1 #
   3 #
   4 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7 #
   8 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11 # and limitations under the License.
  12 #
  13 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18 #
  20 #
  21 #
  22 # Copyright (c) 1989, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  23 #
  24 #
  25 # Copyright 2013 Damian Bogel. All rights reserved.
  26 #
  28 include $(SRC)/uts/Makefile.uts
  30 FILEMODE=644
  32 #
  33 #       Note that the following headers are present in the kernel but
  34 #       neither installed or shipped as part of the product:
  35 #               cpuid_drv.h:            Private interface for cpuid consumers
  36 #               unix_bb_info.h:         Private interface to kcov
  37 #
  39 i386_HDRS=                      \
  40         agp/agpamd64gart_io.h   \
  41         agp/agpdefs.h           \
  42         agp/agpgart_impl.h      \
  43         agp/agpmaster_io.h      \
  44         agp/agptarget_io.h      \
  45         agpgart.h               \
  46         asy.h                   \
  47         fd_debug.h              \
  48         fdc.h                   \
  49         fdmedia.h               \
  50         mouse.h                 \
  51         ucode.h
  53 sparc_HDRS=                     \
  54         mouse.h                 \
  55         scsi/targets/ssddef.h   \
  56         $(MDESCHDRS)
  58 # Generated headers
  59 GENHDRS=                        \
  60         priv_const.h            \
  61         priv_names.h            \
  62         usb/usbdevs.h
  64 CHKHDRS=                        \
  65         acpi_drv.h              \
  66         acct.h                  \
  67         acctctl.h               \
  68         acl.h                   \
  69         acl_impl.h              \
  70         aggr.h                  \
  71         aggr_impl.h             \
  72         aio.h                   \
  73         aio_impl.h              \
  74         aio_req.h               \
  75         aiocb.h                 \
  76         ascii.h                 \
  77         asynch.h                \
  78         atomic.h                \
  79         attr.h                  \
  80         audio.h                 \
  81         audioio.h               \
  82         autoconf.h              \
  83         auxv.h                  \
  84         auxv_386.h              \
  85         auxv_SPARC.h            \
  86         avl.h                   \
  87         avl_impl.h              \
  88         bitmap.h                \
  89         bitset.h                \
  90         bl.h                    \
  91         blkdev.h                \
  92         bofi.h                  \
  93         bofi_impl.h             \
  94         bpp_io.h                \
  95         bootstat.h              \
  96         brand.h                 \
  97         buf.h                   \
  98         bufmod.h                \
  99         bustypes.h              \
 100         byteorder.h             \
 101         callb.h                 \
 102         callo.h                 \
 103         cap_util.h              \
 104         cpucaps.h               \
 105         cpucaps_impl.h          \
 106         ccompile.h              \
 107         cdio.h                  \
 108         cladm.h                 \
 109         class.h                 \
 110         clconf.h                \
 111         clock_impl.h            \
 112         cmlb.h                  \
 113         cmn_err.h               \
 114         compress.h              \
 115         condvar.h               \
 116         condvar_impl.h          \
 117         conf.h                  \
 118         consdev.h               \
 119         console.h               \
 120         consplat.h              \
 121         vt.h                    \
 122         vtdaemon.h              \
 123         kd.h                    \
 124         contract.h              \
 125         contract_impl.h         \
 126         copyops.h               \
 127         core.h                  \
 128         corectl.h               \
 129         cpc_impl.h              \
 130         cpc_pcbe.h              \
 131         cpr.h                   \
 132         cpupart.h               \
 133         cpuvar.h                \
 134         crc32.h                 \
 135         cred.h                  \
 136         cred_impl.h             \
 137         crtctl.h                \
 138         cryptmod.h              \
 139         csiioctl.h              \
 140         ctf.h                   \
 141         ctfs.h                  \
 142         ctfs_impl.h             \
 143         ctf_api.h               \
 144         ctype.h                 \
 145         cyclic.h                \
 146         cyclic_impl.h           \
 147         dacf.h                  \
 148         dacf_impl.h             \
 149         damap.h                 \
 150         damap_impl.h            \
 151         dc_ki.h                 \
 152         ddi.h                   \
 153         ddifm.h                 \
 154         ddifm_impl.h            \
 155         ddi_hp.h                \
 156         ddi_hp_impl.h           \
 157         ddi_intr.h              \
 158         ddi_intr_impl.h         \
 159         ddi_impldefs.h          \
 160         ddi_implfuncs.h         \
 161         ddi_obsolete.h          \
 162         ddi_timer.h             \
 163         ddidevmap.h             \
 164         ddidmareq.h             \
 165         ddimapreq.h             \
 166         ddipropdefs.h           \
 167         dditypes.h              \
 168         debug.h                 \
 169         des.h                   \
 170         devctl.h                \
 171         devcache.h              \
 172         devcache_impl.h         \
 173         devfm.h                 \
 174         devid_cache.h           \
 175         devinfo_impl.h          \
 176         devops.h                \
 177         devpolicy.h             \
 178         devpoll.h               \
 179         dirent.h                \
 180         disp.h                  \
