1 LIBAVL(3LIB)                  Interface Libraries                 LIBAVL(3LIB)
   3 NAME
   4      libavl - generic self-balancing binary search tree library
   7      AVL Tree Library (libavl, -lavl)
   8      #include <sys/avl.h>
  11      The libavl library provides a generic implementation of AVL trees, a form
  12      of self-balancing binary tree. The interfaces provided allow for an
  13      efficient way of implementing an ordered set of data structures and, due
  14      to its embeddable nature, allow for a single instance of a data structure
  15      to belong to multiple AVL trees.
  17      Each AVL tree contains entries of a single type of data structure.
  18      Rather than allocating memory for pointers for those data structures, the
  19      storage for the tree is embedded into the data structures by declaring a
  20      member of type avl_node_t.  When an AVL tree is created, through the use
  21      of avl_create(), it encodes the size of the data structure, the offset of
  22      the data structure, and a comparator function which is used to compare
  23      two instances of a data structure. A data structure may be a member of
  24      multiple AVL trees by creating AVL trees which use different offsets
  25      (different members) into the data structure.
  27      AVL trees support both look up of an arbitrary item and ordered iteration
  28      over the contents of the entire tree. In addition, from any node, you can
  29      find the previous and next entries in the tree, if they exist. In
  30      addition, AVL trees support arbitrary insertion and deletion.
  32    Performance
  33      AVL trees are often used in place of linked lists. Compared to the
  34      standard, intrusive, doubly linked list, it has the following performance
  35      characteristics:
  37      Lookup One Node
  38              Lookup of a single node in a linked list is O(n), whereas lookup
  39              of a single node in an AVL tree is O(log(n)).
  41      Insert One Node
  42              Inserting a single node into a linked list is O(1).  Inserting a
  43              single node into an AVL tree is O(log(n)).
  45              Note, insertions into an AVL tree always result in an ordered
  46              tree.  Insertions into a linked list do not guarantee order. If
  47              order is required, then the time to do the insertion into a
  48              linked list will depend on the time of the search algorithm being
  49              employed to find the place to insert at.
  51      Delete One Node
  52              Deleting a single node from a linked list is O(1), whereas
  53              deleting a single node from an AVL tree takes O(log(n)) time.
  55      Delete All Nodes
  56              Deleting all nodes from a linked list is O(n).  With an AVL tree,
  57              if using the avl_destroy_nodes(3AVL) function then deleting all
  58              nodes is O(n).  However, if iterating over each entry in the tree
  59              and then removing it using a while loop, avl_first(3AVL) and
  60              avl_remove(3AVL) then the time to remove all nodes is
  61              O(n * log(n)).
  63      Visit the Next or Previous Node
  64              Visiting the next or previous node in a linked list is O(1),
  65              whereas going from the next to the previous node in an AVL tree
  66              will take between O(1) and O(log(n)).
  68      In general, AVL trees are a good alternative for linked lists when order
  69      or lookup speed is important and a reasonable number of items will be
  70      present.
  73      The shared object libavl.so.1 provides the public interfaces defined
  74      below. See Intro(3) for additional information on shared object
  75      interfaces. Individual functions are documented in their own manual
  76      pages.
  78            avl_add             avl_create
  79            avl_destroy         avl_destroy_nodes
  80            avl_find            avl_first
  81            avl_insert          avl_insert_here
  82            avl_is_empty        avl_last
  83            avl_nearest         avl_numnodes
  84            avl_remove          avl_swap
  86      In addition, the library defines C pre-processor macros which are defined
  87      below and documented in their own manual pages.
  89            AVL_NEXT            AVL_PREV
  91 TYPES
  92      The libavl library defines the following types:
  94      avl_tree_t
  96      Type used for the root of the AVL tree. Consumers define one of these for
  97      each of the different trees that they want to have.
  99      avl_node_t
 101      Type used as the data node for an AVL tree. One of these is embedded in
 102      each data structure that is the member of an AVL tree.
 104      avl_index_t
 106      Type used to locate a position in a tree. This is used with
 107      avl_find(3AVL) and avl_insert(3AVL).
