1 /*
   2  * Copyright 2017 Gary Mills
   3  * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
   4  * Use is subject to license terms.
   5  */
   7 /*      Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T     */
   8 /*        All Rights Reserved   */
  10 /*
  11  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
  12  * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement
  13  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
  14  */
  16 #include <stdio.h>
  17 #include <locale.h>
  18 #include <assert.h>
  19 #define SAME 0
  20 #define FGCT 10
  21 #define FGSIZE 150
  23 int keepold = 1;        /* keep old things for fgrep search */
  24 char fgspace[FGSIZE];
  25 char *fgp = fgspace;
  26 char *fgnames[FGCT];
  27 char **fgnamp = fgnames;
  29 extern char *mindex();
  31 long
  32 findline(char *in, char **out, int outlen, long indexdate)
  33 {
  34         static char name[100] = "";
  35         char *p, **ftp;
  36         extern long gdate();
  37         static FILE *fa = NULL;
  38         long lp, llen;
  39         int k, nofil;
  41         if (mindex(in, '!'))
  42                 return (0);
  44         nofil = in[0] == 0;
  45         for (p = in; *p && *p != ':' && *p != ';'; p++)
  46                 ;
  47         if (*p) *p++ = 0;
  48         else p = in;
  49         k = sscanf(p, "%ld,%ld", &lp, &llen);
  50         if (k < 2) {
  51                 lp = 0;
  52                 llen = outlen;
  53         }
  54         if (nofil) {
  55                 fa = stdin;
  56         } else
  57                 if (strcmp(name, in) != 0 || 1) {
  58                         if (fa != NULL)
  59                                 fa = freopen(in, "r", fa);
  60                         else
  61                                 fa = fopen(in, "r");
  62                         if (fa == NULL)
  63                                 return (0);
  64                         /* err("Can't open %s", in); */
  65                         strcpy(name, in);
  66                         if (gdate(fa) > indexdate && indexdate != 0) {
  67                                 if (keepold) {
  68                                         for (ftp = fgnames; ftp < fgnamp; ftp++)
  69                                                 if (strcmp(*ftp, name) == SAME)
  70                                                         return (0);
  71                                         strcpy(*fgnamp++ = fgp, name);
  72                                         assert(fgnamp < fgnames+FGCT);
  73                                         while (*fgp && *fgp != ':')
  74                                                 fgp++;
  75                                         *fgp++ = 0;
  76                                         assert(fgp < fgspace+FGSIZE);
  77                                         return (0);
  78                                 }
  79                                 fprintf(stderr, gettext(
  80                                     "Warning: index predates file '%s'\n"),
  81                                     name);
  82                         }
  83                 }
  84         if (fa != NULL) {
  85                 fseek(fa, lp, 0);
  86                 *out = (char *)malloc(llen + 1);
  87                 if (*out == NULL) {
  88                         return (0);
  89                 }
  90                 (void) fread(*out, 1, llen, fa);
  91                 *(*out + llen) = 0;
  92         }
  93         return (llen);
  94 }