1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  *      db_mindex_c.x
  23  *
  24  * Copyright 2015 Gary Mills
  25  * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  26  * Use is subject to license terms.
  27  */
  29 #if RPC_XDR
  30 %#include "ldap_xdr.h"
  31 %#include "nis_clnt.h"
  32 #endif /* RPC_XDR */
  34 #if RPC_HDR
  35 %#ifndef _DB_MINDEX_H
  36 %#define _DB_MINDEX_H
  38 #ifdef USINGC
  39 %#include "db_vers_c.h"
  40 %#include "db_table_c.h"
  41 %#include "db_index_entry_c.h"
  42 %#include "db_index_c.h"
  43 %#include "db_scheme_c.h"
  44 %#include "db_query_c.h"
  45 #else
  46 %#include "db_vers.h"
  47 %#include "db_table.h"
  48 %#include "db_index_entry.h"
  49 %#include "db_index.h"
  50 %#include "db_scheme.h"
  51 %#include "db_query.h"
  52 #endif /* USINGC */
  53 %#include "ldap_parse.h"
  54 %#include "nisdb_rw.h"
  55 %#include "ldap_xdr.h"
  56 #endif /* RPC_HDR */
  58 #if RPC_HDR
  59 %struct db_next_index_desc {
  60 %  entryp location;
  61 %  struct db_next_index_desc *next;
  63 #ifndef USINGC  
  64 %  db_next_index_desc( entryp loc, struct db_next_index_desc *n )
  65 %    { location = loc; next = n; }
  66 #endif /* USINGC */
  68 %};
  69 #endif /* RPC_HDR */
  72 #if RPC_HDR || RPC_XDR
  73 #ifdef USINGC
  75 struct db_mindex {
  76   vers rversion;
  77   db_index indices<>;                /* indices[num_indices] */
  78   db_table *table;
  79   db_scheme *scheme;
  80   __nisdb_ptr_t objPath;
  81   __nisdb_flag_t noWriteThrough;
  82   __nisdb_flag_t noLDAPquery;
  83   __nisdb_flag_t initialLoad;
  84   __nisdb_ptr_t dbptr;
  85   __nisdb_rwlock_t mindex_rwlock;
  86 };
  87 typedef struct db_mindex  * db_mindex_p;
  89 typedef string  strP<>;
  91 struct xdr_nis_object_s {
  92         int             xversion;
  93         nis_object      *obj;
  94         strP            dirEntry<>;
  95 };
  96 typedef struct xdr_nis_object_s xdr_nis_object_t;
  98 #endif /* USINGC */
  99 #endif /* RPC_HDR */
 101 #ifndef USINGC
 102 #ifdef RPC_HDR
 103 %
 104 %struct xdr_nis_object_s {
 105 %       int                             version;
 106 %       nis_object                      *obj;
 107 %       struct {
 108 %               uint_t  dirEntry_len;
 109 %               char    **dirEntry_val;
 110 %       }                               dirEntry;
 111 %};
 112 %typedef struct xdr_nis_object_s        xdr_nis_object_t;
 113 %
 114 %class db_mindex {
 115 %  vers rversion;
 116 %//  int num_indices;
 117 %//  db_index * indices;                /* indices[num_indices] */
 118 %  struct {
 119 %   int indices_len;
 120 %   db_index *indices_val;
 121 %  } indices;
 122 %  db_table *table;
 123 %  db_scheme *scheme;
 124 %  __nisdb_ptr_t objPath;
 125 %  __nisdb_flag_t noWriteThrough;
 126 %  __nisdb_flag_t noLDAPquery;
 127 %  __nisdb_flag_t initialLoad;
 128 %  __nisdb_ptr_t dbptr;
 129 %  STRUCTRWLOCK(mindex);
 130 %
 131 %/* Return a list of index_entries that satsify the given query 'q'.
 132 %   Return the size of the list in 'count'. Return NULL if list is empty.
