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9128 cw(1onbld) should be able to run multiple shadows
9129 file-locking tests shouldn't build multiple source files in one compiler invocation
9130 DTrace tst.gcc.d isn't useful
9132 cw(1onbld) shouldn't shadow pure preprocessing
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>

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          --- old/usr/src/tools/cw/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/tools/cw/Makefile
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  15   15  # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16   16  # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17   17  # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  #
  22   22  # Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23   23  # Use is subject to license terms.
  24   24  #
       25 +# Copyright 2018 Joyent, Inc.
  25   26  
  26   27  PROG    = cw
  27   28  
  28   29  MAN1ONBLDFILES= cw.1onbld
  29   30  
  30   31  include ../
  31   32  
  32   33  # Bootstrap problem -- we have to build cw before we can use it
  33   34  i386_CC=                $(SPRO_VROOT)/bin/cc
  34   35  sparc_CC=               $(SPRO_VROOT)/bin/cc
  35   36  $(__GNUC)i386_CC=       $(GNUC_ROOT)/bin/gcc
  36   37  $(__GNUC)sparc_CC=      $(GNUC_ROOT)/bin/gcc
  37   38  
  38   39  CFLAGS += $(CCVERBOSE)
  39   40  
  40   41  # Override CFLAGS.  This is needed only for bootstrap of cw.
  41   42  $(__GNUC)CFLAGS=        -O -D__sun -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Werror \
  42      -                        -std=gnu89 -nodefaultlibs
  43      -$(__SUNC)CFLAGS=        -xspace -Xa  -xildoff -errtags=yes -errwarn=%all \
  44      -                        -xc99=%none    -W0,-xglobalstatic -v
       43 +                        -std=gnu99 -nodefaultlibs
       44 +$(__SUNC)CFLAGS=        -xspace -Xa -xildoff -errtags=yes -errwarn=%all \
       45 +                        -xc99=%all -W0,-xglobalstatic -v
  45   46  
  46   47  
  47   48  $(__GNUC)LDLIBS +=      -lc
  48      -$(__GNUC)LDFLAGS=       $(MAPFILE.NES:%=-Wl,-M%)
       49 +$(__GNUC)LDFLAGS=       $(MAPFILE.NES:%=-Wl,-M%)
  49   50  
  50      -CPPFLAGS += -DDEFAULT_CC_DIR='"$(SPRO_VROOT)/bin"'
  51      -CPPFLAGS += -DDEFAULT_GCC_DIR='"$(GNUC_ROOT)/bin"'
  54      -
  56   52  
  57   53  # Assume we don't have the install.bin available yet
  58   54  INS.file=       $(RM) $@; $(CP) $< $(@D); $(CHMOD) $(FILEMODE) $@
  59   55  
  60   56  .KEEP_STATE:
  61   57  
  62   58  all: $(PROG) $(MAN1ONBLDFILES)
  63   59  
  65   61  
  66   62  lint: lint_PROG
  67   63  
  68   64  clean:
  69   65  
       66 +#
       67 +# Not run by default: bootstrap...
       68 +check:
       69 +        $(ROOTONBLDBINMACH)/mandoc -Tlint -Wwarning $(MAN1ONBLDFILES)
       70 +
  70   71  include ../Makefile.targ