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2989 Eliminate use of LOGNAME_MAX in ON
1166 useradd have warning with name more 8 chars
   1 '\" te

   2 .\" Copyright (c) 2004, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   3 .\" Copyright 1989 AT&T
   4 .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   5 .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
   6 .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
   7 .TH PASSWD 4 "Jul 28, 2004"
   8 .SH NAME
   9 passwd \- password file
  11 .LP
  12 .nf
  13 \fB/etc/passwd\fR
  14 .fi
  17 .sp
  18 .LP
  19 The file \fB/etc/passwd\fR is a local source of information about users'
  20 accounts. The password file can be used in conjunction with other naming
  21 sources, such as the \fBNIS\fR maps \fBpasswd.byname\fR and \fBpasswd.bygid\fR,
  22 data from the \fBNIS+\fR \fBpasswd\fR table, or password data stored on an LDAP
  23 server. Programs use the \fBgetpwnam\fR(3C) routines to access this
  24 information.
  25 .sp
  26 .LP
  27 Each \fBpasswd\fR entry is a single line of the form:

  30 .nf
  31 \fIusername\fR\fB:\fR\fIpassword\fR\fB:\fR\fIuid\fR\fB:\fR
  32 \fIgid\fR\fB:\fR\fIgcos-field\fR\fB:\fR\fIhome-dir\fR\fB:\fR
  33 \fIlogin-shell\fR
  34 .fi
  35 .in -2
  36 .sp
  38 .sp
  39 .LP
  40 where
  41 .sp
  42 .ne 2
  43 .na
  44 \fB\fIusername\fR\fR
  45 .ad
  46 .RS 15n
  47 is the user's login name.
  48 .sp
  49 The login (\fBlogin\fR) and role (\fBrole\fR) fields accept a string of no more
  50 than eight bytes consisting of characters from the set of alphabetic
  51 characters, numeric characters, period (\fB\&.\fR), underscore (\fB_\fR), and
  52 hyphen (\fB-\fR). The first character should be alphabetic and the field should
  53 contain at least one lower case alphabetic character. A warning message is
  54 displayed if these restrictions are not met.
  55 .sp
  56 The \fBlogin\fR and \fBrole\fR fields must contain at least one character and
  57 must not contain a colon (\fB:\fR) or a newline (\fB\en\fR).
  58 .RE
  60 .sp
  61 .ne 2
  62 .na
  63 \fB\fIpassword\fR\fR
  64 .ad
  65 .RS 15n
  66 is an empty field. The encrypted password for the user is in the corresponding
  67 entry in the \fB/etc/shadow\fR file. \fBpwconv\fR(1M) relies on a special value
  68 of '\fBx\fR' in the password field of \fB/etc/passwd\fR. If this value
  69 of '\fBx\fR' exists in the password field of \fB/etc/passwd\fR, this indicates
  70 that the password for the user is already in \fB/etc/shadow\fR and should not

   1 '\" te
   2 .\" Copyright (c) 2013 Gary Mills
   3 .\" Copyright (c) 2004, Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
   4 .\" Copyright 1989 AT&T
   5 .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   6 .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
   7 .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.  If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
   8 .TH PASSWD 4 "Apr 16, 2013"
   9 .SH NAME
  10 passwd \- password file
  12 .LP
  13 .nf
  14 \fB/etc/passwd\fR
  15 .fi
  18 .sp
  19 .LP
  20 The file \fB/etc/passwd\fR is a local source of information about users'
  21 accounts. The password file can be used in conjunction with other naming
  22 sources, such as the \fBNIS\fR maps \fBpasswd.byname\fR and \fBpasswd.bygid\fR,
  23 data from the \fBNIS+\fR \fBpasswd\fR table, or password data stored on an LDAP
  24 server. Programs use the \fBgetpwnam\fR(3C) routines to access this
  25 information.
  26 .sp
  27 .LP
  28 Each \fBpasswd\fR entry is a single line of the form:

  31 .nf
  32 \fIusername\fR\fB:\fR\fIpassword\fR\fB:\fR\fIuid\fR\fB:\fR
  33 \fIgid\fR\fB:\fR\fIgcos-field\fR\fB:\fR\fIhome-dir\fR\fB:\fR
  34 \fIlogin-shell\fR
  35 .fi
  36 .in -2
  37 .sp
  39 .sp
  40 .LP
  41 where
  42 .sp
  43 .ne 2
  44 .na
  45 \fB\fIusername\fR\fR
  46 .ad
  47 .RS 15n
  48 is the user's login name.
  49 .sp
  50 The login (\fBlogin\fR) and role (\fBrole\fR) fields accept a string of no more
  51 than 32 bytes consisting of characters from the set of alphabetic
  52 characters, numeric characters, period (\fB\&.\fR), underscore (\fB_\fR), and
  53 hyphen (\fB-\fR). The first character should be alphabetic and the field should
  54 contain at least one lower case alphabetic character. A warning message is
  55 displayed if these restrictions are not met.
  56 .sp
  57 The \fBlogin\fR and \fBrole\fR fields must contain at least one character and
  58 must not contain a colon (\fB:\fR) or a newline (\fB\en\fR).
  59 .RE
  61 .sp
  62 .ne 2
  63 .na
  64 \fB\fIpassword\fR\fR
  65 .ad
  66 .RS 15n
  67 is an empty field. The encrypted password for the user is in the corresponding
  68 entry in the \fB/etc/shadow\fR file. \fBpwconv\fR(1M) relies on a special value
  69 of '\fBx\fR' in the password field of \fB/etc/passwd\fR. If this value
  70 of '\fBx\fR' exists in the password field of \fB/etc/passwd\fR, this indicates
  71 that the password for the user is already in \fB/etc/shadow\fR and should not