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          --- old/usr/src/cmd/mdb/sparc/v9/libumem/Makefile
          +++ new/usr/src/cmd/mdb/sparc/v9/libumem/Makefile
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  58   58  CPPFLAGS += -I$(MODSRCS_DIR)
  59   59  
  60   60  include ../../../../Makefile.cmd.64
  61   61  include ../../Makefile.sparcv9
  62   62  include ../../../Makefile.module
  63   63  
  64   64  dmod/$(MODULE) := LDLIBS += -lproc -lm
  65   65  
  66   66  CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-unused-label
  67   67  CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-parentheses
  68      -CERRWARN += -_gcc=-Wno-uninitialized
  69   69  
  70   70  %.o: $(MODSRCS_DIR)/%.c
  71   71          $(COMPILE.c) $<
  72   72          $(CTFCONVERT_O)
  73   73  
  74   74  %.ln: $(MODSRCS_DIR)/%.c
  75   75          $(LINT.c) -c $<
  76   76  
  77   77  #
  78   78  # This module is somewhat unusual in that it is a proc-style dmod.  proc dmods
  79   79  # are not normally built both for mdb and kmdb.  These overrides build it as a
  80   80  # proc dmod and as a kvm kmod.
  81   81  TARGETS = $(TARGETS_proc) $(TARGETS_kvm_kmdb)
  82   82  ROOTTGTS = $(ROOTTGTS_proc)