Print this page
2849 uptime should use locale settings for current time

  60 #include <utmpx.h>
  61 #include <sys/utsname.h>
  62 #include <sys/stat.h>
  63 #include <sys/mkdev.h>
  64 #include <dirent.h>
  65 #include <procfs.h>               /* /proc header file */
  66 #include <sys/wait.h>
  67 #include <locale.h>
  68 #include <unistd.h>
  69 #include <limits.h>
  70 #include <priv_utils.h>
  72 /*
  73  * Use the full lengths from utmpx for user and line.
  74  */
  75 #define NMAX    (sizeof (((struct utmpx *)0)->ut_user))
  76 #define LMAX    (sizeof (((struct utmpx *)0)->ut_line))
  78 /* Print minimum field widths. */
  79 #define LOGIN_WIDTH     8
  80 #define LINE_WIDTH      12
  82 #define DIV60(t)        ((t+30)/60)    /* x/60 rounded */
  84 #ifdef ERR
  85 #undef ERR
  86 #endif
  87 #define ERR             (-1)
  89 #define DEVNAMELEN      14
  90 #define HSIZE           256             /* size of process hash table */
  91 #define PROCDIR         "/proc"
  92 #define INITPROCESS     (pid_t)1        /* init process pid */
  93 #define NONE            'n'             /* no state */
  94 #define RUNNING         'r'             /* runnable process */
  95 #define ZOMBIE          'z'             /* zombie process */
  96 #define VISITED         'v'             /* marked node as visited */
  98 static int      ndevs;                  /* number of configured devices */
  99 static int      maxdev;                 /* slots for configured devices */
 100 #define DNINCR  100

 116                         *p_sibling,     /* sibling pointer */
 117                         *p_pgrplink,    /* pgrp link */
 118                         *p_link;        /* hash table chain pointer */
 119 };
 121 /*
 122  *      define  hash table for struct uproc
 123  *      Hash function uses process id
 124  *      and the size of the hash table(HSIZE)
 125  *      to determine process index into the table.
 126  */
 127 static struct uproc     pr_htbl[HSIZE];
 129 static struct   uproc   *findhash(pid_t);
 130 static time_t   findidle(char *);
 131 static void     clnarglist(char *);
 132 static void     showproc(struct uproc *);
 133 static void     showtotals(struct uproc *);
 134 static void     calctotals(struct uproc *);
 135 static char     *getty(dev_t);
 136 static void     prttime(time_t, char *);
 137 static void     prtat(time_t *);
 138 static void     checkampm(char *);
 140 static char     *prog;
 141 static int      header = 1;     /* true if -h flag: don't print heading */
 142 static int      lflag = 0;      /* true if -l flag: w command format */
 143 static char     *sel_user;      /* login of particular user selected */
 144 static time_t   now;            /* current time of day */
 145 static time_t   uptime;         /* time of last reboot & elapsed time since */
 146 static int      nusers;         /* number of users logged in now */
 147 static time_t   idle;           /* number of minutes user is idle */
 148 static time_t   jobtime;        /* total cpu time visible */
 149 static char     doing[520];     /* process attached to terminal */
 150 static time_t   proctime;       /* cpu time of process in doing */
 151 static int      empty;
 152 static pid_t    curpid;
 155 #define ACTSIZE SIGQUIT
 156 #else
 157 #define ACTSIZE SIGINT
 158 #endif

 266                                 } else if (ut->ut_type == BOOT_TIME) {
 267                                         uptime = now - ut->ut_xtime;
 268                                         uptime += 30;
 269                                         days = uptime / (60*60*24);
 270                                         uptime %= (60*60*24);
 271                                         hrs = uptime / (60*60);
 272                                         uptime %= (60*60);
 273                                         mins = uptime / 60;
 275                                         (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL,
 276                                             "  up %d day(s), %d hr(s), "
 277                                             "%d min(s)", LC_TIME),
 278                                             days, hrs, mins);
 279                                 }
 280                         }
 282                         ut = utmpbegin; /* rewind utmp data */
 283                         (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL,
 284                             "  %d user(s)\n", LC_TIME), nusers);
 285                         (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL, "User     tty           "
 286                             "login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what\n", LC_TIME));

