb->pcb_idepth != 0)
1451                 dmp = dtp->dt_cdefs;
1452         else
1453                 dmp = dtp->dt_ddefs;
1455         /*
1456          * If we see a global or static declaration of a function prototype,
1457          * treat this as equivalent to a D extern declaration.
1458          */
1459         if (ctf_type_kind(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type) == CTF_K_FUNCTION &&
1460             (class == DT_DC_DEFAULT || class == DT_DC_STATIC))
1461                 class = DT_DC_EXTERN;
1463         switch (class) {
1464         case DT_DC_AUTO:
1465         case DT_DC_REGISTER:
1466         case DT_DC_STATIC:
1467                 xyerror(D_DECL_BADCLASS, "specified storage class not "
1468                     "appropriate in D\n");
1469                 /*NOTREACHED*/
1471         case DT_DC_EXTERN: {
1472                 dtrace_typeinfo_t ott;
1473                 dtrace_syminfo_t dts;
1474                 GElf_Sym sym;
1476                 int exists = dtrace_lookup_by_name(dtp,
1477                     dmp->dm_name, dsp->ds_ident, &sym, &dts) == 0;
1479                 if (exists && (dtrace_symbol_type(dtp, &sym, &dts, &ott) != 0 ||
1480                     ctf_type_cmp(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
1481                     ott.dtt_ctfp, ott.dtt_type) != 0)) {
1482                         xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED, "identifier redeclared: %s`%s\n"
1483                             "\t current: %s\n\tprevious: %s\n",
1484                             dmp->dm_name, dsp->ds_ident,
1485                             dt_type_name(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
1486                             n1, sizeof (n1)),
1487                             dt_type_name(ott.dtt_ctfp, ott.dtt_type,
1488                             n2, sizeof (n2)));
1489                 } else if (!exists && dt_module_extern(dtp, dmp,
1490                     dsp->ds_ident, &dtt) == NULL) {
1491                         xyerror(D_UNKNOWN,
1492                             "failed to extern %s: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident,
1493                             dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
1494                 } else {
1495                         dt_dprintf("extern %s`%s type=<%s>\n",
1496                             dmp->dm_name, dsp->ds_ident,
1497                             dt_type_name(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
1498                             n1, sizeof (n1)));
1499                 }
1500                 break;
1501         }
1503         case DT_DC_TYPEDEF:
1504                 if (dt_idstack_lookup(&yypcb->pcb_globals, dsp->ds_ident)) {
1505                         xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED, "global variable identifier "
1506                             "redeclared: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1507                 }
1509                 if (ctf_lookup_by_name(dmp->dm_ctfp,
1510                     dsp->ds_ident) != CTF_ERR) {
1511                         xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED,
1512                             "typedef redeclared: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1513                 }
1515                 /*
1516                  * If the source type for the typedef is not defined in the
1517                  * target container or its parent, copy the type to the target
1518                  * container and reset dtt_ctfp and dtt_type to the copy.
1519                  */
1520                 if (dtt.dtt_ctfp != dmp->dm_ctfp &&
1521                     dtt.dtt_ctfp != ctf_parent_file(dmp->dm_ctfp)) {
1523                         dtt.dtt_type = ctf_add_type(dmp->dm_ctfp,
1524                             dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
1525                         dtt.dtt_ctfp = dmp->dm_ctfp;
1527                         if (dtt.dtt_type == CTF_ERR ||
1528                             ctf_update(dtt.dtt_ctfp) == CTF_ERR) {
1529                                 xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "failed to copy typedef %s "
1530                                     "source type: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident,
1531                                     ctf_errmsg(ctf_errno(dtt.dtt_ctfp)));
1532                         }
1533                 }
1535                 type = ctf_add_typedef(dmp->dm_ctfp,
1536                     CTF_ADD_ROOT, dsp->ds_ident, dtt.dtt_type);
1538                 if (type == CTF_ERR || ctf_update(dmp->dm_ctfp) == CTF_ERR) {
1539                         xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "failed to typedef %s: %s\n",
1540                             dsp->ds_ident, ctf_errmsg(ctf_errno(dmp->dm_ctfp)));
1541                 }
1543                 dt_dprintf("typedef %s added as id %ld\n", dsp->ds_ident, type);
1544                 break;
1546         default: {
1547                 ctf_encoding_t cte;
1548                 dt_idhash_t *dhp;
1549                 dt_ident_t *idp;
1550                 dt_node_t idn;
1551                 int assc, idkind;
1552                 uint_t id, kind;
1553                 ushort_t idflags;
1555                 switch (class) {
1556                 case DT_DC_THIS:
1557                         dhp = yypcb->pcb_locals;
1558                         idflags = DT_IDFLG_LOCAL;
1559                         idp = dt_idhash_lookup(dhp, dsp->ds_ident);
1560                         break;
1561                 case DT_DC_SELF:
1562                         dhp = dtp->dt_tls;
1563                         idflags = DT_IDFLG_TLS;
1564                         idp = dt_idhash_lookup(dhp, dsp->ds_ident);
1565                         break;
1566                 default:
1567                         dhp = dtp->dt_globals;
1568                         idflags = 0;
1569                         idp = dt_idstack_lookup(
1570                             &yypcb->pcb_globals, dsp->ds_ident);
1571                         break;
1572                 }
1574                 if (ddp->dd_kind == CTF_K_ARRAY && ddp->dd_node == NULL) {
1575                         xyerror(D_DECL_ARRNULL,
1576                             "array declaration requires array dimension or "
1577                             "tuple signature: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1578                 }
1580                 if (idp != NULL && idp->di_gen == 0) {
1581                         xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED, "built-in identifier "
1582                             "redeclared: %s\n", idp->di_name);
1583                 }
1585                 if (dtrace_lookup_by_type(dtp, DTRACE_OBJ_CDEFS,
1586                     dsp->ds_ident, NULL) == 0 ||
1587                     dtrace_lookup_by_type(dtp, DTRACE_OBJ_DDEFS,
1588                     dsp->ds_ident, NULL) == 0) {
1589                         xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED, "typedef identifier "
1590                             "redeclared: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1591                 }
1593                 /*
1594                  * Cache some attributes of the decl to make the rest of this
1595                  * code simpler: if the decl is an array which is subscripted
1596                  * by a type rather than an integer, then it's an associative
1597                  * array (assc).  We then expect to match either DT_IDENT_ARRAY
1598                  * for associative arrays or DT_IDENT_SCALAR for anything else.
1599                  */
1600                 assc = ddp->dd_kind == CTF_K_ARRAY &&
1601                     ddp->dd_node->dn_kind == DT_NODE_TYPE;
1603                 idkind = assc ? DT_IDENT_ARRAY : DT_IDENT_SCALAR;
1605                 /*
1606                  * Create a fake dt_node_t on the stack so we can determine the
1607                  * type of any matching identifier by assigning to this node.
1608                  * If the pre-existing ident has its di_type set, propagate
1609                  * the type by hand so as not to trigger a prototype check for
1610                  * arrays (yet); otherwise we use dt_ident_cook() on the ident
1611                  * to ensure it is fully initialized before looking at it.
1612                  */
1613                 bzero(&idn, sizeof (dt_node_t));
1615                 if (idp != NULL && idp->di_type != CTF_ERR)
1616                         dt_node_type_assign(&idn, idp->di_ctfp, idp->di_type,
1617                             B_FALSE);
1618                 else if (idp != NULL)
1619                         (void) dt_ident_cook(&idn, idp, NULL);
1621                 if (assc) {
1622                         if (class == DT_DC_THIS) {
1623                                 xyerror(D_DECL_LOCASSC, "associative arrays "
1624                                     "may not be declared as local variables:"
1625                                     " %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1626                         }
1628                         if (dt_decl_type(ddp->dd_next, &dtt) != 0)
1629                                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
1630                 }
1632                 if (idp != NULL && (idp->di_kind != idkind ||
1633                     ctf_type_cmp(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
1634                     idn.dn_ctfp, idn.dn_type) != 0)) {
1635                         xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED, "identifier redeclared: %s\n"
1636                             "\t current: %s %s\n\tprevious: %s %s\n",
1637                             dsp->ds_ident, dt_idkind_name(idkind),
1638                             dt_type_name(dtt.dtt_ctfp,
1639                             dtt.dtt_type, n1, sizeof (n1)),
1640                             dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind),
1641                             dt_node_type_name(&idn, n2, sizeof (n2)));
1643                 } else if (idp != NULL && assc) {
1644                         const dt_idsig_t *isp = idp->di_data;
1645                         dt_node_t *dnp = ddp->dd_node;
1646                         int argc = 0;
1648                         for (; dnp != NULL; dnp = dnp->dn_list, argc++) {
1649                                 const dt_node_t *pnp = &isp->dis_args[argc];
1651                                 if (argc >= isp->dis_argc)
1652                                         continue; /* tuple length mismatch */
1654                                 if (ctf_type_cmp(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type,
1655                                     pnp->dn_ctfp, pnp->dn_type) == 0)
1656                                         continue;
1658                                 xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED,
1659                                     "identifier redeclared: %s\n"
1660                                     "\t current: %s, key #%d of type %s\n"
1661                                     "\tprevious: %s, key #%d of type %s\n",
1662                                     dsp->ds_ident,
1663                                     dt_idkind_name(idkind), argc + 1,
1664                                     dt_node_type_name(dnp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
1665                                     dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind), argc + 1,
1666                                     dt_node_type_name(pnp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
1667                         }
1669                         if (isp->dis_argc != argc) {
1670                                 xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED,
1671                                     "identifier redeclared: %s\n"
1672                                     "\t current: %s of %s, tuple length %d\n"
1673                                     "\tprevious: %s of %s, tuple length %d\n",
1674                                     dsp->ds_ident, dt_idkind_name(idkind),
1675                                     dt_type_name(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
1676                                     n1, sizeof (n1)), argc,
1677                                     dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind),
1678                                     dt_node_type_name(&idn, n2, sizeof (n2)),
1679                                     isp->dis_argc);
1680                         }
1682                 } else if (idp == NULL) {
1683                         type = ctf_type_resolve(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
1684                         kind = ctf_type_kind(dtt.dtt_ctfp, type);
1686                         switch (kind) {
1687                         case CTF_K_INTEGER:
1688                                 if (ctf_type_encoding(dtt.dtt_ctfp, type,
1689                                     &cte) == 0 && IS_VOID(cte)) {
1690                                         xyerror(D_DECL_VOIDOBJ, "cannot have "
1691                                             "void object: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
1692                                 }
1693                                 break;
1694                         case CTF_K_STRUCT:
1695                         case CTF_K_UNION:
1696                                 if (ctf_type_size(dtt.dtt_ctfp, type) != 0)
1697                                         break; /* proceed to declaring */
1698                                 /*FALLTHRU*/
1699                         case CTF_K_FORWARD:
1700                                 xyerror(D_DECL_INCOMPLETE,
1701                                     "incomplete struct/union/enum %s: %s\n",
1702                                     dt_type_name(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
1703                                     n1, sizeof (n1)), dsp->ds_ident);
1704                                 /*NOTREACHED*/
1705                         }
1707                         if (dt_idhash_nextid(dhp, &id) == -1) {
1708                                 xyerror(D_ID_OFLOW, "cannot create %s: limit "
1709                                     "on number of %s variables exceeded\n",
1710                                     dsp->ds_ident, dt_idhash_name(dhp));
1711                         }
1713                         dt_dprintf("declare %s %s variable %s, id=%u\n",
1714                             dt_idhash_name(dhp), dt_idkind_name(idkind),
1715                             dsp->ds_ident, id);
1717                         idp = dt_idhash_insert(dhp, dsp->ds_ident, idkind,
1718                             idflags | DT_IDFLG_WRITE | DT_IDFLG_DECL, id,
1719                             _dtrace_defattr, 0, assc ? &dt_idops_assc :
1720                             &dt_idops_thaw, NULL, dtp->dt_gen);
1722                         if (idp == NULL)
1723                                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
1725                         dt_ident_type_assign(idp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
1727                         /*
1728                          * If we are declaring an associative array, use our
1729                          * fake parse node to cook the new assoc identifier.
1730                          * This will force the ident code to instantiate the
1731                          * array type signature corresponding to the list of
1732                          * types pointed to by ddp->dd_node.  We also reset
1733                          * the identifier's attributes based upon the result.
1734                          */
1735                         if (assc) {
1736                                 idp->di_attr =
1737                                     dt_ident_cook(&idn, idp, &ddp->dd_node);
1738                         }
1739                 }
1740         }
1742         } /* end of switch */
1744         free(dsp->ds_ident);
1745         dsp->ds_ident = NULL;
1747         return (NULL);
1748 }
1750 dt_node_t *
1751 dt_node_func(dt_node_t *dnp, dt_node_t *args)
1752 {
1753         dt_ident_t *idp;
1755         if (dnp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT) {
1756                 xyerror(D_FUNC_IDENT,
1757                     "function designator is not of function type\n");
1758         }
1760         idp = dt_idstack_lookup(&yypcb->pcb_globals, dnp->dn_string);
1762         if (idp == NULL) {
1763                 xyerror(D_FUNC_UNDEF,
1764                     "undefined function name: %s\n", dnp->dn_string);
1765         }
1767         if (idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_FUNC &&
1768             idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_AGGFUNC &&
1769             idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_ACTFUNC) {
1770                 xyerror(D_FUNC_IDKIND, "%s '%s' may not be referenced as a "
1771                     "function\n", dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind), idp->di_name);
1772         }
1774         free(dnp->dn_string);
1775         dnp->dn_string = NULL;
1777         dnp->dn_kind = DT_NODE_FUNC;
1778         dnp->dn_flags &= ~DT_NF_COOKED;
1779         dnp->dn_ident = idp;
1780         dnp->dn_args = args;
1781         dnp->dn_list = NULL;
1783         return (dnp);
1784 }
1786 /*
1787  * The offsetof() function is special because it takes a type name as an
1788  * argument.  It does not actually construct its own node; after looking up the
1789  * structure or union offset, we just return an integer node with the offset.
1790  */
1791 dt_node_t *
1792 dt_node_offsetof(dt_decl_t *ddp, char *s)
1793 {
1794         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
1795         dt_node_t dn;
1796         char *name;
1797         int err;
1799         ctf_membinfo_t ctm;
1800         ctf_id_t type;
1801         uint_t kind;
1803         name = strdupa(s);
1804         free(s);
1806         err = dt_decl_type(ddp, &dtt);
1807         dt_decl_free(ddp);
1809         if (err != 0)
1810                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
1812         type = ctf_type_resolve(dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
1813         kind = ctf_type_kind(dtt.dtt_ctfp, type);
1815         if (kind != CTF_K_STRUCT && kind != CTF_K_UNION) {
1816                 xyerror(D_OFFSETOF_TYPE,
1817                     "offsetof operand must be a struct or union type\n");
1818         }
1820         if (ctf_member_info(dtt.dtt_ctfp, type, name, &ctm) == CTF_ERR) {
1821                 xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "failed to determine offset of %s: %s\n",
1822                     name, ctf_errmsg(ctf_errno(dtt.dtt_ctfp)));
1823         }
1825         bzero(&dn, sizeof (dn));
1826         dt_node_type_assign(&dn, dtt.dtt_ctfp, ctm.ctm_type, B_FALSE);
1828         if (dn.dn_flags & DT_NF_BITFIELD) {
1829                 xyerror(D_OFFSETOF_BITFIELD,
1830                     "cannot take offset of a bit-field: %s\n", name);
1831         }
1833         return (dt_node_int(ctm.ctm_offset / NBBY));
1834 }
1836 dt_node_t *
1837 dt_node_op1(int op, dt_node_t *cp)
1838 {
1839         dt_node_t *dnp;
1841         if (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT) {
1842                 switch (op) {
1843                 case DT_TOK_INEG:
1844                         /*
1845                          * If we're negating an unsigned integer, zero out any
1846                          * extra top bits to truncate the value to the size of
1847                          * the effective type determined by dt_node_int().
1848                          */
1849                         cp->dn_value = -cp->dn_value;
1850                         if (!(cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)) {
1851                                 cp->dn_value &= ~0ULL >>
1852                                     (64 - dt_node_type_size(cp) * NBBY);
1853                         }
1854                         /*FALLTHRU*/
1855                 case DT_TOK_IPOS:
1856                         return (cp);
1857                 case DT_TOK_BNEG:
1858                         cp->dn_value = ~cp->dn_value;
1859                         return (cp);
1860                 case DT_TOK_LNEG:
1861                         cp->dn_value = !cp->dn_value;
1862                         return (cp);
1863                 }
1864         }
1866         /*
1867          * If sizeof is applied to a type_name or string constant, we can
1868          * transform 'cp' into an integer constant in the node construction
1869          * pass so that it can then be used for arithmetic in this pass.