 110      The libavl library provides no locking. Callers that are using the same
 111      AVL tree from multiple threads need to provide their own synchronization.
 112      If only one thread is ever accessing or modifying the AVL tree, then
 113      there are no synchronization concerns. If multiple AVL trees exist, then
 114      they may all be used simultaneously; however, they are subject to the
 115      same rules around simultaneous access from a single thread.
 117      All routines are both Fork-safe and Async-Signal-Safe.  Callers may call
 118      functions in libavl from a signal handler and libavl calls are all safe
 119      in face of fork(2); however, if callers have their own locks, then they
 120      must make sure that they are accounted for by the use of routines such as
 121      pthread_atfork(3C).
 124      The following code shows examples of exercising all of the functionality
 125      that is present in libavl.  It can be compiled by using a C compiler and
 126      linking against libavl.  For example, given a file named avl.c, with gcc,
 127      one would run:
 129      $ gcc -Wall -o avl avl.c -lavl
 131      /*
 132       * Example of using AVL Trees
 133       */
 135      #include <sys/avl.h>
 136      #include <stddef.h>
 137      #include <stdlib.h>
 138      #include <stdio.h>
 140      static avl_tree_t inttree;
 142      /*
 143       * The structure that we're storing in an AVL tree.
 144       */
 145      typedef struct intnode {
 146              int in_val;
 147              avl_node_t in_avl;
 148      } intnode_t;
 150      static int
 151      intnode_comparator(const void *l, const void *r)
 152      {
 153              const intnode_t *li = l;
 154              const intnode_t *ri = r;
 156              if (li->in_val > ri->in_val)
 157                      return (1);
 158              if (li->in_val < ri->in_val)
 159                      return (-1);
 160              return (0);
 161      }
 163      /*
 164       * Create an AVL Tree
 165       */
 166      static void
 167      create_avl(void)
 168      {
 169              avl_create(&inttree, intnode_comparator, sizeof (intnode_t),
 170                  offsetof(intnode_t, in_avl));
 171      }
 173      /*
 174       * Add entries to the tree with the avl_add function.
 175       */
 176      static void
 177      fill_avl(void)
 178      {
 179              int i;
 180              intnode_t *inp;
 182              for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
 183                      inp = malloc(sizeof (intnode_t));
 184                      assert(inp != NULL);
 185                      inp->in_val = i;
 186                      avl_add(&inttree, inp);
 187              }
 188      }
 190      /*
 191       * Find entries in the AVL tree. Note, we create an intnode_t on the
 192       * stack that we use to look this up.
 193       */
 194      static void
 195      find_avl(void)
 196      {
 197              int i;
 198              intnode_t lookup, *inp;
 200              for (i = 10; i < 30; i++) {
 201                      lookup.in_val = i;
 202                      inp = avl_find(&inttree, &lookup, NULL);
 203                      if (inp == NULL) {
 204                              printf("Entry %d is not in the tree\n", i);
 205                      } else {
 206                              printf("Entry %d is in the tree\n",
 207                                  inp->in_val);
 208                      }
 209              }
 210      }
 212      /*
 213       * Walk the tree forwards
 214       */
 215      static void
 216      walk_forwards(void)
 217      {
 218              intnode_t *inp;
 219              for (inp = avl_first(&inttree); inp != NULL;
 220                  inp = AVL_NEXT(&inttree, inp))     {
 221                      printf("Found entry %d\n", inp->in_val);
 222              }
 223      }
 225      /*
 226       * Walk the tree backwards.
 227       */
 228      static void
 229      walk_backwards(void)
 230      {
 231              intnode_t *inp;
 232              for (inp = avl_last(&inttree); inp     != NULL;
 233                  inp = AVL_PREV(&inttree, inp))     {
 234                      printf("Found entry %d\n", inp->in_val);
 235              }
 236      }
 238      /*
 239       * Determine the number of nodes in the tree and if it is empty or
 240       * not.
