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*** 1,12 **** PPRIV(3PROC) Process Control Library Functions PPRIV(3PROC) NAME Ppriv, Ppriv_free - get and free process privilege sets ! SYNOPSIS Process Control Library (libproc, -lproc) #include <libproc.h> int Ppriv(struct ps_prochandle *P, prpriv_t **pprv); --- 1,14 ---- PPRIV(3PROC) Process Control Library Functions PPRIV(3PROC) NAME Ppriv, Ppriv_free - get and free process privilege sets ! LIBRARY Process Control Library (libproc, -lproc) + + SYNOPSIS #include <libproc.h> int Ppriv(struct ps_prochandle *P, prpriv_t **pprv);