1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright 2012, Joyent, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23  */
  25 #include <sys/types.h>
  26 #include <sys/param.h>
  27 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
  28 #include <sys/systm.h>
  29 #include <sys/time.h>
  30 #include <sys/vfs.h>
  31 #include <sys/vnode.h>
  32 #include <sys/errno.h>
  33 #include <sys/cmn_err.h>
  34 #include <sys/cred.h>
  35 #include <sys/stat.h>
  36 #include <sys/policy.h>
  37 #include <sys/fs/hyprlofs_info.h>
  39 static int hldir_make_hlnode(hlnode_t *, hlfsmount_t *, vattr_t *, enum de_op,
  40                 vnode_t *, hlnode_t **, cred_t *);
  41 static int hldiraddentry(hlnode_t *, hlnode_t *, char *);
  44 #define HL_HASH_SIZE    8192            /* must be power of 2 */
  45 #define HL_MUTEX_SIZE   64
  47 static hldirent_t       *hl_hashtable[HL_HASH_SIZE];
  48 static kmutex_t          hl_hashmutex[HL_MUTEX_SIZE];
  50 #define HL_HASH_INDEX(a)        ((a) & (HL_HASH_SIZE-1))
  51 #define HL_MUTEX_INDEX(a)       ((a) & (HL_MUTEX_SIZE-1))
  53 #define HYPRLOFS_HASH(tp, name, hash)                           \
  54         {                                                       \
  55                 char Xc, *Xcp;                                  \
  56                 hash = (uint_t)(uintptr_t)(tp) >> 8;              \
  57                 for (Xcp = (name); (Xc = *Xcp) != 0; Xcp++)     \
  58                         hash = (hash << 4) + hash + (uint_t)Xc;   \
  59         }
  61 void
  62 hyprlofs_hash_init(void)
  63 {
  64         int     ix;
  66         for (ix = 0; ix < HL_MUTEX_SIZE; ix++)
  67                 mutex_init(&hl_hashmutex[ix], NULL, MUTEX_DEFAULT, NULL);
  68 }
  70 static void
  71 hyprlofs_hash_in(hldirent_t *h)
  72 {
  73         uint_t          hash;
  74         hldirent_t      **prevpp;
  75         kmutex_t        *hmtx;
  77         HYPRLOFS_HASH(h->hld_parent, h->hld_name, hash);
  78         h->hld_hash = hash;
  79         prevpp = &hl_hashtable[HL_HASH_INDEX(hash)];
  80         hmtx = &hl_hashmutex[HL_MUTEX_INDEX(hash)];
  81         mutex_enter(hmtx);
  82         h->hld_link = *prevpp;
  83         *prevpp = h;
  84         mutex_exit(hmtx);
  85 }
  87 /* Remove hldirent *h from the hash list. */
  88 static void
  89 hyprlofs_hash_out(hldirent_t *h)
  90 {
  91         uint_t          hash;
  92         hldirent_t      **prevpp;
  93         kmutex_t        *hmtx;
  95         hash = h->hld_hash;
  96         prevpp = &hl_hashtable[HL_HASH_INDEX(hash)];
  97         hmtx = &hl_hashmutex[HL_MUTEX_INDEX(hash)];
  98         mutex_enter(hmtx);
  99         while (*prevpp != h)
 100                 prevpp = &(*prevpp)->hld_link;
 101         *prevpp = h->hld_link;
 102         mutex_exit(hmtx);
 103 }
 105 static hldirent_t *
 106 hyprlofs_hash_lookup(char *name, hlnode_t *parent, uint_t hold,
 107     hlnode_t **found)
 108 {
 109         hldirent_t      *l;
 110         uint_t          hash;
 111         kmutex_t        *hmtx;
 112         hlnode_t        *hnp;
 114         HYPRLOFS_HASH(parent, name, hash);
 115         hmtx = &hl_hashmutex[HL_MUTEX_INDEX(hash)];
 116         mutex_enter(hmtx);
 117         l = hl_hashtable[HL_HASH_INDEX(hash)];
 118         while (l) {
 119                 if (l->hld_hash == hash && l->hld_parent == parent &&
 120                     strcmp(l->hld_name, name) == 0) {
 121                         /*
 122                          * Ensure that the hlnode that we put a hold on is the
 123                          * same one that we pass back. Thus the temp. var
 124                          * hnp is necessary.
