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10924 Need mitigation of L1TF (CVE-2018-3646)
Reviewed by: Robert Mustacchi <>
Reviewed by: Jerry Jelinek <>
Reviewed by: Peter Tribble <>

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          --- old/usr/src/uts/i86xpv/Makefile.files
          +++ new/usr/src/uts/i86xpv/Makefile.files
↓ open down ↓ 53 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
  54   54          fpu_subr.o              \
  55   55          fastboot.o              \
  56   56          fb_swtch.o              \
  57   57          graphics.o              \
  58   58          hardclk.o               \
  59   59          hat_i86.o               \
  60   60          hat_kdi.o               \
  61   61          hment.o                 \
  62   62          hold_page.o             \
  63   63          hrtimers.o              \
       64 +        ht.o                    \
  64   65          htable.o                \
  65   66          i86_mmu.o               \
  66   67          ibft.o                  \
  67   68          instr_size.o            \
  68   69          intr.o                  \
  69   70          kboot_mmu.o             \
  70   71          kdi_idt.o               \
  71   72          kdi_idthdl.o            \
  72   73          kdi_asm.o               \
  73   74          lgrpplat.o              \
↓ open down ↓ 155 lines elided ↑ open up ↑
 229  230          -I$(UTSBASE)/common/xen
 230  231  
 231  232  #
 232  233  # Since the assym files are derived, the dependencies must be explicit for
 233  234  # all files including this file. (This is only actually required in the
 234  235  # instance when the .nse_depinfo file does not exist.) It may seem that
 235  236  # the lint targets should also have a similar dependency, but they don't
 236  237  # since only C headers are included when #defined(__lint) is true.
 237  238  #
 238  239  
 239      -ASSYM_DEPS +=                   \
      240 +ASSYM_DEPS      +=              \
 240  241          copy.o                  \
 241  242          desctbls_asm.o          \
 242  243          ddi_i86_asm.o           \
 243  244          exception.o             \
 244  245          fast_trap_asm.o         \
 245  246          float.o                 \
 246  247          hyperevent.o            \
 247  248          i86_subr.o              \
 248  249          kdi_asm.o               \
 249  250          interrupt.o             \
 250  251          lock_prim.o             \
 251  252          locore.o                \
 252  253          panic_asm.o             \
 253  254          sseblk.o                \
 254  255          swtch.o                 \
 255  256          syscall_asm.o           \
 256  257          syscall_asm_amd64.o
 257  258  
 258  259  $(KDI_ASSYM_DEPS:%=$(OBJS_DIR)/%):      $(DSF_DIR)/$(OBJS_DIR)/kdi_assym.h