1870          */
1871         if (op == DT_TOK_SIZEOF &&
1872             (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_STRING || cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_TYPE)) {
1873                 dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
1874                 size_t size = dt_node_type_size(cp);
1876                 if (size == 0) {
1877                         xyerror(D_SIZEOF_TYPE, "cannot apply sizeof to an "
1878                             "operand of unknown size\n");
1879                 }
1881                 dt_node_type_assign(cp, dtp->dt_ddefs->dm_ctfp,
1882                     ctf_lookup_by_name(dtp->dt_ddefs->dm_ctfp, "size_t"),
1883                     B_FALSE);
1885                 cp->dn_kind = DT_NODE_INT;
1886                 cp->dn_op = DT_TOK_INT;
1887                 cp->dn_value = size;
1889                 return (cp);
1890         }
1892         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_OP1);
1893         assert(op <= USHRT_MAX);
1894         dnp->dn_op = (ushort_t)op;
1895         dnp->dn_child = cp;
1897         return (dnp);
1898 }
1900 /*
1901  * If an integer constant is being cast to another integer type, we can
1902  * perform the cast as part of integer constant folding in this pass. We must
1903  * take action when the integer is being cast to a smaller type or if it is
1904  * changing signed-ness. If so, we first shift rp's bits bits high (losing
1905  * excess bits if narrowing) and then shift them down with either a logical
1906  * shift (unsigned) or arithmetic shift (signed).
1907  */
1908 static void
1909 dt_cast(dt_node_t *lp, dt_node_t *rp)
1910 {
1911         size_t srcsize = dt_node_type_size(rp);
1912         size_t dstsize = dt_node_type_size(lp);
1914         if (dstsize < srcsize) {
1915                 int n = (sizeof (uint64_t) - dstsize) * NBBY;
1916                 rp->dn_value <<= n;
1917                 rp->dn_value >>= n;
1918         } else if (dstsize > srcsize) {
1919                 int n = (sizeof (uint64_t) - srcsize) * NBBY;
1920                 int s = (dstsize - srcsize) * NBBY;
1922                 rp->dn_value <<= n;
1923                 if (rp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED) {
1924                         rp->dn_value = (intmax_t)rp->dn_value >> s;
1925                         rp->dn_value >>= n - s;
1926                 } else {
1927                         rp->dn_value >>= n;
1928                 }
1929         }
1930 }
1932 dt_node_t *
1933 dt_node_op2(int op, dt_node_t *lp, dt_node_t *rp)
1934 {
1935         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
1936         dt_node_t *dnp;
1938         /*
1939          * First we check for operations that are illegal -- namely those that
1940          * might result in integer division by zero, and abort if one is found.
1941          */
1942         if (rp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT && rp->dn_value == 0 &&
1943             (op == DT_TOK_MOD || op == DT_TOK_DIV ||
1944             op == DT_TOK_MOD_EQ || op == DT_TOK_DIV_EQ))
1945                 xyerror(D_DIV_ZERO, "expression contains division by zero\n");
1947         /*
1948          * If both children are immediate values, we can just perform inline
1949          * calculation and return a new immediate node with the result.
1950          */
1951         if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT && rp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT) {
1952                 uintmax_t l = lp->dn_value;
1953                 uintmax_t r = rp->dn_value;
1955                 dnp = dt_node_int(0); /* allocate new integer node for result */
1957                 switch (op) {
1958                 case DT_TOK_LOR:
1959                         dnp->dn_value = l || r;
1960                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
1961                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
1962                         break;
1963                 case DT_TOK_LXOR:
1964                         dnp->dn_value = (l != 0) ^ (r != 0);
1965                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
1966                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
1967                         break;
1968                 case DT_TOK_LAND:
1969                         dnp->dn_value = l && r;
1970                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
1971                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
1972                         break;
1973                 case DT_TOK_BOR:
1974                         dnp->dn_value = l | r;
1975                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
1976                         break;
1977                 case DT_TOK_XOR:
1978                         dnp->dn_value = l ^ r;
1979                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
1980                         break;
1981                 case DT_TOK_BAND:
1982                         dnp->dn_value = l & r;
1983                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
1984                         break;
1985                 case DT_TOK_EQU:
1986                         dnp->dn_value = l == r;
1987                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
1988                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
1989                         break;
1990                 case DT_TOK_NEQ:
1991                         dnp->dn_value = l != r;
1992                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
1993                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
1994                         break;
1995                 case DT_TOK_LT:
1996                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
1997                         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
1998                                 dnp->dn_value = (intmax_t)l < (intmax_t)r;
1999                         else
2000                                 dnp->dn_value = l < r;
2001                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2002                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
2003                         break;
2004                 case DT_TOK_LE:
2005                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2006                         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
2007                                 dnp->dn_value = (intmax_t)l <= (intmax_t)r;
2008                         else
2009                                 dnp->dn_value = l <= r;
2010                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2011                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
2012                         break;
2013                 case DT_TOK_GT:
2014                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2015                         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
2016                                 dnp->dn_value = (intmax_t)l > (intmax_t)r;
2017                         else
2018                                 dnp->dn_value = l > r;
2019                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2020                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
2021                         break;
2022                 case DT_TOK_GE:
2023                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2024                         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
2025                                 dnp->dn_value = (intmax_t)l >= (intmax_t)r;
2026                         else
2027                                 dnp->dn_value = l >= r;
2028                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2029                             DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
2030                         break;
2031                 case DT_TOK_LSH:
2032                         dnp->dn_value = l << r;
2033                         dt_node_type_propagate(lp, dnp);
2034                         dt_node_attr_assign(rp,
2035                             dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
2036                         break;
2037                 case DT_TOK_RSH:
2038                         dnp->dn_value = l >> r;
2039                         dt_node_type_propagate(lp, dnp);
2040                         dt_node_attr_assign(rp,
2041                             dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
2042                         break;
2043                 case DT_TOK_ADD:
2044                         dnp->dn_value = l + r;
2045                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2046                         break;
2047                 case DT_TOK_SUB:
2048                         dnp->dn_value = l - r;
2049                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2050                         break;
2051                 case DT_TOK_MUL:
2052                         dnp->dn_value = l * r;
2053                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2054                         break;
2055                 case DT_TOK_DIV:
2056                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2057                         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
2058                                 dnp->dn_value = (intmax_t)l / (intmax_t)r;
2059                         else
2060                                 dnp->dn_value = l / r;
2061                         break;
2062                 case DT_TOK_MOD:
2063                         dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp);
2064                         if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
2065                                 dnp->dn_value = (intmax_t)l % (intmax_t)r;
2066                         else
2067                                 dnp->dn_value = l % r;
2068                         break;
2069                 default:
2070                         dt_node_free(dnp);
2071                         dnp = NULL;
2072                 }
2074                 if (dnp != NULL) {
2075                         dt_node_free(lp);
2076                         dt_node_free(rp);
2077                         return (dnp);
2078                 }
2079         }
2081         if (op == DT_TOK_LPAR && rp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT &&
2082             dt_node_is_integer(lp)) {
2083                 dt_cast(lp, rp);
2084                 dt_node_type_propagate(lp, rp);
2085                 dt_node_attr_assign(rp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
2086                 dt_node_free(lp);
2088                 return (rp);
2089         }
2091         /*
2092          * If no immediate optimizations are available, create an new OP2 node
2093          * and glue the left and right children into place and return.
2094          */
2095         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_OP2);
2096         assert(op <= USHRT_MAX);
2097         dnp->dn_op = (ushort_t)op;
2098         dnp->dn_left = lp;
2099         dnp->dn_right = rp;
2101         return (dnp);
2102 }
2104 dt_node_t *
2105 dt_node_op3(dt_node_t *expr, dt_node_t *lp, dt_node_t *rp)
2106 {
2107         dt_node_t *dnp;
2109         if (expr->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT)
2110                 return (expr->dn_value != 0 ? lp : rp);
2112         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_OP3);
2113         dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_QUESTION;
2114         dnp->dn_expr = expr;
2115         dnp->dn_left = lp;
2116         dnp->dn_right = rp;
2118         return (dnp);
2119 }
2121 dt_node_t *
2122 dt_node_statement(dt_node_t *expr)
2123 {
2124         dt_node_t *dnp;
2126         if (expr->dn_kind == DT_NODE_AGG)
2127                 return (expr);
2129         if (expr->dn_kind == DT_NODE_FUNC &&
2130             expr->dn_ident->di_kind == DT_IDENT_ACTFUNC)
2131                 dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_DFUNC);
2132         else
2133                 dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_DEXPR);
2135         dnp->dn_expr = expr;
2136         return (dnp);
2137 }
2139 dt_node_t *
2140 dt_node_pdesc_by_name(char *spec)
2141 {
2142         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2143         dt_node_t *dnp;
2145         if (spec == NULL)
2146                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2148         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_PDESC);
2149         dnp->dn_spec = spec;
2150         dnp->dn_desc = malloc(sizeof (dtrace_probedesc_t));
2152         if (dnp->dn_desc == NULL)
2153                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2155         if (dtrace_xstr2desc(dtp, yypcb->pcb_pspec, dnp->dn_spec,
2156             yypcb->pcb_sargc, yypcb->pcb_sargv, dnp->dn_desc) != 0) {
2157                 xyerror(D_PDESC_INVAL, "invalid probe description \"%s\": %s\n",
2158                     dnp->dn_spec, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
2159         }
2161         free(dnp->dn_spec);
2162         dnp->dn_spec = NULL;
2164         return (dnp);
2165 }
2167 dt_node_t *
2168 dt_node_pdesc_by_id(uintmax_t id)
2169 {
2170         static const char *const names[] = {
2171                 "providers", "modules", "functions"
2172         };
2174         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2175         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_PDESC);
2177         if ((dnp->dn_desc = malloc(sizeof (dtrace_probedesc_t))) == NULL)
2178                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2180         if (id > UINT_MAX) {
2181                 xyerror(D_PDESC_INVAL, "identifier %llu exceeds maximum "
2182                     "probe id\n", (u_longlong_t)id);
2183         }
2185         if (yypcb->pcb_pspec != DTRACE_PROBESPEC_NAME) {
2186                 xyerror(D_PDESC_INVAL, "probe identifier %llu not permitted "
2187                     "when specifying %s\n", (u_longlong_t)id,
2188                     names[yypcb->pcb_pspec]);
2189         }
2191         if (dtrace_id2desc(dtp, (dtrace_id_t)id, dnp->dn_desc) != 0) {
2192                 xyerror(D_PDESC_INVAL, "invalid probe identifier %llu: %s\n",
2193                     (u_longlong_t)id, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
2194         }
2196         return (dnp);
2197 }
2199 dt_node_t *
2200 dt_node_clause(dt_node_t *pdescs, dt_node_t *pred, dt_node_t *acts)
2201 {
2202         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_CLAUSE);
2204         dnp->dn_pdescs = pdescs;
2205         dnp->dn_pred = pred;
2206         dnp->dn_acts = acts;
2208         yybegin(YYS_CLAUSE);
2209         return (dnp);
2210 }
2212 dt_node_t *
2213 dt_node_inline(dt_node_t *expr)
2214 {
2215         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2216         dt_scope_t *dsp = &yypcb->pcb_dstack;
2217         dt_decl_t *ddp = dt_decl_top();
2219         char n[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
2220         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
2222         dt_ident_t *idp, *rdp;
2223         dt_idnode_t *inp;
2224         dt_node_t *dnp;
2226         if (dt_decl_type(ddp, &dtt) != 0)
2227                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
2229         if (dsp->ds_class != DT_DC_DEFAULT) {
2230                 xyerror(D_DECL_BADCLASS, "specified storage class not "
2231                     "appropriate for inline declaration\n");
2232         }
2234         if (dsp->ds_ident == NULL)
2235                 xyerror(D_DECL_USELESS, "inline declaration requires a name\n");
2237         if ((idp = dt_idstack_lookup(
2238             &yypcb->pcb_globals, dsp->ds_ident)) != NULL) {
2239                 xyerror(D_DECL_IDRED, "identifier redefined: %s\n\t current: "
2240                     "inline definition\n\tprevious: %s %s\n",
2241                     idp->di_name, dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind),
2242                     (idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_INLINE) ? "inline" : "");
2243         }
2245         /*
2246          * If we are declaring an inlined array, verify that we have a tuple
2247          * signature, and then recompute 'dtt' as the array's value type.
2248          */
2249         if (ddp->dd_kind == CTF_K_ARRAY) {
2250                 if (ddp->dd_node == NULL) {
2251                         xyerror(D_DECL_ARRNULL, "inline declaration requires "
2252                             "array tuple signature: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
2253                 }
2255                 if (ddp->dd_node->dn_kind != DT_NODE_TYPE) {
2256                         xyerror(D_DECL_ARRNULL, "inline declaration cannot be "
2257                             "of scalar array type: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
2258                 }
2260                 if (dt_decl_type(ddp->dd_next, &dtt) != 0)
2261                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
2262         }
2264         /*
2265          * If the inline identifier is not defined, then create it with the
2266          * orphan flag set.  We do not insert the identifier into dt_globals
2267          * until we have successfully cooked the right-hand expression, below.
2268          */
2269         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_INLINE);
2270         dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type, B_FALSE);
2271         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, _dtrace_defattr);
2273         if (dt_node_is_void(dnp)) {
2274                 xyerror(D_DECL_VOIDOBJ,
2275                     "cannot declare void inline: %s\n", dsp->ds_ident);
2276         }
2278         if (ctf_type_kind(dnp->dn_ctfp, ctf_type_resolve(
2279             dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type)) == CTF_K_FORWARD) {
2280                 xyerror(D_DECL_INCOMPLETE,
2281                     "incomplete struct/union/enum %s: %s\n",
2282                     dt_node_type_name(dnp, n, sizeof (n)), dsp->ds_ident);
2283         }
2285         if ((inp = malloc(sizeof (dt_idnode_t))) == NULL)
2286                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2288         bzero(inp, sizeof (dt_idnode_t));
2290         idp = dnp->dn_ident = dt_ident_create(dsp->ds_ident,
2291             ddp->dd_kind == CTF_K_ARRAY ? DT_IDENT_ARRAY : DT_IDENT_SCALAR,
2293             _dtrace_defattr, 0, &dt_idops_inline, inp, dtp->dt_gen);
2295         if (idp == NULL) {
2296                 free(inp);
2297                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2298         }
2300         /*
2301          * If we're inlining an associative array, create a private identifier
2302          * hash containing the named parameters and store it in inp->din_hash.
2303          * We then push this hash on to the top of the pcb_globals stack.
2304          */
2305         if (ddp->dd_kind == CTF_K_ARRAY) {
2306                 dt_idnode_t *pinp;
2307                 dt_ident_t *pidp;
2308                 dt_node_t *pnp;
2309                 uint_t i = 0;
2311                 for (pnp = ddp->dd_node; pnp != NULL; pnp = pnp->dn_list)
2312                         i++; /* count up parameters for din_argv[] */
2314                 inp->din_hash = dt_idhash_create("inline args", NULL, 0, 0);
2315                 inp->din_argv = calloc(i, sizeof (dt_ident_t *));
2317                 if (inp->din_hash == NULL || inp->din_argv == NULL)
2318                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2320                 /*
2321                  * Create an identifier for each parameter as a scalar inline,
2322                  * and store it in din_hash and in position in din_argv[].  The
2323                  * parameter identifiers also use dt_idops_inline, but we leave
2324                  * the dt_idnode_t argument 'pinp' zeroed.  This will be filled
2325                  * in by the code generation pass with references to the args.
2326                  */
2327                 for (i = 0, pnp = ddp->dd_node;
2328                     pnp != NULL; pnp = pnp->dn_list, i++) {
2330                         if (pnp->dn_string == NULL)
2331                                 continue; /* ignore anonymous parameters */
2333                         if ((pinp = malloc(sizeof (dt_idnode_t))) == NULL)
2334                                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2336                         pidp = dt_idhash_insert(inp->din_hash, pnp->dn_string,
2337                             DT_IDENT_SCALAR, DT_IDFLG_DECL | DT_IDFLG_INLINE, 0,
2338                             _dtrace_defattr, 0, &dt_idops_inline,
2339                             pinp, dtp->dt_gen);
2341                         if (pidp == NULL) {
2342                                 free(pinp);
2343                                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2344                         }
2346                         inp->din_argv[i] = pidp;
2347                         bzero(pinp, sizeof (dt_idnode_t));
2348                         dt_ident_type_assign(pidp, pnp->dn_ctfp, pnp->dn_type);
2349                 }
2351                 dt_idstack_push(&yypcb->pcb_globals, inp->din_hash);
2352         }
2354         /*
2355          * Unlike most constructors, we need to explicitly cook the right-hand
2356          * side of the inline definition immediately to prevent recursion.  If
2357          * the right-hand side uses the inline itself, the cook will fail.
2358          */
2359         expr = dt_node_cook(expr, DT_IDFLG_REF);
2361         if (ddp->dd_kind == CTF_K_ARRAY)
2362                 dt_idstack_pop(&yypcb->pcb_globals, inp->din_hash);
2364         /*
2365          * Set the type, attributes, and flags for the inline.  If the right-
2366          * hand expression has an identifier, propagate its flags.  Then cook
2367          * the identifier to fully initialize it: if we're declaring an inline
2368          * associative array this will construct a type signature from 'ddp'.