 181         dkbad.h                 \
 182         dkio.h                  \
 183         dklabel.h               \
 184         dl.h                    \
 185         dlpi.h                  \
 186         dld.h                   \
 187         dld_impl.h              \
 188         dld_ioc.h               \
 189         dls.h                   \
 190         dls_mgmt.h              \
 191         dls_impl.h              \
 192         dma_i8237A.h            \
 193         dnlc.h                  \
 194         door.h                  \
 195         door_data.h             \
 196         door_impl.h             \
 197         dtrace.h                \
 198         dtrace_impl.h           \
 199         dumpadm.h               \
 200         dumphdr.h               \
 201         ecppsys.h               \
 202         ecppio.h                \
 203         ecppreg.h               \
 204         ecppvar.h               \
 205         efi_partition.h         \
 206         elf.h                   \
 207         elf_386.h               \
 208         elf_SPARC.h             \
 209         elf_notes.h             \
 210         elf_amd64.h             \
 211         elftypes.h              \
 212         emul64.h                \
 213         emul64cmd.h             \
 214         emul64var.h             \
 215         epm.h                   \
 216         errno.h                 \
 217         errorq.h                \
 218         errorq_impl.h           \
 219         esunddi.h               \
 220         ethernet.h              \
 221         euc.h                   \
 222         eucioctl.h              \
 223         exacct.h                \
 224         exacct_catalog.h        \
 225         exacct_impl.h           \
 226         exec.h                  \
 227         exechdr.h               \
 228         extdirent.h             \
 229         fault.h                 \
 230         fasttrap.h              \
 231         fasttrap_impl.h         \
 232         fbio.h                  \
 233         fbuf.h                  \
 234         fcntl.h                 \
 235         fct.h                   \
 236         fct_defines.h           \
 237         fctio.h                 \
 238         fdbuffer.h              \
 239         fdio.h                  \
 240         feature_tests.h         \
 241         fem.h                   \
 242         file.h                  \
 243         filio.h                 \
 244         flock.h                 \
 245         flock_impl.h            \
 246         fork.h                  \
 247         fsd.h                   \
 248         fss.h                   \
 249         fsspriocntl.h           \
 250         fsid.h                  \
 251         fssnap.h                \
 252         fssnap_if.h             \
 253         fstyp.h                 \
 254         ftrace.h                \
 255         fx.h                    \
 256         fxpriocntl.h            \
 257         gfs.h                   \
 258         gld.h                   \
 259         gldpriv.h               \
 260         group.h                 \
 261         hdio.h                  \
 262         hook.h                  \
 263         hook_event.h            \
 264         hook_impl.h             \
 265         hwconf.h                \
 266         ia.h                    \
 267         iapriocntl.h            \
 268         ibpart.h                \
 269         id32.h                  \
 270         idmap.h                 \
 271         ieeefp.h                \
 272         id_space.h              \
 273         instance.h              \
 274         int_const.h             \
 275         int_fmtio.h             \
 276         int_limits.h            \
 277         int_types.h             \
 278         inttypes.h              \
 279         ioccom.h                \
 280         ioctl.h                 \
 281         ipc.h                   \
 282         ipc_impl.h              \
 283         ipc_rctl.h              \
 284         ipmi.h                  \
 285         isa_defs.h              \
 286         iscsi_authclient.h      \
 287         iscsi_authclientglue.h  \
 288         iscsi_protocol.h        \
 289         jioctl.h                \
 290         kbd.h                   \
 291         kbdreg.h                \
 292         kbio.h                  \
 293         kcpc.h                  \
 294         kdi.h                   \
 295         kdi_impl.h              \
 296         kiconv.h                \
 297         kiconv_big5_utf8.h      \
 298         kiconv_cck_common.h     \
 299         kiconv_cp950hkscs_utf8.h        \
 300         kiconv_emea1.h          \
 301         kiconv_emea2.h          \
 302         kiconv_euckr_utf8.h     \
 303         kiconv_euctw_utf8.h     \
 304         kiconv_gb18030_utf8.h   \
 305         kiconv_gb2312_utf8.h    \
 306         kiconv_hkscs_utf8.h     \
 307         kiconv_ja.h             \
 308         kiconv_ja_jis_to_unicode.h      \
 309         kiconv_ja_unicode_to_jis.h      \
 310         kiconv_ko.h             \
 311         kiconv_latin1.h         \
 312         kiconv_sc.h             \
 313         kiconv_tc.h             \
 314         kiconv_uhc_utf8.h       \
 315         kiconv_utf8_big5.h      \
 316         kiconv_utf8_cp950hkscs.h        \
 317         kiconv_utf8_euckr.h     \
 318         kiconv_utf8_euctw.h     \
 319         kiconv_utf8_gb18030.h   \
 320         kiconv_utf8_gb2312.h    \
 321         kiconv_utf8_hkscs.h     \
 322         kiconv_utf8_uhc.h       \
 323         kidmap.h                \
 324         klpd.h                  \
 325         klwp.h                  \
 326         kmdb.h                  \
 327         kmem.h                  \
 328         kmem_impl.h             \
 329         kobj.h                  \
 330         kobj_impl.h             \
 331         ksocket.h               \
 332         kstat.h                 \
 333         kstr.h                  \
 334         ksyms.h                 \
 335         ksynch.h                \
 336         ldterm.h                \
 337         lgrp.h                  \
