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11869 Fix disable option summary in svcadm(1m)

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          --- old/usr/src/man/man1m/svcadm.1m
          +++ new/usr/src/man/man1m/svcadm.1m
   1    1  '\" te
   2    2  .\" Copyright (c) 2008, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
        3 +.\" Copyright 2019 Joyent, Inc.
   3    4  .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   4    5  .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
   5    6  .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
   6      -.TH SVCADM 1M "Oct 17, 2017"
        7 +.TH SVCADM 1M "Oct 24, 2019"
   7    8  .SH NAME
   8    9  svcadm \- manipulate service instances
   9   10  .SH SYNOPSIS
  10      -.LP
  11   11  .nf
  12   12  \fB/usr/sbin/svcadm\fR [\fB-S state\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-Z\fR | \fB-z\fR \fIzone\fR] enable [\fB-rst\fR]
  13   13       [{\fIFMRI\fR | \fIpattern\fR}...]
  14   14  .fi
  15   15  
  16   16  .LP
  17   17  .nf
  18      -\fB/usr/sbin/svcadm\fR [\fB-S state\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-Z\fR | \fB-z\fR \fIzone\fR] disable [\fB-s\fR]
       18 +\fB/usr/sbin/svcadm\fR [\fB-S state\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-Z\fR | \fB-z\fR \fIzone\fR] disable [\fB-st\fR]
  19   19       [{\fIFMRI\fR | \fIpattern\fR}...]
  20   20  .fi
  21   21  
  22   22  .LP
  23   23  .nf
  24   24  \fB/usr/sbin/svcadm\fR [\fB-S state\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-Z\fR | \fB-z\fR \fIzone\fR] restart [\fB-d\fR]
  25   25       [{\fIFMRI\fR | \fIpattern\fR}...]
  26   26  .fi
  27   27  
  28   28  .LP
↓ open down ↓ 13 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  42   42  \fB/usr/sbin/svcadm\fR [\fB-S state\fR] [\fB-v\fR] [\fB-Z\fR | \fB-z\fR \fIzone\fR] mark [\fB-It] \fIinstance_state\fR
  43   43       [{\fIFMRI\fR | \fIpattern\fR}...]
  44   44  .fi
  45   45  
  46   46  .LP
  47   47  .nf
  48   48  \fB/usr/sbin/svcadm\fR [\fB-v\fR] milestone [\fB-d\fR] \fImilestone_FMRI\fR
  49   49  .fi
  50   50  
  51   51  .SH DESCRIPTION
  52      -.LP
  53   52  \fBsvcadm\fR issues requests for actions on services executing within the
  54   53  service management facility (see \fBsmf\fR(5)). Actions for a service are
  55   54  carried out by its assigned service restarter agent. The default service
  56   55  restarter is \fBsvc.startd\fR (see \fBsvc.startd\fR(1M)).
  57   56  .SH OPTIONS
  58      -.LP
  59   57  The following options are supported:
  60   58  .sp
  61   59  .ne 2
  62   60  .na
  63   61  \fB-S\fR \fIstate\fR
  64   62  .ad
  65   63  .RS 20n
  66   64  For the subcommands which normally operate on explicit \fIFMRI\fRs or an
  67   65  \fIFMRI\fR pattern, the \fB-S\fR option can be used to select all \fIFMRI\fRs
  68   66  in the given state.
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  92   90  .na
  93   91  \fB-z\fR \fIzone\fR
  94   92  .ad
  95   93  .RS 20n
  96   94  Administer services in the specified zone.  This option is only applicable
  97   95  from the global zone, see \fBzones\fR(5).
  98   96  .RE
  99   97  
 100   98  .SH SUBCOMMANDS
 101   99  .SS "Common Operations"
 102      -.LP
 103  100  The subcommands listed below are used during the typical administration of a
 104  101  service instance.
 105  102  .sp
 106  103  .LP
 107  104  For subcommands taking one or more operands, if the operand specifies a service
 108  105  (instead of a service instance), and that service has only a single instance,
 109  106  \fBsvcadm\fR operates on that instance. If an abbreviated \fIFMRI\fR (a fault
 110  107  management resource identifier) matches more than one service or instance, a
 111  108  warning message is displayed and that operand is ignored.
 112  109  If a pattern matches more than one service or instance, the subcommand is
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 216  213  .RS 4n
 217  214  For each service instance specified by the operands, if the instance is in the
 218  215  \fBmaintenance\fR state, signal to the assigned restarter that the service has
 219  216  been repaired. If the instance is in the \fBdegraded\fR state, request that the
 220  217  assigned restarter take the service to the \fBonline\fR state. This action
 221  218  requires permission to modify the "restarter_actions" property group of the
 222  219  service instance (see \fBsmf_security\fR(5)).
 223  220  .RE
 224  221  
 225  222  .SS "Exceptional Operations"
 226      -.LP
 227  223  The following subcommands are used for service development and temporary
 228  224  administrative manipulation.
