OS-7125 Need mitigation of L1TF (CVE-2018-3646)
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <rm@joyent.com>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <jerry.jelinek@joyent.com>

   1 #
   3 #
   4 # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5 # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6 # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7 #
   8 # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9 # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11 # and limitations under the License.
  12 #
  13 # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14 # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15 # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16 # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17 # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18 #
  20 #
  22 #
  23 # Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  24 #
  25 # Copyright 2018 Joyent, Inc.
  26 #
  28 #       This Makefile defines file modules in the directory uts/i86xpv
  29 #       and its children. These are the source files which are i86xpv
  30 #       "implementation architecture" dependent.
  31 #
  33 #
  34 #       object lists
  35 #
  36 CORE_OBJS +=                    \
  37         acpi_stubs.o            \
  38         balloon.o               \
  39         biosdisk.o              \
  40         cbe.o                   \
  41         cmi.o                   \
  42         cmi_hw.o                \
  43         cms.o                   \
  44         confunix.o              \
  45         cpuid.o                 \
  46         cpuid_subr.o            \
  47         cpupm.o                 \
  48         cpupm_mach.o            \
  49         dis_tables.o            \
  50         ddi_impl.o              \
  51         dtrace_subr.o           \
  52         dvma.o                  \
  53         fakebop.o               \
  54         fpu_subr.o              \
  55         fastboot.o              \
  56         fb_swtch.o              \
  57         graphics.o              \
  58         hardclk.o               \
  59         hat_i86.o               \
  60         hat_kdi.o               \
  61         hment.o                 \
  62         hold_page.o             \
  63         hrtimers.o              \

  64         htable.o                \
  65         i86_mmu.o               \
  66         ibft.o                  \
  67         instr_size.o            \
  68         intr.o                  \
  69         kboot_mmu.o             \
  70         kdi_idt.o               \
  71         kdi_idthdl.o            \
  72         kdi_asm.o               \
  73         lgrpplat.o              \
  74         mach_kdi.o              \
  75         mach_sysconfig.o        \
  76         machdep.o               \
  77         mem_config_stubs.o      \
  78         memnode.o               \
  79         microcode.o             \
  80         mlsetup.o               \
  81         mp_call.o               \
  82         mp_implfuncs.o          \
  83         mp_machdep.o            \
  84         mp_startup.o            \
  85         memscrub.o              \
  86         notes.o                 \
  87         pci_bios.o              \
  88         pci_cfgacc.o            \
  89         pci_cfgacc_x86.o        \
  90         pci_cfgspace.o          \
  91         pci_mech1.o             \
  92         pci_mech2.o             \
  93         pci_neptune.o           \
  94         pci_orion.o             \
  95         pmem.o                  \
  96         ppage.o                 \
  97         startup.o               \
  98         ssp.o                   \
  99         xpv_timestamp.o         \
 100         todpc_subr.o            \
 101         trap.o                  \
 102         vm_machdep.o            \
 103         x_call.o
 105 #
 106 #       Add the SMBIOS subsystem object files directly to the list of objects
 107 #       built into unix itself; this is all common code except for smb_dev.c.
 108 #
 111 #
 112 # These get compiled twice:
 113 # - once in the dboot (direct boot) identity mapped code
 114 # - once for use during early startup in unix
 115 #
 116 BOOT_DRIVER_OBJS =              \
 117         boot_console.o          \
 118         boot_keyboard.o         \
 119         boot_keyboard_table.o   \
 120         boot_mmu.o              \
 121         boot_vga.o              \
 122         boot_fb.o               \
 123         boot_xconsole.o         \
 124         dboot_multiboot2.o      \
 125         $(FONT_OBJS)
 129 #
 130 # Extra XEN files separated out for now.
 131 #
 132 CORE_OBJS +=                    \
 133         cpr_driver.o            \
 134         evtchn.o                \
 135         gnttab.o                \
 136         hypercall.o             \
 137         hyperevent.o            \
 138         hypersubr.o             \
 139         mp_xen.o                \
 140         panic_asm.o             \
 141         xenguest.o              \
 142         xenbus_client.o         \
 143         xenbus_comms.o          \
 144         xenbus_probe.o          \
 145         xenbus_xs.o             \
 146         xen_machdep.o           \
 147         xen_mmu.o               \
 148         xpv_panic.o             \
 149         xvdi.o
 151 #
 152 #       locore.o is special. It must be the first file relocated so that it
 153 #       it is relocated just where its name implies.
