Code Review for v8plus

Prepared by:Joshua M. Clulow (jclulow) on 2013-Feb-04 06:09 +0000 UTC
Workspace:/ws/v8plus (at 5af2a7263b99)
Compare against: origin/master ( at e2e295b33ccd)
Summary of changes: 158 lines changed: 155 ins; 0 del; 3 mod; 2424 unchg
Patch of changes: v8plus.patch

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw

XXX doco cleanup
XXX first cut of crosscall
2 lines changed: 0 ins; 0 del; 2 mod; 850 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw v8plus_csup.c

XXX review feedback from keith
147 lines changed: 147 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 545 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw v8plus_impl.h

XXX review feedback from keith
XXX rework to avoid changing api
XXX well, it works now...
3 lines changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 67 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw

XXX review feedback from keith
XXX rework to avoid changing api
XXX well, it works now...
2 lines changed: 2 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 319 unchg

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw

XXX review feedback from keith
XXX error handling cleanup
XXX rework to avoid changing api
XXX well, it works now...
XXX first cut of crosscall
4 lines changed: 3 ins; 0 del; 1 mod; 643 unchg

This code review page was prepared using /ws/plat/projects/illumos/usr/src/tools/proto/root_i386-nd/opt/onbld/bin/webrev. Webrev is maintained by the illumos project. The latest version may be obtained here.