2369          */
2370         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(expr))
2371                 rdp = dt_ident_resolve(expr->dn_ident);
2372         else if (expr->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR || expr->dn_kind == DT_NODE_SYM)
2373                 rdp = expr->dn_ident;
2374         else
2375                 rdp = NULL;
2377         if (rdp != NULL) {
2378                 idp->di_flags |= (rdp->di_flags &
2379                     (DT_IDFLG_WRITE | DT_IDFLG_USER | DT_IDFLG_PRIM));
2380         }
2382         idp->di_attr = dt_attr_min(_dtrace_defattr, expr->dn_attr);
2383         dt_ident_type_assign(idp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
2384         (void) dt_ident_cook(dnp, idp, &ddp->dd_node);
2386         /*
2387          * Store the parse tree nodes for 'expr' inside of idp->di_data ('inp')
2388          * so that they will be preserved with this identifier.  Then pop the
2389          * inline declaration from the declaration stack and restore the lexer.
2390          */
2391         inp->din_list = yypcb->pcb_list;
2392         inp->din_root = expr;
2394         dt_decl_free(dt_decl_pop());
2395         yybegin(YYS_CLAUSE);
2397         /*
2398          * Finally, insert the inline identifier into dt_globals to make it
2399          * visible, and then cook 'dnp' to check its type against 'expr'.
2400          */
2401         dt_idhash_xinsert(dtp->dt_globals, idp);
2402         return (dt_node_cook(dnp, DT_IDFLG_REF));
2403 }
2405 dt_node_t *
2406 dt_node_member(dt_decl_t *ddp, char *name, dt_node_t *expr)
2407 {
2408         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
2409         dt_node_t *dnp;
2410         int err;
2412         if (ddp != NULL) {
2413                 err = dt_decl_type(ddp, &dtt);
2414                 dt_decl_free(ddp);
2416                 if (err != 0)
2417                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
2418         }
2420         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_MEMBER);
2421         dnp->dn_membname = name;
2422         dnp->dn_membexpr = expr;
2424         if (ddp != NULL)
2425                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
2426                     dtt.dtt_flags);
2428         return (dnp);
2429 }
2431 dt_node_t *
2432 dt_node_xlator(dt_decl_t *ddp, dt_decl_t *sdp, char *name, dt_node_t *members)
2433 {
2434         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2435         dtrace_typeinfo_t src, dst;
2436         dt_node_t sn, dn;
2437         dt_xlator_t *dxp;
2438         dt_node_t *dnp;
2439         int edst, esrc;
2440         uint_t kind;
2442         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
2443         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
2445         edst = dt_decl_type(ddp, &dst);
2446         dt_decl_free(ddp);
2448         esrc = dt_decl_type(sdp, &src);
2449         dt_decl_free(sdp);
2451         if (edst != 0 || esrc != 0) {
2452                 free(name);
2453                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
2454         }
2456         bzero(&sn, sizeof (sn));
2457         dt_node_type_assign(&sn, src.dtt_ctfp, src.dtt_type, B_FALSE);
2459         bzero(&dn, sizeof (dn));
2460         dt_node_type_assign(&dn, dst.dtt_ctfp, dst.dtt_type, B_FALSE);
2462         if (dt_xlator_lookup(dtp, &sn, &dn, DT_XLATE_EXACT) != NULL) {
2463                 xyerror(D_XLATE_REDECL,
2464                     "translator from %s to %s has already been declared\n",
2465                     dt_node_type_name(&sn, n1, sizeof (n1)),
2466                     dt_node_type_name(&dn, n2, sizeof (n2)));
2467         }
2469         kind = ctf_type_kind(dst.dtt_ctfp,
2470             ctf_type_resolve(dst.dtt_ctfp, dst.dtt_type));
2472         if (kind == CTF_K_FORWARD) {
2473                 xyerror(D_XLATE_SOU, "incomplete struct/union/enum %s\n",
2474                     dt_type_name(dst.dtt_ctfp, dst.dtt_type, n1, sizeof (n1)));
2475         }
2477         if (kind != CTF_K_STRUCT && kind != CTF_K_UNION) {
2478                 xyerror(D_XLATE_SOU,
2479                     "translator output type must be a struct or union\n");
2480         }
2482         dxp = dt_xlator_create(dtp, &src, &dst, name, members, yypcb->pcb_list);
2483         yybegin(YYS_CLAUSE);
2484         free(name);
2486         if (dxp == NULL)
2487                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2489         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_XLATOR);
2490         dnp->dn_xlator = dxp;
2491         dnp->dn_members = members;
2493         return (dt_node_cook(dnp, DT_IDFLG_REF));
2494 }
2496 dt_node_t *
2497 dt_node_probe(char *s, int protoc, dt_node_t *nargs, dt_node_t *xargs)
2498 {
2499         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2500         int nargc, xargc;
2501         dt_node_t *dnp;
2503         size_t len = strlen(s) + 3; /* +3 for :: and \0 */
2504         char *name = alloca(len);
2506         (void) snprintf(name, len, "::%s", s);
2507         (void) strhyphenate(name);
2508         free(s);
2510         if (strchr(name, '`') != NULL) {
2511                 xyerror(D_PROV_BADNAME, "probe name may not "
2512                     "contain scoping operator: %s\n", name);
2513         }
2515         if (strlen(name) - 2 >= DTRACE_NAMELEN) {
2516                 xyerror(D_PROV_BADNAME, "probe name may not exceed %d "
2517                     "characters: %s\n", DTRACE_NAMELEN - 1, name);
2518         }
2520         dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_PROBE);
2522         dnp->dn_ident = dt_ident_create(name, DT_IDENT_PROBE,
2523             DT_IDFLG_ORPHAN, DTRACE_IDNONE, _dtrace_defattr, 0,
2524             &dt_idops_probe, NULL, dtp->dt_gen);
2526         nargc = dt_decl_prototype(nargs, nargs,
2527             "probe input", DT_DP_VOID | DT_DP_ANON);
2529         xargc = dt_decl_prototype(xargs, nargs,
2530             "probe output", DT_DP_VOID);
2532         if (nargc > UINT8_MAX) {
2533                 xyerror(D_PROV_PRARGLEN, "probe %s input prototype exceeds %u "
2534                     "parameters: %d params used\n", name, UINT8_MAX, nargc);
2535         }
2537         if (xargc > UINT8_MAX) {
2538                 xyerror(D_PROV_PRARGLEN, "probe %s output prototype exceeds %u "
2539                     "parameters: %d params used\n", name, UINT8_MAX, xargc);
2540         }
2542         if (dnp->dn_ident == NULL || dt_probe_create(dtp,
2543             dnp->dn_ident, protoc, nargs, nargc, xargs, xargc) == NULL)
2544                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2546         return (dnp);
2547 }
2549 dt_node_t *
2550 dt_node_provider(char *name, dt_node_t *probes)
2551 {
2552         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2553         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_PROVIDER);
2554         dt_node_t *lnp;
2555         size_t len;
2557         dnp->dn_provname = name;
2558         dnp->dn_probes = probes;
2560         if (strchr(name, '`') != NULL) {
2561                 dnerror(dnp, D_PROV_BADNAME, "provider name may not "
2562                     "contain scoping operator: %s\n", name);
2563         }
2565         if ((len = strlen(name)) >= DTRACE_PROVNAMELEN) {
2566                 dnerror(dnp, D_PROV_BADNAME, "provider name may not exceed %d "
2567                     "characters: %s\n", DTRACE_PROVNAMELEN - 1, name);
2568         }
2570         if (isdigit(name[len - 1])) {
2571                 dnerror(dnp, D_PROV_BADNAME, "provider name may not "
2572                     "end with a digit: %s\n", name);
2573         }
2575         /*
2576          * Check to see if the provider is already defined or visible through
2577          * dtrace(7D).  If so, set dn_provred to treat it as a re-declaration.
2578          * If not, create a new provider and set its interface-only flag.  This
2579          * flag may be cleared later by calls made to dt_probe_declare().
2580          */
2581         if ((dnp->dn_provider = dt_provider_lookup(dtp, name)) != NULL)
2582                 dnp->dn_provred = B_TRUE;
2583         else if ((dnp->dn_provider = dt_provider_create(dtp, name)) == NULL)
2584                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2585         else
2586                 dnp->dn_provider->pv_flags |= DT_PROVIDER_INTF;
2588         /*
2589          * Store all parse nodes created since we consumed the DT_KEY_PROVIDER
2590          * token with the provider and then restore our lexing state to CLAUSE.
2591          * Note that if dnp->dn_provred is true, we may end up storing dups of
2592          * a provider's interface and implementation: we eat this space because
2593          * the implementation will likely need to redeclare probe members, and
2594          * therefore may result in those member nodes becoming persistent.
2595          */
2596         for (lnp = yypcb->pcb_list; lnp->dn_link != NULL; lnp = lnp->dn_link)
2597                 continue; /* skip to end of allocation list */
2599         lnp->dn_link = dnp->dn_provider->pv_nodes;
2600         dnp->dn_provider->pv_nodes = yypcb->pcb_list;
2602         yybegin(YYS_CLAUSE);
2603         return (dnp);
2604 }
2606 dt_node_t *
2607 dt_node_program(dt_node_t *lnp)
2608 {
2609         dt_node_t *dnp = dt_node_alloc(DT_NODE_PROG);
2610         dnp->dn_list = lnp;
2611         return (dnp);
2612 }
2614 /*
2615  * This function provides the underlying implementation of cooking an
2616  * identifier given its node, a hash of dynamic identifiers, an identifier
2617  * kind, and a boolean flag indicating whether we are allowed to instantiate
2618  * a new identifier if the string is not found.  This function is either
2619  * called from dt_cook_ident(), below, or directly by the various cooking
2620  * routines that are allowed to instantiate identifiers (e.g. op2 TOK_ASGN).
2621  */
2622 static void
2623 dt_xcook_ident(dt_node_t *dnp, dt_idhash_t *dhp, uint_t idkind, int create)
2624 {
2625         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2626         const char *sname = dt_idhash_name(dhp);
2627         int uref = 0;
2629         dtrace_attribute_t attr = _dtrace_defattr;
2630         dt_ident_t *idp;
2631         dtrace_syminfo_t dts;
2632         GElf_Sym sym;
2634         const char *scope, *mark;
2635         uchar_t dnkind;
2636         char *name;
2638         /*
2639          * Look for scoping marks in the identifier.  If one is found, set our
2640          * scope to either DTRACE_OBJ_KMODS or UMODS or to the first part of
2641          * the string that specifies the scope using an explicit module name.
2642          * If two marks in a row are found, set 'uref' (user symbol reference).
2643          * Otherwise we set scope to DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC, indicating that normal
2644          * scope is desired and we should search the specified idhash.
2645          */
2646         if ((name = strrchr(dnp->dn_string, '`')) != NULL) {
2647                 if (name > dnp->dn_string && name[-1] == '`') {
2648                         uref++;
2649                         name[-1] = '\0';
2650                 }
2652                 if (name == dnp->dn_string + uref)
2653                         scope = uref ? DTRACE_OBJ_UMODS : DTRACE_OBJ_KMODS;
2654                 else
2655                         scope = dnp->dn_string;
2657                 *name++ = '\0'; /* leave name pointing after scoping mark */
2658                 dnkind = DT_NODE_VAR;
2660         } else if (idkind == DT_IDENT_AGG) {
2661                 scope = DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC;
2662                 name = dnp->dn_string + 1;
2663                 dnkind = DT_NODE_AGG;
2664         } else {
2665                 scope = DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC;
2666                 name = dnp->dn_string;
2667                 dnkind = DT_NODE_VAR;
2668         }
2670         /*
2671          * If create is set to false, and we fail our idhash lookup, preset
2672          * the errno code to EDT_NOVAR for our final error message below.
2673          * If we end up calling dtrace_lookup_by_name(), it will reset the
2674          * errno appropriately and that error will be reported instead.
2675          */
2676         (void) dt_set_errno(dtp, EDT_NOVAR);
2677         mark = uref ? "``" : "`";
2679         if (scope == DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC && (
2680             (dhp != dtp->dt_globals &&
2681             (idp = dt_idhash_lookup(dhp, name)) != NULL) ||
2682             (dhp == dtp->dt_globals &&
2683             (idp = dt_idstack_lookup(&yypcb->pcb_globals, name)) != NULL))) {
2684                 /*
2685                  * Check that we are referencing the ident in the manner that
2686                  * matches its type if this is a global lookup.  In the TLS or
2687                  * local case, we don't know how the ident will be used until
2688                  * the time operator -> is seen; more parsing is needed.
2689                  */
2690                 if (idp->di_kind != idkind && dhp == dtp->dt_globals) {
2691                         xyerror(D_IDENT_BADREF, "%s '%s' may not be referenced "
2692                             "as %s\n", dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind),
2693                             idp->di_name, dt_idkind_name(idkind));
2694                 }
2696                 /*
2697                  * Arrays and aggregations are not cooked individually. They
2698                  * have dynamic types and must be referenced using operator [].
2699                  * This is handled explicitly by the code for DT_TOK_LBRAC.
2700                  */
2701                 if (idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_ARRAY &&
2702                     idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_AGG)
2703                         attr = dt_ident_cook(dnp, idp, NULL);
2704                 else {
2705                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2706                             DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp), DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
2707                         attr = idp->di_attr;
2708                 }
2710                 free(dnp->dn_string);
2711                 dnp->dn_string = NULL;
2712                 dnp->dn_kind = dnkind;
2713                 dnp->dn_ident = idp;
2714                 dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_LVALUE;
2716                 if (idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_WRITE)
2717                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_WRITABLE;
2719                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, attr);
2721         } else if (dhp == dtp->dt_globals && scope != DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC &&
2722             dtrace_lookup_by_name(dtp, scope, name, &sym, &dts) == 0) {
2724                 dt_module_t *mp = dt_module_lookup_by_name(dtp, dts.dts_object);
2725                 int umod = (mp->dm_flags & DT_DM_KERNEL) == 0;
2726                 static const char *const kunames[] = { "kernel", "user" };
2728                 dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
2729                 dtrace_syminfo_t *sip;
2731                 if (uref ^ umod) {
2732                         xyerror(D_SYM_BADREF, "%s module '%s' symbol '%s' may "
2733                             "not be referenced as a %s symbol\n", kunames[umod],
2734                             dts.dts_object, dts.dts_name, kunames[uref]);
2735                 }
2737                 if (dtrace_symbol_type(dtp, &sym, &dts, &dtt) != 0) {
2738                         /*
2739                          * For now, we special-case EDT_DATAMODEL to clarify
2740                          * that mixed data models are not currently supported.
2741                          */
2742                         if (dtp->dt_errno == EDT_DATAMODEL) {
2743                                 xyerror(D_SYM_MODEL, "cannot use %s symbol "
2744                                     "%s%s%s in a %s D program\n",
2745                                     dt_module_modelname(mp),
2746                                     dts.dts_object, mark, dts.dts_name,
2747                                     dt_module_modelname(dtp->dt_ddefs));
2748                         }
2750                         xyerror(D_SYM_NOTYPES,
2751                             "no symbolic type information is available for "
2752                             "%s%s%s: %s\n", dts.dts_object, mark, dts.dts_name,
2753                             dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
2754                 }
2756                 idp = dt_ident_create(name, DT_IDENT_SYMBOL, 0, 0,
2757                     _dtrace_symattr, 0, &dt_idops_thaw, NULL, dtp->dt_gen);
2759                 if (idp == NULL)
2760                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2762                 if (mp->dm_flags & DT_DM_PRIMARY)
2763                         idp->di_flags |= DT_IDFLG_PRIM;
2765                 idp->di_next = dtp->dt_externs;
2766                 dtp->dt_externs = idp;
2768                 if ((sip = malloc(sizeof (dtrace_syminfo_t))) == NULL)
2769                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2771                 bcopy(&dts, sip, sizeof (dtrace_syminfo_t));
2772                 idp->di_data = sip;
2773                 idp->di_ctfp = dtt.dtt_ctfp;
2774                 idp->di_type = dtt.dtt_type;
2776                 free(dnp->dn_string);
2777                 dnp->dn_string = NULL;
2778                 dnp->dn_kind = DT_NODE_SYM;
2779                 dnp->dn_ident = idp;
2780                 dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_LVALUE;
2782                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
2783                     dtt.dtt_flags);
2784                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, _dtrace_symattr);
2786                 if (uref) {
2787                         idp->di_flags |= DT_IDFLG_USER;
2788                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_USERLAND;
2789                 }
2791         } else if (scope == DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC && create == B_TRUE) {
2792                 uint_t flags = DT_IDFLG_WRITE;
2793                 uint_t id;
2795                 if (dt_idhash_nextid(dhp, &id) == -1) {
2796                         xyerror(D_ID_OFLOW, "cannot create %s: limit on number "
2797                             "of %s variables exceeded\n", name, sname);
2798                 }
2800                 if (dhp == yypcb->pcb_locals)
2801                         flags |= DT_IDFLG_LOCAL;
2802                 else if (dhp == dtp->dt_tls)
2803                         flags |= DT_IDFLG_TLS;
2805                 dt_dprintf("create %s %s variable %s, id=%u\n",
2806                     sname, dt_idkind_name(idkind), name, id);
2808                 if (idkind == DT_IDENT_ARRAY || idkind == DT_IDENT_AGG) {
2809                         idp = dt_idhash_insert(dhp, name,
2810                             idkind, flags, id, _dtrace_defattr, 0,
2811                             &dt_idops_assc, NULL, dtp->dt_gen);
2812                 } else {
2813                         idp = dt_idhash_insert(dhp, name,
2814                             idkind, flags, id, _dtrace_defattr, 0,
2815                             &dt_idops_thaw, NULL, dtp->dt_gen);
2816                 }
2818                 if (idp == NULL)
2819                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
2821                 /*
2822                  * Arrays and aggregations are not cooked individually. They
2823                  * have dynamic types and must be referenced using operator [].
