1 static void foo(int x)
   2 {
   3         __context__(0);         // OK
   4         __context__(x, 0);      // OK
   5         __context__ (x, 1);     // OK
   7         __context__(x);         // KO: no const expr
   8         __context__(1,x);       // KO: no const expr
  10         __context__;            // KO: no expression at all
  11         __context__(;           // KO: no expression at all
  13         __context__ 0;          // KO: need parens
  14         __context__ x, 0;       // KO: need parens
  15         __context__(x, 0;       // KO: unmatched parens
  16         __context__ x, 0);      // KO: unmatched parens
  17         __context__(0;          // KO: unmatched parens
  18         __context__ 0);         // KO: unmatched parens
  20         __context__();          // KO: no expression at all
  21         __context__(,0);        // KO: no expression at all
  22         __context__(x,);        // KO: no expression at all
  23         __context__(,);         // KO: no expression at all
  24 }
  26 /*
  27  * check-name: context-stmt
  28  * check-command: sparse -Wno-context $file
  29  *
  30  * check-error-start
  31 context-stmt.c:10:20: error: Expected ( after __context__ statement
  32 context-stmt.c:10:20: error: got ;
  33 context-stmt.c:11:21: error: expression expected after '('
  34 context-stmt.c:11:21: error: got ;
  35 context-stmt.c:11:21: error: Expected ) at end of __context__ statement
  36 context-stmt.c:11:21: error: got ;
  37 context-stmt.c:13:21: error: Expected ( after __context__ statement
  38 context-stmt.c:13:21: error: got 0
  39 context-stmt.c:14:21: error: Expected ( after __context__ statement
  40 context-stmt.c:14:21: error: got x
  41 context-stmt.c:15:25: error: Expected ) at end of __context__ statement
  42 context-stmt.c:15:25: error: got ;
  43 context-stmt.c:16:21: error: Expected ( after __context__ statement
  44 context-stmt.c:16:21: error: got x
  45 context-stmt.c:17:22: error: Expected ) at end of __context__ statement
  46 context-stmt.c:17:22: error: got ;
  47 context-stmt.c:18:21: error: Expected ( after __context__ statement
  48 context-stmt.c:18:21: error: got 0
  49 context-stmt.c:20:21: error: expression expected after '('
  50 context-stmt.c:20:21: error: got )
  51 context-stmt.c:21:21: error: expression expected after '('
  52 context-stmt.c:21:21: error: got ,
  53 context-stmt.c:22:23: error: expression expected after ','
  54 context-stmt.c:22:23: error: got )
  55 context-stmt.c:23:21: error: expression expected after '('
  56 context-stmt.c:23:21: error: got ,
  57 context-stmt.c:23:22: error: expression expected after ','
  58 context-stmt.c:23:22: error: got )
  59 context-stmt.c:7:21: error: bad constant expression
  60 context-stmt.c:8:23: error: bad constant expression
  61  * check-error-end
  62  */