 125                          */
 126                         hnp = l->hld_hlnode;
 127                         if (hold) {
 128                                 ASSERT(hnp);
 129                                 hlnode_hold(hnp);
 130                         }
 131                         if (found)
 132                                 *found = hnp;
 133                         mutex_exit(hmtx);
 134                         return (l);
 135                 } else {
 136                         l = l->hld_link;
 137                 }
 138         }
 139         mutex_exit(hmtx);
 140         return (NULL);
 141 }
 143 /*
 144  * Search directory 'parent' for entry 'name'.
 145  *
 146  * The calling thread can't hold the write version of the rwlock for the
 147  * directory being searched
 148  *
 149  * On success *foundtp points to the found hlnode with its vnode held.
 150  */
 151 int
 152 hyprlofs_dirlookup(hlnode_t *parent, char *name, hlnode_t **foundtp, cred_t *cr)
 153 {
 154         int error;
 156         *foundtp = NULL;
 157         if (parent->hln_type != VDIR)
 158                 return (ENOTDIR);
 160         if ((error = hyprlofs_taccess(parent, VEXEC, cr)))
 161                 return (error);
 163         if (*name == '\0') {
 164                 hlnode_hold(parent);
 165                 *foundtp = parent;
 166                 return (0);
 167         }
 169         /*
 170          * Search the directory for the matching name. We need the lock
 171          * protecting the hln_dir list so that it doesn't change out from
 172          * underneath us. hyprlofs_hash_lookup() will pass back the hlnode
 173          * with a hold on it.
 174          */
 175         if (hyprlofs_hash_lookup(name, parent, 1, foundtp) != NULL) {
 176                 ASSERT(*foundtp);
 177                 return (0);
 178         }
 180         return (ENOENT);
 181 }
 183 /*
 184  * Enter a directory entry (either a file or subdir, depending on op) for
 185  * 'name' and 'hp' into directory 'dir'
 186  */
 187 int
 188 hyprlofs_direnter(
 189         hlfsmount_t     *hm,
 190         hlnode_t        *dir,           /* target directory to make entry in */
 191         char            *name,          /* name of entry */
 192         enum de_op      op,             /* entry operation */
 193         vnode_t         *realvp,        /* real vnode */
 194         vattr_t         *va,
 195         hlnode_t        **hpp,          /* return hlnode */
 196         cred_t          *cr)
 197 {
 198         hldirent_t *hdp;
 199         hlnode_t *found = NULL;
 200         hlnode_t *hp;
 201         int error = 0;
 202         char *s;
 204         /* hln_rwlock is held to serialize direnter and dirdeletes */
 205         ASSERT(RW_WRITE_HELD(&dir->hln_rwlock));
 206         ASSERT(dir->hln_type == VDIR);
 208         /* Don't allow '/' characters in pathname component */
 209         for (s = name; *s; s++)
 210                 if (*s == '/')
 211                         return (EACCES);
 213         if (name[0] == '\0')
 214                 panic("hyprlofs_direnter: NULL name");
 216         /*
 217          * This might be a "dangling detached directory". It could have been
 218          * removed, but a reference to it kept in u_cwd. Don't bother searching
 219          * it, and with any luck the user will get tired of dealing with us and
 220          * cd to some absolute pathway. This is in ufs, too.
 221          */
 222         if (dir->hln_nlink == 0) {
 223                 return (ENOENT);
 224         }
 226         /* Search for the entry.  Return "found" if it exists. */
 227         hdp = hyprlofs_hash_lookup(name, dir, 1, &found);
 229         if (hdp) {
 230                 ASSERT(found);
 231                 switch (op) {
 232                 case DE_CREATE:
 233                 case DE_MKDIR:
 234                         if (hpp) {
 235                                 *hpp = found;
 236                                 error = EEXIST;
 237                         } else {
 238                                 hlnode_rele(found);
 239                         }
 240                         break;
 241                 }
 242         } else {
 244                 /*
 245                  * The entry does not exist. Check write perms in dir to see if
 246                  * entry can be created.