 133 %   Return in 'valid' FALSE if query is not well formed. */
 134 %  db_index_entry_p satisfy_query(db_query *, long *, bool_t *valid,
 135 %                                       bool_t fromLDAP = FALSE);
 136 %  db_index_entry_p satisfy_query(db_query *, long *, bool_t *valid = NULL);
 137 %
 138 %/* Returns a newly db_query containing the index values as
 139 %   obtained from the given object.  The object itself, 
 140 %   along with information on the scheme given, will determine 
 141 %   which values are extracted from the object and placed into the query.
 142 %   Returns an empty query if 'obj' is not a valid entry.
 143 %   Note that space is allocated for the query and the index values 
 144 %   (i.e. do not share pointers with strings in 'obj'.) */
 145 %  db_query * extract_index_values_from_object( entry_object * ); 
 146 %
 147 %/* Returns a newly created db_query structure containing the index values
 148 %   as obtained from the record named by 'recnum'.  The record itself, along
 149 %   with information on the schema definition of this table, will determine
 150 %   which values are extracted from the record and placed into the result.
 151 %   Returns NULL if recnum is not a valid entry.
 152 %   Note that space is allocated for the query and the index values 
 153 %   (i.e. do not share pointers with strings in 'obj'.) */
 154 %  db_query * extract_index_values_from_record( entryp );
 155 %
 156 %/* Returns an array of size 'count' of 'entry_object_p's, pointing to
 157 %   copies of entry_objects named by the result list of db_index_entries 'res'.
 158 %*/
 159 %  entry_object_p * prepare_results( int, db_index_entry_p, db_status* );
 160 %
 161 %/* Remove the entry identified by 'recloc' from:
 162 %   1.  all indices, as obtained by extracting the index values from the entry
 163 %   2.  table where entry is stored. */
 164 %  db_status remove_aux( entryp );
 165 %
 166 %/*  entry_object * get_record( entryp );*/
 167 % public:
 168 %
 169 %/* Constructor:  Create empty table (no scheme, no table or indices). */
 170 %  db_mindex();
 171 %
 172 %/* Constructor:  Create new table using scheme defintion supplied.
 173 %   (Make copy of scheme and keep it with table.) */
 174 %  db_mindex(db_scheme *, char *tablePath);
 175 %
 176 %/* destructor */
 177 %  ~db_mindex();
 178 %
 179 %  db_index_entry_p satisfy_query_dbonly(db_query *, long *,
 180 %                                       bool_t checkExpire,
 181 %                                       bool_t *valid = NULL);
 182 %
 183 %/* Returns whether there table is valid (i.e. has scheme). */
 184 %  bool_t good() { return scheme != NULL && table != NULL; }
 185 %
 186 %/* Change the version of the table to the one given. */
 187 %  void change_version( vers *v ) {  rversion.assign( v );}
 188 %
 189 %/* Return the current version of the table. */
 190 %  vers *get_version()  { return( &rversion ); }
 191 %
 192 %/* Reset contents of tables by: deleting indice entries, table entries */
 193 %  void reset_tables();
 194 %
 195 %/* Reset the table by: deleting all the indices, table of entries, and its
 196 %   scheme. Reset version to 0 */
 197 %  void reset();
 198 %
 199 %/* Initialize table using information from specified file.
 200 %   The table is first 'reset', then the attempt to load from the file
 201 %   is made.  If the load failed, the table is again reset.
 202 %   Therefore, the table will be modified regardless of the success of the 
 203 %   load.  Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. */
 204 %  int load( char * );
 205 %
 206 %/* Initialize table using information given in scheme 'how'.
 207 %   Record the scheme for later use (make copy of it);
 208 %   create the required number of indices; and create table for storing 
 209 %   entries.
 210 %   The 'tablePath' is passed on to db_table in order to obtain the
 211 %   NIS+/LDAP mapping information (if any). */
 212 %  void init( db_scheme *);
 213 %
 214 %/* Write this structure (table, indices, scheme) into the specified file. */
 215 %  int dump( char *);
 216 %
 217 %/* Removes the entry in the table named by given query 'q'.
