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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libkmf/libkmf/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libkmf/libkmf/
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  63   63  # DYNLIB libraries do not have lint libs and are not linted
  64   64  $(DYNLIB) :=    LDLIBS += -lxml2
  65   65  $(DYNLIB64) :=  LDLIBS64 += -lxml2
  66   66  
  67   67  CPPFLAGS        +=      -I$(INCDIR) -I$(ADJUNCT_PROTO)/usr/include/libxml2 \
  68   68                          -I../../ber_der/inc -I$(SRCDIR)
  69   69  
  70   70  CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  71   71  CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-switch
  72   72  CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-type-limits
  73      -CERRWARN        +=      -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
       73 +CERRWARN        +=      $(CNOWARN_UNINIT)
  74   74  
  75   75  # not linted
  76   76  SMATCH=off
  77   77  
  78   78  .KEEP_STATE:
  79   79  
  80   80  all:    $(LIBS)
  81   81  
  82   82  lint:   lintcheck
  83   83  
  84   84  include $(SRC)/lib/Makefile.targ