 287                 } else {        /* standard whodo header */
 288                         char date_buf[100];
 290                         /*
 291                          * print current time and date
 292                          */
 293                         (void) strftime(date_buf, sizeof (date_buf),
 294                             dcgettext(NULL, "%C", LC_TIME), localtime(&now));
 295                         (void) printf("%s\n", date_buf);
 297                         /*
 298                          * print system name
 299                          */
 300                         (void) uname(&uts);
 301                         (void) printf("%s\n", uts.nodename);
 302                 }
 303         }
 305         /*
 306          * loop through /proc, reading info about each process
 307          * and build the parent/child tree
 308          */
 309         if (!(dirp = opendir(PROCDIR))) {
 310                 (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: could not open %s: %s\n"),
 311                     prog, PROCDIR, strerror(errno));
 312                 exit(1);
 313         }

 457         (void) closedir(dirp);
 458         (void) time(&now);  /* get current time */
 460         /*
 461          * loop through utmpx file, printing process info
 462          * about each logged in user
 463          */
 464         for (ut = utmpbegin; ut < utmpend; ut++) {
 465                 time_t tim;
 467                 if (ut->ut_type != USER_PROCESS)
 468                         continue;
 469                 if (sel_user && strncmp(ut->ut_name, sel_user, NMAX) != 0)
 470                         continue;       /* we're looking for somebody else */
 471                 if (lflag) {    /* -l flag format (w command) */
 472                         /* print login name of the user */
 473                         (void) printf("%-*.*s ", LOGIN_WIDTH, (int)NMAX,
 474                             ut->ut_name);
 476                         /* print tty user is on */
 477                         (void) printf("%-*.*s", LINE_WIDTH, (int)LMAX,
 478                             ut->ut_line);
 480                         /* print when the user logged in */
 481                         tim = ut->ut_xtime;
 482                         (void) prtat(&tim);
 484                         /* print idle time */
 485                         idle = findidle(ut->ut_line);
 486                         if (idle >= 36 * 60)
 487                                 (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL, "%2ddays ",
 488                                     LC_TIME), (idle + 12 * 60) / (24 * 60));
 489                         else
 490                                 prttime(idle, " ");
 491                         showtotals(findhash((pid_t)ut->ut_pid));
 492                 } else {        /* standard whodo format */
 493                         tim = ut->ut_xtime;
 494                         tm = localtime(&tim);
 495                         (void) printf("\n%-*.*s %-*.*s %2.1d:%2.2d\n",
 496                             LINE_WIDTH, (int)LMAX, ut->ut_line,
 497                             LOGIN_WIDTH, (int)NMAX, ut->ut_name, tm->tm_hour,
 498                             tm->tm_min);
 499                         showproc(findhash((pid_t)ut->ut_pid));
 500                 }
 501         }
 503         return (0);
 504 }
 506 /*
 507  * Used for standard whodo format.
 508  * This is the recursive routine descending the process
 509  * tree starting from the given process pointer(up).
 510  * It used depth-first search strategy and also marked

 547 /*
 548  * Used for -l flag (w command) format.
 549  * Prints the CPU time for all processes & children,
 550  * and the cpu time for interesting process,
 551  * and what the user is doing.
 552  */
 553 static void
 554 showtotals(struct uproc *up)
 555 {
 556         jobtime = 0;
 557         proctime = 0;
 558         empty = 1;
 559         curpid = -1;
 560         (void) strcpy(doing, "-"); /* default act: normally never prints */
 561         calctotals(up);
 563         /* print CPU time for all processes & children */
 564         /* and need to convert clock ticks to seconds first */
 565         prttime((time_t)jobtime, " ");
 567         /* print cpu time for interesting process */
 568         /* and need to convert clock ticks to seconds first */
 569         prttime((time_t)proctime, " ");
 571         /* what user is doing, current process */
 572         (void) printf(" %-.32s\n", doing);
 573 }
 575 /*
 576  *  Used for -l flag (w command) format.
 577  *  This recursive routine descends the process
 578  *  tree starting from the given process pointer(up).
 579  *  It used depth-first search strategy and also marked
 580  *  each node as visited as it traversed down the tree.
 581  *  It calculates the process time for all processes &
 582  *  children.  It also finds the "interesting" process
 583  *  and determines its cpu time and command.
 584  */
 585 static void
 586 calctotals(struct uproc *up)
 587 {
 588         struct uproc    *zp;
 590         if (up->p_state == VISITED)
 591                 return;
 592         up->p_state = VISITED;