 241       */
 242      static void
 243      inttree_inspect(void)
 244      {
 245              printf("The tree is %s, there are %ld nodes in it\n",
 246                  avl_is_empty(&inttree)     == B_TRUE ? "empty" : "not empty",
 247                  avl_numnodes(&inttree));
 248      }
 250      /*
 251       * Use avl_remove to remove entries from the tree.
 252       */
 253      static void
 254      remove_nodes(void)
 255      {
 256              int i;
 257              intnode_t lookup, *inp;
 259              for (i = 0; i < 20; i+= 4)      {
 260                      lookup.in_val = i;
 261                      inp = avl_find(&inttree, &lookup, NULL);
 262                      if (inp != NULL)
 263                              avl_remove(&inttree, inp);
 264              }
 265      }
 267      /*
 268       * Find the nearest nodes in the tree.
 269       */
 270      static void
 271      nearest_nodes(void)
 272      {
 273              intnode_t lookup, *inp;
 274              avl_index_t where;
 276              lookup.in_val = 12;
 277              if (avl_find(&inttree, &lookup, &where) !=     NULL)
 278                      abort();
 279              inp = avl_nearest(&inttree, where,     AVL_BEFORE);
 280              assert(inp != NULL);
 281              printf("closest node before 12 is: %d\n", inp->in_val);
 282              inp = avl_nearest(&inttree, where,     AVL_AFTER);
 283              assert(inp != NULL);
 284              printf("closest node after 12 is: %d\n", inp->in_val);
 285      }
 287      static void
 288      insert_avl(void)
 289      {
 290              intnode_t lookup, *inp;
 291              avl_index_t where;
 293              lookup.in_val = 12;
 294              if (avl_find(&inttree, &lookup, &where) !=     NULL)
 295                      abort();
 296              inp = malloc(sizeof (intnode_t));
 297              assert(inp != NULL);
 298              avl_insert(&inttree, inp, where);
 299      }
 301      static void
 302      swap_avl(void)
 303      {
 304              avl_tree_t swap;
 306              avl_create(&swap, intnode_comparator, sizeof (intnode_t),
 307                  offsetof(intnode_t, in_avl));
 308              avl_swap(&inttree,     &swap);
 309              inttree_inspect();
 310              avl_swap(&inttree,     &swap);
 311              inttree_inspect();
 312      }
 314      /*
 315       * Remove all remaining nodes in the tree. We first use
 316       * avl_destroy_nodes to empty the tree, then avl_destroy to finish.
 317       */
 318      static void
 319      cleanup(void)
 320      {
 321              intnode_t *inp;
 322              void *c = NULL;
 324              while ((inp = avl_destroy_nodes(&inttree, &c)) != NULL) {
 325                      free(inp);
 326              }
 327              avl_destroy(&inttree);
 328      }
 330      int
 331      main(void)
 332      {
 333              create_avl();
 334              inttree_inspect();
 335              fill_avl();
 336              find_avl();
 337              walk_forwards();
 338              walk_backwards();
 339              inttree_inspect();
 340              remove_nodes();
 341              inttree_inspect();
 342              nearest_nodes();
 343              insert_avl();
 344              inttree_inspect();
 345              swap_avl();
 346              cleanup();
 347              return (0);
 348      }
 351      Committed
 353 MT-Level
 354      See Locking.
 357      Intro(3), pthread_atfork(3C)
 359      avl_add(3AVL), avl_create(3AVL), avl_destroy(3AVL),
 360      avl_destroy_nodes(3AVL), avl_find(3AVL), avl_first(3AVL),
 361      avl_insert(3AVL), avl_insert_here(3AVL), avl_is_empty(3AVL),
 362      avl_last(3AVL), avl_nearest(3AVL), avl_numnodes(3AVL), avl_remove(3AVL),
 363      avl_swap(3AVL),
 365      Adel'son-Vel'skiy, G. M. and Landis, Ye. M., An Algorithm for the
 366      Organization of Information, No. 2, Vol. 16, 263-266, Deklady Akademii
 367      Nauk, USSR, Moscow, 1962.
 369 illumos                        December 4, 2015                        illumos