 218 %   If a NULL query is supplied, all entries in table are removed.
 219 %   Returns DB_NOTFOUND if no entry is found.
 220 %   Returns DB_SUCCESS if one entry is found; this entry is removed from
 221 %   its record storage, and it is also removed from all the indices of the
 222 %   table. If more than one entry satisfying 'q' is found, all are removed. */
 223 %  db_status remove( db_query *);
 224 %
 225 %/* Add copy of given entry to table.  Entry is identified by query 'q'.
 226 %   The entry (if any) satisfying the query is first deleted, then
 227 %   added to the indices (using index values extracted form the given entry)
 228 %   and the table.
 229 %   Returns DB_NOTUNIQUE if more than one entry satisfies the query.
 230 %   Returns DB_NOTFOUND if query is not well-formed.
 231 %   Returns DB_SUCCESS if entry can be added.  */
 232 %  db_status add( db_query *, entry_object* );
 233 %
 234 %
 235 %/* Finds entry that satisfy the query 'q'.  Returns the answer by
 236 %   setting the pointer 'rp' to point to the list of answers.
 237 %   Note that the answers are pointers to copies of the entries.
 238 %   Returns the number of answers find in 'count'.  
 239 %   Returns DB_SUCCESS if search found at least one answer; 
 240 %   returns DB_NOTFOUND if none is found. */
 241 %  db_status lookup( db_query *, long *, entry_object_p ** );
 242 %
 243 %/* Returns the next entry in the table after 'previous' by setting 'answer' to
 244 %   point to a copy of the entry_object.  Returns DB_SUCCESS if 'previous' 
 245 %   is valid and next entry is found; DB_NOTFOUND otherwise.  Sets 'where' 
 246 %   to location of where entry is found for input as subsequent 'next' 
 247 %   operation. */
 248 %  db_status next( entryp, entryp *, entry_object ** );
 249 %
 250 %/* Returns the next entry in the table after 'previous' by setting 'answer' to
 251 %   point to a copy of the entry_object.  Returns DB_SUCCESS if 'previous' 
 252 %   is valid and next entry is found; DB_NOTFOUND otherwise.  Sets 'where' 
 253 %   to location of where entry is found for input as subsequent 'next' 
 254 %   operation. */
 255 %  db_status next( db_next_index_desc*, db_next_index_desc **, entry_object ** );
 256 %
 257 %/* Returns the first entry found in the table by setting 'answer' to
 258 %   a copy of the entry_object.  Returns DB_SUCCESS if found; 
 259 %   DB_NOTFOUND otherwise.  */
 260 %  db_status first( entryp*, entry_object ** );
 261 %
 262 %/* Returns the first entry that satisfies query by setting 'answer' to
 263 %   a copy of the entry_object.  Returns DB_SUCCESS if found; 
 264 %   DB_NOTFOUND otherwise.  */
 265 %  db_status first( db_query *, db_next_index_desc **, entry_object ** );
 266 %
 267 % /* Delete the given list of results; used when no longer interested in 
 268 %    the results of the first/next query that returned this list.     */
 269 %  db_status reset_next( db_next_index_desc *orig );
 270 %
 271 %/* Return all entries within table.  Returns the answer by
 272 %   setting the pointer 'rp' to point to the list of answers.
 273 %   Note that the answers are pointers to copies of the entries.
 274 %   Returns the number of answers find in 'count'.  