 721         tp = malloc(sizeof (*tp));              /* add new node */
 722         if (!tp) {
 723                 (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: out of memory!: %s\n"),
 724                     prog, strerror(errno));
 725                 exit(1);
 726         }
 727         (void) memset((char *)tp, 0, sizeof (*tp));
 728         tp->p_upid = pid;
 729         tp->p_state = NONE;
 730         tp->p_child = tp->p_sibling = tp->p_pgrplink = (pid_t)0;
 731         tp->p_link = up->p_link;          /* insert after head */
 732         up->p_link = tp;
 733         return (tp);
 734 }
 736 #define HR      (60 * 60)
 737 #define DAY     (24 * HR)
 738 #define MON     (30 * DAY)
 740 /*
 741  * prints a time in hours and minutes or minutes and seconds.
 742  * The character string 'tail' is printed at the end, obvious
 743  * strings to pass are "", " ", or "am".
 744  */
 745 static void
 746 prttime(time_t tim, char *tail)
 747 {
 748         if (tim >= 60)
 749                 (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL, "%3d:%02d", LC_TIME),
 750                     (int)tim/60, (int)tim%60);
 751         else if (tim > 0)
 752                 (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL, "    %2d", LC_TIME), (int)tim);
 753         else
 754                 (void) printf("      ");
 755         (void) printf("%s", tail);

 756 }
 759 /*
 760  * prints a 12 hour time given a pointer to a time of day
 761  */
 762 static void
 763 prtat(time_t *time)
 764 {
 765         struct tm *p;
 767         p = localtime(time);
 768         if (now - *time <= 18 * HR) {
 769                 char timestr[50];

 770                 (void) strftime(timestr, sizeof (timestr),
 771                     dcgettext(NULL, " %l:%M""%p", LC_TIME), p);
 772                 checkampm(timestr);
 773                 (void) printf("%s", timestr);
 774         } else if (now - *time <= 7 * DAY) {
 775                 char weekdaytime[20];
 777                 (void) strftime(weekdaytime, sizeof (weekdaytime),
 778                     dcgettext(NULL, "%a%l%p", LC_TIME), p);
 779                 checkampm(weekdaytime);
 780                 (void) printf(" %s", weekdaytime);
 781         } else {
 782                 char monthtime[20];
 784                 (void) strftime(monthtime, sizeof (monthtime),
 785                     dcgettext(NULL, "%e%b%y", LC_TIME), p);
 786                 (void) printf(" %s", monthtime);
 787         }
 788 }
 790 /*
 791  * find & return number of minutes current tty has been idle
 792  */
 793 static time_t
 794 findidle(char *devname)
 795 {
 796         struct stat stbuf;
 797         time_t lastaction, diff;
 798         char ttyname[64];
 800         (void) strcpy(ttyname, "/dev/");
 801         (void) strcat(ttyname, devname);
 802         if (stat(ttyname, &stbuf) != -1) {
 803                 lastaction = stbuf.st_atime;
 804                 diff = now - lastaction;
 805                 diff = DIV60(diff);
 806                 if (diff < 0)

 813 /*
 814  * given a pointer to the argument string clean out unsavory characters.
 815  */
 816 static void
 817 clnarglist(char *arglist)
 818 {
 819         char    *c;
 820         int     err = 0;
 822         /* get rid of unsavory characters */
 823         for (c = arglist; *c == NULL; c++) {
 824                 if ((*c < ' ') || (*c > 0176)) {
 825                         if (err++ > 5) {
 826                                 *arglist = NULL;
 827                                 break;
 828                         }
 829                         *c = '?';
 830                 }
 831         }
 832 }
 834 /* replaces all occurences of AM/PM with am/pm */
 835 static void
 836 checkampm(char *str)
 837 {
 838         char *ampm;
 839         while ((ampm = strstr(str, "AM")) != NULL ||
 840             (ampm = strstr(str, "PM")) != NULL) {
 841                 *ampm = tolower(*ampm);
 842                 *(ampm+1) = tolower(*(ampm+1));
 843         }
 844 }