 247                  */
 248                 if ((error = hyprlofs_taccess(dir, VWRITE, cr)))
 249                         return (error);
 251                 /* Make new hlnode and directory entry as required. */
 252                 if ((error = hldir_make_hlnode(dir, hm, va, op, realvp, &hp,
 253                     cr)))
 254                         return (error);
 256                 if ((error = hldiraddentry(dir, hp, name))) {
 257                         /* Unmake the inode we just made. */
 258                         rw_enter(&hp->hln_rwlock, RW_WRITER);
 259                         if ((hp->hln_type) == VDIR) {
 260                                 ASSERT(hdp == NULL);
 261                                 /* cleanup allocs made by hyprlofs_dirinit() */
 262                                 hyprlofs_dirtrunc(hp);
 263                         }
 264                         mutex_enter(&hp->hln_tlock);
 265                         hp->hln_nlink = 0;
 266                         mutex_exit(&hp->hln_tlock);
 267                         gethrestime(&hp->hln_ctime);
 268                         rw_exit(&hp->hln_rwlock);
 269                         hlnode_rele(hp);
 270                         hp = NULL;
 271                 } else if (hpp) {
 272                         *hpp = hp;
 273                 } else {
 274                         hlnode_rele(hp);
 275                 }
 276         }
 278         return (error);
 279 }
 281 /*
 282  * Delete entry hp of name "nm" from dir. Free dir entry space and decrement
 283  * link count on hlnode(s).
 284  */
 285 int
 286 hyprlofs_dirdelete(hlnode_t *dir, hlnode_t *hp, char *nm, enum dr_op op,
 287     cred_t *cr)
 288 {
 289         hldirent_t *hpdp;
 290         int error;
 291         size_t namelen;
 292         hlnode_t *hnp;
 293         timestruc_t now;
 295         ASSERT(RW_WRITE_HELD(&dir->hln_rwlock));
 296         ASSERT(RW_WRITE_HELD(&hp->hln_rwlock));
 297         ASSERT(dir->hln_type == VDIR);
 299         if (nm[0] == '\0')
 300                 panic("hyprlofs_dirdelete: NULL name for %p", (void *)hp);
 302         /* return error if removing . or .. */
 303         if (nm[0] == '.') {
 304                 if (nm[1] == '\0')
 305                         return (EINVAL);
 306                 if (nm[1] == '.' && nm[2] == '\0')
 307                         return (EEXIST); /* thus in ufs */
 308         }
 310         if (error = hyprlofs_taccess(dir, VEXEC|VWRITE, cr))
 311                 return (error);
 313         if (dir->hln_dir == NULL)
 314                 return (ENOENT);
 316         hpdp = hyprlofs_hash_lookup(nm, dir, 0, &hnp);
 317         if (hpdp == NULL) {
 318                 /*
 319                  * If it is gone, some other thread got here first!
 320                  * Return error ENOENT.
 321                  */
 322                 return (ENOENT);
 323         }
 325         /*
 326          * If the hlnode in the hldirent changed (shouldn't happen since we
 327          * don't support rename) then original is gone, so return that status
 328          * (same as UFS).
 329          */
 330         if (hp != hnp)
 331                 return (ENOENT);
 333         hyprlofs_hash_out(hpdp);
 335         /* Take hpdp out of the directory list. */
 336         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_next != hpdp);
 337         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_prev != hpdp);
 338         if (hpdp->hld_prev) {
 339                 hpdp->hld_prev->hld_next = hpdp->hld_next;
 340         }
 341         if (hpdp->hld_next) {
 342                 hpdp->hld_next->hld_prev = hpdp->hld_prev;
 343         }
 345         /*
 346          * If the roving slot pointer happens to match hpdp, point it at the
 347          * previous dirent.