 338         lgrp_user.h             \
 339         libc_kernel.h           \
 340         link.h                  \
 341         list.h                  \
 342         list_impl.h             \
 343         llc1.h                  \
 344         loadavg.h               \
 345         lock.h                  \
 346         lockfs.h                \
 347         lockstat.h              \
 348         lofi.h                  \
 349         log.h                   \
 350         logindmux.h             \
 351         logindmux_impl.h        \
 352         lwp.h                   \
 353         lwp_timer_impl.h        \
 354         lwp_upimutex_impl.h     \
 355         lpif.h                  \
 356         mac.h                   \
 357         mac_client.h            \
 358         mac_client_impl.h       \
 359         mac_ether.h             \
 360         mac_flow.h              \
 361         mac_flow_impl.h         \
 362         mac_impl.h              \
 363         mac_provider.h          \
 364         mac_soft_ring.h         \
 365         mac_stat.h              \
 366         machelf.h               \
 367         map.h                   \
 368         md4.h                   \
 369         md5.h                   \
 370         md5_consts.h            \
 371         mdi_impldefs.h          \
 372         mem.h                   \
 373         mem_config.h            \
 374         memlist.h               \
 375         mkdev.h                 \
 376         mhd.h                   \
 377         mii.h                   \
 378         miiregs.h               \
 379         mixer.h                 \
 380         mman.h                  \
 381         mmapobj.h               \
 382         mntent.h                \
 383         mntio.h                 \
 384         mnttab.h                \
 385         modctl.h                \
 386         mode.h                  \
 387         model.h                 \
 388         modhash.h               \
 389         modhash_impl.h          \
 390         mount.h                 \
 391         mouse.h                 \
 392         msacct.h                \
 393         msg.h                   \
 394         msg_impl.h              \
 395         msio.h                  \
 396         msreg.h                 \
 397         mtio.h                  \
 398         multidata.h             \
 399         multidata_impl.h        \
 400         mutex.h                 \
 401         nbmlock.h               \
 402         ndifm.h                 \
 403         ndi_impldefs.h          \
 404         net80211.h              \
 405         net80211_crypto.h       \
 406         net80211_ht.h           \
 407         net80211_proto.h        \
 408         netconfig.h             \
 409         neti.h                  \
 410         netstack.h              \
 411         nexusdefs.h             \
 412         note.h                  \
 413         nvpair.h                \
 414         nvpair_impl.h           \
 415         objfs.h                 \
 416         objfs_impl.h            \
 417         ontrap.h                \
 418         open.h                  \
 419         openpromio.h            \
 420         panic.h                 \
 421         param.h                 \
 422         pathconf.h              \
 423         pathname.h              \
 424         pattr.h                 \
 425         queue.h                 \
 426         serializer.h            \
 427         pbio.h                  \
 428         pccard.h                \
 429         pci.h                   \
 430         pcie.h                  \
 431         pci_impl.h              \
 432         pci_tools.h             \
 433         pcmcia.h                \
 434         pctypes.h               \
 435         pfmod.h                 \
 436         pg.h                    \
 437         pghw.h                  \
 438         physmem.h               \
 439         pkp_hash.h              \
 440         pm.h                    \
 441         policy.h                \
 442         poll.h                  \
 443         poll_impl.h             \
 444         pool.h                  \
 445         pool_impl.h             \
 446         pool_pset.h             \
 447         port.h                  \
 448         port_impl.h             \
 449         port_kernel.h           \
 450         portif.h                \
 451         ppmio.h                 \
 452         pppt_ic_if.h            \
 453         pppt_ioctl.h            \
 454         priocntl.h              \
 455         priv.h                  \
 456         priv_impl.h             \
 457         prnio.h                 \
 458         proc.h                  \
 459         processor.h             \
 460         procfs.h                \
 461         procset.h               \
 462         project.h               \
 463         protosw.h               \
 464         prsystm.h               \
 465         pset.h                  \
 466         pshot.h                 \
 467         ptem.h                  \
 468         ptms.h                  \
 469         ptyvar.h                \
 470         raidioctl.h             \
 471         ramdisk.h               \
 472         random.h                \
 473         rctl.h                  \
 474         rctl_impl.h             \
 475         rds.h                   \
 476         reboot.h                \
 477         refstr.h                \
 478         refstr_impl.h           \
 479         resource.h              \
 480         rlioctl.h               \
 481         rt.h                    \
 482         rtpriocntl.h            \
 483         rwlock.h                \
 484         rwlock_impl.h           \
 485         rwstlock.h              \
 486         sad.h                   \
 487         schedctl.h              \
 488         sdt.h                   \
 489         select.h                \
 490         sem.h                   \
 491         sem_impl.h              \
 492         sema_impl.h             \
 493         semaphore.h             \
 494         sendfile.h              \