  60 #include <utmpx.h>
  61 #include <sys/utsname.h>
  62 #include <sys/stat.h>
  63 #include <sys/mkdev.h>
  64 #include <dirent.h>
  65 #include <procfs.h>               /* /proc header file */
  66 #include <sys/wait.h>
  67 #include <locale.h>
  68 #include <unistd.h>
  69 #include <limits.h>
  70 #include <priv_utils.h>
  72 /*
  73  * Use the full lengths from utmpx for user and line.
  74  */
  75 #define NMAX    (sizeof (((struct utmpx *)0)->ut_user))
  76 #define LMAX    (sizeof (((struct utmpx *)0)->ut_line))
  78 /* Print minimum field widths. */
  79 #define LOGIN_WIDTH     8
  80 #define LINE_WIDTH      8
  82 #define DIV60(t)        ((t+30)/60)    /* x/60 rounded */
  84 #ifdef ERR
  85 #undef ERR
  86 #endif
  87 #define ERR             (-1)
  89 #define DEVNAMELEN      14
  90 #define HSIZE           256             /* size of process hash table */
  91 #define PROCDIR         "/proc"
  92 #define INITPROCESS     (pid_t)1        /* init process pid */
  93 #define NONE            'n'             /* no state */
  94 #define RUNNING         'r'             /* runnable process */
  95 #define ZOMBIE          'z'             /* zombie process */
  96 #define VISITED         'v'             /* marked node as visited */
  98 static int      ndevs;                  /* number of configured devices */
  99 static int      maxdev;                 /* slots for configured devices */
 100 #define DNINCR  100

 116                         *p_sibling,     /* sibling pointer */
 117                         *p_pgrplink,    /* pgrp link */
 118                         *p_link;        /* hash table chain pointer */
 119 };
 121 /*
 122  *      define  hash table for struct uproc
 123  *      Hash function uses process id
 124  *      and the size of the hash table(HSIZE)
 125  *      to determine process index into the table.
 126  */
 127 static struct uproc     pr_htbl[HSIZE];
 129 static struct   uproc   *findhash(pid_t);
 130 static time_t   findidle(char *);
 131 static void     clnarglist(char *);
 132 static void     showproc(struct uproc *);
 133 static void     showtotals(struct uproc *);
 134 static void     calctotals(struct uproc *);
 135 static char     *getty(dev_t);
 136 static void     prttime(time_t, int);
 137 static void     prtat(time_t *);

 139 static char     *prog;
 140 static int      header = 1;     /* true if -h flag: don't print heading */
 141 static int      lflag = 0;      /* true if -l flag: w command format */
 142 static char     *sel_user;      /* login of particular user selected */
 143 static time_t   now;            /* current time of day */
 144 static time_t   uptime;         /* time of last reboot & elapsed time since */
 145 static int      nusers;         /* number of users logged in now */
 146 static time_t   idle;           /* number of minutes user is idle */
 147 static time_t   jobtime;        /* total cpu time visible */
 148 static char     doing[520];     /* process attached to terminal */
 149 static time_t   proctime;       /* cpu time of process in doing */
 150 static int      empty;
 151 static pid_t    curpid;
 154 #define ACTSIZE SIGQUIT
 155 #else
 156 #define ACTSIZE SIGINT
 157 #endif

 265                                 } else if (ut->ut_type == BOOT_TIME) {
 266                                         uptime = now - ut->ut_xtime;
 267                                         uptime += 30;
 268                                         days = uptime / (60*60*24);
 269                                         uptime %= (60*60*24);
 270                                         hrs = uptime / (60*60);
 271                                         uptime %= (60*60);
 272                                         mins = uptime / 60;
 274                                         (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL,
 275                                             "  up %d day(s), %d hr(s), "
 276                                             "%d min(s)", LC_TIME),
 277                                             days, hrs, mins);
 278                                 }
 279                         }
 281                         ut = utmpbegin; /* rewind utmp data */
 282                         (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL,
 283                             "  %d user(s)\n", LC_TIME), nusers);
 284                         (void) printf(dcgettext(NULL, "User     tty      "
 285                             "login@      idle    JCPU    PCPU    what\n",
 286                             LC_TIME));
 287                 } else {        /* standard whodo header */
 288                         char date_buf[100];
 290                         /*
 291                          * print current time and date
 292                          */
 293                         (void) strftime(date_buf, sizeof (date_buf),
 294                             "%c", localtime(&now));
 295                         (void) printf("%s\n", date_buf);
 297                         /*
 298                          * print system name
 299                          */
 300                         (void) uname(&uts);
 301                         (void) printf("%s\n", uts.nodename);
 302                 }
 303         }
 305         /*
 306          * loop through /proc, reading info about each process
 307          * and build the parent/child tree
 308          */
 309         if (!(dirp = opendir(PROCDIR))) {
 310                 (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: could not open %s: %s\n"),
 311                     prog, PROCDIR, strerror(errno));
 312                 exit(1);
 313         }