2824                  * This is handled explicitly by the code for DT_TOK_LBRAC.
2825                  */
2826                 if (idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_ARRAY &&
2827                     idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_AGG)
2828                         attr = dt_ident_cook(dnp, idp, NULL);
2829                 else {
2830                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2831                             DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp), DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
2832                         attr = idp->di_attr;
2833                 }
2835                 free(dnp->dn_string);
2836                 dnp->dn_string = NULL;
2837                 dnp->dn_kind = dnkind;
2838                 dnp->dn_ident = idp;
2839                 dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_LVALUE | DT_NF_WRITABLE;
2841                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, attr);
2843         } else if (scope != DTRACE_OBJ_EXEC) {
2844                 xyerror(D_IDENT_UNDEF, "failed to resolve %s%s%s: %s\n",
2845                     dnp->dn_string, mark, name,
2846                     dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
2847         } else {
2848                 xyerror(D_IDENT_UNDEF, "failed to resolve %s: %s\n",
2849                     dnp->dn_string, dtrace_errmsg(dtp, dtrace_errno(dtp)));
2850         }
2851 }
2853 static dt_node_t *
2854 dt_cook_ident(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
2855 {
2856         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2858         if (dnp->dn_op == DT_TOK_AGG)
2859                 dt_xcook_ident(dnp, dtp->dt_aggs, DT_IDENT_AGG, B_FALSE);
2860         else
2861                 dt_xcook_ident(dnp, dtp->dt_globals, DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_FALSE);
2863         return (dt_node_cook(dnp, idflags));
2864 }
2866 /*
2867  * Since operators [ and -> can instantiate new variables before we know
2868  * whether the reference is for a read or a write, we need to check read
2869  * references to determine if the identifier is currently dt_ident_unref().
2870  * If so, we report that this first access was to an undefined variable.
2871  */
2872 static dt_node_t *
2873 dt_cook_var(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
2874 {
2875         dt_ident_t *idp = dnp->dn_ident;
2877         if ((idflags & DT_IDFLG_REF) && dt_ident_unref(idp)) {
2878                 dnerror(dnp, D_VAR_UNDEF,
2879                     "%s%s has not yet been declared or assigned\n",
2880                     (idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_LOCAL) ? "this->" :
2881                     (idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_TLS) ? "self->" : "",
2882                     idp->di_name);
2883         }
2885         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_ident_cook(dnp, idp, &dnp->dn_args));
2886         return (dnp);
2887 }
2889 /*ARGSUSED*/
2890 static dt_node_t *
2891 dt_cook_func(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
2892 {
2893         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp,
2894             dt_ident_cook(dnp, dnp->dn_ident, &dnp->dn_args));
2896         return (dnp);
2897 }
2899 static dt_node_t *
2900 dt_cook_op1(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
2901 {
2902         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
2903         dt_node_t *cp = dnp->dn_child;
2905         char n[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
2906         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
2907         dt_ident_t *idp;
2909         ctf_encoding_t e;
2910         ctf_arinfo_t r;
2911         ctf_id_t type, base;
2912         uint_t kind;
2914         if (dnp->dn_op == DT_TOK_PREINC || dnp->dn_op == DT_TOK_POSTINC ||
2915             dnp->dn_op == DT_TOK_PREDEC || dnp->dn_op == DT_TOK_POSTDEC)
2916                 idflags = DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD;
2917         else
2918                 idflags = DT_IDFLG_REF;
2920         /*
2921          * We allow the unary ++ and -- operators to instantiate new scalar
2922          * variables if applied to an identifier; otherwise just cook as usual.
2923          */
2924         if (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT && (idflags & DT_IDFLG_MOD))
2925                 dt_xcook_ident(cp, dtp->dt_globals, DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
2927         cp = dnp->dn_child = dt_node_cook(cp, 0); /* don't set idflags yet */
2929         if (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR && dt_ident_unref(cp->dn_ident)) {
2930                 if (dt_type_lookup("int64_t", &dtt) != 0)
2931                         xyerror(D_TYPE_ERR, "failed to lookup int64_t\n");
2933                 dt_ident_type_assign(cp->dn_ident, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
2934                 dt_node_type_assign(cp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
2935                     dtt.dtt_flags);
2936         }
2938         if (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR)
2939                 cp->dn_ident->di_flags |= idflags;
2941         switch (dnp->dn_op) {
2942         case DT_TOK_DEREF:
2943                 /*
2944                  * If the deref operator is applied to a translated pointer,
2945                  * we set our output type to the output of the translation.
2946                  */
2947                 if ((idp = dt_node_resolve(cp, DT_IDENT_XLPTR)) != NULL) {
2948                         dt_xlator_t *dxp = idp->di_data;
2950                         dnp->dn_ident = &dxp->dx_souid;
2951                         dt_node_type_assign(dnp,
2952                             dnp->dn_ident->di_ctfp, dnp->dn_ident->di_type,
2953                             cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND);
2954                         break;
2955                 }
2957                 type = ctf_type_resolve(cp->dn_ctfp, cp->dn_type);
2958                 kind = ctf_type_kind(cp->dn_ctfp, type);
2960                 if (kind == CTF_K_ARRAY) {
2961                         if (ctf_array_info(cp->dn_ctfp, type, &r) != 0) {
2962                                 dtp->dt_ctferr = ctf_errno(cp->dn_ctfp);
2963                                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_CTF);
2964                         } else
2965                                 type = r.ctr_contents;
2966                 } else if (kind == CTF_K_POINTER) {
2967                         type = ctf_type_reference(cp->dn_ctfp, type);
2968                 } else {
2969                         xyerror(D_DEREF_NONPTR,
2970                             "cannot dereference non-pointer type\n");
2971                 }
2973                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, cp->dn_ctfp, type,
2974                     cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND);
2975                 base = ctf_type_resolve(cp->dn_ctfp, type);
2976                 kind = ctf_type_kind(cp->dn_ctfp, base);
2978                 if (kind == CTF_K_INTEGER && ctf_type_encoding(cp->dn_ctfp,
2979                     base, &e) == 0 && IS_VOID(e)) {
2980                         xyerror(D_DEREF_VOID,
2981                             "cannot dereference pointer to void\n");
2982                 }
2984                 if (kind == CTF_K_FUNCTION) {
2985                         xyerror(D_DEREF_FUNC,
2986                             "cannot dereference pointer to function\n");
2987                 }
2989                 if (kind != CTF_K_ARRAY || dt_node_is_string(dnp))
2990                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_LVALUE; /* see K&R[A7.4.3] */
2992                 /*
2993                  * If we propagated the l-value bit and the child operand was
2994                  * a writable D variable or a binary operation of the form
2995                  * a + b where a is writable, then propagate the writable bit.
2996                  * This is necessary to permit assignments to scalar arrays,
2997                  * which are converted to expressions of the form *(a + i).
2998                  */
2999                 if ((cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_WRITABLE) ||
3000                     (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_OP2 && cp->dn_op == DT_TOK_ADD &&
3001                     (cp->dn_left->dn_flags & DT_NF_WRITABLE)))
3002                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_WRITABLE;
3004                 if ((cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND) &&
3005                     (kind == CTF_K_POINTER || (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_REF)))
3006                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_USERLAND;
3007                 break;
3009         case DT_TOK_IPOS:
3010         case DT_TOK_INEG:
3011                 if (!dt_node_is_arith(cp)) {
3012                         xyerror(D_OP_ARITH, "operator %s requires an operand "
3013                             "of arithmetic type\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3014                 }
3015                 dt_node_type_propagate(cp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.4.4-6] */
3016                 break;
3018         case DT_TOK_BNEG:
3019                 if (!dt_node_is_integer(cp)) {
3020                         xyerror(D_OP_INT, "operator %s requires an operand of "
3021                             "integral type\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3022                 }
3023                 dt_node_type_propagate(cp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.4.4-6] */
3024                 break;
3026         case DT_TOK_LNEG:
3027                 if (!dt_node_is_scalar(cp)) {
3028                         xyerror(D_OP_SCALAR, "operator %s requires an operand "
3029                             "of scalar type\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3030                 }
3031                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp),
3032                     B_FALSE);
3033                 break;
3035         case DT_TOK_ADDROF:
3036                 if (cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR || cp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_AGG) {
3037                         xyerror(D_ADDROF_VAR,
3038                             "cannot take address of dynamic variable\n");
3039                 }
3041                 if (dt_node_is_dynamic(cp)) {
3042                         xyerror(D_ADDROF_VAR,
3043                             "cannot take address of dynamic object\n");
3044                 }
3046                 if (!(cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_LVALUE)) {
3047                         xyerror(D_ADDROF_LVAL, /* see K&R[A7.4.2] */
3048                             "unacceptable operand for unary & operator\n");
3049                 }
3051                 if (cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_BITFIELD) {
3052                         xyerror(D_ADDROF_BITFIELD,
3053                             "cannot take address of bit-field\n");
3054                 }
3056                 dtt.dtt_object = NULL;
3057                 dtt.dtt_ctfp = cp->dn_ctfp;
3058                 dtt.dtt_type = cp->dn_type;
3060                 if (dt_type_pointer(&dtt) == -1) {
3061                         xyerror(D_TYPE_ERR, "cannot find type for \"&\": %s*\n",
3062                             dt_node_type_name(cp, n, sizeof (n)));
3063                 }
3065                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dtt.dtt_ctfp, dtt.dtt_type,
3066                     cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND);
3067                 break;
3069         case DT_TOK_SIZEOF:
3070                 if (cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_BITFIELD) {
3071                         xyerror(D_SIZEOF_BITFIELD,
3072                             "cannot apply sizeof to a bit-field\n");
3073                 }
3075                 if (dt_node_sizeof(cp) == 0) {
3076                         xyerror(D_SIZEOF_TYPE, "cannot apply sizeof to an "
3077                             "operand of unknown size\n");
3078                 }
3080                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, dtp->dt_ddefs->dm_ctfp,
3081                     ctf_lookup_by_name(dtp->dt_ddefs->dm_ctfp, "size_t"),
3082                     B_FALSE);
3083                 break;
3085         case DT_TOK_STRINGOF:
3086                 if (!dt_node_is_scalar(cp) && !dt_node_is_pointer(cp) &&
3087                     !dt_node_is_strcompat(cp)) {
3088                         xyerror(D_STRINGOF_TYPE,
3089                             "cannot apply stringof to a value of type %s\n",
3090                             dt_node_type_name(cp, n, sizeof (n)));
3091                 }
3092                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_STR_CTFP(dtp), DT_STR_TYPE(dtp),
3093                     cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND);
3094                 break;
3096         case DT_TOK_PREINC:
3097         case DT_TOK_POSTINC:
3098         case DT_TOK_PREDEC:
3099         case DT_TOK_POSTDEC:
3100                 if (dt_node_is_scalar(cp) == 0) {
3101                         xyerror(D_OP_SCALAR, "operator %s requires operand of "
3102                             "scalar type\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3103                 }
3105                 if (dt_node_is_vfptr(cp)) {
3106                         xyerror(D_OP_VFPTR, "operator %s requires an operand "
3107                             "of known size\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3108                 }
3110                 if (!(cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_LVALUE)) {
3111                         xyerror(D_OP_LVAL, "operator %s requires modifiable "
3112                             "lvalue as an operand\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3113                 }
3115                 if (!(cp->dn_flags & DT_NF_WRITABLE)) {
3116                         xyerror(D_OP_WRITE, "operator %s can only be applied "
3117                             "to a writable variable\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3118                 }
3120                 dt_node_type_propagate(cp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.4.1] */
3121                 break;
3123         default:
3124                 xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "invalid unary op %s\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op));
3125         }
3127         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, cp->dn_attr);
3128         return (dnp);
3129 }
3131 static void
3132 dt_assign_common(dt_node_t *dnp)
3133 {
3134         dt_node_t *lp = dnp->dn_left;
3135         dt_node_t *rp = dnp->dn_right;
3136         int op = dnp->dn_op;
3138         if (rp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_INT)
3139                 dt_cast(lp, rp);
3141         if (!(lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_LVALUE)) {
3142                 xyerror(D_OP_LVAL, "operator %s requires modifiable "
3143                     "lvalue as an operand\n", opstr(op));
3144                 /* see K&R[A7.17] */
3145         }
3147         if (!(lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_WRITABLE)) {
3148                 xyerror(D_OP_WRITE, "operator %s can only be applied "
3149                     "to a writable variable\n", opstr(op));
3150         }
3152         dt_node_type_propagate(lp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.17] */
3153         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3154 }
3156 static dt_node_t *
3157 dt_cook_op2(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
3158 {
3159         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
3160         dt_node_t *lp = dnp->dn_left;
3161         dt_node_t *rp = dnp->dn_right;
3162         int op = dnp->dn_op;
3164         ctf_membinfo_t m;
3165         ctf_file_t *ctfp;
3166         ctf_id_t type;
3167         int kind, val, uref;
3168         dt_ident_t *idp;
3170         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
3171         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
3173         /*
3174          * The expression E1[E2] is identical by definition to *((E1)+(E2)) so
3175          * we convert "[" to "+" and glue on "*" at the end (see K&R[A7.3.1])
3176          * unless the left-hand side is an untyped D scalar, associative array,
3177          * or aggregation.  In these cases, we proceed to case DT_TOK_LBRAC and
3178          * handle associative array and aggregation references there.
3179          */
3180         if (op == DT_TOK_LBRAC) {
3181                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT) {
3182                         dt_idhash_t *dhp;
3183                         uint_t idkind;
3185                         if (lp->dn_op == DT_TOK_AGG) {
3186                                 dhp = dtp->dt_aggs;
3187                                 idp = dt_idhash_lookup(dhp, lp->dn_string + 1);
3188                                 idkind = DT_IDENT_AGG;
3189                         } else {
3190                                 dhp = dtp->dt_globals;
3191                                 idp = dt_idstack_lookup(
3192                                     &yypcb->pcb_globals, lp->dn_string);
3193                                 idkind = DT_IDENT_ARRAY;
3194                         }
3196                         if (idp == NULL || dt_ident_unref(idp))
3197                                 dt_xcook_ident(lp, dhp, idkind, B_TRUE);
3198                         else
3199                                 dt_xcook_ident(lp, dhp, idp->di_kind, B_FALSE);
3200                 } else
3201                         lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, 0);
3203                 /*
3204                  * Switch op to '+' for *(E1 + E2) array mode in these cases:
3205                  * (a) lp is a DT_IDENT_ARRAY variable that has already been
3206                  *      referenced using [] notation (dn_args != NULL).
