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9128 cw(1onbld) should be able to run multiple shadows
9129 file-locking tests shouldn't build multiple source files in one compiler invocation
9130 DTrace tst.gcc.d isn't useful
9132 cw(1onbld) shouldn't shadow pure preprocessing
Reviewed by: Andy Fiddaman <>

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          --- old/usr/src/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/Makefile
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  18   18  #
  19   19  # CDDL HEADER END
  20   20  #
  21   21  
  22   22  #
  23   23  # Copyright (c) 1989, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  24   24  # Copyright (c) 2012 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
  25   25  # Copyright 2014 Garrett D'Amore <>
  26   26  # Copyright 2015 OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
  27   27  # Copyright 2016 Toomas Soome <>
  28      -# Copyright 2017 Joyent, Inc.
       28 +# Copyright 2018 Joyent, Inc.
  29   29  # Copyright 2018 OmniOS Community Edition (OmniOSce) Association.
  30   30  #
  31   31  
  32   32  #
  33   33  # Makefile for system source
  34   34  #
  35   35  # include global definitions
  36   36  include Makefile.master
  37   37  #
  38   38  # the Targetdirs file is the AT&T target.dirs file in a makefile format.
↓ open down ↓ 191 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 230  230  # don't contain actual source code.
 231  231  #
 232  232  XRPRUNE = pkg prototypes
 233  233  XRINCDIRS = uts/common head ucbhead
 234  234  
 235  235  cscope.out tags: FRC
 236  236          $(XREF) -f -x $@
 237  237  
 238  238  FRC:
 239  239  
 240      -#
 241      -# Targets for reporting compiler versions; nightly uses these.
 242      -#
 243      -
      240 +# used by nightly
 244  241  cc-version:
 245      -        @if $($(MACH)_CC) -_versions >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then \
 246      -                $(ECHO) 32-bit compiler;                        \
 247      -                $(ECHO) $($(MACH)_CC);                          \
 248      -                $($(MACH)_CC) -_versions 2>&1 |                 \
 249      -                    $(EGREP) '^(cw|cc|gcc|primary|shadow)';     \
 250      -        else                                                    \
 251      -                __COMPILER=`$($(MACH)_CC) -_compiler 2>/dev/null || $(TRUE)`;\
 252      -                if [ -z "$$__COMPILER" ]; then                  \
 253      -                        $(ECHO) No 32-bit compiler found;       \
 254      -                        exit 1;                                 \
 255      -                else                                            \
 256      -                        $(ECHO) 32-bit compiler;                \
 257      -                        $(ECHO) $($(MACH)_CC);                  \
 258      -                        $(ECHO) $$__COMPILER;                   \
 259      -                        $($(MACH)_CC) -V 2>&1 | head -1;        \
 260      -                fi;                                             \
 261      -        fi
      242 +        @$(CW) --versions $(CW_CC_COMPILERS) 2>&1
 262  243  
      244 +# for older nightlies
 263  245  cc64-version:
 264      -        @if $($(MACH64)_CC) -_versions >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then \
 265      -                $(ECHO) 64-bit compiler;                        \
 266      -                $(ECHO) $($(MACH64)_CC);                        \
 267      -                $($(MACH64)_CC) -_versions 2>&1 |               \
 268      -                    $(EGREP) '^(cw|cc|gcc|primary|shadow)';     \
 269      -        else                                                    \
 270      -                __COMPILER=`$($(MACH64)_CC) -_compiler 2>/dev/null || $(TRUE)`;\
 271      -                if [ -z "$$__COMPILER" ]; then                  \
 272      -                        $(ECHO) No 64-bit compiler found;       \
 273      -                        exit 1;                                 \
 274      -                else                                            \
 275      -                        $(ECHO) 64-bit compiler;                \
 276      -                        $(ECHO) $($(MACH64)_CC);                \
 277      -                        $(ECHO) $$__COMPILER;                   \
 278      -                        $($(MACH64)_CC) -V 2>&1 | head -1;      \
 279      -                fi;                                             \
 280      -        fi
 281  246  
 282  247  java-version:
 283  248          @if [ -x "$(JAVAC)" ]; then                     \
 284  249                  $(ECHO) $(JAVAC);                       \
 285  250                  $(JAVA_ROOT)/bin/java -fullversion 2>&1 | head -1;      \
 286  251          else                                            \
 287  252                  $(ECHO) No Java compiler found;         \
 288  253                  exit 1;                                 \
 289  254          fi
 290  255  
 291  256  openssl-version:
 292  257          @if [ -x "$(OPENSSL)" ]; then                           \
 293  258                  $(ECHO) $(OPENSSL);                             \
 294  259                  $(OPENSSL) version;                             \
 295  260                  $(OPENSSL) version -f |                         \
 296  261                      $(SED) -n '/_API/{s/.*_API/    API/;s/ -.*//;p;}'; \
 297  262          else                                                    \
 298  263                  $(ECHO) No OpenSSL utility found;               \
 299  264          fi