 495         ser_sync.h              \
 496         session.h               \
 497         sha1.h                  \
 498         sha1_consts.h           \
 499         sha2.h                  \
 500         sha2_consts.h           \
 501         share.h                 \
 502         shm.h                   \
 503         shm_impl.h              \
 504         sid.h                   \
 505         siginfo.h               \
 506         signal.h                \
 507         sleepq.h                \
 508         smbios.h                \
 509         smbios_impl.h           \
 510         sobject.h               \
 511         socket.h                \
 512         socket_impl.h           \
 513         socket_proto.h          \
 514         socketvar.h             \
 515         sockfilter.h            \
 516         sockio.h                \
 517         soundcard.h             \
 518         squeue.h                \
 519         squeue_impl.h           \
 520         srn.h                   \
 521         sservice.h              \
 522         stat.h                  \
 523         statfs.h                \
 524         statvfs.h               \
 525         stdbool.h               \
 526         stdint.h                \
 527         stermio.h               \
 528         stmf.h                  \
 529         stmf_defines.h          \
 530         stmf_ioctl.h            \
 531         stmf_sbd_ioctl.h        \
 532         stream.h                \
 533         strft.h                 \
 534         strlog.h                \
 535         strmdep.h               \
 536         stropts.h               \
 537         strredir.h              \
 538         strstat.h               \
 539         strsubr.h               \
 540         strsun.h                \
 541         strtty.h                \
 542         sunddi.h                \
 543         sunldi.h                \
 544         sunldi_impl.h           \
 545         sunmdi.h                \
 546         sunndi.h                \
 547         sunos_dhcp_class.h      \
 548         sunpm.h                 \
 549         suntpi.h                \
 550         suntty.h                \
 551         swap.h                  \
 552         synch.h                 \
 553         sysdc.h                 \
 554         sysdc_impl.h            \
 555         syscall.h               \
 556         sysconf.h               \
 557         sysconfig.h             \
 558         sysevent.h              \
 559         sysevent_impl.h         \
 560         sysinfo.h               \
 561         syslog.h                \
 562         sysmacros.h             \
 563         sysmsg_impl.h           \
 564         systeminfo.h            \
 565         systm.h                 \
 566         task.h                  \
 567         taskq.h                 \
 568         taskq_impl.h            \
 569         t_kuser.h               \
 570         t_lock.h                \
 571         telioctl.h              \
 572         termio.h                \
 573         termios.h               \
 574         termiox.h               \
 575         thread.h                \
 576         ticlts.h                \
 577         ticots.h                \
 578         ticotsord.h             \
 579         tihdr.h                 \
 580         time.h                  \
 581         time_impl.h             \
 582         time_std_impl.h         \
 583         timeb.h                 \
 584         timer.h                 \
 585         times.h                 \
 586         timex.h                 \
 587         timod.h                 \
 588         tirdwr.h                \
 589         tiuser.h                \
 590         tl.h                    \
 591         tnf.h                   \
 592         tnf_com.h               \
 593         tnf_probe.h             \
 594         tnf_writer.h            \
 595         todio.h                 \
 596         tpicommon.h             \
 597         ts.h                    \
 598         tspriocntl.h            \
 599         ttcompat.h              \
 600         ttold.h                 \
 601         tty.h                   \
 602         ttychars.h              \
 603         ttydev.h                \
 604         tuneable.h              \
 605         turnstile.h             \
 606         types.h                 \
 607         types32.h               \
 608         tzfile.h                \
 609         u8_textprep.h           \
 610         u8_textprep_data.h      \
 611         uadmin.h                \
 612         ucred.h                 \
 613         uio.h                   \
 614         ulimit.h                \
 615         un.h                    \
 616         unistd.h                \
 617         user.h                  \
 618         ustat.h                 \
 619         utime.h                 \
 620         utsname.h               \
 621         utssys.h                \
 622         uuid.h                  \
 623         va_impl.h               \
 624         va_list.h               \
 625         var.h                   \
 626         varargs.h               \
 627         vfs.h                   \
 628         vfs_opreg.h             \
 629         vfstab.h                \
 630         vgareg.h                \
 631         videodev2.h             \
 632         visual_io.h             \
 633         vlan.h                  \
 634         vm.h                    \
 635         vm_usage.h              \
 636         vmem.h                  \
 637         vmem_impl.h             \
 638         vmsystm.h               \
 639         vnic.h                  \
 640         vnic_impl.h             \
 641         vnode.h                 \
 642         vscan.h                 \
 643         vtoc.h                  \
 644         vtrace.h                \
 645         vuid_event.h            \
 646         vuid_wheel.h            \
 647         vuid_queue.h            \
 648         vuid_state.h            \
 649         vuid_store.h            \
 650         wait.h                  \
 651         waitq.h                 \