3207                  * (b) lp is a non-ARRAY variable that has already been given
3208                  *      a type by assignment or declaration (!dt_ident_unref())
3209                  * (c) lp is neither a variable nor an aggregation
3210                  */
3211                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR) {
3212                         if (lp->dn_ident->di_kind == DT_IDENT_ARRAY) {
3213                                 if (lp->dn_args != NULL)
3214                                         op = DT_TOK_ADD;
3215                         } else if (!dt_ident_unref(lp->dn_ident))
3216                                 op = DT_TOK_ADD;
3217                 } else if (lp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_AGG)
3218                         op = DT_TOK_ADD;
3219         }
3221         switch (op) {
3222         case DT_TOK_BAND:
3223         case DT_TOK_XOR:
3224         case DT_TOK_BOR:
3225                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3226                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3228                 if (!dt_node_is_integer(lp) || !dt_node_is_integer(rp)) {
3229                         xyerror(D_OP_INT, "operator %s requires operands of "
3230                             "integral type\n", opstr(op));
3231                 }
3233                 dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.11-13] */
3234                 break;
3236         case DT_TOK_LSH:
3237         case DT_TOK_RSH:
3238                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3239                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3241                 if (!dt_node_is_integer(lp) || !dt_node_is_integer(rp)) {
3242                         xyerror(D_OP_INT, "operator %s requires operands of "
3243                             "integral type\n", opstr(op));
3244                 }
3246                 dt_node_type_propagate(lp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.8] */
3247                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3248                 break;
3250         case DT_TOK_MOD:
3251                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3252                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3254                 if (!dt_node_is_integer(lp) || !dt_node_is_integer(rp)) {
3255                         xyerror(D_OP_INT, "operator %s requires operands of "
3256                             "integral type\n", opstr(op));
3257                 }
3259                 dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.6] */
3260                 break;
3262         case DT_TOK_MUL:
3263         case DT_TOK_DIV:
3264                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3265                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3267                 if (!dt_node_is_arith(lp) || !dt_node_is_arith(rp)) {
3268                         xyerror(D_OP_ARITH, "operator %s requires operands of "
3269                             "arithmetic type\n", opstr(op));
3270                 }
3272                 dt_node_promote(lp, rp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.6] */
3273                 break;
3275         case DT_TOK_LAND:
3276         case DT_TOK_LXOR:
3277         case DT_TOK_LOR:
3278                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3279                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3281                 if (!dt_node_is_scalar(lp) || !dt_node_is_scalar(rp)) {
3282                         xyerror(D_OP_SCALAR, "operator %s requires operands "
3283                             "of scalar type\n", opstr(op));
3284                 }
3286                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp),
3287                     B_FALSE);
3288                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3289                 break;
3291         case DT_TOK_LT:
3292         case DT_TOK_LE:
3293         case DT_TOK_GT:
3294         case DT_TOK_GE:
3295         case DT_TOK_EQU:
3296         case DT_TOK_NEQ:
3297                 /*
3298                  * The D comparison operators provide the ability to transform
3299                  * a right-hand identifier into a corresponding enum tag value
3300                  * if the left-hand side is an enum type.  To do this, we cook
3301                  * the left-hand side, and then see if the right-hand side is
3302                  * an unscoped identifier defined in the enum.  If so, we
3303                  * convert into an integer constant node with the tag's value.
3304                  */
3305                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3307                 kind = ctf_type_kind(lp->dn_ctfp,
3308                     ctf_type_resolve(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type));
3310                 if (kind == CTF_K_ENUM && rp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT &&
3311                     strchr(rp->dn_string, '`') == NULL && ctf_enum_value(
3312                     lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type, rp->dn_string, &val) == 0) {
3314                         if ((idp = dt_idstack_lookup(&yypcb->pcb_globals,
3315                             rp->dn_string)) != NULL) {
3316                                 xyerror(D_IDENT_AMBIG,
3317                                     "ambiguous use of operator %s: %s is "
3318                                     "both a %s enum tag and a global %s\n",
3319                                     opstr(op), rp->dn_string,
3320                                     dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
3321                                     dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind));
3322                         }
3324                         free(rp->dn_string);
3325                         rp->dn_string = NULL;
3326                         rp->dn_kind = DT_NODE_INT;
3327                         rp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_COOKED;
3328                         rp->dn_op = DT_TOK_INT;
3329                         rp->dn_value = (intmax_t)val;
3331                         dt_node_type_assign(rp, lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type,
3332                             B_FALSE);
3333                         dt_node_attr_assign(rp, _dtrace_symattr);
3334                 }
3336                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3338                 /*
3339                  * The rules for type checking for the relational operators are
3340                  * described in the ANSI-C spec (see K&R[A7.9-10]).  We perform
3341                  * the various tests in order from least to most expensive.  We
3342                  * also allow derived strings to be compared as a first-class
3343                  * type (resulting in a strcmp(3C)-style comparison), and we
3344                  * slightly relax the A7.9 rules to permit void pointer
3345                  * comparisons as in A7.10.  Our users won't be confused by
3346                  * this since they understand pointers are just numbers, and
3347                  * relaxing this constraint simplifies the implementation.
3348                  */
3349                 if (ctf_type_compat(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type,
3350                     rp->dn_ctfp, rp->dn_type))
3351                         /*EMPTY*/;
3352                 else if (dt_node_is_integer(lp) && dt_node_is_integer(rp))
3353                         /*EMPTY*/;
3354                 else if (dt_node_is_strcompat(lp) && dt_node_is_strcompat(rp) &&
3355                     (dt_node_is_string(lp) || dt_node_is_string(rp)))
3356                         /*EMPTY*/;
3357                 else if (dt_node_is_ptrcompat(lp, rp, NULL, NULL) == 0) {
3358                         xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPAT, "operands have "
3359                             "incompatible types: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n",
3360                             dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)), opstr(op),
3361                             dt_node_type_name(rp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3362                 }
3364                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_INT_CTFP(dtp), DT_INT_TYPE(dtp),
3365                     B_FALSE);
3366                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3367                 break;
3369         case DT_TOK_ADD:
3370         case DT_TOK_SUB: {
3371                 /*
3372                  * The rules for type checking for the additive operators are
3373                  * described in the ANSI-C spec (see K&R[A7.7]).  Pointers and
3374                  * integers may be manipulated according to specific rules.  In
3375                  * these cases D permits strings to be treated as pointers.
3376                  */
3377                 int lp_is_ptr, lp_is_int, rp_is_ptr, rp_is_int;
3379                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3380                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3382                 lp_is_ptr = dt_node_is_string(lp) ||
3383                     (dt_node_is_pointer(lp) && !dt_node_is_vfptr(lp));
3384                 lp_is_int = dt_node_is_integer(lp);
3386                 rp_is_ptr = dt_node_is_string(rp) ||
3387                     (dt_node_is_pointer(rp) && !dt_node_is_vfptr(rp));
3388                 rp_is_int = dt_node_is_integer(rp);
3390                 if (lp_is_int && rp_is_int) {
3391                         dt_type_promote(lp, rp, &ctfp, &type);
3392                         uref = 0;
3393                 } else if (lp_is_ptr && rp_is_int) {
3394                         ctfp = lp->dn_ctfp;
3395                         type = lp->dn_type;
3396                         uref = lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND;
3397                 } else if (lp_is_int && rp_is_ptr && op == DT_TOK_ADD) {
3398                         ctfp = rp->dn_ctfp;
3399                         type = rp->dn_type;
3400                         uref = rp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND;
3401                 } else if (lp_is_ptr && rp_is_ptr && op == DT_TOK_SUB &&
3402                     dt_node_is_ptrcompat(lp, rp, NULL, NULL)) {
3403                         ctfp = dtp->dt_ddefs->dm_ctfp;
3404                         type = ctf_lookup_by_name(ctfp, "ptrdiff_t");
3405                         uref = 0;
3406                 } else {
3407                         xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPAT, "operands have incompatible "
3408                             "types: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n",
3409                             dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)), opstr(op),
3410                             dt_node_type_name(rp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3411                 }
3413                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, ctfp, type, B_FALSE);
3414                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3416                 if (uref)
3417                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_USERLAND;
3418                 break;
3419         }
3421         case DT_TOK_OR_EQ:
3422         case DT_TOK_XOR_EQ:
3423         case DT_TOK_AND_EQ:
3424         case DT_TOK_LSH_EQ:
3425         case DT_TOK_RSH_EQ:
3426         case DT_TOK_MOD_EQ:
3427                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT) {
3428                         dt_xcook_ident(lp, dtp->dt_globals,
3429                             DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
3430                 }
3432                 lp = dnp->dn_left =
3433                     dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3435                 rp = dnp->dn_right =
3436                     dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3438                 if (!dt_node_is_integer(lp) || !dt_node_is_integer(rp)) {
3439                         xyerror(D_OP_INT, "operator %s requires operands of "
3440                             "integral type\n", opstr(op));
3441                 }
3442                 goto asgn_common;
3444         case DT_TOK_MUL_EQ:
3445         case DT_TOK_DIV_EQ:
3446                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT) {
3447                         dt_xcook_ident(lp, dtp->dt_globals,
3448                             DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
3449                 }
3451                 lp = dnp->dn_left =
3452                     dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3454                 rp = dnp->dn_right =
3455                     dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3457                 if (!dt_node_is_arith(lp) || !dt_node_is_arith(rp)) {
3458                         xyerror(D_OP_ARITH, "operator %s requires operands of "
3459                             "arithmetic type\n", opstr(op));
3460                 }
3461                 goto asgn_common;
3463         case DT_TOK_ASGN:
3464                 /*
3465                  * If the left-hand side is an identifier, attempt to resolve
3466                  * it as either an aggregation or scalar variable.  We pass
3467                  * B_TRUE to dt_xcook_ident to indicate that a new variable can
3468                  * be created if no matching variable exists in the namespace.
3469                  */
3470                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT) {
3471                         if (lp->dn_op == DT_TOK_AGG) {
3472                                 dt_xcook_ident(lp, dtp->dt_aggs,
3473                                     DT_IDENT_AGG, B_TRUE);
3474                         } else {
3475                                 dt_xcook_ident(lp, dtp->dt_globals,
3476                                     DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
3477                         }
3478                 }
3480                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, 0); /* don't set mod yet */
3481                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3483                 /*
3484                  * If the left-hand side is an aggregation, verify that we are
3485                  * assigning it the result of an aggregating function.  Once
3486                  * we've done so, hide the func node in the aggregation and
3487                  * return the aggregation itself up to the parse tree parent.
3488                  * This transformation is legal since the assigned function
3489                  * cannot change identity across disjoint cooking passes and
3490                  * the argument list subtree is retained for later cooking.
3491                  */
3492                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_AGG) {
3493                         const char *aname = lp->dn_ident->di_name;
3494                         dt_ident_t *oid = lp->dn_ident->di_iarg;
3496                         if (rp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_FUNC ||
3497                             rp->dn_ident->di_kind != DT_IDENT_AGGFUNC) {
3498                                 xyerror(D_AGG_FUNC,
3499                                     "@%s must be assigned the result of "
3500                                     "an aggregating function\n", aname);
3501                         }
3503                         if (oid != NULL && oid != rp->dn_ident) {
3504                                 xyerror(D_AGG_REDEF,
3505                                     "aggregation redefined: @%s\n\t "
3506                                     "current: @%s = %s( )\n\tprevious: @%s = "
3507                                     "%s( ) : line %d\n", aname, aname,
3508                                     rp->dn_ident->di_name, aname, oid->di_name,
3509                                     lp->dn_ident->di_lineno);
3510                         } else if (oid == NULL)
3511                                 lp->dn_ident->di_iarg = rp->dn_ident;
3513                         /*
3514                          * Do not allow multiple aggregation assignments in a
3515                          * single statement, e.g. (@a = count()) = count();
3516                          * We produce a message as if the result of aggregating
3517                          * function does not propagate DT_NF_LVALUE.
3518                          */
3519                         if (lp->dn_aggfun != NULL) {
3520                                 xyerror(D_OP_LVAL, "operator = requires "
3521                                     "modifiable lvalue as an operand\n");
3522                         }
3524                         lp->dn_aggfun = rp;
3525                         lp = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3527                         dnp->dn_left = dnp->dn_right = NULL;
3528                         dt_node_free(dnp);
3530                         return (lp);
3531                 }
3533                 /*
3534                  * If the right-hand side is a dynamic variable that is the
3535                  * output of a translator, our result is the translated type.
3536                  */
3537                 if ((idp = dt_node_resolve(rp, DT_IDENT_XLSOU)) != NULL) {
3538                         ctfp = idp->di_ctfp;
3539                         type = idp->di_type;
3540                         uref = idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_USER;
3541                 } else {
3542                         ctfp = rp->dn_ctfp;
3543                         type = rp->dn_type;
3544                         uref = rp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND;
3545                 }
3547                 /*
3548                  * If the left-hand side of an assignment statement is a virgin
3549                  * variable created by this compilation pass, reset the type of
3550                  * this variable to the type of the right-hand side.
3551                  */
3552                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR &&
3553                     dt_ident_unref(lp->dn_ident)) {
3554                         dt_node_type_assign(lp, ctfp, type, B_FALSE);
3555                         dt_ident_type_assign(lp->dn_ident, ctfp, type);
3557                         if (uref) {
3558                                 lp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_USERLAND;
3559                                 lp->dn_ident->di_flags |= DT_IDFLG_USER;
3560                         }
3561                 }
3563                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR)
3564                         lp->dn_ident->di_flags |= DT_IDFLG_MOD;
3566                 /*
3567                  * The rules for type checking for the assignment operators are
3568                  * described in the ANSI-C spec (see K&R[A7.17]).  We share
3569                  * most of this code with the argument list checking code.
3570                  */
3571                 if (!dt_node_is_string(lp)) {
3572                         kind = ctf_type_kind(lp->dn_ctfp,
3573                             ctf_type_resolve(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type));
3575                         if (kind == CTF_K_ARRAY || kind == CTF_K_FUNCTION) {
3576                                 xyerror(D_OP_ARRFUN, "operator %s may not be "
3577                                     "applied to operand of type \"%s\"\n",
3578                                     opstr(op),
3579                                     dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)));
3580                         }
3581                 }
3583                 if (idp != NULL && idp->di_kind == DT_IDENT_XLSOU &&
3584                     ctf_type_compat(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type, ctfp, type))
3585                         goto asgn_common;
3587                 if (dt_node_is_argcompat(lp, rp))
3588                         goto asgn_common;
3590                 xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPAT,
3591                     "operands have incompatible types: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n",
3592                     dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)), opstr(op),
3593                     dt_node_type_name(rp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3594                 /*NOTREACHED*/
3596         case DT_TOK_ADD_EQ:
3597         case DT_TOK_SUB_EQ:
3598                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT) {
3599                         dt_xcook_ident(lp, dtp->dt_globals,
3600                             DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
3601                 }
3603                 lp = dnp->dn_left =
3604                     dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3606                 rp = dnp->dn_right =
3607                     dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF | DT_IDFLG_MOD);
3609                 if (dt_node_is_string(lp) || dt_node_is_string(rp)) {
3610                         xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPAT, "operands have "
3611                             "incompatible types: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n",
3612                             dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)), opstr(op),
3613                             dt_node_type_name(rp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3614                 }
3616                 /*
3617                  * The rules for type checking for the assignment operators are
3618                  * described in the ANSI-C spec (see K&R[A7.17]).  To these
3619                  * rules we add that only writable D nodes can be modified.
3620                  */
3621                 if (dt_node_is_integer(lp) == 0 ||
3622                     dt_node_is_integer(rp) == 0) {
3623                         if (!dt_node_is_pointer(lp) || dt_node_is_vfptr(lp)) {
3624                                 xyerror(D_OP_VFPTR,
3625                                     "operator %s requires left-hand scalar "
3626                                     "operand of known size\n", opstr(op));
3627                         } else if (dt_node_is_integer(rp) == 0 &&
3628                             dt_node_is_ptrcompat(lp, rp, NULL, NULL) == 0) {
3629                                 xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPAT, "operands have "
3630                                     "incompatible types: \"%s\" %s \"%s\"\n",
3631                                     dt_node_type_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
3632                                     opstr(op),
3633                                     dt_node_type_name(rp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3634                         }
3635                 }
3636 asgn_common:
3637                 dt_assign_common(dnp);
3638                 break;
3640         case DT_TOK_PTR:
3641                 /*
3642                  * If the left-hand side of operator -> is the name "self",
3643                  * then we permit a TLS variable to be created or referenced.
3644                  */
3645                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT &&
3646                     strcmp(lp->dn_string, "self") == 0) {
3647                         if (rp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_VAR) {
3648                                 dt_xcook_ident(rp, dtp->dt_tls,
3649                                     DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
3650                         }
3652                         if (idflags != 0)
3653                                 rp = dt_node_cook(rp, idflags);
3655                         dnp->dn_right = dnp->dn_left; /* avoid freeing rp */
3656                         dt_node_free(dnp);
3657                         return (rp);
3658                 }
3660                 /*
3661                  * If the left-hand side of operator -> is the name "this",
3662                  * then we permit a local variable to be created or referenced.
3663                  */
3664                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_IDENT &&
3665                     strcmp(lp->dn_string, "this") == 0) {
3666                         if (rp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_VAR) {
3667                                 dt_xcook_ident(rp, yypcb->pcb_locals,
3668                                     DT_IDENT_SCALAR, B_TRUE);
3669                         }
3671                         if (idflags != 0)
3672                                 rp = dt_node_cook(rp, idflags);
3674                         dnp->dn_right = dnp->dn_left; /* avoid freeing rp */
3675                         dt_node_free(dnp);
3676                         return (rp);
3677                 }
3679                 /*FALLTHRU*/
3681         case DT_TOK_DOT:
3682                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3684                 if (rp->dn_kind != DT_NODE_IDENT) {
3685                         xyerror(D_OP_IDENT, "operator %s must be followed by "
3686                             "an identifier\n", opstr(op));
3687                 }
3689                 if ((idp = dt_node_resolve(lp, DT_IDENT_XLSOU)) != NULL ||
3690                     (idp = dt_node_resolve(lp, DT_IDENT_XLPTR)) != NULL) {
3691                         /*
3692                          * If the left-hand side is a translated struct or ptr,
3693                          * the type of the left is the translation output type.