 348          */
 349         if (dir->hln_dir->hld_prev == hpdp) {
 350                 dir->hln_dir->hld_prev = hpdp->hld_prev;
 351         }
 352         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_next != hpdp);
 353         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_prev != hpdp);
 355         /* hpdp points to the correct directory entry */
 356         namelen = strlen(hpdp->hld_name) + 1;
 358         hyprlofs_memfree(hpdp, sizeof (hldirent_t) + namelen);
 359         dir->hln_size -= (sizeof (hldirent_t) + namelen);
 360         dir->hln_dirents--;
 362         gethrestime(&now);
 363         dir->hln_mtime = now;
 364         dir->hln_ctime = now;
 365         hp->hln_ctime = now;
 367         ASSERT(hp->hln_nlink > 0);
 368         DECR_COUNT(&hp->hln_nlink, &hp->hln_tlock);
 369         if (op == DR_RMDIR && hp->hln_type == VDIR) {
 370                 hyprlofs_dirtrunc(hp);
 371                 ASSERT(hp->hln_nlink == 0);
 372         }
 373         return (0);
 374 }
 376 /*
 377  * hyprlofs_dirinit initializes a dir with '.' and '..' entries without
 378  * checking perms and locking
 379  */
 380 void
 381 hyprlofs_dirinit(
 382         hlnode_t *parent,       /* parent of directory to initialize */
 383         hlnode_t *dir)          /* the new directory */
 384 {
 385         hldirent_t *dot, *dotdot;
 386         timestruc_t now;
 388         ASSERT(RW_WRITE_HELD(&parent->hln_rwlock));
 389         ASSERT(dir->hln_type == VDIR);
 391         dot = hyprlofs_memalloc(sizeof (hldirent_t) + 2, HL_MUSTHAVE);
 392         dotdot = hyprlofs_memalloc(sizeof (hldirent_t) + 3, HL_MUSTHAVE);
 394         /* Initialize the entries */
 395         dot->hld_hlnode = dir;
 396         dot->hld_offset = 0;
 397         dot->hld_name = (char *)dot + sizeof (hldirent_t);
 398         dot->hld_name[0] = '.';
 399         dot->hld_parent = dir;
 400         hyprlofs_hash_in(dot);
 402         dotdot->hld_hlnode = parent;
 403         dotdot->hld_offset = 1;
 404         dotdot->hld_name = (char *)dotdot + sizeof (hldirent_t);
 405         dotdot->hld_name[0] = '.';
 406         dotdot->hld_name[1] = '.';
 407         dotdot->hld_parent = dir;
 408         hyprlofs_hash_in(dotdot);
 410         /* Initialize directory entry list. */
 411         dot->hld_next = dotdot;
 412         dot->hld_prev = dotdot;
 413         dotdot->hld_next = NULL;
 414         dotdot->hld_prev = dot;
 416         gethrestime(&now);
 417         dir->hln_mtime = now;
 418         dir->hln_ctime = now;
 420         /*
 421          * Since hyprlofs_dirinit is called with both dir and parent being the
 422          * same for the root vnode, we need to increment this before we set
 423          * hln_nlink = 2 below.
 424          */
 425         INCR_COUNT(&parent->hln_nlink, &parent->hln_tlock);
 426         parent->hln_ctime = now;
 428         dir->hln_dir = dot;
 429         dir->hln_size = 2 * sizeof (hldirent_t) + 5; /* dot and dotdot */
 430         dir->hln_dirents = 2;
 431         dir->hln_nlink = 2;
 432 }
 435 /*
 436  * hyprlofs_dirtrunc removes all dir entries under this dir.
