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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libscf/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libscf/
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  54   54  COMDIR =        ../../../common/svc
  55   55  
  56   56  CFLAGS +=       $(CCVERBOSE) -Wp,$(CSTD_GNU99)
  57   57  CPPFLAGS +=     -I../inc -I../../common/inc -I$(COMDIR) -I$(ROOTHDRDIR)
  59   59  
  60   60  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-switch
  61   61  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-char-subscripts
  62   62  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-unused-label
  63   63  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  64      -CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
       64 +CERRWARN +=     $(CNOWARN_UNINIT)
  65   65  
  66   66  # not linted
  67   67  SMATCH=off
  68   68  
  69   69  #
  70   70  # For native builds, we compile and link against the native version
  71   71  # of libuutil.
  72   72  #
  73   73  LIBUUTIL =      $(SRC)/lib/libuutil
  74   74  MY_NATIVE_CPPFLAGS =\
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