3694                          */
3695                         dt_xlator_t *dxp = idp->di_data;
3697                         if (dt_xlator_member(dxp, rp->dn_string) == NULL) {
3698                                 xyerror(D_XLATE_NOCONV,
3699                                     "translator does not define conversion "
3700                                     "for member: %s\n", rp->dn_string);
3701                         }
3703                         ctfp = idp->di_ctfp;
3704                         type = ctf_type_resolve(ctfp, idp->di_type);
3705                         uref = idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_USER;
3706                 } else {
3707                         ctfp = lp->dn_ctfp;
3708                         type = ctf_type_resolve(ctfp, lp->dn_type);
3709                         uref = lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND;
3710                 }
3712                 kind = ctf_type_kind(ctfp, type);
3714                 if (op == DT_TOK_PTR) {
3715                         if (kind != CTF_K_POINTER) {
3716                                 xyerror(D_OP_PTR, "operator %s must be "
3717                                     "applied to a pointer\n", opstr(op));
3718                         }
3719                         type = ctf_type_reference(ctfp, type);
3720                         type = ctf_type_resolve(ctfp, type);
3721                         kind = ctf_type_kind(ctfp, type);
3722                 }
3724                 /*
3725                  * If we follow a reference to a forward declaration tag,
3726                  * search the entire type space for the actual definition.
3727                  */
3728                 while (kind == CTF_K_FORWARD) {
3729                         char *tag = ctf_type_name(ctfp, type, n1, sizeof (n1));
3730                         dtrace_typeinfo_t dtt;
3732                         if (tag != NULL && dt_type_lookup(tag, &dtt) == 0 &&
3733                             (dtt.dtt_ctfp != ctfp || dtt.dtt_type != type)) {
3734                                 ctfp = dtt.dtt_ctfp;
3735                                 type = ctf_type_resolve(ctfp, dtt.dtt_type);
3736                                 kind = ctf_type_kind(ctfp, type);
3737                         } else {
3738                                 xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPLETE,
3739                                     "operator %s cannot be applied to a "
3740                                     "forward declaration: no %s definition "
3741                                     "is available\n", opstr(op), tag);
3742                         }
3743                 }
3745                 if (kind != CTF_K_STRUCT && kind != CTF_K_UNION) {
3746                         if (op == DT_TOK_PTR) {
3747                                 xyerror(D_OP_SOU, "operator -> cannot be "
3748                                     "applied to pointer to type \"%s\"; must "
3749                                     "be applied to a struct or union pointer\n",
3750                                     ctf_type_name(ctfp, type, n1, sizeof (n1)));
3751                         } else {
3752                                 xyerror(D_OP_SOU, "operator %s cannot be "
3753                                     "applied to type \"%s\"; must be applied "
3754                                     "to a struct or union\n", opstr(op),
3755                                     ctf_type_name(ctfp, type, n1, sizeof (n1)));
3756                         }
3757                 }
3759                 if (ctf_member_info(ctfp, type, rp->dn_string, &m) == CTF_ERR) {
3760                         xyerror(D_TYPE_MEMBER,
3761                             "%s is not a member of %s\n", rp->dn_string,
3762                             ctf_type_name(ctfp, type, n1, sizeof (n1)));
3763                 }
3765                 type = ctf_type_resolve(ctfp, m.ctm_type);
3766                 kind = ctf_type_kind(ctfp, type);
3768                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, ctfp, m.ctm_type, B_FALSE);
3769                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, lp->dn_attr);
3771                 if (op == DT_TOK_PTR && (kind != CTF_K_ARRAY ||
3772                     dt_node_is_string(dnp)))
3773                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_LVALUE; /* see K&R[A7.3.3] */
3775                 if (op == DT_TOK_DOT && (lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_LVALUE) &&
3776                     (kind != CTF_K_ARRAY || dt_node_is_string(dnp)))
3777                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_LVALUE; /* see K&R[A7.3.3] */
3779                 if (lp->dn_flags & DT_NF_WRITABLE)
3780                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_WRITABLE;
3782                 if (uref && (kind == CTF_K_POINTER ||
3783                     (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_REF)))
3784                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_USERLAND;
3785                 break;
3787         case DT_TOK_LBRAC: {
3788                 /*
3789                  * If op is DT_TOK_LBRAC, we know from the special-case code at
3790                  * the top that lp is either a D variable or an aggregation.
3791                  */
3792                 dt_node_t *lnp;
3794                 /*
3795                  * If the left-hand side is an aggregation, just set dn_aggtup
3796                  * to the right-hand side and return the cooked aggregation.
3797                  * This transformation is legal since we are just collapsing
3798                  * nodes to simplify later processing, and the entire aggtup
3799                  * parse subtree is retained for subsequent cooking passes.
3800                  */
3801                 if (lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_AGG) {
3802                         if (lp->dn_aggtup != NULL) {
3803                                 xyerror(D_AGG_MDIM, "improper attempt to "
3804                                     "reference @%s as a multi-dimensional "
3805                                     "array\n", lp->dn_ident->di_name);
3806                         }
3808                         lp->dn_aggtup = rp;
3809                         lp = dt_node_cook(lp, 0);
3811                         dnp->dn_left = dnp->dn_right = NULL;
3812                         dt_node_free(dnp);
3814                         return (lp);
3815                 }
3817                 assert(lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR);
3818                 idp = lp->dn_ident;
3820                 /*
3821                  * If the left-hand side is a non-global scalar that hasn't yet
3822                  * been referenced or modified, it was just created by self->
3823                  * or this-> and we can convert it from scalar to assoc array.
3824                  */
3825                 if (idp->di_kind == DT_IDENT_SCALAR && dt_ident_unref(idp) &&
3826                     (idp->di_flags & (DT_IDFLG_LOCAL | DT_IDFLG_TLS)) != 0) {
3828                         if (idp->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_LOCAL) {
3829                                 xyerror(D_ARR_LOCAL,
3830                                     "local variables may not be used as "
3831                                     "associative arrays: %s\n", idp->di_name);
3832                         }
3834                         dt_dprintf("morph variable %s (id %u) from scalar to "
3835                             "array\n", idp->di_name, idp->di_id);
3837                         dt_ident_morph(idp, DT_IDENT_ARRAY,
3838                             &dt_idops_assc, NULL);
3839                 }
3841                 if (idp->di_kind != DT_IDENT_ARRAY) {
3842                         xyerror(D_IDENT_BADREF, "%s '%s' may not be referenced "
3843                             "as %s\n", dt_idkind_name(idp->di_kind),
3844                             idp->di_name, dt_idkind_name(DT_IDENT_ARRAY));
3845                 }
3847                 /*
3848                  * Now that we've confirmed our left-hand side is a DT_NODE_VAR
3849                  * of idkind DT_IDENT_ARRAY, we need to splice the [ node from
3850                  * the parse tree and leave a cooked DT_NODE_VAR in its place
3851                  * where dn_args for the VAR node is the right-hand 'rp' tree,
3852                  * as shown in the parse tree diagram below:
3853                  *
3854                  *        /                         /
3855                  * [ OP2 "[" ]=dnp              [ VAR ]=dnp
3856                  *       /      \         =>    |
3857                  *      /        \                 +- dn_args -> [ ??? ]=rp
3858                  * [ VAR ]=lp  [ ??? ]=rp
3859                  *
3860                  * Since the final dt_node_cook(dnp) can fail using longjmp we
3861                  * must perform the transformations as a group first by over-
3862                  * writing 'dnp' to become the VAR node, so that the parse tree
3863                  * is guaranteed to be in a consistent state if the cook fails.
3864                  */
3865                 assert(lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR);
3866                 assert(lp->dn_args == NULL);
3868                 lnp = dnp->dn_link;
3869                 bcopy(lp, dnp, sizeof (dt_node_t));
3870                 dnp->dn_link = lnp;
3872                 dnp->dn_args = rp;
3873                 dnp->dn_list = NULL;
3875                 dt_node_free(lp);
3876                 return (dt_node_cook(dnp, idflags));
3877         }
3879         case DT_TOK_XLATE: {
3880                 dt_xlator_t *dxp;
3882                 assert(lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_TYPE);
3883                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3884                 dxp = dt_xlator_lookup(dtp, rp, lp, DT_XLATE_FUZZY);
3886                 if (dxp == NULL) {
3887                         xyerror(D_XLATE_NONE,
3888                             "cannot translate from \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
3889                             dt_node_type_name(rp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
3890                             dt_node_type_name(lp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3891                 }
3893                 dnp->dn_ident = dt_xlator_ident(dxp, lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type);
3894                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp), DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp),
3895                     B_FALSE);
3896                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp,
3897                     dt_attr_min(rp->dn_attr, dnp->dn_ident->di_attr));
3898                 break;
3899         }
3901         case DT_TOK_LPAR: {
3902                 ctf_id_t ltype, rtype;
3903                 uint_t lkind, rkind;
3905                 assert(lp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_TYPE);
3906                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3908                 ltype = ctf_type_resolve(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type);
3909                 lkind = ctf_type_kind(lp->dn_ctfp, ltype);
3911                 rtype = ctf_type_resolve(rp->dn_ctfp, rp->dn_type);
3912                 rkind = ctf_type_kind(rp->dn_ctfp, rtype);
3914                 /*
3915                  * The rules for casting are loosely explained in K&R[A7.5]
3916                  * and K&R[A6].  Basically, we can cast to the same type or
3917                  * same base type, between any kind of scalar values, from
3918                  * arrays to pointers, and we can cast anything to void.
3919                  * To these rules D adds casts from scalars to strings.
3920                  */
3921                 if (ctf_type_compat(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type,
3922                     rp->dn_ctfp, rp->dn_type))
3923                         /*EMPTY*/;
3924                 else if (dt_node_is_scalar(lp) &&
3925                     (dt_node_is_scalar(rp) || rkind == CTF_K_FUNCTION))
3926                         /*EMPTY*/;
3927                 else if (dt_node_is_void(lp))
3928                         /*EMPTY*/;
3929                 else if (lkind == CTF_K_POINTER && dt_node_is_pointer(rp))
3930                         /*EMPTY*/;
3931                 else if (dt_node_is_string(lp) && (dt_node_is_scalar(rp) ||
3932                     dt_node_is_pointer(rp) || dt_node_is_strcompat(rp)))
3933                         /*EMPTY*/;
3934                 else {
3935                         xyerror(D_CAST_INVAL,
3936                             "invalid cast expression: \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n",
3937                             dt_node_type_name(rp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
3938                             dt_node_type_name(lp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
3939                 }
3941                 dt_node_type_propagate(lp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.5] */
3942                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3944                 /*
3945                  * If it's a pointer then should be able to (attempt to)
3946                  * assign to it.
3947                  */
3948                 if (lkind == CTF_K_POINTER)
3949                         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_WRITABLE;
3951                 break;
3952         }
3954         case DT_TOK_COMMA:
3955                 lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(lp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3956                 rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(rp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
3958                 if (dt_node_is_dynamic(lp) || dt_node_is_dynamic(rp)) {
3959                         xyerror(D_OP_DYN, "operator %s operands "
3960                             "cannot be of dynamic type\n", opstr(op));
3961                 }
3963                 if (dt_node_is_actfunc(lp) || dt_node_is_actfunc(rp)) {
3964                         xyerror(D_OP_ACT, "operator %s operands "
3965                             "cannot be actions\n", opstr(op));
3966                 }
3968                 dt_node_type_propagate(rp, dnp); /* see K&R[A7.18] */
3969                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr));
3970                 break;
3972         default:
3973                 xyerror(D_UNKNOWN, "invalid binary op %s\n", opstr(op));
3974         }
3976         /*
3977          * Complete the conversion of E1[E2] to *((E1)+(E2)) that we started
3978          * at the top of our switch() above (see K&R[A7.3.1]).  Since E2 is
3979          * parsed as an argument_expression_list by dt_grammar.y, we can
3980          * end up with a comma-separated list inside of a non-associative
3981          * array reference.  We check for this and report an appropriate error.
3982          */
3983         if (dnp->dn_op == DT_TOK_LBRAC && op == DT_TOK_ADD) {
3984                 dt_node_t *pnp;
3986                 if (rp->dn_list != NULL) {
3987                         xyerror(D_ARR_BADREF,
3988                             "cannot access %s as an associative array\n",
3989                             dt_node_name(lp, n1, sizeof (n1)));
3990                 }
3992                 dnp->dn_op = DT_TOK_ADD;
3993                 pnp = dt_node_op1(DT_TOK_DEREF, dnp);
3995                 /*
3996                  * Cook callbacks are not typically permitted to allocate nodes.
3997                  * When we do, we must insert them in the middle of an existing
3998                  * allocation list rather than having them appended to the pcb
3999                  * list because the sub-expression may be part of a definition.
4000                  */
4001                 assert(yypcb->pcb_list == pnp);
4002                 yypcb->pcb_list = pnp->dn_link;
4004                 pnp->dn_link = dnp->dn_link;
4005                 dnp->dn_link = pnp;
4007                 return (dt_node_cook(pnp, DT_IDFLG_REF));
4008         }
4010         return (dnp);
4011 }
4013 /*ARGSUSED*/
4014 static dt_node_t *
4015 dt_cook_op3(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4016 {
4017         dt_node_t *lp, *rp;
4018         ctf_file_t *ctfp;
4019         ctf_id_t type;
4021         dnp->dn_expr = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_expr, DT_IDFLG_REF);
4022         lp = dnp->dn_left = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_left, DT_IDFLG_REF);
4023         rp = dnp->dn_right = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_right, DT_IDFLG_REF);
4025         if (!dt_node_is_scalar(dnp->dn_expr)) {
4026                 xyerror(D_OP_SCALAR,
4027                     "operator ?: expression must be of scalar type\n");
4028         }
4030         if (dt_node_is_dynamic(lp) || dt_node_is_dynamic(rp)) {
4031                 xyerror(D_OP_DYN,
4032                     "operator ?: operands cannot be of dynamic type\n");
4033         }
4035         /*
4036          * The rules for type checking for the ternary operator are complex and
4037          * are described in the ANSI-C spec (see K&R[A7.16]).  We implement
4038          * the various tests in order from least to most expensive.
4039          */
4040         if (ctf_type_compat(lp->dn_ctfp, lp->dn_type,
4041             rp->dn_ctfp, rp->dn_type)) {
4042                 ctfp = lp->dn_ctfp;
4043                 type = lp->dn_type;
4044         } else if (dt_node_is_integer(lp) && dt_node_is_integer(rp)) {
4045                 dt_type_promote(lp, rp, &ctfp, &type);
4046         } else if (dt_node_is_strcompat(lp) && dt_node_is_strcompat(rp) &&
4047             (dt_node_is_string(lp) || dt_node_is_string(rp))) {
4048                 ctfp = DT_STR_CTFP(yypcb->pcb_hdl);
4049                 type = DT_STR_TYPE(yypcb->pcb_hdl);
4050         } else if (dt_node_is_ptrcompat(lp, rp, &ctfp, &type) == 0) {
4051                 xyerror(D_OP_INCOMPAT,
4052                     "operator ?: operands must have compatible types\n");
4053         }
4055         if (dt_node_is_actfunc(lp) || dt_node_is_actfunc(rp)) {
4056                 xyerror(D_OP_ACT, "action cannot be "
4057                     "used in a conditional context\n");
4058         }
4060         dt_node_type_assign(dnp, ctfp, type, B_FALSE);
4061         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_attr_min(dnp->dn_expr->dn_attr,
4062             dt_attr_min(lp->dn_attr, rp->dn_attr)));
4064         return (dnp);
4065 }
4067 static dt_node_t *
4068 dt_cook_statement(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4069 {
4070         dnp->dn_expr = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_expr, idflags);
4071         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dnp->dn_expr->dn_attr);
4073         return (dnp);
4074 }
4076 /*
4077  * If dn_aggfun is set, this node is a collapsed aggregation assignment (see
4078  * the special case code for DT_TOK_ASGN in dt_cook_op2() above), in which
4079  * case we cook both the tuple and the function call.  If dn_aggfun is NULL,
4080  * this node is just a reference to the aggregation's type and attributes.
4081  */
4082 /*ARGSUSED*/
4083 static dt_node_t *
4084 dt_cook_aggregation(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4085 {
4086         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
4088         if (dnp->dn_aggfun != NULL) {
4089                 dnp->dn_aggfun = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_aggfun, DT_IDFLG_REF);
4090                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dt_ident_cook(dnp,
4091                     dnp->dn_ident, &dnp->dn_aggtup));
4092         } else {
4093                 dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp), DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp),
4094                     B_FALSE);
4095                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dnp->dn_ident->di_attr);
4096         }
4098         return (dnp);
4099 }
4101 /*
4102  * Since D permits new variable identifiers to be instantiated in any program
4103  * expression, we may need to cook a clause's predicate either before or after
4104  * the action list depending on the program code in question.  Consider:
4105  *
4106  * probe-description-list       probe-description-list
4107  * /x++/                        /x == 0/
4108  * {                            {
4109  *     trace(x);                    trace(x++);
4110  * }                            }
4111  *
4112  * In the left-hand example, the predicate uses operator ++ to instantiate 'x'
4113  * as a variable of type int64_t.  The predicate must be cooked first because
4114  * otherwise the statement trace(x) refers to an unknown identifier.  In the
4115  * right-hand example, the action list uses ++ to instantiate 'x'; the action
4116  * list must be cooked first because otherwise the predicate x == 0 refers to
4117  * an unknown identifier.  In order to simplify programming, we support both.