 437  */
 438 void
 439 hyprlofs_dirtrunc(hlnode_t *dir)
 440 {
 441         hldirent_t *hdp;
 442         hlnode_t *tp;
 443         size_t namelen;
 444         timestruc_t now;
 446         ASSERT(RW_WRITE_HELD(&dir->hln_rwlock));
 447         ASSERT(dir->hln_type == VDIR);
 449         if (dir->hln_looped)
 450                 return;
 452         for (hdp = dir->hln_dir; hdp; hdp = dir->hln_dir) {
 453                 ASSERT(hdp->hld_next != hdp);
 454                 ASSERT(hdp->hld_prev != hdp);
 455                 ASSERT(hdp->hld_hlnode);
 457                 dir->hln_dir = hdp->hld_next;
 458                 namelen = strlen(hdp->hld_name) + 1;
 460                 /*
 461                  * Adjust the link counts to account for this dir entry removal.
 462                  */
 463                 tp = hdp->hld_hlnode;
 465                 ASSERT(tp->hln_nlink > 0);
 466                 DECR_COUNT(&tp->hln_nlink, &tp->hln_tlock);
 468                 hyprlofs_hash_out(hdp);
 470                 hyprlofs_memfree(hdp, sizeof (hldirent_t) + namelen);
 471                 dir->hln_size -= (sizeof (hldirent_t) + namelen);
 472                 dir->hln_dirents--;
 473         }
 475         gethrestime(&now);
 476         dir->hln_mtime = now;
 477         dir->hln_ctime = now;
 479         ASSERT(dir->hln_dir == NULL);
 480         ASSERT(dir->hln_size == 0);
 481         ASSERT(dir->hln_dirents == 0);
 482 }
 484 static int
 485 hldiraddentry(
 486     hlnode_t    *dir,   /* target directory to make entry in */
 487     hlnode_t    *hp,    /* new hlnode */
 488     char        *name)
 489 {
 490         hldirent_t      *hdp, *hpdp;
 491         size_t          namelen, alloc_size;
 492         timestruc_t     now;
 494         /*
 495          * Make sure the parent dir wasn't removed from underneath the caller.
 496          */
 497         if (dir->hln_dir == NULL)
 498                 return (ENOENT);
 500         /* Check that everything is on the same FS. */
 501         if (hp->hln_vnode->v_vfsp != dir->hln_vnode->v_vfsp)
 502                 return (EXDEV);
 504         /* Alloc and init dir entry */
 505         namelen = strlen(name) + 1;
 506         alloc_size = namelen + sizeof (hldirent_t);
 507         hdp = hyprlofs_memalloc(alloc_size, 0);
 508         if (hdp == NULL)
 509                 return (ENOSPC);
 511         dir->hln_size += alloc_size;
 512         dir->hln_dirents++;
 513         hdp->hld_hlnode = hp;
 514         hdp->hld_parent = dir;
 516         /* The dir entry and its name were allocated sequentially. */
 517         hdp->hld_name = (char *)hdp + sizeof (hldirent_t);
 518         (void) strcpy(hdp->hld_name, name);
 520         hyprlofs_hash_in(hdp);
 522         /*
 523          * Some utilities expect the size of a directory to remain fairly
 524          * static.  For example, a routine which unlinks files between calls to
 525          * readdir(); the size of the dir changes from underneath it and so the
 526          * real dir offset in bytes is invalid.  To circumvent this problem, we
 527          * initialize a dir entry with a phony offset, and use this offset to
 528          * determine end of file in hyprlofs_readdir.
 529          */
 530         hpdp = dir->hln_dir->hld_prev;
 531         /*
 532          * Install at first empty "slot" in directory list.
 533          */
 534         while (hpdp->hld_next != NULL && (hpdp->hld_next->hld_offset -
 535             hpdp->hld_offset) <= 1) {
 536                 ASSERT(hpdp->hld_next != hpdp);
 537                 ASSERT(hpdp->hld_prev != hpdp);
 538                 ASSERT(hpdp->hld_next->hld_offset > hpdp->hld_offset);
 539                 hpdp = hpdp->hld_next;
 540         }
 541         hdp->hld_offset = hpdp->hld_offset + 1;
 543         /*
 544          * If we're at the end of the dirent list and the offset (which is
 545          * necessarily the largest offset in this dir) is more than twice the
 546          * number of dirents, that means the dir is 50% holes.  At this point
 547          * we reset the slot pointer back to the beginning of the dir so we
 548          * start using the holes. The idea is that if there are N dirents,
 549          * there must also be N holes, so we can satisfy the next N creates by
 550          * walking at most 2N entries; thus the average cost of a create is
 551          * constant. Note that we use the first dirent's hld_prev as the roving
 552          * slot pointer. This saves a word in every dirent.
