Code Review for dplat

Prepared by:Joshua M. Clulow (jclulow) on 2013-Mar-06 19:33 +0000 UTC
Workspace:/ws/dplat (at bc0db81cba24)
Compare against: origin/master (git:// at 0eeddf61c46e)
Summary of changes: 8 lines changed: 8 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 146 unchg
Patch of changes: dplat.patch

Cdiffs Udiffs Wdiffs Sdiffs Frames Old New Patch Raw overlay/generic/etc/system

OS-2000 SATA hotplug should have nice things
8 lines changed: 8 ins; 0 del; 0 mod; 146 unchg

This code review page was prepared using /ws/plat/projects/illumos/usr/src/tools/proto/root_i386-nd/opt/onbld/bin/webrev. Webrev is maintained by the illumos project. The latest version may be obtained here.