 652         wanboot_impl.h          \
 653         watchpoint.h            \
 654         winlockio.h             \
 655         zcons.h                 \
 656         zone.h                  \
 657         xti_inet.h              \
 658         xti_osi.h               \
 659         xti_xtiopt.h            \
 660         zmod.h
 662 HDRS=                           \
 663         $(GENHDRS)              \
 664         $(CHKHDRS)
 666 AUDIOHDRS=                      \
 667         ac97.h                  \
 668         audio_common.h          \
 669         audio_driver.h          \
 670         audio_oss.h             \
 671         g711.h
 673 AVHDRS=                         \
 674         iec61883.h
 676 BSCHDRS=                        \
 677         bscbus.h                \
 678         bscv_impl.h             \
 679         lom_ebuscodes.h         \
 680         lom_io.h                \
 681         lom_priv.h              \
 682         lombus.h
 684 MDESCHDRS=                      \
 685         mdesc.h                 \
 686         mdesc_impl.h            
 688 CPUDRVHDRS=                     \
 689         cpudrv.h
 691 CRYPTOHDRS=                     \
 692         elfsign.h               \
 693         ioctl.h                 \
 694         ioctladmin.h            \
 695         common.h                \
 696         impl.h                  \
 697         spi.h                   \
 698         api.h                   \
 699         ops_impl.h              \
 700         sched_impl.h
 702 DCAMHDRS=                       \
 703         dcam1394_io.h
 705 IBHDRS=                 \
 706         ib_types.h      \
 707         ib_pkt_hdrs.h
 709 IBTLHDRS=               \
 710         ibtl_types.h    \
 711         ibtl_status.h   \
 712         ibti.h          \
 713         ibti_cm.h       \
 714         ibci.h          \
 715         ibti_common.h   \
 716         ibvti.h         \
 717         ibtl_ci_types.h
 719 IBTLIMPLHDRS=           \
 720         ibtl_util.h
 722 IBNEXHDRS=              \
 723         ibnex_devctl.h
 725 IBMFHDRS=               \
 726         ibmf.h          \
 727         ibmf_msg.h      \
 728         ibmf_saa.h      \
 729         ibmf_utils.h
 731 IBMGTHDRS=              \
 732         ib_dm_attr.h    \
 733         ib_mad.h        \
 734         sm_attr.h       \
 735         sa_recs.h
 737 IBDHDRS=                \
 738         ibd.h
 740 OFHDRS=                 \
 741         ofa_solaris.h   \
 742         ofed_kernel.h
 744 RDMAHDRS=               \
 745         ib_addr.h       \
 746         ib_user_mad.h   \
 747         ib_user_sa.h    \
 748         ib_user_verbs.h \
 749         ib_verbs.h      \
 750         rdma_cm.h       \
 751         rdma_user_cm.h
 753 SOL_UVERBSHDRS=         \
 754         sol_uverbs.h    \
 755         sol_uverbs2ucma.h       \
 756         sol_uverbs_comp.h       \
 757         sol_uverbs_hca.h        \
 758         sol_uverbs_qp.h         \
 759         sol_uverbs_event.h
 761 SOL_UMADHDRS=           \
 762         sol_umad.h
 764 SOL_UCMAHDRS=           \
 765         sol_ucma.h      \
 766         sol_rdma_user_cm.h
 768 SOL_OFSHDRS=            \
 769         sol_cma.h       \
 770         sol_ib_cma.h    \
 771         sol_ofs_common.h        \
 772         sol_kverb_impl.h
 774 TAVORHDRS=              \
 775         tavor_ioctl.h
 777 HERMONHDRS=             \
 778         hermon_ioctl.h
 780 MLNXHDRS=               \
 781         mlnx_umap.h
 783 IDMHDRS=                \
 784         idm.h           \
 785         idm_impl.h      \
 786         idm_so.h        \
 787         idm_text.h      \
 788         idm_transport.h \
 789         idm_conn_sm.h
 791 ISCSITHDRS=             \
 792         radius_packet.h         \
 793         radius_protocol.h       \
 794         chap.h                  \
 795         isns_protocol.h         \
 796         iscsi_if.h              \
 797         iscsit_common.h
 799 ISOHDRS=                        \
 800         signal_iso.h
 802 DERIVED_LVMHDRS=        \
 803         md_mdiox.h              \
 804         md_basic.h              \
 805         mdmed.h                 \
 806         md_mhdx.h               \
 807         mdmn_commd.h
 809 LVMHDRS=                        \
 810         md_convert.h            \
 811         md_crc.h                \
 812         md_hotspares.h          \
 813         md_mddb.h               \
 814         md_mirror.h             \
 815         md_mirror_shared.h      \
 816         md_names.h              \
 817         md_notify.h             \
 818         md_raid.h               \
 819         md_rename.h             \
 820         md_sp.h                 \
 821         md_stripe.h             \
 822         md_trans.h              \
 823         mdio.h                  \
 824         mdvar.h                 
 826 ALL_LVMHDRS=                    \
 827         $(LVMHDRS)              \
 828         $(DERIVED_LVMHDRS)
 830 FMHDRS=                         \
 831         protocol.h              \
 832         util.h
 834 FMFSHDRS=                       \
 835         zfs.h
 837 FMIOHDRS=                       \
 838         ddi.h                   \
 839         disk.h                  \
 840         pci.h                   \
 841         scsi.h                  \
 842         sun4upci.h              \
 843         opl_mc_fm.h
 845 FSHDRS=                         \
 846         autofs.h                \
 847         cachefs_dir.h           \
 848         cachefs_dlog.h          \
 849         cachefs_filegrp.h       \
 850         cachefs_fs.h            \
 851         cachefs_fscache.h       \
 852         cachefs_ioctl.h         \
 853         cachefs_log.h           \
 854         decomp.h                \
 855         dv_node.h               \
 856         sdev_impl.h             \
 857         fifonode.h              \
 858         hsfs_isospec.h          \
 859         hsfs_node.h             \
 860         hsfs_rrip.h             \
 861         hsfs_spec.h             \
 862         hsfs_susp.h             \
 863         lofs_info.h             \
 864         lofs_node.h             \