 553          */
 554         if (hpdp->hld_next == NULL && hpdp->hld_offset > 2 * dir->hln_dirents)
 555                 dir->hln_dir->hld_prev = dir->hln_dir->hld_next;
 556         else
 557                 dir->hln_dir->hld_prev = hdp;
 559         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_next != hpdp);
 560         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_prev != hpdp);
 562         hdp->hld_next = hpdp->hld_next;
 563         if (hdp->hld_next) {
 564                 hdp->hld_next->hld_prev = hdp;
 565         }
 566         hdp->hld_prev = hpdp;
 567         hpdp->hld_next = hdp;
 569         ASSERT(hdp->hld_next != hdp);
 570         ASSERT(hdp->hld_prev != hdp);
 571         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_next != hpdp);
 572         ASSERT(hpdp->hld_prev != hpdp);
 574         gethrestime(&now);
 575         dir->hln_mtime = now;
 576         dir->hln_ctime = now;
 578         return (0);
 579 }
 581 static int
 582 hldir_make_hlnode(hlnode_t *dir, hlfsmount_t *hm, vattr_t *va, enum de_op op,
 583     vnode_t *realvp, hlnode_t **newnode, cred_t *cr)
 584 {
 585         hlnode_t        *hp;
 586         enum vtype      type;
 588         ASSERT(va != NULL);
 589         ASSERT(op == DE_CREATE || op == DE_MKDIR);
 590         if (((va->va_mask & AT_ATIME) && TIMESPEC_OVERFLOW(&va->va_atime)) ||
 591             ((va->va_mask & AT_MTIME) && TIMESPEC_OVERFLOW(&va->va_mtime)))
 592                 return (EOVERFLOW);
 593         type = va->va_type;
 594         hp = hyprlofs_memalloc(sizeof (hlnode_t), HL_MUSTHAVE);
 595         hyprlofs_node_init(hm, hp, va, cr);
 597         hp->hln_vnode->v_rdev = hp->hln_rdev = NODEV;
 598         hp->hln_vnode->v_type = type;
 599         hp->hln_uid = crgetuid(cr);
 601         /*
 602          * To determine the gid of the created file:
 603          *   If the directory's set-gid bit is set, set the gid to the gid
 604          *   of the parent dir, otherwise, use the process's gid.
 605          */
 606         if (dir->hln_mode & VSGID)
 607                 hp->hln_gid = dir->hln_gid;
 608         else
 609                 hp->hln_gid = crgetgid(cr);
 611         /*
 612          * If we're creating a dir and the parent dir has the set-GID bit set,
 613          * set it on the new dir. Otherwise, if the user is neither privileged
 614          * nor a member of the file's new group, clear the file's set-GID bit.
 615          */
 616         if (dir->hln_mode & VSGID && type == VDIR)
 617                 hp->hln_mode |= VSGID;
 618         else {
 619                 if ((hp->hln_mode & VSGID) &&
 620                     secpolicy_vnode_setids_setgids(cr, hp->hln_gid) != 0)
 621                         hp->hln_mode &= ~VSGID;
 622         }
 624         if (va->va_mask & AT_ATIME)
 625                 hp->hln_atime = va->va_atime;
 626         if (va->va_mask & AT_MTIME)
 627                 hp->hln_mtime = va->va_mtime;
 629         if (op == DE_MKDIR) {
 630                 hyprlofs_dirinit(dir, hp);
 631                 hp->hln_looped = 0;
 632         } else {
 633                 hp->hln_realvp = realvp;
 634                 hp->hln_size = va->va_size;
 635                 hp->hln_looped = 1;
 636         }
 638         *newnode = hp;
 639         return (0);
 640 }