4118  *
4119  * When cooking a clause, we cook the action statements before the predicate by
4120  * default, since it seems more common to create or modify identifiers in the
4121  * action list.  If cooking fails due to an unknown identifier, we attempt to
4122  * cook the predicate (i.e. do it first) and then go back and cook the actions.
4123  * If this, too, fails (or if we get an error other than D_IDENT_UNDEF) we give
4124  * up and report failure back to the user.  There are five possible paths:
4125  *
4126  * cook actions = OK, cook predicate = OK -> OK
4127  * cook actions = OK, cook predicate = ERR -> ERR
4128  * cook actions = ERR, cook predicate = ERR -> ERR
4129  * cook actions = ERR, cook predicate = OK, cook actions = OK -> OK
4130  * cook actions = ERR, cook predicate = OK, cook actions = ERR -> ERR
4131  *
4132  * The programmer can still defeat our scheme by creating circular definition
4133  * dependencies between predicates and actions, as in this example clause:
4134  *
4135  * probe-description-list
4136  * /x++ && y == 0/
4137  * {
4138  *      trace(x + y++);
4139  * }
4140  *
4141  * but it doesn't seem worth the complexity to handle such rare cases.  The
4142  * user can simply use the D variable declaration syntax to work around them.
4143  */
4144 static dt_node_t *
4145 dt_cook_clause(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4146 {
4147         volatile int err, tries;
4148         jmp_buf ojb;
4150         /*
4151          * Before assigning dn_ctxattr, temporarily assign the probe attribute
4152          * to 'dnp' itself to force an attribute check and minimum violation.
4153          */
4154         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, yypcb->pcb_pinfo.dtp_attr);
4155         dnp->dn_ctxattr = yypcb->pcb_pinfo.dtp_attr;
4157         bcopy(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, ojb, sizeof (jmp_buf));
4158         tries = 0;
4160         if (dnp->dn_pred != NULL && (err = setjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf)) != 0) {
4161                 bcopy(ojb, yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, sizeof (jmp_buf));
4162                 if (tries++ != 0 || err != EDT_COMPILER || (
4163                     yypcb->pcb_hdl->dt_errtag != dt_errtag(D_IDENT_UNDEF) &&
4164                     yypcb->pcb_hdl->dt_errtag != dt_errtag(D_VAR_UNDEF)))
4165                         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, err);
4166         }
4168         if (tries == 0) {
4169                 yylabel("action list");
4171                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp,
4172                     dt_node_list_cook(&dnp->dn_acts, idflags));
4174                 bcopy(ojb, yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, sizeof (jmp_buf));
4175                 yylabel(NULL);
4176         }
4178         if (dnp->dn_pred != NULL) {
4179                 yylabel("predicate");
4181                 dnp->dn_pred = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_pred, idflags);
4182                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp,
4183                     dt_attr_min(dnp->dn_attr, dnp->dn_pred->dn_attr));
4185                 if (!dt_node_is_scalar(dnp->dn_pred)) {
4186                         xyerror(D_PRED_SCALAR,
4187                             "predicate result must be of scalar type\n");
4188                 }
4190                 yylabel(NULL);
4191         }
4193         if (tries != 0) {
4194                 yylabel("action list");
4196                 dt_node_attr_assign(dnp,
4197                     dt_node_list_cook(&dnp->dn_acts, idflags));
4199                 yylabel(NULL);
4200         }
4202         return (dnp);
4203 }
4205 /*ARGSUSED*/
4206 static dt_node_t *
4207 dt_cook_inline(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4208 {
4209         dt_idnode_t *inp = dnp->dn_ident->di_iarg;
4210         dt_ident_t *rdp;
4212         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4213         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4215         assert(dnp->dn_ident->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_INLINE);
4216         assert(inp->din_root->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED);
4218         /*
4219          * If we are inlining a translation, verify that the inline declaration
4220          * type exactly matches the type that is returned by the translation.
4221          * Otherwise just use dt_node_is_argcompat() to check the types.
4222          */
4223         if ((rdp = dt_node_resolve(inp->din_root, DT_IDENT_XLSOU)) != NULL ||
4224             (rdp = dt_node_resolve(inp->din_root, DT_IDENT_XLPTR)) != NULL) {
4226                 ctf_file_t *lctfp = dnp->dn_ctfp;
4227                 ctf_id_t ltype = ctf_type_resolve(lctfp, dnp->dn_type);
4229                 dt_xlator_t *dxp = rdp->di_data;
4230                 ctf_file_t *rctfp = dxp->dx_dst_ctfp;
4231                 ctf_id_t rtype = dxp->dx_dst_base;
4233                 if (ctf_type_kind(lctfp, ltype) == CTF_K_POINTER) {
4234                         ltype = ctf_type_reference(lctfp, ltype);
4235                         ltype = ctf_type_resolve(lctfp, ltype);
4236                 }
4238                 if (ctf_type_compat(lctfp, ltype, rctfp, rtype) == 0) {
4239                         dnerror(dnp, D_OP_INCOMPAT,
4240                             "inline %s definition uses incompatible types: "
4241                             "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", dnp->dn_ident->di_name,
4242                             dt_type_name(lctfp, ltype, n1, sizeof (n1)),
4243                             dt_type_name(rctfp, rtype, n2, sizeof (n2)));
4244                 }
4246         } else if (dt_node_is_argcompat(dnp, inp->din_root) == 0) {
4247                 dnerror(dnp, D_OP_INCOMPAT,
4248                     "inline %s definition uses incompatible types: "
4249                     "\"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", dnp->dn_ident->di_name,
4250                     dt_node_type_name(dnp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
4251                     dt_node_type_name(inp->din_root, n2, sizeof (n2)));
4252         }
4254         return (dnp);
4255 }
4257 static dt_node_t *
4258 dt_cook_member(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4259 {
4260         dnp->dn_membexpr = dt_node_cook(dnp->dn_membexpr, idflags);
4261         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, dnp->dn_membexpr->dn_attr);
4262         return (dnp);
4263 }
4265 /*ARGSUSED*/
4266 static dt_node_t *
4267 dt_cook_xlator(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4268 {
4269         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
4270         dt_xlator_t *dxp = dnp->dn_xlator;
4271         dt_node_t *mnp;
4273         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4274         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4276         dtrace_attribute_t attr = _dtrace_maxattr;
4277         ctf_membinfo_t ctm;
4279         /*
4280          * Before cooking each translator member, we push a reference to the
4281          * hash containing translator-local identifiers on to pcb_globals to
4282          * temporarily interpose these identifiers in front of other globals.
4283          */
4284         dt_idstack_push(&yypcb->pcb_globals, dxp->dx_locals);
4286         for (mnp = dnp->dn_members; mnp != NULL; mnp = mnp->dn_list) {
4287                 if (ctf_member_info(dxp->dx_dst_ctfp, dxp->dx_dst_type,
4288                     mnp->dn_membname, &ctm) == CTF_ERR) {
4289                         xyerror(D_XLATE_MEMB,
4290                             "translator member %s is not a member of %s\n",
4291                             mnp->dn_membname, ctf_type_name(dxp->dx_dst_ctfp,
4292                             dxp->dx_dst_type, n1, sizeof (n1)));
4293                 }
4295                 (void) dt_node_cook(mnp, DT_IDFLG_REF);
4296                 dt_node_type_assign(mnp, dxp->dx_dst_ctfp, ctm.ctm_type,
4297                     B_FALSE);
4298                 attr = dt_attr_min(attr, mnp->dn_attr);
4300                 if (dt_node_is_argcompat(mnp, mnp->dn_membexpr) == 0) {
4301                         xyerror(D_XLATE_INCOMPAT,
4302                             "translator member %s definition uses "
4303                             "incompatible types: \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n",
4304                             mnp->dn_membname,
4305                             dt_node_type_name(mnp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
4306                             dt_node_type_name(mnp->dn_membexpr,
4307                             n2, sizeof (n2)));
4308                 }
4309         }
4311         dt_idstack_pop(&yypcb->pcb_globals, dxp->dx_locals);
4313         dxp->dx_souid.di_attr = attr;
4314         dxp->dx_ptrid.di_attr = attr;
4316         dt_node_type_assign(dnp, DT_DYN_CTFP(dtp), DT_DYN_TYPE(dtp), B_FALSE);
4317         dt_node_attr_assign(dnp, _dtrace_defattr);
4319         return (dnp);
4320 }
4322 static void
4323 dt_node_provider_cmp_argv(dt_provider_t *pvp, dt_node_t *pnp, const char *kind,
4324     uint_t old_argc, dt_node_t *old_argv, uint_t new_argc, dt_node_t *new_argv)
4325 {
4326         dt_probe_t *prp = pnp->dn_ident->di_data;
4327         uint_t i;
4329         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4330         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4332         if (old_argc != new_argc) {
4333                 dnerror(pnp, D_PROV_INCOMPAT,
4334                     "probe %s:%s %s prototype mismatch:\n"
4335                     "\t current: %u arg%s\n\tprevious: %u arg%s\n",
4336                     pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, prp->pr_ident->di_name, kind,
4337                     new_argc, new_argc != 1 ? "s" : "",
4338                     old_argc, old_argc != 1 ? "s" : "");
4339         }
4341         for (i = 0; i < old_argc; i++,
4342             old_argv = old_argv->dn_list, new_argv = new_argv->dn_list) {
4343                 if (ctf_type_cmp(old_argv->dn_ctfp, old_argv->dn_type,
4344                     new_argv->dn_ctfp, new_argv->dn_type) == 0)
4345                         continue;
4347                 dnerror(pnp, D_PROV_INCOMPAT,
4348                     "probe %s:%s %s prototype argument #%u mismatch:\n"
4349                     "\t current: %s\n\tprevious: %s\n",
4350                     pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, prp->pr_ident->di_name, kind, i + 1,
4351                     dt_node_type_name(new_argv, n1, sizeof (n1)),
4352                     dt_node_type_name(old_argv, n2, sizeof (n2)));
4353         }
4354 }
4356 /*
4357  * Compare a new probe declaration with an existing probe definition (either
4358  * from a previous declaration or cached from the kernel).  If the existing
4359  * definition and declaration both have an input and output parameter list,
4360  * compare both lists.  Otherwise compare only the output parameter lists.
4361  */
4362 static void
4363 dt_node_provider_cmp(dt_provider_t *pvp, dt_node_t *pnp,
4364     dt_probe_t *old, dt_probe_t *new)
4365 {
4366         dt_node_provider_cmp_argv(pvp, pnp, "output",
4367             old->pr_xargc, old->pr_xargs, new->pr_xargc, new->pr_xargs);
4369         if (old->pr_nargs != old->pr_xargs && new->pr_nargs != new->pr_xargs) {
4370                 dt_node_provider_cmp_argv(pvp, pnp, "input",
4371                     old->pr_nargc, old->pr_nargs, new->pr_nargc, new->pr_nargs);
4372         }
4374         if (old->pr_nargs == old->pr_xargs && new->pr_nargs != new->pr_xargs) {
4375                 if (pvp->pv_flags & DT_PROVIDER_IMPL) {
4376                         dnerror(pnp, D_PROV_INCOMPAT,
4377                             "provider interface mismatch: %s\n"
4378                             "\t current: probe %s:%s has an output prototype\n"
4379                             "\tprevious: probe %s:%s has no output prototype\n",
4380                             pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name,
4381                             new->pr_ident->di_name, pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name,
4382                             old->pr_ident->di_name);
4383                 }
4385                 if (old->pr_ident->di_gen == yypcb->pcb_hdl->dt_gen)
4386                         old->pr_ident->di_flags |= DT_IDFLG_ORPHAN;
4388                 dt_idhash_delete(pvp->pv_probes, old->pr_ident);
4389                 dt_probe_declare(pvp, new);
4390         }
4391 }
4393 static void
4394 dt_cook_probe(dt_node_t *dnp, dt_provider_t *pvp)
4395 {
4396         dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
4397         dt_probe_t *prp = dnp->dn_ident->di_data;
4399         dt_xlator_t *dxp;
4400         uint_t i;
4402         char n1[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4403         char n2[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN];
4405         if (prp->pr_nargs == prp->pr_xargs)
4406                 return;
4408         for (i = 0; i < prp->pr_xargc; i++) {
4409                 dt_node_t *xnp = prp->pr_xargv[i];
4410                 dt_node_t *nnp = prp->pr_nargv[prp->pr_mapping[i]];
4412                 if ((dxp = dt_xlator_lookup(dtp,
4413                     nnp, xnp, DT_XLATE_FUZZY)) != NULL) {
4414                         if (dt_provider_xref(dtp, pvp, dxp->dx_id) != 0)
4415                                 longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_NOMEM);
4416                         continue;
4417                 }
4419                 if (dt_node_is_argcompat(nnp, xnp))
4420                         continue; /* no translator defined and none required */
4422                 dnerror(dnp, D_PROV_PRXLATOR, "translator for %s:%s output "
4423                     "argument #%u from %s to %s is not defined\n",
4424                     pvp->pv_desc.dtvd_name, dnp->dn_ident->di_name, i + 1,
4425                     dt_node_type_name(nnp, n1, sizeof (n1)),
4426                     dt_node_type_name(xnp, n2, sizeof (n2)));
4427         }
4428 }
4430 /*ARGSUSED*/
4431 static dt_node_t *
4432 dt_cook_provider(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4433 {
4434         dt_provider_t *pvp = dnp->dn_provider;
4435         dt_node_t *pnp;
4437         /*
4438          * If we're declaring a provider for the first time and it is unknown
4439          * to dtrace(7D), insert the probe definitions into the provider's hash.
4440          * If we're redeclaring a known provider, verify the interface matches.
4441          */
4442         for (pnp = dnp->dn_probes; pnp != NULL; pnp = pnp->dn_list) {
4443                 const char *probename = pnp->dn_ident->di_name;
4444                 dt_probe_t *prp = dt_probe_lookup(pvp, probename);
4446                 assert(pnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_PROBE);
4448                 if (prp != NULL && dnp->dn_provred) {
4449                         dt_node_provider_cmp(pvp, pnp,
4450                             prp, pnp->dn_ident->di_data);
4451                 } else if (prp == NULL && dnp->dn_provred) {
4452                         dnerror(pnp, D_PROV_INCOMPAT,
4453                             "provider interface mismatch: %s\n"
4454                             "\t current: probe %s:%s defined\n"
4455                             "\tprevious: probe %s:%s not defined\n",
4456                             dnp->dn_provname, dnp->dn_provname,
4457                             probename, dnp->dn_provname, probename);
4458                 } else if (prp != NULL) {
4459                         dnerror(pnp, D_PROV_PRDUP, "probe redeclared: %s:%s\n",
4460                             dnp->dn_provname, probename);
4461                 } else
4462                         dt_probe_declare(pvp, pnp->dn_ident->di_data);
4464                 dt_cook_probe(pnp, pvp);
4465         }
4467         return (dnp);
4468 }
4470 /*ARGSUSED*/
4471 static dt_node_t *
4472 dt_cook_none(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4473 {
4474         return (dnp);
4475 }
4477 static dt_node_t *(*dt_cook_funcs[])(dt_node_t *, uint_t) = {
4478         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_FREE */
4479         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_INT */
4480         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_STRING */
4481         dt_cook_ident,          /* DT_NODE_IDENT */
4482         dt_cook_var,            /* DT_NODE_VAR */
4483         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_SYM */
4484         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_TYPE */
4485         dt_cook_func,           /* DT_NODE_FUNC */
4486         dt_cook_op1,            /* DT_NODE_OP1 */
4487         dt_cook_op2,            /* DT_NODE_OP2 */
4488         dt_cook_op3,            /* DT_NODE_OP3 */
4489         dt_cook_statement,      /* DT_NODE_DEXPR */
4490         dt_cook_statement,      /* DT_NODE_DFUNC */
4491         dt_cook_aggregation,    /* DT_NODE_AGG */
4492         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_PDESC */
4493         dt_cook_clause,         /* DT_NODE_CLAUSE */
4494         dt_cook_inline,         /* DT_NODE_INLINE */
4495         dt_cook_member,         /* DT_NODE_MEMBER */
4496         dt_cook_xlator,         /* DT_NODE_XLATOR */
4497         dt_cook_none,           /* DT_NODE_PROBE */
4498         dt_cook_provider,       /* DT_NODE_PROVIDER */
4499         dt_cook_none            /* DT_NODE_PROG */
4500 };
4502 /*
4503  * Recursively cook the parse tree starting at the specified node.  The idflags
4504  * parameter is used to indicate the type of reference (r/w) and is applied to
4505  * the resulting identifier if it is a D variable or D aggregation.