 865         mntdata.h               \
 866         namenode.h              \
 867         pc_dir.h                \
 868         pc_fs.h                 \
 869         pc_label.h              \
 870         pc_node.h               \
 871         pxfs_ki.h               \
 872         snode.h                 \
 873         swapnode.h              \
 874         tmp.h                   \
 875         tmpnode.h               \
 876         udf_inode.h             \
 877         udf_volume.h            \
 878         ufs_acl.h               \
 879         ufs_bio.h               \
 880         ufs_filio.h             \
 881         ufs_fs.h                \
 882         ufs_fsdir.h             \
 883         ufs_inode.h             \
 884         ufs_lockfs.h            \
 885         ufs_log.h               \
 886         ufs_mount.h             \
 887         ufs_panic.h             \
 888         ufs_prot.h              \
 889         ufs_quota.h             \
 890         ufs_snap.h              \
 891         ufs_trans.h             \
 892         zfs.h                   \
 893         zut.h
 895 PCMCIAHDRS=             \
 896         pcata.h         \
 897         pcser_conf.h    \
 898         pcser_io.h      \
 899         pcser_reg.h     \
 900         pcser_manuspec.h \
 901         pcser_var.h
 903 SCSIHDRS=               \
 904         scsi.h          \
 905         scsi_address.h  \
 906         scsi_ctl.h      \
 907         scsi_fm.h       \
 908         scsi_params.h   \
 909         scsi_pkt.h      \
 910         scsi_resource.h \
 911         scsi_types.h    \
 912         scsi_watch.h
 914 SCSICONFHDRS=           \
 915         autoconf.h      \
 916         device.h
 918 SCSIGENHDRS=            \
 919         commands.h      \
 920         dad_mode.h      \
 921         inquiry.h       \
 922         message.h       \
 923         mode.h          \
 924         persist.h       \
 925         sense.h         \
 926         sff_frames.h    \
 927         smp_frames.h    \
 928         status.h
 930 SCSIIMPLHDRS=           \
 931         commands.h      \
 932         inquiry.h       \
 933         mode.h          \
 934         scsi_reset_notify.h \
 935         scsi_sas.h      \
 936         sense.h         \
 937         services.h      \
 938         smp_transport.h \
 939         spc3_types.h    \
 940         status.h        \
 941         transport.h     \
 942         types.h         \
 943         uscsi.h         \
 944         usmp.h
 946 SCSITARGETSHDRS=        \
 947         ses.h           \
 948         sesio.h         \
 949         sgendef.h       \
 950         stdef.h         \
 951         sddef.h         \
 952         smp.h
 958 SCSIISCSIHDRS=          \
 959         iscsi_door.h    \
 960         iscsi_if.h
 962 SCSIVHCIHDRS=           \
 963         scsi_vhci.h     \
 964         mpapi_impl.h    \
 965         mpapi_scsi_vhci.h
 967 SDCARDHDRS=             \
 968         sda.h           \
 969         sda_impl.h      \
 970         sda_ioctl.h
 972 FC4HDRS=                        \
 973         fc_transport.h  \
 974         linkapp.h       \
 975         fc.h            \
 976         fcp.h           \
 977         fcal_transport.h \
 978         fcal.h          \
 979         fcal_linkapp.h  \
 980         fcio.h
 982 FCHDRS=                 \
 983         fc.h            \
 984         fcio.h          \
 985         fc_types.h      \
 986         fc_appif.h
 988 FCIMPLHDRS=             \
 989         fc_error.h      \
 990         fcph.h
 992 FCULPHDRS=              \
 993         fcp_util.h      \
 994         fcsm.h
 996 SATAGENHDRS=            \
 997         sata_hba.h      \
 998         sata_defs.h     \
 999         sata_cfgadm.h
1001 SYSEVENTHDRS=           \
1002         ap_driver.h     \
1003         dev.h           \
1004         domain.h        \
1005         dr.h            \
1006         env.h           \
1007         eventdefs.h     \
1008         ipmp.h          \
1009         pwrctl.h        \
1010         svm.h           \
1011         vrrp.h
1013 CONTRACTHDRS=           \
1014         process.h       \
1015         process_impl.h  \
1016         device.h        \
1017         device_impl.h
1019 USBHDRS=        \
1020         usba.h  \
1021         usbai.h
1023 UWBHDRS=        \
1024         uwb.h   \
1025         uwbai.h
1027 UWBAHDRS=       \
1028         uwba.h
1030 USBAUDHDRS=           \
1031         usb_audio.h
1033 USBHUBDHDRS=            \
1034         hub.h           \
1035         hubd_impl.h
1037 USBHIDHDRS=             \
1038         hid.h
1040 USBHWARCHDRS=           \
1041         hwarc.h
1043 USBMSHDRS=              \
1044         usb_bulkonly.h  \
1045         usb_cbi.h
1047 USBPRNHDRS=           \
1048         usb_printer.h
1050 USBCDCHDRS=             \
1051         usb_cdc.h
1053 USBVIDHDRS=           \
1054         usbvc.h
1056 USBWCMHDRS=             \
1057         usbwcm.h
1059 UGENHDRS=           \
1060         usb_ugen.h
1062 HOTPLUGHDRS=    \
1063         hpcsvc.h        \
1064         hpctrl.h
1067         pcicfg.h        \
1068         pcihp.h
1070 RSMHDRS= \
1071         rsm.h   \
1072         rsm_common.h    \
1073         rsmapi_common.h \
1074         rsmpi.h \
1075         rsmpi_driver.h  \
1076         rsmka_path_int.h
1078 TSOLHDRS=               \
1079         label.h         \
1080         label_macro.h   \
1081         priv.h          \
1082         tndb.h          \
1083         tsyscall.h
1085 I1394HDRS=              \
1086         cmd1394.h       \
1087         id1394.h        \
1088         ieee1212.h      \
1089         ieee1394.h      \
1090         ixl1394.h       \
1091         s1394_impl.h    \
1092         t1394.h
1094 # "cmdk" headers used on sparc
1095 SDKTPHDRS=              \
1096         dadkio.h        \
1097         fdisk.h
1099 # "cmdk" headers used on i386
1100 DKTPHDRS=               \
1101         altsctr.h       \
1102         bbh.h           \
1103         cm.h            \
1104         cmdev.h         \
1105         cmdk.h          \
1106         cmpkt.h         \
1107         controller.h    \
