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          --- old/usr/src/uts/sparc/smbfs/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/sparc/smbfs/Makefile
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  61   61  MODSTUBS_DIR    = $(OBJS_DIR)
  63   63  CLEANFILES      += $(MODSTUBS_O)
  64   64  INC_PATH        += -I$(UTSBASE)/common/fs/smbclnt
  65   65  INC_PATH        += -I$(COMMONBASE)/smbclnt
  66   66  LDFLAGS         += -dy -Ndrv/nsmb
  67   67  
  68   68  # Until CR 4994570 is fixed...
  69   69  LINTTAGS        += -erroff=E_BAD_FORMAT_ARG_TYPE2
  70   70  CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  71      -CERRWARN        += -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
       71 +CERRWARN        += $(CNOWARN_UNINIT)
  72   72  
  73   73  # The mb_put/md_get functions are intentionally used with and without
  74   74  # return value checks, so filter those out like LGREP.2 does.
  75   75  LGREP.nsmb =    egrep -v ' ignored: (mb_init|mb_put|md_get)'
  76   76  LTAIL   +=      2>&1 | $(LGREP.2) | $(LGREP.nsmb) || true
  77   77  
  78   78  #
  79   79  #       Default build targets.
  80   80  #
  81   81  .KEEP_STATE:
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