 229  225  .sp
 230  226  .ne 2
 231  227  .na
 232  228  \fB\fBmark [\fR\fB-It\fR\fB]\fR \fIinstance_state\fR {\fIFMRI\fR |
 233  229  \fIpattern\fR}...\fR
 234  230  .ad
 235  231  .sp .6
 236  232  .RS 4n
↓ open down ↓ 55 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 292  288  milestone, as above. Additionally, it makes the specified milestone the default
 293  289  boot milestone, which persists across reboot. The default milestone is defined
 294  290  by the \fBoptions/milestone\fR property on the master restarter,
 295  291  \fBsvc:/system/svc/restarter:default\fR. If this property is absent, "all" is
 296  292  the default. This action requires permission to modify the "options" property
 297  293  group of the \fBsvc:/system/svc/restarter:default\fR service instance (see
 298  294  \fBsmf_security\fR(5)).
 299  295  .RE
 300  296  
 301  297  .SS "Operands"
 302      -.LP
 303  298  The following operands are supported:
 304  299  .sp
 305  300  .ne 2
 306  301  .na
 307  302  \fB\fIFMRI\fR\fR
 308  303  .ad
 309  304  .RS 11n
 310  305  An \fIFMRI\fR that specifies one or more instances. \fIFMRI\fRs can be
 311  306  abbreviated by specifying the instance name, or the trailing portion of the
 312  307  service name. For example, given the \fIFMRI\fR:
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 358  353  does not begin with "svc:", then "svc:/" is prepended.
 359  354  .RE
 360  355  
 361  356  .sp
 362  357  .LP
 363  358  If an abbreviated \fIFMRI\fR matches more than one service, a warning message
 364  359  is displayed and that operand is ignored.
 365  360  If a pattern matches more than one service or instance, the subcommand is
 366  361  applied to all matches.
 367  362  .SH EXAMPLES
 368      -.LP
 369  363  \fBExample 1 \fRRestarting a Service Instance
 370  364  .sp
 371  365  .LP
 372  366  The following command restarts the \fBNFS\fR server. The full \fIFMRI\fR for
 373  367  the default service instance is: \fBsvc:/network/nfs/server:default\fR
 374  368  
 375  369  .sp
 376  370  .LP
 377  371  However, you can abbreviate the full \fIFMRI\fR as follows:
 378  372  
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 450  444  
 451  445  .sp
 452  446  .in +2
 453  447  .nf
 454  448  # svcadm milestone all
 455  449  .fi
 456  450  .in -2
 457  451  .sp
 458  452  
 459  453  .SH EXIT STATUS
 460      -.LP
 461  454  The following exit values are returned:
 462  455  .sp
 463  456  .ne 2
 464  457  .na
 465  458  \fB\fB0\fR\fR
 466  459  .ad
 467  460  .RS 5n
 468  461  Successful completion.
 469  462  .RE
 470  463  
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 503  496  .na
 504  497  \fB\fB4\fR\fR
 505  498  .ad
 506  499  .RS 5n
 507  500  \fBsvcadm\fR determined that a service instance that it was waiting for could
 508  501  not reach the desired state without administrator intervention due to a problem
 509  502  with the service's dependencies.
 510  503  .RE
 511  504  
 512  505  .SH ATTRIBUTES
 513      -.LP
 514  506  See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:
 515  507  .sp
 516  508  
 517  509  .sp
 518  510  .TS
 519  511  box;
 520  512  c | c
 521  513  l | l .
 523  515  _
 524  516  Interface Stability     See below.
 525  517  .TE
 526  518  
 527  519  .sp
 528  520  .LP
 529  521  The interactive output is Uncommitted. The invocation and non-interactive
 530  522  output are Committed.
 531  523  .SH SEE ALSO
 532      -.LP
 533  524  \fBsvcprop\fR(1), \fBsvcs\fR(1), \fBinetd\fR(1M), \fBinit\fR(1M),
 534  525  \fBsvccfg\fR(1M), \fBsvc.startd\fR(1M), \fBlibscf\fR(3LIB), \fBcontract\fR(4),
 535  526  \fBattributes\fR(5), \fBsmf\fR(5), \fBsmf_security\fR(5), \fBzones\fR(5)
 536  527  .SH NOTES
 537      -.LP
 538  528  The amount of time \fBsvcadm\fR will spend waiting for services and their
 539  529  dependencies to change state is implicitly limited by their method timeouts.
 540  530  For example, a service using the default restarter whose start method hangs
 541  531  will be transitioned to the maintenance state when its timeout expires.
 542  532  \fBsvcadm\fR will then consider it impossible for this service to come online
 543  533  without administrator intervention.
 544  534  .sp
 545  535  .LP
 546  536  Attempts to synchronously enable a service which depends (directly or
 547  537  indirectly) on a file may fail with an exit status indicating that dependencies
 548  538  are unsatisfied if the caller does not have the privileges necessary to search
 549  539  the directory containing the file. This limitation may be removed in a future
 550  540  release.