 457         (void) closedir(dirp);
 458         (void) time(&now);  /* get current time */
 460         /*
 461          * loop through utmpx file, printing process info
 462          * about each logged in user
 463          */
 464         for (ut = utmpbegin; ut < utmpend; ut++) {
 465                 time_t tim;
 467                 if (ut->ut_type != USER_PROCESS)
 468                         continue;
 469                 if (sel_user && strncmp(ut->ut_name, sel_user, NMAX) != 0)
 470                         continue;       /* we're looking for somebody else */
 471                 if (lflag) {    /* -l flag format (w command) */
 472                         /* print login name of the user */
 473                         (void) printf("%-*.*s ", LOGIN_WIDTH, (int)NMAX,
 474                             ut->ut_name);
 476                         /* print tty user is on */
 477                         (void) printf("%-*.*s ", LINE_WIDTH, (int)LMAX,
 478                             ut->ut_line);
 480                         /* print when the user logged in */
 481                         tim = ut->ut_xtime;
 482                         (void) prtat(&tim);
 484                         /* print idle time */
 485                         idle = findidle(ut->ut_line);
 486                         prttime(idle, 8);

 487                         showtotals(findhash((pid_t)ut->ut_pid));
 488                 } else {        /* standard whodo format */
 489                         tim = ut->ut_xtime;
 490                         tm = localtime(&tim);
 491                         (void) printf("\n%-*.*s %-*.*s %2.1d:%2.2d\n",
 492                             LINE_WIDTH, (int)LMAX, ut->ut_line,
 493                             LOGIN_WIDTH, (int)NMAX, ut->ut_name, tm->tm_hour,
 494                             tm->tm_min);
 495                         showproc(findhash((pid_t)ut->ut_pid));
 496                 }
 497         }
 499         return (0);
 500 }
 502 /*
 503  * Used for standard whodo format.
 504  * This is the recursive routine descending the process
 505  * tree starting from the given process pointer(up).
 506  * It used depth-first search strategy and also marked

 543 /*
 544  * Used for -l flag (w command) format.
 545  * Prints the CPU time for all processes & children,
 546  * and the cpu time for interesting process,
 547  * and what the user is doing.
 548  */
 549 static void
 550 showtotals(struct uproc *up)
 551 {
 552         jobtime = 0;
 553         proctime = 0;
 554         empty = 1;
 555         curpid = -1;
 556         (void) strcpy(doing, "-"); /* default act: normally never prints */
 557         calctotals(up);
 559         /* print CPU time for all processes & children */
 560         /* and need to convert clock ticks to seconds first */
 561         prttime((time_t)jobtime, 8);
 563         /* print cpu time for interesting process */
 564         /* and need to convert clock ticks to seconds first */
 565         prttime((time_t)proctime, 8);
 567         /* what user is doing, current process */
 568         (void) printf("%-.32s\n", doing);
 569 }
 571 /*
 572  *  Used for -l flag (w command) format.
 573  *  This recursive routine descends the process
 574  *  tree starting from the given process pointer(up).
 575  *  It used depth-first search strategy and also marked
 576  *  each node as visited as it traversed down the tree.
 577  *  It calculates the process time for all processes &
 578  *  children.  It also finds the "interesting" process
 579  *  and determines its cpu time and command.
 580  */
 581 static void
 582 calctotals(struct uproc *up)
 583 {
 584         struct uproc    *zp;
 586         if (up->p_state == VISITED)
 587                 return;
 588         up->p_state = VISITED;

