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remove inlines,some other files

 137         gnttab.o                \
 138         hypercall.o             \
 139         hyperevent.o            \
 140         hypersubr.o             \
 141         mp_xen.o                \
 142         panic_asm.o             \
 143         xenguest.o              \
 144         xenbus_client.o         \
 145         xenbus_comms.o          \
 146         xenbus_probe.o          \
 147         xenbus_xs.o             \
 148         xen_machdep.o           \
 149         xen_mmu.o               \
 150         xpv_panic.o             \
 151         xvdi.o
 153 #
 154 #       locore.o is special. It must be the first file relocated so that it
 155 #       it is relocated just where its name implies.
 156 #
 157 SPECIAL_OBJS_32 +=              \
 158         locore.o                \
 159         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 160         interrupt.o             \
 161         syscall_asm.o
 163 SPECIAL_OBJS_64 +=              \
 164         locore.o                \
 165         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 166         interrupt.o             \
 167         syscall_asm_amd64.o     \
 168         kpti_trampolines.o
 172 #
 173 # object files used to boot into full kernel
 174 #
 175 DBOOT_OBJS_32 = muldiv.o
 177 DBOOT_OBJS_64 =
 179 DBOOT_OBJS +=                   \
 180         dboot_asm.o             \
 181         dboot_printf.o          \
 182         dboot_startkern.o       \
 183         dboot_xen.o             \
 184         hypercall.o             \
 185         hypersubr.o             \
 186         memcpy.o                \
 187         memset.o                \
 188         string.o                \
 189         $(BOOT_DRIVER_OBJS)     \
 190         $(DBOOT_OBJS_$(CLASS))

 237 # the lint targets should also have a similar dependency, but they don't
 238 # since only C headers are included when #defined(__lint) is true.
 239 #
 241 ASSYM_DEPS      +=              \
 242         copy.o                  \
 243         desctbls_asm.o          \
 244         ddi_i86_asm.o           \
 245         exception.o             \
 246         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 247         float.o                 \
 248         hyperevent.o            \
 249         i86_subr.o              \
 250         kdi_asm.o               \
 251         interrupt.o             \
 252         lock_prim.o             \
 253         locore.o                \
 254         panic_asm.o             \
 255         sseblk.o                \
 256         swtch.o                 \
 257         syscall_asm.o           \
 258         syscall_asm_amd64.o
 260 $(KDI_ASSYM_DEPS:%=$(OBJS_DIR)/%):      $(DSF_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/kdi_assym.h

 137         gnttab.o                \
 138         hypercall.o             \
 139         hyperevent.o            \
 140         hypersubr.o             \
 141         mp_xen.o                \
 142         panic_asm.o             \
 143         xenguest.o              \
 144         xenbus_client.o         \
 145         xenbus_comms.o          \
 146         xenbus_probe.o          \
 147         xenbus_xs.o             \
 148         xen_machdep.o           \
 149         xen_mmu.o               \
 150         xpv_panic.o             \
 151         xvdi.o
 153 #
 154 #       locore.o is special. It must be the first file relocated so that it
 155 #       it is relocated just where its name implies.
 156 #
 157 SPECIAL_OBJS +=                 \
 158         locore.o                \
 159         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 160         interrupt.o             \
 161         syscall_asm.o           \

 162         kpti_trampolines.o

 164 #
 165 # object files used to boot into full kernel
 166 #
 167 DBOOT_OBJS_32 = muldiv.o
 169 DBOOT_OBJS_64 =
 171 DBOOT_OBJS +=                   \
 172         dboot_asm.o             \
 173         dboot_printf.o          \
 174         dboot_startkern.o       \
 175         dboot_xen.o             \
 176         hypercall.o             \
 177         hypersubr.o             \
 178         memcpy.o                \
 179         memset.o                \
 180         string.o                \
 181         $(BOOT_DRIVER_OBJS)     \
 182         $(DBOOT_OBJS_$(CLASS))

 229 # the lint targets should also have a similar dependency, but they don't
 230 # since only C headers are included when #defined(__lint) is true.
 231 #
 233 ASSYM_DEPS      +=              \
 234         copy.o                  \
 235         desctbls_asm.o          \
 236         ddi_i86_asm.o           \
 237         exception.o             \
 238         fast_trap_asm.o         \
 239         float.o                 \
 240         hyperevent.o            \
 241         i86_subr.o              \
 242         kdi_asm.o               \
 243         interrupt.o             \
 244         lock_prim.o             \
 245         locore.o                \
 246         panic_asm.o             \
 247         sseblk.o                \
 248         swtch.o                 \
 249         syscall_asm.o

 251 $(KDI_ASSYM_DEPS:%=$(OBJS_DIR)/%):      $(DSF_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/kdi_assym.h