1108         dadev.h         \
1109         dadk.h          \
1110         dadkio.h        \
1111         fctypes.h       \
1112         fdisk.h         \
1113         flowctrl.h      \
1114         gda.h           \
1115         quetypes.h      \
1116         queue.h         \
1117         tgcom.h         \
1118         tgdk.h
1120 # "pc" header files used on i386
1121 PCHDRS=                 \
1122         avintr.h        \
1123         dma_engine.h    \
1124         i8272A.h        \
1125         pcic_reg.h      \
1126         pcic_var.h      \
1127         pic.h           \
1128         pit.h           \
1129         rtc.h
1131 NXGEHDRS=                       \
1132         nxge.h                  \
1133         nxge_common.h           \
1134         nxge_common_impl.h      \
1135         nxge_defs.h             \
1136         nxge_hw.h               \
1137         nxge_impl.h             \
1138         nxge_ipp.h              \
1139         nxge_ipp_hw.h           \
1140         nxge_mac.h              \
1141         nxge_mac_hw.h           \
1142         nxge_fflp.h             \
1143         nxge_fflp_hw.h          \
1144         nxge_mii.h              \
1145         nxge_rxdma.h            \
1146         nxge_rxdma_hw.h         \
1147         nxge_txc.h              \
1148         nxge_txc_hw.h           \
1149         nxge_txdma.h            \
1150         nxge_txdma_hw.h         \
1151         nxge_virtual.h          \
1152         nxge_espc.h
1154 include Makefile.syshdrs
1156 dcam/%.check:   dcam/%.h
1157         $(DOT_H_CHECK)
1159 CHECKHDRS=                                              \
1160         $($(MACH)_HDRS:%.h=%.check)                     \
1161         $(AUDIOHDRS:%.h=audio/%.check)                  \
1162         $(AVHDRS:%.h=av/%.check)                        \
1163         $(BSCHDRS:%.h=%.check)                          \
1164         $(CHKHDRS:%.h=%.check)                          \
1165         $(CPUDRVHDRS:%.h=%.check)                       \
1166         $(CRYPTOHDRS:%.h=crypto/%.check)                \
1167         $(DCAMHDRS:%.h=dcam/%.check)                    \
1168         $(FC4HDRS:%.h=fc4/%.check)                      \
1169         $(FCHDRS:%.h=fibre-channel/%.check)             \
1170         $(FCIMPLHDRS:%.h=fibre-channel/impl/%.check)    \
1171         $(FCULPHDRS:%.h=fibre-channel/ulp/%.check)      \
1172         $(IBHDRS:%.h=ib/%.check)                        \
1173         $(IBDHDRS:%.h=ib/clients/ibd/%.check)           \
1174         $(IBTLHDRS:%.h=ib/ibtl/%.check)                 \
1175         $(IBTLIMPLHDRS:%.h=ib/ibtl/impl/%.check)        \
1176         $(IBNEXHDRS:%.h=ib/ibnex/%.check)       \
1177         $(IBMGTHDRS:%.h=ib/mgt/%.check)                 \
1178         $(IBMFHDRS:%.h=ib/mgt/ibmf/%.check)             \
1179         $(OFHDRS:%.h=ib/clients/of/%.check)                     \
1180         $(RDMAHDRS:%.h=ib/clients/of/rdma/%.check)              \
1181         $(SOL_UVERBSHDRS:%.h=ib/clients/of/sol_uverbs/%.check)  \
1182         $(SOL_UCMAHDRS:%.h=ib/clients/of/sol_ucma/%.check)      \
1183         $(SOL_OFSHDRS:%.h=ib/clients/of/sol_ofs/%.check)        \
1184         $(TAVORHDRS:%.h=ib/adapters/tavor/%.check)      \
1185         $(HERMONHDRS:%.h=ib/adapters/hermon/%.check)    \
1186         $(MLNXHDRS:%.h=ib/adapters/%.check)             \
1187         $(IDMHDRS:%.h=idm/%.check)                      \
1188         $(ISCSIHDRS:%.h=iscsi/%.check)                  \
1189         $(ISCSITHDRS:%.h=iscsit/%.check)                        \
1190         $(ISOHDRS:%.h=iso/%.check)                      \
1191         $(FMHDRS:%.h=fm/%.check)                        \
1192         $(FMFSHDRS:%.h=fm/fs/%.check)                   \
1193         $(FMIOHDRS:%.h=fm/io/%.check)                   \
1194         $(FSHDRS:%.h=fs/%.check)                        \
1195         $(LVMHDRS:%.h=lvm/%.check)                      \
1196         $(PCMCIAHDRS:%.h=pcmcia/%.check)                \
1197         $(SCSIHDRS:%.h=scsi/%.check)                    \
1198         $(SCSIADHDRS:%.h=scsi/adapters/%.check)         \
1199         $(SCSICONFHDRS:%.h=scsi/conf/%.check)           \
1200         $(SCSIIMPLHDRS:%.h=scsi/impl/%.check)           \
1201         $(SCSIISCSIHDRS:%.h=scsi/adapters/%.check)      \
1202         $(SCSIGENHDRS:%.h=scsi/generic/%.check)         \
1203         $(SCSITARGETSHDRS:%.h=scsi/targets/%.check)     \
1204         $(SCSIVHCIHDRS:%.h=scsi/adapters/%.check)       \
1205         $(SATAGENHDRS:%.h=sata/%.check)                 \
1206         $(SDCARDHDRS:%.h=sdcard/%.check)                \
1207         $(SYSEVENTHDRS:%.h=sysevent/%.check)            \
1208         $(CONTRACTHDRS:%.h=contract/%.check)            \
1209         $(USBAUDHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/audio/%.check)   \
1210         $(USBHUBDHDRS:%.h=usb/hubd/%.check)             \
1211         $(USBHIDHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/hid/%.check)       \
1212         $(USBHWARCHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/hwarc/%.check)   \
1213         $(USBMSHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/mass_storage/%.check)       \
1214         $(USBPRNHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/printer/%.check)   \
1215         $(USBCDCHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/usbcdc/%.check)    \
1216         $(USBVIDHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/video/usbvc/%.check)   \
1217         $(USBWCMHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/usbinput/usbwcm/%.check)   \
1218         $(UGENHDRS:%.h=usb/clients/ugen/%.check)   \
1219         $(USBHDRS:%.h=usb/%.check)                      \
1220         $(UWBHDRS:%.h=uwb/%.check)                      \
1221         $(UWBAHDRS:%.h=uwb/uwba/%.check)                      \
1222         $(I1394HDRS:%.h=1394/%.check)                   \
1223         $(RSMHDRS:%.h=rsm/%.check)                      \
1224         $(TSOLHDRS:%.h=tsol/%.check)                    \
1225         $(NXGEHDRS:%.h=nxge/%.check)
1230 .PARALLEL:                      \