 717         tp = malloc(sizeof (*tp));              /* add new node */
 718         if (!tp) {
 719                 (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: out of memory!: %s\n"),
 720                     prog, strerror(errno));
 721                 exit(1);
 722         }
 723         (void) memset((char *)tp, 0, sizeof (*tp));
 724         tp->p_upid = pid;
 725         tp->p_state = NONE;
 726         tp->p_child = tp->p_sibling = tp->p_pgrplink = (pid_t)0;
 727         tp->p_link = up->p_link;          /* insert after head */
 728         up->p_link = tp;
 729         return (tp);
 730 }
 732 #define HR      (60 * 60)
 733 #define DAY     (24 * HR)
 734 #define MON     (30 * DAY)
 736 /*
 737  * prttime prints a time in days, hours, minutes, or seconds.
 738  * The second argument is the field width.

 739  */
 740 static void
 741 prttime(time_t tim, int width)
 742 {
 743         char value[12];
 744         char *unit;
 746         if (tim >= 36 * HR) {
 747                 (void) snprintf(value, sizeof (value), "%d",
 748                     (tim + (DAY / 2)) / (DAY));
 749                 unit = dcgettext(NULL, "days", LC_TIME);
 750         } else if (tim >= 36 * 60) {
 751                 (void) snprintf(value, sizeof (value), "%d",
 752                     (tim + (HR / 2)) / (HR));
 753                 unit = dcgettext(NULL, "hours", LC_TIME);
 754         } else if (tim >= 60) {
 755                 (void) snprintf(value, sizeof (value), "%d",
 756                     (tim + 30) / 60);
 757                 unit = dcgettext(NULL, "mins", LC_TIME);
 758         } else if (tim > 0) {
 759                 (void) snprintf(value, sizeof (value), "%d", (int)tim);
 760                 unit = dcgettext(NULL, "secs", LC_TIME);
 761         } else {
 762                 (void) strcpy(value, "0");
 763                 unit = " ";
 764         }
 765         width -= 2 + strlen(value);
 766         width = (width > 1) ? width : 1;
 767         printf("%s %-*s ", value, width, unit);
 768 }
 771 /*
 772  * prints a locale-specific time given a pointer to a time of day
 773  */
 774 static void
 775 prtat(time_t *time)
 776 {
 777         struct tm       *p;
 779         p = localtime(time);
 780         if (now - *time <= 18 * HR) {
 781                 char timestr[50];
 783                 (void) strftime(timestr, sizeof (timestr),
 784                     "%X", p);
 785                 printf("%-11s ", timestr);

 786         } else if (now - *time <= 7 * DAY) {
 787                 char weekdaytime[20];
 789                 (void) strftime(weekdaytime, sizeof (weekdaytime),
 790                     "%d %b", p);
 791                 printf("%-11s ", weekdaytime);

 792         } else {
 793                 char monthtime[20];
 795                 (void) strftime(monthtime, sizeof (monthtime),
 796                     "%b %Y", p);
 797                 printf("%-11s ", monthtime);
 798         }
 799 }
 801 /*
 802  * find & return number of minutes current tty has been idle
 803  */
 804 static time_t
 805 findidle(char *devname)
 806 {
 807         struct stat stbuf;
 808         time_t lastaction, diff;
 809         char ttyname[64];
 811         (void) strcpy(ttyname, "/dev/");
 812         (void) strcat(ttyname, devname);
 813         if (stat(ttyname, &stbuf) != -1) {
 814                 lastaction = stbuf.st_atime;
 815                 diff = now - lastaction;
 816                 diff = DIV60(diff);
 817                 if (diff < 0)

 824 /*
 825  * given a pointer to the argument string clean out unsavory characters.
 826  */
 827 static void
 828 clnarglist(char *arglist)
 829 {
 830         char    *c;
 831         int     err = 0;
 833         /* get rid of unsavory characters */
 834         for (c = arglist; *c == NULL; c++) {
 835                 if ((*c < ' ') || (*c > 0176)) {
 836                         if (err++ > 5) {
 837                                 *arglist = NULL;
 838                                 break;
 839                         }
 840                         *c = '?';
 841                 }
 842         }
 843 }