1 Why hacking on sparse
   2 =====================
   4 1. sparse is small.  
   5    The full project compiles in less than 10 seconds on old and not performing laptop.
   6 2. sparse is fast.  
   7    Typically, sparse can check a C file 1/10 of time it takes for gcc to generate object files.
   8 3. sparse can digest the full kernel source files.  
   9    With sparse-llvm, sparse uses llvm as back end to emit real machine code.
  11 New developer hacking on sparse
  12 ==============================
  15 * All sparse warning messages should include the option how
  16    to disable it.  
  17        e.g. "pre-process.c:20*:28: warning: Variable length array is used."
  18        should be something like   
  19         "pre-process.c:20*:28: warning: Variable length array is
  20 used. (-Wno-vla)"
  21 * extend test-inspect to inspect more AST fields.
  22 * extend test-inspect to inspect instructions.
  23 * adding architecture handling in sparse similar to cgcc
  24 * parallel processing of test-suite
  25 * Howto: fix the kernel rcu related checker warnings
  26 * option to disable AST level inline.
  27 * debug: debug version of sparse do all the verification double check
  28 * test suite: verify and compare IR (suggested by Dibyendu Majumdar)
  29 * checker error output database
  31 For experienced developers
  32 ==========================
  34 * merge C type on incremental declare of C type and function prototype.
  35 * move attribute out of ctype to allow easier to add new attribute.
  36 * serialize, general object walking driven by data structures.
  37 * serialize, write sparse byte code into file
  38 * serialize, load sparse byte code from file.
  39 * symbol index/linker, know which symbol in which byte code file.
  40 * inline function in instruction level
  41 * cross function checking
  42 * debug: optimization step by step log
  43 * debug: fancy animation of CFG
  44 * phi node location (Luc has patch)
  45 * revisit crazy programmer warning, invalid SSA form.
  46 * ptrlist, looping while modify inside the loop.
  47 * dead code elimination using ssa
  48 * constant propagation using ssa.
  49 * x86/arm back end instruction set define
  50 * register allocation.
  51 * emit x86/arm machine level code