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          --- old/usr/src/uts/intel/emlxs/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/intel/emlxs/Makefile
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  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  #
  22   22  # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23   23  # Use is subject to license terms.
  24   24  # Copyright (c) 2011 Bayard G. Bell. All rights reserved.
  25      -# Copyright (c) 2018, Joyent, Inc.
       25 +# Copyright 2019 Joyent, Inc.
  26   26  #
  27   27  # This makefile drives the production of the emlxs driver kernel module.
  28   28  #
  29   29  # Path to the base of the uts directory tree (usually /usr/src/uts).
  30   30  #
  31   31  UTSBASE         = ../../
  32   32  COMMON_BASE     = ../../../common
  33   33  
  34   34  #
  35   35  #       Define the module and object file sets.
  36   36  #
  37   37  MODULE          = emlxs
  38   38  OBJECTS         = $(EMLXS_OBJS:%=$(OBJS_DIR)/%)
  39      -LINTS           = $(EMLXS_OBJS:%.o=$(LINTS_DIR)/%.ln)
  40   39  ROOTMODULE      = $(ROOT_DRV_DIR)/$(MODULE)
  41   40  CONF_SRCDIR     = $(UTSBASE)/common/io/fibre-channel/fca/emlxs
  42   41  
  43   42  #
  44   43  #       Include common rules.
  45   44  #
  46   45  ARCHDIR         = intel
  47   46  include ../Makefile.$(ARCHDIR)
  48   47  
  49   48  #
  50   49  #       Define targets
  51   50  #
  52   51  ALL_TARGET      = $(BINARY) $(SRC_CONFILE)
  53      -LINT_TARGET     = $(MODULE).lint
  55   53  
  56   54  EMLXS_FLAGS             = -DEMLXS_I386
  57   55  EMLXS_FLAGS             += -DS11
  58   56  EMLXS_FLAGS             += -DVERSION=\"11\"
  59   57  EMLXS_FLAGS             += -DMACH=\"$(MACH)\"
  60   58  EMLXS_CFLAGS            = $(EMLXS_FLAGS)
  61   59  EMLXS_LFLAGS            = $(EMLXS_FLAGS)
  62   60  CFLAGS                  += $(EMLXS_CFLAGS) -DEMLXS_ARCH=\"$(CLASS)\"
  63      -LINTTAGS                += $(EMLXS_LFLAGS) -DEMLXS_ARCH=\"$(CLASS)\"
  64   61  
  65   62  
  66   63  #
  67   64  #       Overrides and depends_on
  68   65  #
  69   66  INC_PATH        += -I$(ROOT)/usr/include
  70   67  INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/common/sys
  71   68  INC_PATH        += -I$(COMMON_BASE)/bignum
  72   69  INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/common/sys/fibre-channel
  73   70  INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/common/sys/fibre-channel/fca
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  75   72  INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/common/sys/fibre-channel/impl
  76   73  INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/common/sys/fibre-channel/ulp
  77   74  
  78   75  #
  79   76  #       misc/fctl required because #ifdef MODSYM_LOAD code
  80   77  #       triggered by -DS11; uses DDI calls to load FCA symbols
  81   78  #
  82   79  LDFLAGS         += -dy -Nmisc/md5 -Nmisc/sha1
  83   80  LDFLAGS         += -Nmisc/bignum -Nmisc/fctl
  84   81  
  85      -#
  86      -# For now, disable these lint checks; maintainers should endeavor
  87      -# to investigate and remove these for maximum lint coverage.
  88      -#
  89      -LINTTAGS        += -erroff=E_BAD_PTR_CAST_ALIGN
  90      -LINTTAGS        += -erroff=E_STATIC_UNUSED
  91      -LINTTAGS        += -erroff=E_ASSIGN_NARROW_CONV
  92      -LINTTAGS        += -erroff=E_SUSPICIOUS_COMPARISON
  93      -LINTTAGS        += -erroff=E_INCONS_VAL_TYPE_DECL2
  94      -
  95   82  CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  96   83  CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-unused-label
  97   84  CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
  98   85  
  99      -SMOFF += indenting,deref_check,all_func_returns
       86 +# needs work
       87 +SMOFF += indenting,deref_check,all_func_returns,index_overflow
 100   88  
 101   89  # seems definitely wrong
 102   90  $(OBJS_DIR)/emlxs_fcf.o := SMOFF += logical_instead_of_bitwise
 103   91  
 104   92  #
 105   93  #       Default build targets.
 106   94  #
 107   95  .KEEP_STATE:
 108   96  
 109   97  def:            $(DEF_DEPS)
 110   98  
 111   99  all:            $(ALL_DEPS)
 112  100  
 113  101  clean:          $(CLEAN_DEPS)
 114  102  
 115  103  clobber:        $(CLOBBER_DEPS)
 116  104  
 117      -lint:           $(LINT_DEPS)
 118      -
 119      -modlintlib:     $(MODLINTLIB_DEPS)
 120      -
 121      -clean.lint:     $(CLEAN_LINT_DEPS)
 122      -
 123  105  install:        $(INSTALL_DEPS)
 124  106  
 125  107  #
 126  108  #       Include common targets.
 127  109  #
 128  110  include ../Makefile.targ