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11972 resync smatch
   1 static int *a = (int*)0;        // OK
   2 static int b = 0;
   3 static int *c = (int*)b;        // KO
   6 /*
   7  * check-name: integer literal cast to pointer type constness verification.
   8  * check-command: sparse -Wconstexpr-not-const $file
   9  *
  10  * check-error-start
  11 constexpr-pointer-cast.c:3:18: warning: non-constant initializer for static object
  12  * check-error-end
  13  */
   1 static int *a = (int*)0;        // OK
   2 static int b = 0;
   3 static int *c = (int*)b;        // KO
   6 /*
   7  * check-name: constexprness integer literal cast to pointer type
   8  * check-command: sparse -Wconstexpr-not-const $file
   9  *
  10  * check-error-start
  11 constexpr-pointer-cast.c:3:18: warning: non-constant initializer for static object
  12  * check-error-end
  13  */