4506  */
4507 dt_node_t *
4508 dt_node_cook(dt_node_t *dnp, uint_t idflags)
4509 {
4510         int oldlineno = yylineno;
4512         yylineno = dnp->dn_line;
4514         dnp = dt_cook_funcs[dnp->dn_kind](dnp, idflags);
4515         dnp->dn_flags |= DT_NF_COOKED;
4517         if (dnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_VAR || dnp->dn_kind == DT_NODE_AGG)
4518                 dnp->dn_ident->di_flags |= idflags;
4520         yylineno = oldlineno;
4521         return (dnp);
4522 }
4524 dtrace_attribute_t
4525 dt_node_list_cook(dt_node_t **pnp, uint_t idflags)
4526 {
4527         dtrace_attribute_t attr = _dtrace_defattr;
4528         dt_node_t *dnp, *nnp;
4530         for (dnp = (pnp != NULL ? *pnp : NULL); dnp != NULL; dnp = nnp) {
4531                 nnp = dnp->dn_list;
4532                 dnp = *pnp = dt_node_cook(dnp, idflags);
4533                 attr = dt_attr_min(attr, dnp->dn_attr);
4534                 dnp->dn_list = nnp;
4535                 pnp = &dnp->dn_list;
4536         }
4538         return (attr);
4539 }
4541 void
4542 dt_node_list_free(dt_node_t **pnp)
4543 {
4544         dt_node_t *dnp, *nnp;
4546         for (dnp = (pnp != NULL ? *pnp : NULL); dnp != NULL; dnp = nnp) {
4547                 nnp = dnp->dn_list;
4548                 dt_node_free(dnp);
4549         }
4551         if (pnp != NULL)
4552                 *pnp = NULL;
4553 }
4555 void
4556 dt_node_link_free(dt_node_t **pnp)
4557 {
4558         dt_node_t *dnp, *nnp;
4560         for (dnp = (pnp != NULL ? *pnp : NULL); dnp != NULL; dnp = nnp) {
4561                 nnp = dnp->dn_link;
4562                 dt_node_free(dnp);
4563         }
4565         for (dnp = (pnp != NULL ? *pnp : NULL); dnp != NULL; dnp = nnp) {
4566                 nnp = dnp->dn_link;
4567                 free(dnp);
4568         }
4570         if (pnp != NULL)
4571                 *pnp = NULL;
4572 }
4574 dt_node_t *
4575 dt_node_link(dt_node_t *lp, dt_node_t *rp)
4576 {
4577         dt_node_t *dnp;
4579         if (lp == NULL)
4580                 return (rp);
4581         else if (rp == NULL)
4582                 return (lp);
4584         for (dnp = lp; dnp->dn_list != NULL; dnp = dnp->dn_list)
4585                 continue;
4587         dnp->dn_list = rp;
4588         return (lp);
4589 }
4591 /*
4592  * Compute the DOF dtrace_diftype_t representation of a node's type.  This is
4593  * called from a variety of places in the library so it cannot assume yypcb
4594  * is valid: any references to handle-specific data must be made through 'dtp'.
4595  */
4596 void
4597 dt_node_diftype(dtrace_hdl_t *dtp, const dt_node_t *dnp, dtrace_diftype_t *tp)
4598 {
4599         if (dnp->dn_ctfp == DT_STR_CTFP(dtp) &&
4600             dnp->dn_type == DT_STR_TYPE(dtp)) {
4601                 tp->dtdt_kind = DIF_TYPE_STRING;
4602                 tp->dtdt_ckind = CTF_K_UNKNOWN;
4603         } else {
4604                 tp->dtdt_kind = DIF_TYPE_CTF;
4605                 tp->dtdt_ckind = ctf_type_kind(dnp->dn_ctfp,
4606                     ctf_type_resolve(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type));
4607         }
4609         tp->dtdt_flags = (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_REF) ?
4610             (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND) ? DIF_TF_BYUREF :
4611             DIF_TF_BYREF : 0;
4612         tp->dtdt_pad = 0;
4613         tp->dtdt_size = ctf_type_size(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type);
4614 }
4616 void
4617 dt_node_printr(dt_node_t *dnp, FILE *fp, int depth)
4618 {
4619         char n[DT_TYPE_NAMELEN], buf[BUFSIZ], a[8];
4620         const dtrace_syminfo_t *dts;
4621         const dt_idnode_t *inp;
4622         dt_node_t *arg;
4624         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s", depth * 2, "");
4625         (void) dt_attr_str(dnp->dn_attr, a, sizeof (a));
4627         if (dnp->dn_ctfp != NULL && dnp->dn_type != CTF_ERR &&
4628             ctf_type_name(dnp->dn_ctfp, dnp->dn_type, n, sizeof (n)) != NULL) {
4629                 (void) snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "type=<%s> attr=%s flags=", n, a);
4630         } else {
4631                 (void) snprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, "type=<%ld> attr=%s flags=",
4632                     dnp->dn_type, a);
4633         }
4635         if (dnp->dn_flags != 0) {
4636                 n[0] = '\0';
4637                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_SIGNED)
4638                         (void) strcat(n, ",SIGN");
4639                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_COOKED)
4640                         (void) strcat(n, ",COOK");
4641                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_REF)
4642                         (void) strcat(n, ",REF");
4643                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_LVALUE)
4644                         (void) strcat(n, ",LVAL");
4645                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_WRITABLE)
4646                         (void) strcat(n, ",WRITE");
4647                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_BITFIELD)
4648                         (void) strcat(n, ",BITF");
4649                 if (dnp->dn_flags & DT_NF_USERLAND)
4650                         (void) strcat(n, ",USER");
4651                 (void) strcat(buf, n + 1);
4652         } else
4653                 (void) strcat(buf, "0");
4655         switch (dnp->dn_kind) {
4656         case DT_NODE_FREE:
4657                 (void) fprintf(fp, "FREE <node %p>\n", (void *)dnp);
4658                 break;
4660         case DT_NODE_INT:
4661                 (void) fprintf(fp, "INT 0x%llx (%s)\n",
4662                     (u_longlong_t)dnp->dn_value, buf);
4663                 break;
4665         case DT_NODE_STRING:
4666                 (void) fprintf(fp, "STRING \"%s\" (%s)\n", dnp->dn_string, buf);
4667                 break;
4669         case DT_NODE_IDENT:
4670                 (void) fprintf(fp, "IDENT %s (%s)\n", dnp->dn_string, buf);
4671                 break;
4673         case DT_NODE_VAR:
4674                 (void) fprintf(fp, "VARIABLE %s%s (%s)\n",
4675                     (dnp->dn_ident->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_LOCAL) ? "this->" :
4676                     (dnp->dn_ident->di_flags & DT_IDFLG_TLS) ? "self->" : "",
4677                     dnp->dn_ident->di_name, buf);
4679                 if (dnp->dn_args != NULL)
4680                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s[\n", depth * 2, "");
4682                 for (arg = dnp->dn_args; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list) {
4683                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4684                         if (arg->dn_list != NULL)
4685                                 (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s,\n", depth * 2, "");
4686                 }
4688                 if (dnp->dn_args != NULL)
4689                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s]\n", depth * 2, "");
4690                 break;
4692         case DT_NODE_SYM:
4693                 dts = dnp->dn_ident->di_data;
4694                 (void) fprintf(fp, "SYMBOL %s`%s (%s)\n",
4695                     dts->dts_object, dts->dts_name, buf);
4696                 break;
4698         case DT_NODE_TYPE:
4699                 if (dnp->dn_string != NULL) {
4700                         (void) fprintf(fp, "TYPE (%s) %s\n",
4701                             buf, dnp->dn_string);
4702                 } else
4703                         (void) fprintf(fp, "TYPE (%s)\n", buf);
4704                 break;
4706         case DT_NODE_FUNC:
4707                 (void) fprintf(fp, "FUNC %s (%s)\n",
4708                     dnp->dn_ident->di_name, buf);
4710                 for (arg = dnp->dn_args; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list) {
4711                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4712                         if (arg->dn_list != NULL)
4713                                 (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s,\n", depth * 2, "");
4714                 }
4715                 break;
4717         case DT_NODE_OP1:
4718                 (void) fprintf(fp, "OP1 %s (%s)\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op), buf);
4719                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_child, fp, depth + 1);
4720                 break;
4722         case DT_NODE_OP2:
4723                 (void) fprintf(fp, "OP2 %s (%s)\n", opstr(dnp->dn_op), buf);
4724                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_left, fp, depth + 1);
4725                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_right, fp, depth + 1);
4726                 break;
4728         case DT_NODE_OP3:
4729                 (void) fprintf(fp, "OP3 (%s)\n", buf);
4730                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_expr, fp, depth + 1);
4731                 (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s?\n", depth * 2, "");
4732                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_left, fp, depth + 1);
4733                 (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s:\n", depth * 2, "");
4734                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_right, fp, depth + 1);
4735                 break;
4737         case DT_NODE_DEXPR:
4738         case DT_NODE_DFUNC:
4739                 (void) fprintf(fp, "D EXPRESSION attr=%s\n", a);
4740                 dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_expr, fp, depth + 1);
4741                 break;
4743         case DT_NODE_AGG:
4744                 (void) fprintf(fp, "AGGREGATE @%s attr=%s [\n",
4745                     dnp->dn_ident->di_name, a);
4747                 for (arg = dnp->dn_aggtup; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list) {
4748                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4749                         if (arg->dn_list != NULL)
4750                                 (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s,\n", depth * 2, "");
4751                 }
4753                 if (dnp->dn_aggfun) {
4754                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s] = ", depth * 2, "");
4755                         dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_aggfun, fp, depth + 1);
4756                 } else
4757                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s]\n", depth * 2, "");
4759                 if (dnp->dn_aggfun)
4760                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s)\n", depth * 2, "");
4761                 break;
4763         case DT_NODE_PDESC:
4764                 (void) fprintf(fp, "PDESC %s:%s:%s:%s [%u]\n",
4765                     dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_provider, dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_mod,
4766                     dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_func, dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_name,
4767                     dnp->dn_desc->dtpd_id);
4768                 break;
4770         case DT_NODE_CLAUSE:
4771                 (void) fprintf(fp, "CLAUSE attr=%s\n", a);
4773                 for (arg = dnp->dn_pdescs; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list)
4774                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4776                 (void) fprintf(fp, "%*sCTXATTR %s\n", depth * 2, "",
4777                     dt_attr_str(dnp->dn_ctxattr, a, sizeof (a)));
4779                 if (dnp->dn_pred != NULL) {
4780                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*sPREDICATE /\n", depth * 2, "");
4781                         dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_pred, fp, depth + 1);
4782                         (void) fprintf(fp, "%*s/\n", depth * 2, "");
4783                 }
4785                 for (arg = dnp->dn_acts; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list)
4786                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4787                 break;
4789         case DT_NODE_INLINE:
4790                 inp = dnp->dn_ident->di_iarg;
4792                 (void) fprintf(fp, "INLINE %s (%s)\n",
4793                     dnp->dn_ident->di_name, buf);
4794                 dt_node_printr(inp->din_root, fp, depth + 1);
4795                 break;
4797         case DT_NODE_MEMBER:
4798                 (void) fprintf(fp, "MEMBER %s (%s)\n", dnp->dn_membname, buf);
4799                 if (dnp->dn_membexpr)
4800                         dt_node_printr(dnp->dn_membexpr, fp, depth + 1);
4801                 break;
4803         case DT_NODE_XLATOR:
4804                 (void) fprintf(fp, "XLATOR (%s)", buf);
4806                 if (ctf_type_name(dnp->dn_xlator->dx_src_ctfp,
4807                     dnp->dn_xlator->dx_src_type, n, sizeof (n)) != NULL)
4808                         (void) fprintf(fp, " from <%s>", n);
4810                 if (ctf_type_name(dnp->dn_xlator->dx_dst_ctfp,
4811                     dnp->dn_xlator->dx_dst_type, n, sizeof (n)) != NULL)
4812                         (void) fprintf(fp, " to <%s>", n);
4814                 (void) fprintf(fp, "\n");
4816                 for (arg = dnp->dn_members; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list)
4817                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4818                 break;
4820         case DT_NODE_PROBE:
4821                 (void) fprintf(fp, "PROBE %s\n", dnp->dn_ident->di_name);
4822                 break;
4824         case DT_NODE_PROVIDER:
4825                 (void) fprintf(fp, "PROVIDER %s (%s)\n",
4826                     dnp->dn_provname, dnp->dn_provred ? "redecl" : "decl");
4827                 for (arg = dnp->dn_probes; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list)
4828                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4829                 break;
4831         case DT_NODE_PROG:
4832                 (void) fprintf(fp, "PROGRAM attr=%s\n", a);
4833                 for (arg = dnp->dn_list; arg != NULL; arg = arg->dn_list)
4834                         dt_node_printr(arg, fp, depth + 1);
4835                 break;
4837         default:
4838                 (void) fprintf(fp, "<bad node %p, kind %d>\n",
4839                     (void *)dnp, dnp->dn_kind);
4840         }
4841 }
4843 int
4844 dt_node_root(dt_node_t *dnp)
4845 {
4846         yypcb->pcb_root = dnp;
4847         return (0);
4848 }
4850 /*PRINTFLIKE3*/
4851 void
4852 dnerror(const dt_node_t *dnp, dt_errtag_t tag, const char *format, ...)
4853 {
4854         int oldlineno = yylineno;
4855         va_list ap;
4857         yylineno = dnp->dn_line;
4859         va_start(ap, format);
4860         xyvwarn(tag, format, ap);
4861         va_end(ap);
4863         yylineno = oldlineno;
4864         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
4865 }
4867 /*PRINTFLIKE3*/
4868 void
4869 dnwarn(const dt_node_t *dnp, dt_errtag_t tag, const char *format, ...)
4870 {
4871         int oldlineno = yylineno;
4872         va_list ap;
4874         yylineno = dnp->dn_line;
4876         va_start(ap, format);
4877         xyvwarn(tag, format, ap);
4878         va_end(ap);
4880         yylineno = oldlineno;
4881 }
4883 /*PRINTFLIKE2*/
4884 void
4885 xyerror(dt_errtag_t tag, const char *format, ...)
4886 {
4887         va_list ap;
4889         va_start(ap, format);
4890         xyvwarn(tag, format, ap);
4891         va_end(ap);
4893         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
4894 }
4896 /*PRINTFLIKE2*/
4897 void
4898 xywarn(dt_errtag_t tag, const char *format, ...)
4899 {
4900         va_list ap;
4902         va_start(ap, format);
4903         xyvwarn(tag, format, ap);
4904         va_end(ap);
4905 }
4907 void
4908 xyvwarn(dt_errtag_t tag, const char *format, va_list ap)
4909 {
4910         if (yypcb == NULL)
4911                 return; /* compiler is not currently active: act as a no-op */
4913         dt_set_errmsg(yypcb->pcb_hdl, dt_errtag(tag), yypcb->pcb_region,
4914             yypcb->pcb_filetag, yypcb->pcb_fileptr ? yylineno : 0, format, ap);
4915 }
4917 /*PRINTFLIKE1*/
4918 void
4919 yyerror(const char *format, ...)
4920 {
4921         va_list ap;
4923         va_start(ap, format);
4924         yyvwarn(format, ap);
4925         va_end(ap);
4927         longjmp(yypcb->pcb_jmpbuf, EDT_COMPILER);
4928 }
4930 /*PRINTFLIKE1*/
4931 void
4932 yywarn(const char *format, ...)
4933 {
4934         va_list ap;
4936         va_start(ap, format);
4937         yyvwarn(format, ap);
4938         va_end(ap);
4939 }
4941 void
4942 yyvwarn(const char *format, va_list ap)
4943 {
4944         if (yypcb == NULL)
4945                 return; /* compiler is not currently active: act as a no-op */
4947         dt_set_errmsg(yypcb->pcb_hdl, dt_errtag(D_SYNTAX), yypcb->pcb_region,
4948             yypcb->pcb_filetag, yypcb->pcb_fileptr ? yylineno : 0, format, ap);
4950         if (strchr(format, '\n') == NULL) {
4951                 dtrace_hdl_t *dtp = yypcb->pcb_hdl;
4952                 size_t len = strlen(dtp->dt_errmsg);
4953                 char *p, *s = dtp->dt_errmsg + len;
4954                 size_t n = sizeof (dtp->dt_errmsg) - len;
4956                 if (yytext[0] == '\0')
4957                         (void) snprintf(s, n, " near end of input");
4958                 else if (yytext[0] == '\n')
4959                         (void) snprintf(s, n, " near end of line");
4960                 else {
4961                         if ((p = strchr(yytext, '\n')) != NULL)
4962                                 *p = '\0'; /* crop at newline */
4963                         (void) snprintf(s, n, " near \"%s\"", yytext);
4964                 }
4965         }
4966 }
4968 void
4969 yylabel(const char *label)
4970 {
4971         dt_dprintf("set label to <%s>\n", label ? label : "NULL");
4972         yypcb->pcb_region = label;
4973 }
4975 int
4976 yywrap(void)
4977 {
4978         return (1); /* indicate that lex should return a zero token for EOF */
4979 }