 154 #
 155 SPECIAL_OBJS_32 +=              \
 156         locore.o                \
 157         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 158         interrupt.o             \
 159         syscall_asm.o
 161 SPECIAL_OBJS_64 +=              \
 162         locore.o                \
 163         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 164         interrupt.o             \
 165         syscall_asm_amd64.o     \
 166         kpti_trampolines.o
 170 #
 171 # object files used to boot into full kernel
 172 #
 173 DBOOT_OBJS_32 = muldiv.o
 175 DBOOT_OBJS_64 =
 177 DBOOT_OBJS +=                   \
 178         dboot_asm.o             \
 179         dboot_printf.o          \
 180         dboot_startkern.o       \
 181         dboot_xen.o             \
 182         hypercall.o             \
 183         hypersubr.o             \
 184         memcpy.o                \
 185         memset.o                \
 186         string.o                \
 187         $(BOOT_DRIVER_OBJS)     \
 188         $(DBOOT_OBJS_$(CLASS))
 190 #
 191 #                       driver & misc modules
 192 #
 193 BALLOON_OBJS += balloon_drv.o
 194 DOMCAPS_OBJS += domcaps.o
 195 EVTCHN_OBJS += evtchn_dev.o
 196 GFX_PRIVATE_OBJS += gfx_private.o gfxp_pci.o gfxp_segmap.o \
 197                     gfxp_devmap.o gfxp_vgatext.o gfxp_vm.o vgasubr.o \
 198                     gfxp_fb.o gfxp_bitmap.o
 199 IOAT_OBJS += ioat.o ioat_rs.o ioat_ioctl.o ioat_chan.o
 200 ISANEXUS_OBJS += isa.o dma_engine.o i8237A.o
 201 PCI_E_NEXUS_OBJS += npe.o npe_misc.o
 202 PCI_E_NEXUS_OBJS += pci_common.o pci_kstats.o pci_tools.o
 203 PCINEXUS_OBJS += pci.o pci_common.o pci_kstats.o pci_tools.o
 204 PRIVCMD_OBJS += seg_mf.o privcmd.o privcmd_hcall.o
 205 ROOTNEX_OBJS += rootnex.o
 206 XPVTOD_OBJS += xpvtod.o
 207 XPV_AUTOCONFIG_OBJS += xpv_autoconfig.o
 208 XPV_PSM_OBJS += xpv_psm.o mp_platform_common.o mp_platform_xpv.o \
 209                 apic_regops.o psm_common.o xpv_intr.o
 210 XPV_UPPC_OBJS += xpv_uppc.o psm_common.o
 211 XENBUS_OBJS += xenbus_dev.o
 212 XENCONS_OBJS += xencons.o
 213 XPVD_OBJS += xpvd.o
 214 XPVTAP_OBJS += xpvtap.o blk_common.o seg_mf.o
 215 XNB_OBJS += xnb.o
 216 XNBE_OBJS += xnbe.o
 217 XNBO_OBJS += xnbo.o
 218 XNBU_OBJS += xnbu.o
 219 XNF_OBJS += xnf.o
 220 XSVC_OBJS += xsvc.o
 221 XDF_OBJS += xdf.o
 222 XDB_OBJS += xdb.o
 223 XDT_OBJS += xdt.o
 225 #
 226 #       Build up defines and paths.
 227 #
 228 INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/i86xpv -I$(UTSBASE)/i86pc -I$(SRC)/common \
 229         -I$(UTSBASE)/common/xen
 231 #
 232 # Since the assym files are derived, the dependencies must be explicit for
 233 # all files including this file. (This is only actually required in the
 234 # instance when the .nse_depinfo file does not exist.) It may seem that
 235 # the lint targets should also have a similar dependency, but they don't
 236 # since only C headers are included when #defined(__lint) is true.
 237 #
 239 ASSYM_DEPS +=                   \
 240         copy.o                  \
 241         desctbls_asm.o          \
 242         ddi_i86_asm.o           \
 243         exception.o             \
 244         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 245         float.o                 \
 246         hyperevent.o            \
 247         i86_subr.o              \
 248         kdi_asm.o               \
 249         interrupt.o             \
 250         lock_prim.o             \
 251         locore.o                \
 252         panic_asm.o             \
 253         sseblk.o                \
 254         swtch.o                 \
 255         syscall_asm.o           \
 256         syscall_asm_amd64.o
 258 $(KDI_ASSYM_DEPS:%=$(OBJS_DIR)/%):      $(DSF_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/kdi_assym.h
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