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9128 cw(1onbld) should be able to run multiple shadows
9129 file-locking tests shouldn't build multiple source files in one compiler invocation
9130 DTrace tst.gcc.d isn't useful
9132 cw(1onbld) shouldn't shadow pure preprocessing
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>

@@ -55,12 +55,10 @@
 sysevent/ := LDLIBS += -lsysevent
 sysevent/tst.post_chan.exe := LDLIBS += -lsysevent
 ustack/tst.bigstack.exe := COPTFLAG += -xO1
-GCC = $(ONBLD_TOOLS)/bin/$(MACH)/cw -_gcc
 nfs/%.o: $(SNOOPDIR)/%.c
         $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< -I$(SNOOPDIR)
 nfs/ nfs/ nfs/$(SNOOPOBJS)
         $(LINK.c) -o $@ nfs/ nfs/$(SNOOPOBJS) $(LDLIBS) -lnsl

@@ -73,14 +71,10 @@
 nfs/tst.call3.exe: nfs/tst.call3.o nfs/$(RPCSVCOBJS)
         $(LINK.c) -o $@ nfs/tst.call3.o nfs/$(RPCSVCOBJS) \
         $(LDLIBS) -lnsl -lrpcsvc
-pid/tst.gcc.exe: pid/tst.gcc.c
-        $(GCC) -o pid/tst.gcc.exe pid/tst.gcc.c $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS)
 json/tst.usdt.o: json/usdt.h
 json/usdt.h: json/usdt.d
         $(DTRACE) -h -s json/usdt.d -o json/usdt.h