1 This directory contains a .Net wrapper class library for the ZLib1.dll
   3 The wrapper includes support for inflating/deflating memory buffers,
   4 .Net streaming wrappers for the gz streams part of zlib, and wrappers
   5 for the checksum parts of zlib. See DotZLib/UnitTests.cs for examples.
   7 Directory structure:
   8 --------------------
  10 LICENSE_1_0.txt       - License file.
  11 readme.txt            - This file.
  12 DotZLib.chm           - Class library documentation
  13 DotZLib.build         - NAnt build file
  14 DotZLib.sln           - Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 solution file
  16 DotZLib\*.cs          - Source files for the class library
  18 Unit tests:
  19 -----------
  20 The file DotZLib/UnitTests.cs contains unit tests for use with NUnit 2.1 or higher.
  21 To include unit tests in the build, define nunit before building.
  24 Build instructions:
  25 -------------------
  27 1. Using Visual Studio.Net 2003:
  28    Open DotZLib.sln in VS.Net and build from there. Output file (DotZLib.dll)
  29    will be found ./DotZLib/bin/release or ./DotZLib/bin/debug, depending on
  30    you are building the release or debug version of the library. Check
  31    DotZLib/UnitTests.cs for instructions on how to include unit tests in the
  32    build.
  34 2. Using NAnt:
  35    Open a command prompt with access to the build environment and run nant
  36    in the same directory as the DotZLib.build file.
  37    You can define 2 properties on the nant command-line to control the build:
  38    debug={true|false} to toggle between release/debug builds (default=true).
  39    nunit={true|false} to include or esclude unit tests (default=true).
  40    Also the target clean will remove binaries.
  41    Output file (DotZLib.dll) will be found in either ./DotZLib/bin/release
  42    or ./DotZLib/bin/debug, depending on whether you are building the release
  43    or debug version of the library.
  45    Examples:
  46      nant -D:debug=false -D:nunit=false
  47        will build a release mode version of the library without unit tests.
  48      nant
  49        will build a debug version of the library with unit tests
  50      nant clean
  51        will remove all previously built files.
  54 ---------------------------------
  55 Copyright (c) Henrik Ravn 2004
  57 Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  58 (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)