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12166 resync smatch to 0.6.1-rc1-il-3

  17  * Copyright 2019 Joyent, Inc.
  18  */
  20 #include <stdio.h>
  21 #include <unistd.h>
  22 #include <libgen.h>
  23 #include "smatch.h"
  24 #include "smatch_slist.h"
  25 #include "check_list.h"
  27 char *option_debug_check = (char *)"";
  28 char *option_project_str = (char *)"smatch_generic";
  29 static char *option_db_file = (char *)"smatch_db.sqlite";
  30 enum project_type option_project = PROJ_NONE;
  31 char *bin_dir;
  32 char *data_dir;
  33 int option_no_data = 0;
  34 int option_spammy = 0;
  35 int option_info = 0;
  36 int option_full_path = 0;
  37 int option_param_mapper = 0;
  38 int option_call_tree = 0;
  39 int option_no_db = 0;
  40 int option_enable = 0;
  41 int option_disable = 0;
  42 int option_file_output;
  43 int option_time;
  44 int option_mem;
  45 char *option_datadir_str;
  46 int option_fatal_checks;
  47 int option_succeed;
  48 int option_timeout = 60;
  50 FILE *sm_outfd;
  51 FILE *sql_outfd;
  52 FILE *caller_info_fd;
  54 int sm_nr_errors;
  55 int sm_nr_checks;
  57 bool __silence_warnings_for_stmt;

 125                         if (strcmp(reg_funcs[i].name, buf) == 0) {
 126                                 reg_funcs[i].enabled = (enable == true) ? 1 : -1;
 127                                 break;
 128                         }
 129                 }
 131                 if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(reg_funcs))
 132                         sm_fatal("'%s' not found", s);
 134         } while ((s = next));
 135 }
 137 static void help(void)
 138 {
 139         printf("Usage:  smatch [smatch arguments][sparse arguments] file.c\n");
 140         printf("--project=<name> or -p=<name>: project specific tests\n");
 141         printf("--succeed: don't exit with an error\n");
 142         printf("--spammy:  print superfluous crap.\n");
 143         printf("--info:  print info used to fill smatch_data/.\n");
 144         printf("--debug:  print lots of debug output.\n");
 145         printf("--param-mapper:  enable param_mapper output.\n");
 146         printf("--no-data:  do not use the /smatch_data/ directory.\n");
 147         printf("--data=<dir>: overwrite path to default smatch data directory.\n");
 148         printf("--full-path:  print the full pathname.\n");
 149         printf("--debug-implied:  print debug output about implications.\n");
 150         printf("--assume-loops:  assume loops always go through at least once.\n");
 151         printf("--two-passes:  use a two pass system for each function.\n");
 152         printf("--file-output:  instead of printing stdout, print to \"file.c.smatch_out\".\n");
 153         printf("--fatal-checks: check output is treated as an error.\n");
 154         printf("--help:  print this helpful message.\n");
 155         exit(1);
 156 }
 158 static int match_option(const char *arg, const char *option)
 159 {
 160         char *str;
 161         char *tmp;
 162         int ret = 0;
 164         str = malloc(strlen(option) + 3);
 165         snprintf(str, strlen(option) + 3, "--%s", option);

 218                 if (strncmp((*argvp)[i], "--disable=", 10) == 0) {
 219                         enable_disable_checks((*argvp)[i] + 10, 0);
 220                         option_enable = 1;
 221                         option_disable = 1;
 222                 }
 224                 if (!strncmp((*argvp)[i], "--timeout=", 10)) {
 225                         if (sscanf((*argvp)[i] + 10, "%d",
 226                             &option_timeout) != 1)
 227                                 sm_fatal("invalid option %s", (*argvp)[i]);
 228                 }
 230                 OPTION(fatal_checks);
 231                 OPTION(spammy);
 232                 OPTION(info);
 233                 OPTION(debug);
 234                 OPTION(assume_loops);
 235                 OPTION(no_data);
 236                 OPTION(two_passes);
 237                 OPTION(full_path);
 238                 OPTION(param_mapper);
 239                 OPTION(call_tree);
 240                 OPTION(file_output);
 241                 OPTION(time);
 242                 OPTION(mem);
 243                 OPTION(no_db);
 244                 OPTION(succeed);
 245         }
 247         if (strcmp(option_project_str, "smatch_generic") != 0)
 248                 option_project = PROJ_UNKNOWN;
 250         if (strcmp(option_project_str, "kernel") == 0)
 251                 option_project = PROJ_KERNEL;
 252         else if (strcmp(option_project_str, "wine") == 0)
 253                 option_project = PROJ_WINE;
 254         else if (strcmp(option_project_str, "illumos_kernel") == 0)
 255                 option_project = PROJ_ILLUMOS_KERNEL;
 256         else if (strcmp(option_project_str, "illumos_user") == 0)
 257                 option_project = PROJ_ILLUMOS_USER;
 258 }

