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11506 smatch resync

@@ -42,10 +42,11 @@
  * check-name: Null Dereferences
  * check-command: smatch --spammy -I.. sm_null_deref.c
  * check-output-start
 sm_null_deref.c:18 func() error: potentially dereferencing uninitialized 'aa'.
+sm_null_deref.c:18 func() error: potentially dereferencing uninitialized 'aa'.
 sm_null_deref.c:23 func() error: we previously assumed 'a' could be null (see line 20)
 sm_null_deref.c:25 func() warn: variable dereferenced before check 'a' (see line 23)
 sm_null_deref.c:30 func() error: we previously assumed 'b' could be null (see line 25)
  * check-output-end