1231         $(CHECKHDRS)            \
1232         $(ROOTHDRS)             \
1233         $(ROOTAUDHDRS)          \
1234         $(ROOTAVHDRS)           \
1235         $(ROOTCRYPTOHDRS)       \
1236         $(ROOTDCAMHDRS)         \
1237         $(ROOTISOHDRS)          \
1238         $(ROOTIDMHDRS)          \
1239         $(ROOTISCSIHDRS)        \
1240         $(ROOTISCSITHDRS)       \
1241         $(ROOTFC4HDRS)          \
1242         $(ROOTFCHDRS)           \
1243         $(ROOTFCIMPLHDRS)       \
1244         $(ROOTFCULPHDRS)        \
1245         $(ROOTFMHDRS)           \
1246         $(ROOTFMIOHDRS)         \
1247         $(ROOTFMFSHDRS)         \
1248         $(ROOTFSHDRS)           \
1249         $(ROOTIBDHDRS)          \
1250         $(ROOTIBHDRS)           \
1251         $(ROOTIBTLHDRS)         \
1252         $(ROOTIBTLIMPLHDRS)     \
1253         $(ROOTIBNEXHDRS)        \
1254         $(ROOTIBMGTHDRS)        \
1255         $(ROOTIBMFHDRS)         \
1256         $(ROOTOFHDRS)           \
1257         $(ROOTRDMAHDRS)         \
1258         $(ROOTSOL_OFSHDRS)      \
1259         $(ROOTSOL_UMADHDRS)     \
1260         $(ROOTSOL_UVERBSHDRS)   \
1261         $(ROOTSOL_UCMAHDRS)     \
1262         $(ROOTTAVORHDRS)        \
1263         $(ROOTHERMONHDRS)       \
1264         $(ROOTMLNXHDRS)         \
1265         $(ROOTLVMHDRS)          \
1266         $(ROOTPCMCIAHDRS)       \
1267         $(ROOTSCSIHDRS)         \
1268         $(ROOTSCSIADHDRS)       \
1269         $(ROOTSCSICONFHDRS)     \
1270         $(ROOTSCSIISCSIHDRS)    \
1271         $(ROOTSCSIGENHDRS)      \
1272         $(ROOTSCSIIMPLHDRS)     \
1273         $(ROOTSCSIVHCIHDRS)     \
1274         $(ROOTSDCARDHDRS)       \
1275         $(ROOTSYSEVENTHDRS)     \
1276         $(ROOTCONTRACTHDRS)     \
1277         $(ROOTUSBHDRS)          \
1278         $(ROOTUWBHDRS)          \
1279         $(ROOTUWBAHDRS)         \
1280         $(ROOTUSBAUDHDRS)       \
1281         $(ROOTUSBHUBDHDRS)      \
1282         $(ROOTUSBHIDHDRS)       \
1283         $(ROOTUSBHRCHDRS)       \
1284         $(ROOTUSBMSHDRS)        \
1285         $(ROOTUSBPRNHDRS)       \
1286         $(ROOTUSBCDCHDRS)       \
1287         $(ROOTUSBVIDHDRS)       \
1288         $(ROOTUSBWCMHDRS)       \
1289         $(ROOTUGENHDRS)         \
1290         $(ROOT1394HDRS)         \
1291         $(ROOTHOTPLUGHDRS)      \
1292         $(ROOTHOTPLUGPCIHDRS)   \
1293         $(ROOTRSMHDRS)          \
1294         $(ROOTTSOLHDRS)         \
1295         $($(MACH)_ROOTHDRS)
1298 install_h:                      \
1299         $(ROOTDIRS)             \
1300         LVMDERIVED_H            \
1301         .WAIT                   \
1302         $(ROOTHDRS)             \
1303         $(ROOTAUDHDRS)          \
1304         $(ROOTAVHDRS)           \
1305         $(ROOTCRYPTOHDRS)       \
1306         $(ROOTDCAMHDRS)         \
1307         $(ROOTISOHDRS)          \
1308         $(ROOTIDMHDRS)          \
1309         $(ROOTISCSIHDRS)        \
1310         $(ROOTISCSITHDRS)       \
1311         $(ROOTFC4HDRS)          \
1312         $(ROOTFCHDRS)           \
1313         $(ROOTFCIMPLHDRS)       \
1314         $(ROOTFCULPHDRS)        \
1315         $(ROOTFMHDRS)           \
1316         $(ROOTFMFSHDRS)         \
1317         $(ROOTFMIOHDRS)         \
1318         $(ROOTFSHDRS)           \
1319         $(ROOTIBDHDRS)          \
1320         $(ROOTIBHDRS)           \
1321         $(ROOTIBTLHDRS)         \
1322         $(ROOTIBTLIMPLHDRS)     \
1323         $(ROOTIBNEXHDRS)        \
1324         $(ROOTIBMGTHDRS)        \
1325         $(ROOTIBMFHDRS)         \
1326         $(ROOTOFHDRS)           \
1327         $(ROOTRDMAHDRS)         \
1328         $(ROOTSOL_OFSHDRS)      \
1329         $(ROOTSOL_UMADHDRS)     \
1330         $(ROOTSOL_UVERBSHDRS)   \
1331         $(ROOTSOL_UCMAHDRS)     \
1332         $(ROOTTAVORHDRS)        \
1333         $(ROOTHERMONHDRS)       \
1334         $(ROOTMLNXHDRS)         \
1335         $(ROOTLVMHDRS)          \
1336         $(ROOTPCMCIAHDRS)       \
1337         $(ROOTSCSIHDRS)         \
1338         $(ROOTSCSIADHDRS)       \
1339         $(ROOTSCSIISCSIHDRS)    \
1340         $(ROOTSCSICONFHDRS)     \
1341         $(ROOTSCSIGENHDRS)      \
1342         $(ROOTSCSIIMPLHDRS)     \
1343         $(ROOTSCSIVHCIHDRS)     \
1344         $(ROOTSDCARDHDRS)       \
1345         $(ROOTSYSEVENTHDRS)     \
1346         $(ROOTCONTRACTHDRS)     \
1347         $(ROOTUWBHDRS)          \
1348         $(ROOTUWBAHDRS)         \
1349         $(ROOTUSBHDRS)          \
1350         $(ROOTUSBAUDHDRS)       \
1351         $(ROOTUSBHUBDHDRS)      \
1352         $(ROOTUSBHIDHDRS)       \
1353         $(ROOTUSBHRCHDRS)       \
1354         $(ROOTUSBMSHDRS)        \
1355         $(ROOTUSBPRNHDRS)       \
1356         $(ROOTUSBCDCHDRS)       \
1357         $(ROOTUSBVIDHDRS)       \
1358         $(ROOTUSBWCMHDRS)       \
1359         $(ROOTUGENHDRS)         \
1360         $(ROOT1394HDRS)         \
1361         $(ROOTHOTPLUGHDRS)      \
1362         $(ROOTHOTPLUGPCIHDRS)   \
1363         $(ROOTRSMHDRS)          \
1364         $(ROOTTSOLHDRS)         \
1365         $($(MACH)_ROOTHDRS)
1367 all_h: $(GENHDRS)
1369 priv_const.h: $(PRIVS_AWK) $(PRIVS_DEF)
1370         $(NAWK) -f $(PRIVS_AWK) < $(PRIVS_DEF) -v privhfile=$@
1372 priv_names.h: $(PRIVS_AWK) $(PRIVS_DEF)
1373         $(NAWK) -f $(PRIVS_AWK) < $(PRIVS_DEF) -v pubhfile=$@
1375 usb/usbdevs.h: $(USBDEVS_AWK) $(USBDEVS_DATA)
1376         $(NAWK) -f $(USBDEVS_AWK) $(USBDEVS_DATA) -H > $@
1379         cd $(SRC)/uts/common/sys/lvm; pwd; $(MAKE)
1381 clean:
1382         $(RM) $(GENHDRS)
1384 clobber:        clean
1386 check:  $(CHECKHDRS)
1388 FRC:
1392         $(RM) wanboot_impl.h+ Makefile+
1393         sed -e "/EXPORT DELETE START/,/EXPORT DELETE END/d" \
1394                 < wanboot_impl.h > wanboot_impl.h+
1395         $(MV) wanboot_impl.h+ wanboot_impl.h
1396         sed -e "/^# EXPORT DELETE START/,/^# EXPORT DELETE END/d" \
1397                 < Makefile > Makefile+
1398         $(RM) Makefile
1399         $(MV) Makefile+ Makefile
1400         $(CHMOD) 444 Makefile wanboot_impl.h