  17  * Copyright 2019 Joyent, Inc.
  18  */
  20 #include <stdio.h>
  21 #include <unistd.h>
  22 #include <libgen.h>
  23 #include "smatch.h"
  24 #include "smatch_slist.h"
  25 #include "check_list.h"
  27 char *option_debug_check = (char *)"";
  28 char *option_project_str = (char *)"smatch_generic";
  29 static char *option_db_file = (char *)"smatch_db.sqlite";
  30 enum project_type option_project = PROJ_NONE;
  31 char *bin_dir;
  32 char *data_dir;
  33 int option_no_data = 0;
  34 int option_spammy = 0;
  35 int option_info = 0;
  36 int option_full_path = 0;

  37 int option_call_tree = 0;
  38 int option_no_db = 0;
  39 int option_enable = 0;
  40 int option_disable = 0;
  41 int option_file_output;
  42 int option_time;
  43 int option_mem;
  44 char *option_datadir_str;
  45 int option_fatal_checks;
  46 int option_succeed;
  47 int option_timeout = 60;
  49 FILE *sm_outfd;
  50 FILE *sql_outfd;
  51 FILE *caller_info_fd;
  53 int sm_nr_errors;
  54 int sm_nr_checks;
  56 bool __silence_warnings_for_stmt;

 124                         if (strcmp(reg_funcs[i].name, buf) == 0) {
 125                                 reg_funcs[i].enabled = (enable == true) ? 1 : -1;
 126                                 break;
 127                         }
 128                 }
 130                 if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(reg_funcs))
 131                         sm_fatal("'%s' not found", s);
 133         } while ((s = next));
 134 }
 136 static void help(void)
 137 {
 138         printf("Usage:  smatch [smatch arguments][sparse arguments] file.c\n");
 139         printf("--project=<name> or -p=<name>: project specific tests\n");
 140         printf("--succeed: don't exit with an error\n");
 141         printf("--spammy:  print superfluous crap.\n");
 142         printf("--info:  print info used to fill smatch_data/.\n");
 143         printf("--debug:  print lots of debug output.\n");

 144         printf("--no-data:  do not use the /smatch_data/ directory.\n");
 145         printf("--data=<dir>: overwrite path to default smatch data directory.\n");
 146         printf("--full-path:  print the full pathname.\n");
 147         printf("--debug-implied:  print debug output about implications.\n");
 148         printf("--assume-loops:  assume loops always go through at least once.\n");
 149         printf("--two-passes:  use a two pass system for each function.\n");
 150         printf("--file-output:  instead of printing stdout, print to \"file.c.smatch_out\".\n");
 151         printf("--fatal-checks: check output is treated as an error.\n");
 152         printf("--help:  print this helpful message.\n");
 153         exit(1);
 154 }
 156 static int match_option(const char *arg, const char *option)
 157 {
 158         char *str;
 159         char *tmp;
 160         int ret = 0;
 162         str = malloc(strlen(option) + 3);
 163         snprintf(str, strlen(option) + 3, "--%s", option);

 216                 if (strncmp((*argvp)[i], "--disable=", 10) == 0) {
 217                         enable_disable_checks((*argvp)[i] + 10, 0);
 218                         option_enable = 1;
 219                         option_disable = 1;
 220                 }
 222                 if (!strncmp((*argvp)[i], "--timeout=", 10)) {
 223                         if (sscanf((*argvp)[i] + 10, "%d",
 224                             &option_timeout) != 1)
 225                                 sm_fatal("invalid option %s", (*argvp)[i]);
 226                 }
 228                 OPTION(fatal_checks);
 229                 OPTION(spammy);
 230                 OPTION(info);
 231                 OPTION(debug);
 232                 OPTION(assume_loops);
 233                 OPTION(no_data);
 234                 OPTION(two_passes);
 235                 OPTION(full_path);

 236                 OPTION(call_tree);
 237                 OPTION(file_output);
 238                 OPTION(time);
 239                 OPTION(mem);
 240                 OPTION(no_db);
 241                 OPTION(succeed);
 242         }
 244         if (strcmp(option_project_str, "smatch_generic") != 0)
 245                 option_project = PROJ_UNKNOWN;
 247         if (strcmp(option_project_str, "kernel") == 0)
 248                 option_project = PROJ_KERNEL;
 249         else if (strcmp(option_project_str, "wine") == 0)
 250                 option_project = PROJ_WINE;
 251         else if (strcmp(option_project_str, "illumos_kernel") == 0)
 252                 option_project = PROJ_ILLUMOS_KERNEL;
 253         else if (strcmp(option_project_str, "illumos_user") == 0)
 254                 option_project = PROJ_ILLUMOS_USER;
 255 }