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12094 loader should be configured for serial console

  41 # vesa_load="NO"                # Set this to YES to load the vesa module
  42 # bitmap_load="NO"              # Set this to YES if you want splash screen!
  43 # bitmap_name="splash.bmp"      # Set this to the name of the file
  44 # bitmap_type="splash_image_data" # and place it on the module_path
  47 ##############################################################
  48 ###  Loader settings  ########################################
  49 ##############################################################
  51 #loader_delay="3"               # Delay in seconds before loading anything.
  52                                 # Default is unset and disabled (no delay).
  53 autoboot_delay="10"             # Delay in seconds before autobooting,
  54                                 # set to -1 if you don't want user to be
  55                                 # allowed to interrupt autoboot process and
  56                                 # escape to the loader prompt, set to
  57                                 # "NO" to disable autobooting
  58 beastie_disable="NO"            # Turn the beastie boot menu on and off
  59 loader_logo="illumos"           # Desired logo: orbbw, orb, fbsdbw, beastiebw, beastie, none
  60 #loader_brand="illumos"         # brand name
  61 #console="text"                 # A comma separated list of console(s)
  62 #currdev="disk1s1a"             # Set the current device
  63 module_path="/platform/i86pc/${ISADIR}/"        # Set the module search path
  64 #prompt="\\${interpret}"        # Set the command prompt
  65 #root_disk_unit="0"             # Force the root disk unit number
  66 #rootdev="disk1s1a"             # Set the root filesystem
  67 #tftp.blksize="1428"            # Set the RFC 2348 TFTP block size.
  68                                 # If the TFTP server does not support RFC 2348,
  69                                 # the block size is set to 512.  If the value
  70                                 # is out of range ( < 8 || > 9008 ) an error is
  71                                 # returned.
  73 ##############################################################
  74 ###  boot archive  ###########################################
  75 ##############################################################
  76 boot_archive_load="YES"         # illumos will not boot without rootfs
  77 boot_archive_type="rootfs"
  78 boot_archive_name="/platform/i86pc/${ISADIR}/boot_archive"
  80 boot_archive.hash_load="YES"    # use hash file as it will use ISADIR
  81 boot_archive.hash_type="hash"

  41 # vesa_load="NO"                # Set this to YES to load the vesa module
  42 # bitmap_load="NO"              # Set this to YES if you want splash screen!
  43 # bitmap_name="splash.bmp"      # Set this to the name of the file
  44 # bitmap_type="splash_image_data" # and place it on the module_path
  47 ##############################################################
  48 ###  Loader settings  ########################################
  49 ##############################################################
  51 #loader_delay="3"               # Delay in seconds before loading anything.
  52                                 # Default is unset and disabled (no delay).
  53 autoboot_delay="10"             # Delay in seconds before autobooting,
  54                                 # set to -1 if you don't want user to be
  55                                 # allowed to interrupt autoboot process and
  56                                 # escape to the loader prompt, set to
  57                                 # "NO" to disable autobooting
  58 beastie_disable="NO"            # Turn the beastie boot menu on and off
  59 loader_logo="illumos"           # Desired logo: orbbw, orb, fbsdbw, beastiebw, beastie, none
  60 #loader_brand="illumos"         # brand name
  61 console="text,ttya,ttyb,ttyc,ttyd"      # A comma separated list of console(s)
  62 #currdev="disk1s1a"             # Set the current device
  63 module_path="/platform/i86pc/${ISADIR}/"        # Set the module search path
  64 #prompt="\\${interpret}"        # Set the command prompt
  65 #root_disk_unit="0"             # Force the root disk unit number
  66 #rootdev="disk1s1a"             # Set the root filesystem
  67 #tftp.blksize="1428"            # Set the RFC 2348 TFTP block size.
  68                                 # If the TFTP server does not support RFC 2348,
  69                                 # the block size is set to 512.  If the value
  70                                 # is out of range ( < 8 || > 9008 ) an error is
  71                                 # returned.
  73 ##############################################################
  74 ###  boot archive  ###########################################
  75 ##############################################################
  76 boot_archive_load="YES"         # illumos will not boot without rootfs
  77 boot_archive_type="rootfs"
  78 boot_archive_name="/platform/i86pc/${ISADIR}/boot_archive"
  80 boot_archive.hash_load="YES"    # use hash file as it will use ISADIR
  81 boot_archive.hash_type="hash"