 275 %   Returns DB_SUCCESS if search found at least one answer; 
 276 %   returns DB_NOTFOUND if none is found. */
 277 %  db_status all( long *, entry_object_p ** );
 278 %
 279 %  /* for debugging */
 280 %/* Prints statistics of the table.  This includes the size of the table,
 281 %   the number of entries, and the index sizes. */
 282 %  void print_stats();
 283 %
 284 %/* Prints statistics about all indices of table. */
 285 %  void print_all_indices();
 286 %
 287 %
 288 %/* Prints statistics about indices identified by 'n'. */
 289 %  void print_index( int n );
 290 %
 291 %/* Configure LDAP mapping */
 292 %  bool_t configure (char *objName);
 293 %
 294 %/* Mark this instance deferred */
 295 %  void markDeferred(void) {
 296 %       if (table != NULL) table->markDeferred();
 297 %  }
 298 %/* Remove deferred mark */
 299 %  void unmarkDeferred(void) {
 300 %       if (table != NULL) table->unmarkDeferred();
 301 %  }
 302 %
 303 %/* Retrieve, remove, or store data from/in/to LDAP */
 304 %  int queryLDAP(db_query *, char *, int);
 305 %  int entriesFromLDAP(__nis_table_mapping_t *, db_query *, db_query *,
 306 %                       char *, nis_object *, int);
 307 %
 308 %  int removeLDAP(db_query *, nis_object *o);
 309 %
 310 %  int storeObjLDAP(__nis_table_mapping_t *t, nis_object *o);
 311 %  int storeLDAP(db_query *, entry_obj *, nis_object *, entry_obj *,
 312 %               char *dbId);
 313 %
 314 %/* Set/clear no-write-through flag */
 315 %  void setNoWriteThrough(void);
 316 %  void clearNoWriteThrough(void);
 317 %
 318 %/* Set/clear no-LDAP-query flag */
 319 %  void setNoLDAPquery(void);
 320 %  void clearNoLDAPquery(void);
 321 %
 322 %/* Set/clear initialLoad flag */
 323 %  void setInitialLoad(void);
 324 %  void clearInitialLoad(void);
 325 %
 326 %/* Store/retrieve pointer to parent 'db' class instance */
 327 %  void setDbPtr(void *ptr);
 328 %  void *getDbPtr(void);
 329 %
 330 %/* Get pointer to private 'table' field */
 331 %  db_table *getTable(void);
 332 %
 333 %/*
 334 % * Update table entry per the (entry_object *). If 'replace' is set,
 335 % * the entry is replaced or added; otherwise, it is removed.
 336 % */
 337 %  int updateTableEntry(entry_object *e, int replace, char *tableName,
 338 %                       nis_object *obj, nis_object *tobj, uint32_t ttime,
 339 %                       int *xid);
 340 %
 341 %/* Touch the indicated entry */
 342 %  bool_t touchEntry(entry_object *e);
 343 %  bool_t touchEntry(db_query *q);
 344 %
 345 %/* Return the 'scheme' pointer */
 346 %  db_scheme *getScheme(void) {return (scheme);}
 347 %
 348 %/* RW lock functions */
 349 %
 350 %  int tryacqexcl(void) {
 351 %       return (TRYWLOCK(mindex));
 352 %  }
 353 %
 354 %  int acqexcl(void) {
 355 %       return (WLOCK(mindex));
 356 %  }
 357 %
 358 %  int relexcl(void) {
 359 %       return (WULOCK(mindex));
 360 %  }
 361 %
 362 %  int acqnonexcl(void) {
 363 %       return (RLOCK(mindex));
 364 %  }
 365 %
 366 %  int relnonexcl(void) {
 367 %       return (RULOCK(mindex));
 368 %  }
 369 %};
 370 %#ifdef __cplusplus
 371 %extern "C" bool_t xdr_db_mindex(XDR*, db_mindex*);
 372 %#elif __STDC__
 373 %extern bool_t xdr_db_mindex(XDR*, db_mindex*);
 374 %#endif
 375 %typedef class db_mindex * db_mindex_p;
 376 #endif /* RPC_HDR */
 377 #endif /* USINGC */
 379 #if RPC_HDR
 380 %#endif /* _DB_MINDEX_H */
 381 #endif /* RPC_HDR */