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          --- old/usr/src/lib/libdisasm/
          +++ new/usr/src/lib/libdisasm/
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 114  114  LDFLAGS_standalone = $(ZNOVERSION) $(BREDUCE) -dy -r
 115  115  LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_$(CURTYPE))
 116  116  
 117  117  ASFLAGS_standalone = -DDIS_STANDALONE
 118  118  ASFLAGS_library =
 119  119  ASFLAGS += -P $(ASFLAGS_$(CURTYPE)) -D_ASM
 120  120  
 121  121  $(LINTLIB) := SRCS = $(COMDIR)/$(LINTSRC)
 122  122  
 123  123  CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
 124      -CERRWARN +=     -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
      124 +CERRWARN +=     $(CNOWARN_UNINIT)
 125  125  
 126  126  # not linted
 127  127  SMATCH=off
 128  128  
 129  129  # We want the thread-specific errno in the library, but we don't want it in
 130  130  # the standalone.  $(DTS_ERRNO) is designed to add -D_TS_ERRNO to $(CPPFLAGS),
 131  131  # in order to enable this feature.  Conveniently, -D_REENTRANT does the same
 132  132  # thing.  As such, we null out $(DTS_ERRNO) to ensure that the standalone
 133  133  # doesn't get it.
 134  134  DTS_ERRNO=
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